Blender - Simple Eevee Environment For Beginners! (Blender 2.8)

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okay so in this tutorial we're making a simple sci-fi hallway Trender let me show you what it looks like and then we'll get into it okay so this is the render we're gonna be getting this character from mix mo we're gonna have all this fun lighting stuff so let me show you how to do that okay so the first thing we're gonna add is a box of shift a and we'll add our cube and then we'll go to the transform settings right over here and on the scale on the Y just stretch it out right about there and then hit tab and we're gonna click and we need to go do face select click that hold shift click that one hit X and click faces and so now we have this empty box hit tab hit tab now since everything is deselected we need to click a to reselect all the faces right click subdivide and then right down here click on the dialog box and on number of cuts type in 50 now let's add two modifier so let's add the subdivision surface and let's add a displace modifier click the displace click new click this little icon which brings in to the textures and let's click distorted noise and on these two little boxes we're gonna click sell noise on both of them which gives you this blocky sort of j/s placement look so right now it's too strong so we need to go back to the modifiers and give it a strength of 0.1 and right now they're extruding out I want them to extrude in so we need to click negative 0.1 boom alright now I'm gonna go back to the texture and just change the size of our blocks alright now we need to mirror this to make it longer so the first thing we need to add is an empty which will be our mirror object so get an empty plain access and we're just gonna bring it right to the edge of our bring it right to the edge of our box I'm gonna scale it up a little bit so we can see it intersecting with the box so we can see it hitting the edge now we're just going to bring it right here barely to the edge and let's add the mirror modifier so click mirror right here on on the axis uncheck X click Y and then here a mere object click your empty and now it perfectly mirrors what we have going on at our camera so in your view just select the current composition that you want to do so right about here I'm gonna hit shift a and my camera and then ctrl alt 0 snap it to view and then now just gonna move it around till I get it right so for the composition that's fully up to you just be creative and have some fun with that now click on your camera right now this is simulating a 50 millimeter lens and I want it to be a wide-angle sort of fish islands so click on your camera click on the camera icon down here and right here our focal length I'm gonna bring it around 20 or so looks like 30 is pretty good so you can see on the displacement the squares aren't quite up and down and you can just fix that on the view so in the subdivision view when one just fixes it like that so I'm gonna keep my render at 2 in my view at one so I don't slow down my computer while I work now let's add our lighting and our shading so the first thing we want to do is add the bright light right here and that's gonna be with a plane so I'm gonna mesh plane and then our X 90 to flip it and then we're gonna scale it up till it passes up our plane here bring it all the way to the end and then we're going to give it an emission shader so go to your materials new unprincipled switch it to emission give it a strength of 24 now we're gonna change that later and we're gonna give it blue color right up here on the camera icon we're going to switch it to the e V engine now we're gonna start looking at the render so hit Z and then rendered view so now you can see how it's looking right now the bloom is a little bit too strong but we're gonna change that as we go and the color management but we're gonna continue working all right now let's go into shading so bloom etre 2.8 offers these really cool shading presets if you don't have that you would just go over here make a new window and then you would go to the shader editor right here but we're gonna utilize those presets because they're really great so click shading and let's go to the view let's hit Z and go to rendered view make sure your box is selected right up here click new and now we'll have a principle be SDF let's make it metallic now it's really overtaking the scene now we're just gonna make our shade base color fairly dark so now it doesn't overtake it alright now let's add two nodes to make some interesting shading going on in the bump so we're gonna add a check or texture we need to add a bump node we're gonna plug the bump into the normal and then the checker into the height so now if you increase the scale of the checker you can kind of see it inter interacting with our scene so now if you change the scale to checker you can see it kind of interacting with our scene and we need to add one more to sort of play with this sort of distort what it's doing we're gonna add a Voronoi texture so type in Voronoi plug the color into the vector and so it's making all these swirls I want it to be straight so we're gonna change distance to chebychev and now we get these really cool we get these really cool squares that we can play with in the design so now to make it more powerful we're gonna add a color ramp click on the color ramp plug it into the roughness and then and then plug the checker texture into that and so now you can really see what it's doing with all this now this is a bit too much I'm gonna bring the scale down quite a bit to right about there we're gonna change the white here if it's not clicking right you can just right here click that and it brings you to that one and then I'm gonna bring it to right about there and that changes the intensity of the reflection on both of those so we're gonna change it right about there so it makes it look pretty even all right now this is really cool but we need to add more detail to make it more interesting and have it interact with the lighting so we're going to take this bump node click it shift D bring it down and we're gonna add a noise texture so we hit shift a you know I click noise texture and plug the color into the height and the bump the normal of the bump into this normal you can add bump notes right on top of each other onto one you would just plug these normals into all the normal and you can add layer on layer of detail so one thing the bump node is doing is it's stretching across the mirrored and they're already stretched square and we want to treat it like it's evenly displaced so we need to add a mapping node and a texture coordinate node I will plug the vector of the mapping into the noise texture and then the object and the object plug into the vector and what the object node does is it treats it like it's one whole object and it evenly distributes that displacement so right now obviously it doesn't look that good when you take the strength of the bump node for this setup and bring it all the way down and then just barely bring it in so we get just a little bit of that detail bring up the detail on the noise texture and then the scale up as well and this part is just up to you but I'm just gonna barely show it just like that so we need to add a little more detail so we're gonna add a brick texture on top of this bump so take the bump up here shift d bring it down and we need to add the brick texture just like that plug the color into the height and this bump into the normal of that bump so now you can't really see it we need to bring up the scale and now you can start seeing it affecting so now we get this really cool detail on top of the detail and we get all this fun stuff that the lights going to interact with okay so now we need to add these emission shaders on top of all these nodes that we've made so I'm going to show you a really cool trick to sort of randomly place different shaders on things so go back to the shader editor okay so now we have all this so right here on your material output bring it out and let's add a mix shader' bring it right here in the middle and let's add an emission shader here plug the emission into the shader output right there make your strength at around 50 and we're gonna make it Orange then we need to tell these shaders where to place each other so we're going to add first thing is a color ramp then a noise texture plug the noise into the color ramp and then we're just going to add a mapping and a geometry node so normally you would just use a texture coordinate like in these two areas but in this one with the geometry node we have this true normal output and that's gonna do a really cool thing so first plug the color ramp into the factor output of your mix shader' so plug that in right there and it's still too much we need to take our color ramp on the black portion and just scale it down and you can kind of see it's acting like lights turning on does this really cool effect and you can and you can do some really cool light turning on off type renders with that so you can take this and bring it right about there to about the amount of lights you and I have and then you can take your detail and just play around with it and then you can actually animate this part you can take the rotation and scale it and you get this really cool strobe looking effect so I'm just going to move the rotation until I like the position of the lighting we have and then you can then you can play with the scale and it's all random and all fully procedural or I'm gonna use this this kind of gives you that neon sign that kind of neon sign look that a lot of people put in their renders but it's kind of faking that in a way or we need to add a point light to make this plane this blue a little more extreme so we're gonna go in and add a light here point and we're gonna go into wireframe mode so we can see through it take the point light and bring it all the way to the end here right around there hit the Z and go back to rendered click on the point click on this little light click on this a light icon and we're gonna make it that blue that the plane has and looks like right now strength of 10 is pretty good we might change it a little bit later right now these blocks are a little too high for my liking so I'm gonna go and change it in the strength right here so I'm gonna give it zero point zero I'm gonna give it negative 0.05 just to bring them down a little bit and of course on your subdivisions you would bring it up to two and then that changes it so once you're at this point make your render and your view and the subdivisions the same otherwise when you render it the positions of your lights are gonna be different so now let's change the color here so on our point light we're gonna go and make it a deeper blue on this region here as well as the plane changed the lighting here to that same blue blue area so now we get a better so now we get better color and then we'll go back to the shading on our box and change on the emission bring the color more toward the red but once you make it red then it has that bad look so bring it here right so you get a highlight but you don't lose that so right around that area and then I'm gonna play with where these lights are positioned a little bit more all right now the last thing we need to do is take our plane here and we'll make this strength of 100 so we get a fully white color here so it looks sort of like a horizon or something like that and then let's add our character so let's go to mix mo ok so mix mo is a free service that Adobe provides you don't need an Adobe account you just make a free account here and you can make some characters so first I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna select this red character here click use character and then go to animations and I'm going to type in idle we just want him standing still so we're gonna pick this one right here idle and if you want to see how he looks once it loads you can see this way this will be the the composition generally so that'll look pretty good for our character and then click download right here on format' keep it at FBX and then whatever your frames a second is for me it's 24 so I'm going to change it 24 and download ok so now that it's downloaded click file import and we're gonna click FBX and then navigate to where you saved it and click on it alright so to move them you would just click on armature right here and then move them down you'll be able to move in with that armature and nothing else so they all just parented to all that and then scale them down and bring them up compositionally you don't want his head hitting that line up there so bring him down and right there so he fits in the square so all we have left to do is add some contrast to the scene and you'll do that in your color management so click on this camera icon right here there's color management make sure your make sure you're in filmic and then here on look click to very high contrast and then on gamma bring it down a little bit so you keep so now you have this really good contrast you don't have to go back and Photoshop and add more you can do that all that internally in blender for your Eevee settings I've seen people put a thousand samples in Eevee that's not something you'd have to do at a certain point with Eevee there's a cut-off point to where you don't need samples if you're using cycles a thousand samples would look really good but with Eevee because it's a real-time render engine a thousand samples is far too many the default settings that 64 is really all you need so leave it at 64 appeared click render and then click render image so here you go that's the result that I got for mine and that's the tutorial so there you go you made a really cool sci-fi tunnel animation if you make it send it to me on Instagram it's linked in the top link in the description and thank you for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 258,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: 5pi1MxqpmKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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