Blender - Organic Sci-Fi Animation loop in Eevee

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okay so today's video I'm really really excited about because I haven't done one of these classic sci-fi Evie loops in a while and this ones are really cool and kind of organic looking you're viewing it now here on my Instagram if you wanna go check it out my Instagram is right here Nate's stuff and you can see a lot of my other work and you can kind of recognize some of the tutorials here so just a heads up because it is the holiday season I put my 3d designers essentials pack at 35 percent off if you don't know about it it's a tea procedural materials 50 models and 14 project files and that is $26 with that discount so you can go and grab that for 35% off that's going until the end of December so you can go check that out but let's get into the tutorial so here we are here in blender 2.8 let's go over here and make sure that we are in the Eevee render engine and that you have ambient occlusion bloom and screen space reflections turned on for this animation now what I'm gonna do is if you've never seen my looping tutorial so we have to set up the scene so that it does perfectly loop because this is an animation and because I work in the music field things have to loop because they you never know how long it's going to go so imma hit s 8 on my plane and everything we designed will be encapsulated within this thing or we'll duplicate it which we will but this ensures that it is going to be a seamless loop and then we'll delete this guy a little bit later so what we're gonna do is we're going to get in a cylinder we're gonna hit our X 90 and then on this guy what we're gonna do here is hit this little yellow box go to viewport display and change display as to wire so that it's not in the way and we can see what's going on so we can still see our box so what we're gonna do is we're gonna scale this guy by 8 so we're gonna hit s y 8 and again it's right in our box so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit this guy go to the face selection and hit this guy hit shift hit that one hit X and click faces and that deletes them so what I want to do is basically add a really interesting wireframe modifier combination to get those really interesting organic sort of tube looking things so what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually add some loop cuts in here so I'm gonna hit cut right over here and click once now you can see this dialog box come up and we're just gonna slide it to how we say go around here because we're gonna be decimating this so I'm gonna I want to have some flexibility here so that's how we're subdividing this guy pretty evenly when it comes to this kind of thing now if we go over here to decimate sorry let's go out of edit mode here so if we go over here to at to decimate here in the modifiers let's see if we can find him right here sorry and we go to planar basically let's go here and actually view our wireframes so okay so let's go over here and click wireframe so we can actually view the wireframe so again let's go back and add that decimate modifier so we're gonna be using planar as soon as we click planar it eliminates that subdivision I added and that's not what I want because that's not the look we're going for so I'm gonna delete that let's go here and add a displace first so that the planar basically the planar it acts like that because this is just straight on it's not bumpy it's not doing anything interesting so I'm gonna click new go over here to the textures and I'm gonna click clouds I'm gonna hit hold on and hit control a and apply scale okay so I'm gonna bring depth all the way down and then I'm briefed scale to right about there I want to be fairly interesting displacement so now we can go back and add in that decimate modifier and can never find it so we can go in and add that decimate modifier click on planar and now we're gonna get a little bit more interesting look now whenever we go and add in the wireframe right here if you've heard of the if you've heard of by Gen the bhaijan add-on made by Curtis Holt this is a fairly similar process but I want to have I want to know exactly what's going on behind the scenes so that I make sure it loops so I'm not using the bhaijan add-on but if you want a similar look you can use that so now that we're here click on the wireframe and make it pretty thick so now that we have the wireframe it's very blocky this is actually a really cool look if you're going for a more techy look I'm gonna actually bring him down so we can see what's happening and then turn off that wire so we're gonna go back here we have this it's very straight up and down in techie which is a pretty cool look but first what I want to do to make it more organic is had a smoothing modifier and then when we go down here to repeat what that does is I mean in the name it smooths it out and then all we have to do is go back here to our wireframe make it thicker and then all we have left to do is add any subdivision surface and now we have a really weird-looking organic interior and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to right click shade smooth now we have this crazy-looking interior that now we can go ahead and start animating first thing we're going to do is to make sure that this is a seamless loop like always is basically we're going to mirror this displacement so we need a mirror object plane access now that you have in these empty hold down control so what snaps and go down here and it's snapped right here to the the edge of our box here if you don't hold down control then you're not going to get it in the exact placement but if you did mess up negative eight is my placement now click on this here I'm going to go ahead and minimize a lot of these guys and I'm gonna go ahead and add an a mirror right here so unclick X go here and pick the empty as your mirror object and I believe y yes then click Y so now it's a seamless loop when we run our camera straight through it which is what we're gonna do right now so shift a go ahead and grab your camera and then I'm gonna go ahead and make sure that he is looking straight up actually maybe 180 0 180 degrees now he's looking straight up and then let's go back and hit 8 the location of 8 will put the camera right here at our box so eight so now we need to run him through really quickly so what I want this to be is I believe it's going to be an 80 frame animation so do that also make sure go to edit preferences in your animation tabs make sure that your default interpolation is on linear it's very important now let's go ahead and animate them so hit this tab here to add a keyframe go to the very end now it's very important that you hit the right arrow to go to frame 81 that skips a frame I mean it adds a frame so that you don't have a one frame pause in your animation so now we're gonna believe it's negative 24 yes so negative 24 brings you to the end of this animation here perfectly that's just a little bit of math insert keyframe so now we're running through this tube pretty cool now here in the camera I do want to make my focal length 24 which makes it a much wider lens so right now currently it was at 50 I'm gonna make him 24 that number I like is for those of you can do photography that 24 millimeter lens is really cool just for wide-angle shots so I'm gonna maintain that sort of that look now what the problem with that is whenever I add that wider lens things go even faster now you can go with this speed if you want but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a hundred let's go do 120 frames and right there and go to frame 121 back to our camera and see if that speed works yes I like this speed right here so now I'm gonna go ahead and delete that plane so now we have this guy so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit em new collection imma call it tube add that collection and the reason why I'm doing a collection is right here we're gonna hit tube in the collection instances when you hit shift a and that i'ma hold down control and there we go so what the reason why I'm doing an instanced instead of an array modifier is because I'm gonna be adding more objects in this and instead of just adding a another array modifier on every object you can just add them to that instance and you just duplicate that instance over and over and it's really cool and it updates so if I add an object in here an object automatically adds in here so that's pretty cool so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna quickly make sure this does loop seamlessly by adding of instances so I added a couple instances very important though when you are duplicating hitting shift D you hold down control so it snaps so you can eyeball if it's intersecting here it's not I'm gonna be looping right there that's the sweet spot so let's just go and run through it be 120 frames it's about 5 second animation and yes it's a perfect seamless loop and that's the most important thing about this if you don't care about it looping then don't worry about this step so just to just for the look I'm going for I'm gonna go back to the decimate and start decimating it some more until I like this inner look just like this and yeah we're gonna go with that so it's all because it's all procedural you get a cool look and you can edit it and you can make different ones as much as you want so let's just make sure that this is a a seamless loop it is okay perfect so what we're gonna do is hit shift D and duplicate this and then what we're gonna do is in the scale here on the transform settings we're gonna go to 3 on the Y as well hit 3 and that makes it bigger and I'm hich ctrl a and apply scale so now we have a wider one around this one so now when we play we have this really dynamic look here and so on this one in the middle I'm gonna make it a little bit thinner on the wireframe right here and this one out here I'm gonna make the wireframe a lot thicker to maintain a little bit that power just dynamically and visually so as you can see it's still low poly here on these edges all you have to do is your subdivision surface click the viewport and it fixes so on render make sure it's - and this one as well make sure the subdivision render is at - all right so now we have the basic structure of our animation which looks pretty darn cool let's start lighting it and shading it so let's hit shift a and go to look dev and see how this looks with a little bit of light in it already looks really awesome so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit the material icon and click new we're gonna make it metallic and we're gonna make it kind of rough just like this and they're gonna add that same material to this one out here just like that so now we have this really cool dynamic look alright so now we're gonna go into the rendered view and see this we are an Eevee make sure you're an Eevee right here in the world settings bring your color down to black and we lose everything so let's go ahead and start adding some lights got a point light see him right there make sure that every light is parented to the camera so what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit the point light hit the camera control P and parent that to the camera so when we press play you can see it is following it just so that we can actually view these animations in real time I'm gonna go to the viewport here on the subdivision surface and bring it down to zero just so that we're not dealing with so much subdivision that it's running out on my power so that I can just view it in real time nice and smooth then we could see it as running and the correct frame rate I'm gonna go ahead and say this really quick now we're back so now that we have that parented what I'm what I want to do is add some volume into this render so what I'm gonna do is I'm hit shift a and I'm gonna go ahead and add a cube i'ma hit s8 just like that first I'm gonna drag that cube into this tube collection so that it duplicates and then it's currently not long enough so I'm just gonna bring him over intersection doesn't matter here because we're just dealing with volume so let's go ahead and the materials click new right over here and click principled volume so now let's go back to rendered view and we can't see anything so let's run over to the shading tab and put this tab here into the volume tab and then density 0.01 works for now and we're going to go to the emission strength 0.01 on emission strength and now we have emission volume thing 0.01 is too much let's go to 0.05 looks like 0.005 is a good number to run this through with so now we're starting to see everything work out what I don't want is a light right in front of me so I'm going to take this light if you can't find the light because it's Parenthood you click this little drop down on the point light I'm gonna hit G and just move them up here so now here on the point light I'm gonna go and change the light to say a blue and then change the power I'm gonna say 200 all right so now we're getting some cool colors alright so now it's starting to lag my whole computer so I'm just gonna hit H and hide that on all the stuff so that my computer can run fairly smoothly while we design this so now that we have this what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take this guy and I'm gonna duplicate him so I'm gonna increase his scale by 1.5 actually let's make them - it doesn't seem to be going out far enough and now I'm gonna go and here into the wireframe and make him really thin super super thin and I'm out okay ctrl a apply scale make him really really really thin right about there because what we're gonna do so I'm gonna bring the viewport resolution here and then I'm gonna bring the decimation off as well so let's go back to the rendered view and I'm gonna add in an emission material to him and that's gonna really give it that pop that we're looking for so emission make it very Orange II and we'll give it a strength of 30 Wow okay so now the light is overtaking the scene too much and that's because of our materials materials too bright so here on that material the first one we made the metallic one bring them a Taylor really pretty dark right about there and now we're starting to view it a little bit better and my scene is very very laggy because I run a laptop so now that we have this cool thing you can play around with it make it look more wiry if you look at my original design it's very wiry so you can see that so you can just play around alright so because it's lagging I'm just gonna disable that volume which I believe that's what's really lagging me still got a lot going on so it's lagging so just keeping that in mind while you're designing I'm gonna this guy and bring in more this direction so we can see them better and then bring it down and see how that's affecting our scene so for this volume here I'm gonna put the emission strength at 0.003 and change in the emission color to a more bluish look something around this looks really really cool and we're a density back 0.003 as well on the density and you should have a really really cool render what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna hit this a render button up here to see how it looks all right BAM and this is how my render looks now the last thing I'm going to add to this because if we go back to the render it's it's hard to tell what to look at like even when you're flying through it basically this portion right here the problem is everything is in focus so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna add some depth of field into the render so the way you do that is you click camera here and then you go down here and click depth of field and then what you can do is I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna add an empty into my plane I mean my scene here so now I have an empty and it's right there and if I want to move him around I'll go in the Z if I'll move him around I'll go on the y-axis and what this is going to do is tell it where to focus so that's for easy use so let's go back to the camera go to the camera here and on depth of field pick focus object and click that empty which is empty zero zero one for me and then I'm gonna put my blades all the way to the top just slide it over and then my f-stop it I'm gonna go to 1.3 for now and see how that looks cool so you can already see this back stuff back here starting to look out of focus so let's go back to the f-stop and give it the 0.5 all right now we're starting to work with something really cool so now this is starting to be out of focus and this is in focus and it's gonna be much better when you actually render so I'm gonna hit the render button again and show you how much better that looks so now whenever we look at this it's much much better now all I'm gonna do is I do need to add a light here in the middle so I'm hit Z rendered go ahead and shift a at a point light point light put it in the middle making blue just like this and give it a strength i'ma say 400 all right cool that's too much so let's go 200 all right that looks really cool and that so what that point light is gonna do is give it a really interesting effect cuz if you watch the animation you could see these sort of like lines these reflections going in the lines and that's what that point let's going to do is give it that really really cool interest in that so I'm gonna go back out and then one important thing is in the Eevee settings let's go ahead on let's go ahead on color management right down here and go from high contrast to very high contrast and that's gonna go a long way to making it look really cool all right so now we have this animation so all you have to do is here for the render settings you can either keep it at a PNG sequence right here which many people recommend for simple easy stuff I'll just go I just go with a ffmpeg video on encoding go to it to mp4 and right here medium quality to perceptually lossless and then pick an output place to render it then hit file go to render render image and then at the end you should get a pretty cool animation like this so you can go in and tweak it you can see on my official render this is a little bit thicker here some different volume settings and all that stuff but gave you guys the formula to make this really cool abstract very organic animation so yeah there you go thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 141,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, vaporwave eevee, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: 8onoVpDKfDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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