Blender 3.0 Satisfying Animation w/ Cycles X

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[Music] how's it going guys so in today's tutorial we are going to be learning how to make this satisfying style animation we're going to learn a little bit of rigging we're going to learn a little bit of shading have some fun with lighting and make a really cool animation now this tutorial is in partnership with concept d and we are launching a competition with this tutorial all you'll need to do is take your version of this tutorial and just kind of change it up remix it do what you want and submit it on discord now if you join the discord link in the description there's going to be a channel in there called competition submissions if you can't figure it out just go to the general section said hey i need some help my moderators will help you out so the way it works again is take what you learned from this tutorial you know take the ball and all the stuff circling around it and change the materials change the lining change the animation and so you'll need to do two things submit it on discord and go on twitter and tag me and concept d and use the hashtag ducky3dsphere and just post it on twitter so i kind of retweet it interact with you guys as well as interact with you guys on discord um two weeks from the day this tutorial came out i will be picking a winner now the winner will be getting from concept d a free subscription of adobe i will be giving away my shading course my motion graphics course and a free copy of real-time material so that little bundle of goodness a winner will be getting again two weeks from today tag us on twitter put it in discord that is linked in the description lastly i'm using blender 3.0 in this tutorial it's in beta now if you want to get the beta build of blender 3.0 hit the link in description go ahead and download it and open it up but you do not need it everything is perfectly compatible and just the latest staple build of blender with all that craziness out of the way let's get into the tutorial alright so we are here in blender 3.0 i'm actually going to go ahead and make this ui a little bit bigger for you guys if you didn't know you can do this this is what i like to do with my just personal viewport here is just make this a little bit bigger easier to look at and look kind of nice all right so what we need to do first is create our main object and create our material so shift a we're going to search and get an icosphere click this drop down here and we're just going to pop this up to be nice and round and smooth so let's make the material first it's actually a very simple wood shader all right so we're going to go to the shading workspace here now quickly one of the great things about the concept d7 pro that i'm using here is the screen specifically when you're shading it's good to know exactly what you're looking at your values your blacks and whites it has a 100 adobe rgb color gamut screen it's a 15.6 inch display with a 4k uhd screen so it's an incredible screen i have no complaints with it it's super super clear zoom in here let me click new and let's go ahead and get some nodes going here so shift a get a color ramp we're gonna be manipulating some color here in just a little bit but we're gonna deal with black and white first that's kind of the rule of thumb deal with black and white and then color it's kind of like a logo all right so get your must grave texture and then we're going to get a noise texture all right so let's go ahead and plug this into there plug this into there and then we're going to get in a let's go ahead and enable the node wrangler add-on so in ode we're going to get this node wrangler here so edit preferences add-ons and then we're going to ctrl t so we're going to get that mapping set up and use the object use the object coordinate all right so let's go ahead and get our detail here to 16. you can kind of play with your scale a little bit and let's bring that roughness up and then here in the most grave we can bring that detail up to five and that is pretty much it and dimension down to zero so now we have just some craziness going on here we do want to go ahead and use just a little bit of this noise texture so we're going to get a mix rgb we're going to plug it right there and let's plug the factor of the noise texture straight into color number two and what this is going to allow us to do is to just kind of utilize part of this noise texture and not the entire thing so we have full musgrave texture here and then we can go ahead and bring it in like this and then now you can go ahead and play with scale maybe bring your dimension back a little bit but we have some wood now we need to do one more thing to really distort this and make it look like wood and that's going to be with a wave texture so shift a search wave texture plop it right there i don't think we would really need to touch any major settings here maybe bring your scale down to uh maybe one for now and then we're gonna do the same thing get a mix rgb so we can just utilize part of this this wave texture because right now it's just completely taking away all of our detail and you really notice a more obvious effect here if you bring this factor over now we're starting to stretch the wood and it's looking like wood and there we go we have some wood and let's go ahead and get this color going so we're going to go from dark to light in the dark again so keep this at a black color let's get another one hitting the plus icon we'll bring it right over here and let's get brown brown is found in these areas here make it a pretty dark brown and then we're going to click the plus icon and um we're going to go ahead and make this guy a little bit brighter and make this guy a little bit brighter you know natural color is a bit of a gradient sometimes in nature and then we're going to go ahead and make this color kind of a khaki sort of a light khaki color let's really kind of work with it here and then on i'm gonna bring it over click on this guy hit the plus icon bring him over make it lighter lighter color and then we can go ahead and goof around with our color and then play with our mix on the factor here and you can play with the scale and it's what's great about this wood texture is the scaling drastically changes and when you change really anything on this material it pretty much drastically changes the whole look of your material and that's actually really fun in a fun little detail about this wood shader so there you go let's go ahead and get some bump going so shift a b u m we'll get that bump we'll plug the normal right here and then we will plug the uh well first we need to get a first let's get in a color ramp so we can kind of crunch in the detail that we plug the mix rgb into our color ramp so let me see if we can see that mix rgb into the color amp color goes into the height and then now everything's bumped out what i want to do is just kind of flatten out the lighter portions of this material let's bring that strength down a little bit so now we have a pretty sweet wood texture that we can kind of bring this up kind of play around with that and there we go have some fun change colors if you'd like but that is our wooden texture now let's go ahead and create these spheres that are going to be circling around it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit shift a and we're going to go again a curve circle and then we're going to hit shift a actually we're just going to go ahead and duplicate this so arcosphere001 let's get a constraint so constraints are right here add object constraint follow path we're going to get our target and click and click bezier circle and so what's going to happen is if you click on this circle this sphere is following it and then you can take your sphere and shrink it down and then i'm gonna hit the tilde key it's right above the tab key i'm gonna click the bezer circle and then i'm just gonna get the sphere to barely touch the side and then just make sure you're scaling on your sphere however you like it to look so make it just big enough to where it has a nice amount of visual light but not too big to where it's taking up a lot of space all right next thing we need to do is animate it so that it looks like it's actually rolling on the sphere so here in your edit preferences here go to animation and switch default interpolation to linear we're going to make this a seamless loop we're going to stay with the default 250 frames and what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on the sphere go back to our constraints i'm gonna hit the back arrow to frame zero click on offset go to the end and then type in 100. what that's going to do is give you a full 360 rotation it's going to go around just like that the reason why we're doing it that speed basically at 250 frames is going to be at a certain speed so if you want to make it faster you would drop the amount of frames and move your keyframe make it slower do the opposite the reason why we're doing it slowly is because it needs to be as satisfying to look at it needs to be nice to see um things that are going really fast are just kind of hectic and kind of cause anxiety for certain people so this needs to be something that's just nice to look at slower speeds so now that we have that let's go here an eevee and preview this here notice the sphere is not looking like it's actually rolling so one thing we're going to do is click on the sphere go to the transform settings and we're going to rotate it this way at a positive value so let's go ahead and troubleshoot this and see how many rotations it needs to go of course it needs to loop it needs to rotate 360 degrees and you can do that multiple times so i'm going to go ahead and do 3 6 0 times 5 and i'm going to click enter and that's going to give me 1800 now i forgot to actually add my keyframe so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hold hover over here i'm going to click i we're going to go to the very end and type in 1800. one eight zero zero so that's 360 rotated five times oh i actually hit the jackpot there so now it's rotating around now you'll want to play with that say if your yours looks a little bit different your parameters are different scaling is different you might need to do 360 time four or 360 times 6. eventually you'll get to where it actually looks like it's rotating around what i'm going to do here on this material i don't like how the wood looks on that one is i'm going to go to the material settings actually we'll go straight to the shading workspace i'm going to click this 2 so it's a so we make a duplicate and let's bring that um looks like it needs to be the scale of the noise texture and the scale of the wave texture so it doesn't look so small still looks like a piece of wood but it's not so puny something like this play with that scale and the wave there we go and you can always make duplicates like that just click that number so here's the next trick is now you click here hold shift click here i'm gonna hit alt i'm hit shift d and then just click on the wire and hit r twice and rotate it around and that's all you're going to need to do just go ahead and do that again shift d solely click on the wire rotate and i'm actually just rotate it like that so it goes the opposite direction and that's all you need to do go ahead and i'm going to speed through this make sure things are not intersecting so you're going to need to move things around and just duplicate a couple of these guys around your scene and have a bunch of them rotating around now make sure they aren't intersecting i mean if you want them to intersect by all means make them intersect it just doesn't make it look very real not that any of this is real but you can have some fun see we have an intersection so we move it around looks like we might have another intersection there we go so go ahead and add a bunch in your scene and we'll come back all right so here i have my scene i would add a couple more just to kind of fill it out but again this is just for the tutorial you can perfect that later if you'd like i seem to have a goof up here so there we go we have this i'm going to go ahead and quickly get a displaced floor and that's to kind of make it look really modern i like the modern look keep it flat keep it simple that's also why i like this computer it has just a really nice modern sleek design you know you have a lot of gaming computers and a lot of gaming computers kind of look the same this one is very different from that look it's white sleek it's clean you have those nice amber lights below the keyboards i genuinely like that i think it's great so if that's something you're into this is definitely a great computer just on the aesthetic wise it's just a great looking computer of course there's many many other great features about this laptop so i'm going to go ahead and subdivide this guy here give it one zero zero on the subdivisions you don't really need that many but this isn't a very computationally heavy scene i'm gonna add a modifier with the displacement on it click new i'm going to go here image or movie we're going to go to clouds bring that depth down bring that size up i'm going to shade smooth all right shift a camera ctrl alt zero snap that to view and i'm going to go ahead and click on the camera now we're going to go to the orthographic view i love the orthographic view it's just fun to work with and just makes things just nice looking so now we have this let's go ahead and start lighting it i'm going to go here to cycles make sure i'm using my gpu edit preferences here we're going to go to your system now i have the quadro rtx 5000 and my intel i core intel core i7 this computer has some great power with it that's what i'm working with here make sure you're using optics to get that nice speed let's go ahead and i'm gonna drop down and use the eevee render engine just to kind of preview my lighting so shift a light we're going to go get a area light i'm going to hit g to move it over r twice let me bring it up scale it up pretty significantly maybe bring it back some more we want to cover up this whole ground plane click on the light we're going to give it maybe 800 on the strength there we go so that ought to look nice that direction i do want to go and change it to a disk just for reflections it looks better in reflections in my opinion i like the disk shape hit r twice i'm hitting g to move it around hitting r twice to move it in case you need that all right let's go ahead and see how that looks in cycles so it looks pretty good here in cycles i'm going to go ahead and give myself a nice kind of blue background the blue looks nice with the background of the wood make it really rough this is going you know that's the satisfying style and this roughness looks really good if we give it a good cycles preview here looking pretty good on that so now that we have this whole animation i'm going to show you how to get a really fast render time i'm going to remove this intersection remember only select that wire to move things so now that we have this going on i'm going to go ahead and optimize my render settings because it's cycles and it can be annoying you can use ev if you'd like so here on light paths i'm going to give my total at one gloss hit one give everything a one everything i'm doing here i learned from the great blender guru in terms of optimizing your render settings turn off your reflective and refractive and then here on your render where it says render the official render i'm going to give myself 50 samples click on this little card icon and i'm going to go ahead and click denoising data let's go here to compositing click use nodes and hit shift a and get a viewer shift a search viewer i'm going to hold down shift right click to combine those two together and then get that denoising node and we'll use noisy normal noisy albedo all right now let's click render and check out that render speed all right so those fans are in high gear and we have a 19 second render per frame so that's pretty good that's incredibly fast now two things i want to do one is turn on motion blur just to give it a little bit more realism and then here in my scene i do want to turn up my displacement strength because i want to go ahead and play with that lighting all right cool so there we go that is it we'll just check it out here in eevee just to see how we're looking and that is how you create this animation now one thing i didn't do that you can do just kind of leave it up to you is you can go ahead and click all of these wires right here parent them to this big guy and rotate them gives you another level of animation i'm gonna leave all the rest of this up to you to play with again for the competition the idea is you know taking this idea of these spheres going around the big sphere and then change everything up my best tip is you know change the material change the background change the lighting change whatever you want just make sure you have a sphere with a bunch of other spheres rotating and rolling around it so with that being said good luck with your submission two weeks from today it'll be due tag me on twitter tag concept d on twitter send it in the discord i'll be retweeting and commenting there on twitter as well and looking at your stuff on discord thank you guys for watching thank you concept d for partnering with me here on this tutorial and the competition and i will see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 38,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pQ5YCUUqyXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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