Blender - Sci-Fi Particle Simulation in Eevee Blender 2.8

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alright so in this video I'm going to show you how to make this render it's a really cool really fun particle simulation and it's really easy so let's get into it if you want to see that animation some more you can head over to my Instagram and watch it here if you want the project file for that exact animation you can head to the Gumroad link in the description get that for $1 or the guys on the patreon will be getting that for free so let's head on to blender so first off we're just gonna add and IKOS fear here and we're gonna subdivide it make it smooth just like that and then we're gonna add the object that's going to be the particle and that's just going to be a cube the reason what we're going to do a cube is one the little amount of topology because we're going to be doing a lot of particles and they're gonna be so small that you can't even tell that it is a cube so we can kind of cut those corners right there so right off the bat let's head over and add a particle system to this so that's gonna be right down here this little thing with the three sort of poke outs we're gonna click the plus button and if we just press play we see some particles right now they're just dropping to the floor I want them to kind of go everywhere so let's head down to the field weights right here at the tops gravity just kill that all the way down to zero and now they go out the way we want now let's sort of tell these little particles where to go because they're just sort of going in a boring straight outward motion and that's gonna be done with force fields so if we just head over to the force fields add turbulence we can scale it up if you want to see it's just like right there and if we just press play it's hard to tell that they're doing they're doing just a little bit so we need to increase that strength they'll click on the field click on the field settings right here this little circle and I'm gonna give a strength of 50 and see what happens and press play and now they're doing all this crazy stuff and it's really fast so one way to make your particles look like they're going in slow motion is you click this little printer icon here right up here in dimensions click time remapping right here on old I'm gonna go to 50 so it just kind of slows down your sequence to 50% and now it looks like slow motion particles they're going as fast as they used to but this time remapping is going to remap it if you want to look like it's 24 frames a second right down there you just to 24 now it's this really incredible slow-motion particle effect and it's really cool but I'm gonna stick to 50 I like that motion so let's go back to the particle settings so let's go back to the forcefield settings right over here and let's give it a flow of eight and so what flow is gonna do is this just gonna sort of keep it next to the circle here rather than shooting it out so far now if we take our sphere here and we're just gonna scale down really small so we can't really see it you can watch the particles sort of do their own thing here in the animation you can start to see those little patterns and lines that look really cool and sci-fi looking alright so now let's go ahead and add our particle which is this box right here so let's click on the icon to the particle settings click on render and we're gonna go switch it from halo to object right here select our object which is the cube so if we press play now we'll see a bunch of cubes going everywhere of course these are too big you can see that their cubes unless you like that if that's cool to you then you know to each their own but I want them to look like little mini dots so first off before we do that I'm going to add just an emission to an emission shader so right here on surface click emission and we'll give it a strength of three and we'll make it a nice light blue so if we hit rendered right now we're in the cycles render engine let's go over here click on cycles and switch to e V and make sure bloom is on that's really important so like we were going to do and make those particles smaller so again if I press play we see a bunch of little cubes and we don't want that so let's go to the particle settings right down here on render on scale I'm gonna bring all the way down to the smallest setting here which is 0.01 and scale randomness watch what that'll do just bring it all the way up scale randomness fairly self-explanatory now so now if we look at this render it's doing this pretty cool thing it's pretty nice and dreamy but for me that's not enough particles right now we just have a thousand particles I'm gonna give it five thousand particles and let's got what that does now we're starting to get some really cool effects so if I press so right now this is too bright for me and that's because the particles are still too big so let's head back down there to where it's a scale and now we have to type in zero point zero zero five brings them even smaller just like that now my world brightness is on gray if you click on the earth here bring your color all the way down to black now we can see what's going on so if we press play and we can watch our animation do its thing pretty cool now let's go ahead and add more particles now depending on your computer depending what you can handle I'm just using a standard gaming laptop so so not very impressive I'm not using some professional computers so I've pretty much the same computer most amateur 3d artists are using so don't worry you should be able to handle what I'm doing here so right now it's at 5,000 I'm gonna give it 20,000 just like that 20,000 particles and if I press play we should get a pretty cool animation with all these crazy particles now the animation you saw in the beginning that is two hundred thousand particles I'm using a gaming laptop it's an i7 with a the graphics card as a GTX it's a gtx 1068 generation so it's a fairly new computer but not the most powerful so it is going to run your computer fairly slow but my computer can handle two hundred thousand particles so don't get super scared about the number of particles you're using especially if you're using the cube as the particle it's fairly low topology now I'm gonna go ahead and give myself right here on the end I'm gonna give it 525 frames I believe that is the number that it goes at just like that so I'm gonna go into my echo sphere and get myself 50,000 particles so we're at 50,000 so I'm gonna stop that for here just for the tutorial so we can watch it render in real time if I go to up to 200,000 that's gonna be too much so as you can see you're getting a pretty crazy really beautiful animation now I would recommend going into the field settings and mucking with it some more play down here if we add noise bring your noise I'll mount all the way to 10 can watch a couple more lines and strings are gonna form because we added that noise you can see some more stuff is going around some things are happening around because of that new noise thing I added so like right here really really cool composition so I'm just going to go ahead shift a add my camera because I like Rama I'm hitting ctrl alt 0 snap that to view and I'm gonna scale it back like this so right now my particles are too big so we'll go back to the particle settings to the size zero point zero zero three is a good number for me that rhymed and you can go in and this is the animation that I'm working with it's a really cool very interesting sci-fi looking particle system now for creativity you can go back in there are dozens of different particle systems that you can play with I would recommend say adding a vortex and if I go to the vortex settings just really quickly and say give it a strength of two if I press play it'll sort of spin it around in a really cool way playing with the force and now it vortexes it around and sort of screws with it and you can watch the motion happening you can see the vortex working right here so you can play with it and go really close go farther out so I'm gonna go back to my camera view and we're just going to call this the render now before you hit render if you were just to render the animation right now you wouldn't get anything we have to bake this animation so click on the IKOS here right here back on the particle system you're gonna see cache and click bake and what that's going to do right down here is just going to run through all 500 frames it's gonna bake my animation alright so now it's done the animation is baked took only a couple seconds and now we have an animation I'm going to bring my camera in a little bit closer and say rotate it right around here and bring it up and that is my animation so to render it we're just gonna click on this little printer icon keep it at 1920 by 1080 or higher or different but I tend to keep it at 1920 by 1080 right down here pick where you want to save it change to ffmpeg video on encoding change it from this to mp4 and on medium quality to perceptually lossless quality and go up here render render animation so there you go I hope you learned something I hope you had some fun this is a really cool fun animation it's one of my favorite it's just really nice and cool to look at so there you go
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 491,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Blender Particles, Blender Particle Animation, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d
Id: 2bv973aqx-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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