Blender - Easy Eevee Environment Design (Blender 2.8)

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You're really killing it with all of these tutorials man.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chapstyix 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dude I just subscribed when I saw the previous video.

You're a great artist

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GhostWhite001 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Tutorials are skits man, keep them coming

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/swagmcflash 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay so in this video we're going to be making an Eevee environment it's gonna be very dark and foggy side note if you make this render send it to me on Instagram this is my Instagram here it's gonna be linked in the description put it on your Instagram story and post it and then I will repost you on here on the highlight so let's get into the tutorial so first thing we're gonna do shift a and let's add a plane okay have your plane selected hit s 8 bring it all the way up okay so this is what we're gonna be working with let's go ahead and make the triangle so it's not really a triangle it's more of a cube so just bring it right up here just slightly above our plane and then hit tab go up here to face select and then select the bottom one see if we can get it here so select the bottom one I'm gonna try to get under there and get it there we go and I'm gonna just hold down s and scale it all the way down like that so it's kind of a triangle there's triangle faces but you know just a quick tip on design triangles are really really interesting for sci-fi style things just the triangles kind of a mysterious shape so a little tip for you when it comes to designing things okay so let's send our triangle all the way to the back here it's gonna be at the end of our animation I mean I mean scene not animation we will be animating it later alright now let's set up our camera so shift a let's put a camera in here and then let's try to set it up right here in the middle and then control alt 0 I'm gonna hit R and rotate a little bit and just move it around just a little kind of hit R twice okay we're gonna have that there for now alright let's go into lighting and the design so first right here in the little camera icon go from cycles to e V if you're not there already and then let's add shift a and just add a point light and then hit Z and go to rendered view now that we have this let's set up our Evie settings first so I'm just gonna turn everything off and turn on what everything that we need so let's turn on volumetric screen-space reflections bloom and ambient occlusion so this is all the stuff that we're gonna need a lot of people forget about the bloom thing and that's one of the coolest things in my opinion about Eevee it's this bloom okay so let's take our light here and just bring it up and above our triangle another thing you can kind of see what's going on here make sure in your shadows that soft shadows are enabled okay so now we have this let's go up to the world settings and make our sky black alright so now we need to add the texture that we created for this triangle so let's go up here to the shading preset and let's make that so click new and then we're gonna add a mix shader' right here and then we're gonna add an emission shader bring it down here plug this into that I'm gonna make my strength at 50 and my color teal kind of blue alright now we need to tell blender where to place these two shaders so first let's add a color ramp plug that into the factor and we're gonna add two nodes first to the Voronoi plug the color into the factor and then right now if we go to the render view you can kind of see what's going on so we need to write out to the Voronoi texture we want it to sort of look kind of slimy or very organic so we're gonna add a musgrave texture plug the color into the vector so now we have this we need to make this a little bit more contrast II if that's even a word so let's go to the color ramp and bring the black just like that added some more contrast and let's make this scale a little bit smaller and then two more nodes so that we can animate this later mapping node so plug the vector into the vector and a texture coordinate and plug the generated into the vector so now later on we're gonna take this and animate it like that but I'll show you that a little bit later so now when we hit rendered we can see what's going on here let's make our light a similar blue to our shader so right about there and let's move on I don't like this shadow that's happening here so I'm just gonna take my light and bring it right up here until we don't have that shadow and make our color just a little bit more that way all right now let's make the floor texture so I'm gonna scale it down a little bit kind of like that bring it this way so that it just touches the edge of our camera just like that and let's go to the shading preset and all right so let's add a noise and this will be the basis of all the shading we do to this so let's add a color ramp plug the color and for this color ramp we're gonna plug it into the roughness and then we're gonna add a bump node plug the normal into the normal and this noise texture into the height and then we just need to put a color app right there right in the middle of those all right so let's take our noise texture up the detail bring the scale down a little bit and then right here on the bump color ramp let's make some puddles so let's bring it right like that and then to make the puddles here and that is plugged into the roughness we're gonna bring the black this way and then we're gonna try the so basically the white is the least amount of roughness and so that's going to be this area and then the black is going to be this very reflective area so we didn't bring this over here you can kind of see what's going on so you can just watch the texture as I do it we're making it less and less rough so bring it there this way kind of like that and then as we do it as we bring it we're gonna make it more you can kind of see it happening here make it more and more extreme until it looks like water it's going up to the rocks now you can see it more extreme so the water is kind of going up to the rock so we want it just like that and then let's just up the scale on our noise and just give it a little bit of distortion so now we've made this really interesting floor texture it looks like mud and it's kind of disgusting and that's what we're going for all right next we need to add another light so bring this point light here all the way here and make it red so we don't want it in the scene as you can see in the reflection is just a sort of Sun like looking ball and you can have that if you want it looks kind of cool but I don't want that so we're gonna bring it over here alright next we're gonna add our volume it kind of looks like there's volume because of the bloom but that's fake volume and we want real volume so that we can see it everywhere so let's go to mesh add a cube or take our cube scale it all the way up till it passes up the camera and passes up our plane so that's where we want it and then click on your cube give it a principal volume now we need to go up to the shader editor go to the principal bulb volume give it a density of 0.1 and change the volume to the volume and now we have some real volume to play with so now it just looks way more atmospheric and I'm gonna bring down the strength of this orange to me about five and we just need this is just to give it some color accent make it a little bit more interesting and yeah I think placing it right there is pretty good I'm gonna grease the strength a little bit okay so there is some indirect lighting going on in the scene but it's not being registered because that's how Evie works so we need to add a light probe a reflection cube map and scaled all the way up till it passes up the cube right about I mean passes up the plane and then let's go to our Evie settings and right here on indirect lighting click bake indirect lighting and now we have some indirect lighting going on in this area right here just adds a little bit of a bit more zing I guess you could call it to this render okay now we need to animate this triangle and the shader going on inside of the triangle right down here for the end frames let's give it a 120 frames for now we're gonna change that a bit later but just to give for a reference now click on your triangle and right here on the z-rotation we're gonna animate that but let's just make sure our keyframe interpolation is linear so go to your go to edit preferences right here on animation make sure it's on linear and not Bezier now let's animate it so right here click the keyframe button click this arrow right here and then click the right arrow once we need to make sure to do that because if you keep it here this frame and this frame will be the same thing and you'll have a one frame pause and then it won't be seamless so just click the right arrow once and then we'll give it 360 degrees so that it rotates and then now we have this rotating triangle I don't like how you can can't really see the edges of the triangle so I'm gonna give it a wireframe really quick give it a wireframe uncheck replace original let's add a metallic shader to this make it metallic keep it up that color we're gonna go back to the wireframe give it a material offset of two and when you do that it assigns the wireframe to the mid it assigns the material to that wire otherwise if you keep it at zero it just assigns everything so put two and that means it's assigning the second material in this list and so now you can see a gap all right I'm gonna click on the swirly emissive shader I'm gonna go back to the shader editor and we're gonna animate this so now we're gonna go to this mapping node and I'm gonna animate it I think I want to animate it on the X it looks better okay so we need to bring up the timeline so right down here you'll see a little plus icon forming where your cursor is once that happens drag up and then I'm gonna go click right here and click timeline and so now we have 120 frames right here now what's going to happen is the animation is going to be too fast to look good but I'm just going to demonstrate that so I'm gonna right click on the Y insert keyframes I'm gonna click it do the right arrow and then right here on Y I'm at 3 6 0 and then insert keyframes and you'll see it's just way too fast it doesn't look good so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add 120 frames times two so that'll be 240 frames and that's very important because we're gonna make sure that when this is rotating we can keep it there I'll show you that in the graph editor in just a second but we need to keep our math correct so it'll be 240 put it there and then I'm going to right click clear keyframes and we're gonna redo that animation and then we're gonna type in three six zero enter and then now we have a much better looking animation it's a little bit slower and you can kind of see what's going on now let's deal with the fact that this rotation stops being that the math is correct you could just add you could just make it I believe it would be 720 degrees but I don't want to do that there's a cool trick in blender when you go to the animation tab here zero this out go to render okay so right up here I'm gonna switch it to the graph editor and I'm going to show you a little cycle trick so that because the math is correct we can just tell it to keep repeating the motion we already gave it you'll see in the graph editor has this stuff right here on object transforms click on Z Euler rotation I think it's pronounced Euler not sure so click that so right here you'll see this tab bring that over click on modifiers and then right here on add modifier click cycles and so now it's just gonna right here you can see it's just cycling that animation infinitely and this is our 240 frames so whenever we go through it right here in the end it just keeps going and then because our math is correct when we go to the end of that frame we can click play boom we go back to the end it's a perfect loop ok so now we have this last thing we need to do is add our character so we're gonna do that at mix mo ok they just started mowing outside I apologize if you can hear that but I can't restart this tutorial so we're just gonna we're just gonna roll through that okay so this is miksa mo I'm gonna link it in the description it is a free service that Adobe provides you don't even have to have an Adobe account just make your own account here you don't have to pay for anything and so up here I'm gonna go to characters and I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick this halo looking character so this is him now you can go over here and pick an animation and I just want one of him standing so I'm gonna type that in and I'm gonna pick the one that says Idol and that's what we have going on here so once you've picked the animation you want click download and we're gonna pick kadala Dae I'm not sure if that's how pronounced we're having a lot of problems with pronouncing things today I apologize but uh right here a format and then frames per second switch it to 24 and we're gonna download that ok so we're back in blender let's import that so that'll be file import Khaleda or something I'm just gonna intentionally mispronounce it at this point so we're gonna click idle here and then we're gonna pick our guy right here so now we have him just to clarify in the last environment tutorial I made we had a problem where the textures weren't importing correctly so switch to the Khaleda format and every thing imports justifying including the animation so now we're just gonna scale this guy down a little bit and this looks about about right looks good and here we go this is the animation just a tip on these if you want to move him up here make sure you click on armature and everything follows it they're all kind of parented to him so do that and everything will move correctly if you don't do that it it goes crazy so now this is the final animation to render it click on this little printer icon right down here where it says output on P&G switch to ffmpeg video save it wherever you want click on encoding and change it to mp4 and then right up here you would click render animation so there you go you made another environment hopefully you're following my environment tutorials I think I have one more I might have two but that's in my channel if you wanna go check that out I'll link that one in the description as well so yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 397,891
Rating: 4.9703627 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: -h6JLUctbYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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