A New Kind of Diet

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you know it's better than eating ice cream and gaining all that weight and feeling yucky afterwards eating digital ice cream because this way it looks just as real and you look at it and don't gain any calories which i feel like is a pretty depressing way to look at it imagine this new diet where every time you want to eat something you just model that and blend you're like oh yes i'm vicariously living through these 3d models i'm satisfied so anyways in the series of me modeling random objects i guess we're making strawberry shortcake ice cream with procedural materials and all this because i don't know i want to make it so uh let's start a new blunt project i'm using 2.92 you can use literally anything i say it every time i don't i don't give a okay pick a version of wonder we'll use it so before we do anything it's always best to work off of reference even though i remember middle school lunch time i'd buy two of these every time i depleted my lunch account immediately because i was just buying ice cream sorry appearance if you're watching um i know what this looks like is the point but a reference in case you need it it's always good to have that take it drag it in boom now you have your reference and blender now uh honestly i'm not going to be using this too much but just so that it's a bit nicer i'm just going to orient it so that it's facing let's say this direction okay so we have ice cream let's try to model it first thing is the popsicle popsicle's pretty easy i mean all these things are just going to be boxes so edit mode a popsicle is pretty skinny so i'm scaling it down on the x-axis making it around as tall as a popsicle stick and most importantly making it as thin as a popsicle stick you know you could take a good reference photo and do all this uh you know to scale but that sounds kind of lame right i'd make fun of you if i was in your school and you were doing that um once you have this popsicle stick ready let's just bevel out the bottom because you know that's what a popsicle stick looks like so like these edges control b to bevel and i don't think it goes all the way like it connects like this i don't think that's the case i think it's something like that instead okay there you go popsicle stick modeled if you're the kind of person who likes a shade smooth you can't go to sleepy toss and turn without it uh and you know you do shade smooth and breaks your shading way you fix that you go to normal auto smooth and that will keep your shade smooth but only within like a threshold of 30 degrees in other words um the smoothing is not going to roll over some edge that has an angle bigger than this okay cool popsicle uh now what now the base not the base the the good part of the ice cream you know some kid out there you know there's some kid out there right who's just eating the popsicle sticks he just throws out the ice creams like disgusting i don't know why they even pack it there she just likes that wood um okay so something like that again make it roughly the size of a popsicle ice cream shortcake thing you remember that show strawberry shortcake i think i were all a bit too old for that one but that one always weirded me out i feel like that was a on to my little pony trend um okay so i beveled this until it roughly looks like ice cream i like a beveling this way first and then we're going to take these n-gons right um and bevel it this way i don't like doing it all at the same time because then um our vertical or our forwards and vertical bevels whatever i want to control each bevel individually is the point that's why i do them one at a time um i think this is roughly to scale if anything i think this is still a bit too thick so let's just fix that select everything scale it y-axis boom popsicle okay so now that we have our base model uh let's make it look a bit better first thing i want to do is take a bite out of it and it'd be cool if we could do that procedurally um and then once we do that we'll scatter a bunch of dots over it etc so first of all let's do a bit of a save i mean i have my official one but uh we'll call this uh available on patreon because if you're not promoting in the middle of the video what are you doing uh this one file when we finish it and after i polish it's gonna be available on patreon uh to take a bite what i like to do is i i i make a mesh that's going to be representing what we're taking away we're going to be doing some boolean um which is an interesting way to work because it's procedural in the sense that you can modify this on the fly uh point is i'm going to add some more geometry so with a subsurf and then we're going to do a displacement and this is just so that we get some more distortion right so we're going to displace it using a texture what's that texture going to be it's going to be i guess any of these cloud texture is pretty good and then just soften it like that okay so i want you to imagine that this uh thing is representing the uh space of your mouth that's you know biting into it so uh we can take this we can hide it and then with our popsicle we just add in a booing modifier and take the difference in other words subtract away the sphere which i guess we could call something better like byte okay um and you can see though the way this works is we have this byte object that's hidden right now but you can change its location and change details about the byte procedurally a point is you just like mess around with this until you like the look of it i'm gonna do i don't know something like that with a bit more depth just so it looks like a more jagged bite and then play around with these uh location settings until i like the look of it okay that looks pretty good could be better but you know whatever maybe a thing to consider is adding in a smooth modifier afterwards because then the byte is going to be smoothed in so we can just repeat that a couple times okay uh it's not the best thing in the world but we'll we'll count it okay apply the buoy and this makes it so that the bite no longer needs to exist okay uh you could keep it you know not uh you know applied the what am i trying to say uh you could not apply the not the materials what the are they the modifiers right you could keep it procedural although it does make some things harder uh with setting the particles down and stuff either way once you have this shade smooth again if you want to fix it a bit you can do auto smooth even if by the way you have a bunch of broken shading and geometry uh you could fix this but do remember we're just putting dots all over this so it's going to be hidden so i would recommend not wasting the time okay so now we have the bytes let's uh scatter particles and stuff all over this okay to do that first of all we need an object to scatter over it and they're kind of like distorted spheres kind of similar to that byte object that we made i don't know why they're not perfect spheres i feel like it'd be easier to make that way but whatever take a sphere this is going to be the instanced object that we're putting everywhere apply a displaced modifier and we can use the same texture as before and maybe make it a little less strong like that um okay cool we have this we want we want to apply to this to do it uh select your object go to particles we're gonna make a particle system and that particle system right now is just gonna you know emit a bunch of dots which is great if our popsicle is uh taking a shower but otherwise no uh to make it so that we have a bunch of dots that don't move first of all we only want to spawn them on the first frame so they're all going to be spawned at once uh second of all the physics we want there to be none of that so now it's just stationary and then finally for the spawning you can see it's kind of i mean it's spawning on the surface but what i think it's doing is it's looking for areas with high vertex counts and spawning around there uh set this to random that'll make it more distributed uniformly i don't know either way we're going to reference the object so i'm going to instance this object that we can make a shade smooth and you can see we have a bunch of them now and just to make it look better bump up this number like i don't know 7000 increase the randomness so some particles come in bigger and smaller than others and then finally enable rotation so that they're not on the same orientation right so we can increase the phase and randomization and stuff like that okay so now we have a bunch of dots that you know cover the thing and it kind of looks real i mean we we can do most of this in rendering i'm gonna make it a bit bigger um point is we have actually hold up hold your horses hold on just one moment you don't have dots where the bite is let's take care of that and then i'll go on my schweel so we need the particles to not spawn in uh there uh you can do it with the vertex groups or texture pane i think vertex groups is going to be the way i'm going to do it what i was about to say right is we're going to make it look good in rendering but you can't make the particles look good if they're not in the right spot okay uh so disabled particles vertex groups i'm going to make one i'm going to call this the bite group because i want to define where the bite is and say don't spawn particles there go to weight paint so whatever we do here is going to be inherited by the spite group i'm just going to roughly doesn't have to be perfect just roughly highlight this area of the byte because we want to say this is where particles can't be and then just to clean this up a bit more subtract get rid of all the edge ones so that we do have particles on the actual main surface of it doesn't need to be perfect i mean the more you clean this up the better yes but whatever one thing you can do just a tip you can use a blur brush or smooth brush or something like this just to make it better or you can use the smooth command i used this one recently in the um what was it the hair tutorial the mustache tutorial for this i'm just going to use boar brush okay so now we have that a vertex group and what's the point of this uh the point is when we re-enable our particles at least make them a visible then in the bottom in vertex groups you can apply the density to this in other words where is it going to apply at the byte you take it you invert it you're good okay i mean it's not a hundred percent perfect like there's some dots here uh which you could correct if you really cared uh you could correct by just making it a bit more intense not with the subtract but with the add brush you just make it a bit more intense right the redder it is the less likely it is to spawn there um but i think generally this is okay okay uh so cool we have the dots we have the thing how do we make it look good well first of all let's change our render engine to something that look looks good i'm going to use cycles uh because i like path tracing i don't like ev's okay i've had enough of it okay i'ma speak up me not really though i like evie i'm switching over to cycles okay film transparent this is so our background is invisible uh why am i doing that it's because we're gonna do hdri lighting so i deleted the light uh film transparent environment texture loading and hdri i get mine from where hdri haven and amazon um just pick an htri that you like and immediately right this is kind of like the litmus test of should i just restart immediately if your model already looks good without any of the materials right just ambient occlusion and shadows and it's all white if it still looks good you're in the clear okay because now we're only going to up the realism with the colors right so if it already looks good and then you know get excited okay first thing we want to do is make these dots multi-colored almost like a random distribution in fact we are going to do it randomly but you could control it a bit more to do this again this particle is what's being instanced over the surface which means anything we do to this is going to be inherited by all these particles okay but we do want some randomness and instead of using like particle info we can use object info because object info has this random socket which gives a number between 0 and 1 for each object so you can see now each of these has a different color because a random info is a member it's a node in all of these instanced particles and each one is seen as its own object so it has its own random number i think another way you can do this again is something like particle info let's see if that works as well i mean this one gives you a bit more information but you can see we do have this so random although it does give you stuff like location and stuff like that that you couldn't get normally i don't care about that though so i'm just going to use random random we're going to use that for the base color and actually see that so now you can see the bsdf is inheriting these colors but what colors do we want them to be probably not black and white we can just modify this gradient right because these random numbers are a bunch of zero to one thing so they're all falling inside this interval i'm just going to remap them to colors that make sense so you hover over this you hit e4 for what for extract i don't know and then you just pick colors from the actual thing and that's the way you sample colors so i'm just going to add a middle handle make this one i'm going to do this yeah dude can you come out why there's a wrench why the did i order a wrench no dude another wrench there's a guy here because it's leaking i'm back apparently i installed a bidet incorrectly in uh well whatever that's neither here or there uh so what were we doing we were customizing particle stuff uh yeah uh so this color ramp i'm just gonna pick a custom color like a custom shade of pink or something like that and again what's happening here is it's using this random object info thing uh to generate random numbers they're getting filtered through this color ramp inheriting these colors and then uh bsdf stuff okay um already it kind of looks almost completed i mean i guess all we need is that a pink bite thing in the middle and for that you know you could either do that procedurally with uh i mean let me just show you how you would do it i'm not gonna do it because it's probably not the best way to work i use something like generated coordinates separate by x y z and then you can like use these things to isolate this region that was something like math compare like this oh am i am i on the wrong one no yes as as uh doing this to the wrong thing let's try that again take this copy dude i'm just flustered right now i'm that i'm at a loss for words after that whole bidet nonsense maybe i'll explain it later uh for this what was the point i'm making a material isolating that area with compare node and you can see we can separate this on the y-axis the x-axis stuff like this but uh i want to do it not procedurally because that sounds like a lot of work we need to isolate this area so that we can make it more pink is the point uh to do that we're going to do it via texture paint and before we texture paint we just got to make sure we have a good uv map this is probably fine but just in case you smart uv project it can be a mess it really doesn't matter okay because uh this kind of stuff only matters if you're like texturing like i don't know photoshop or something right we're gonna be literally painting on top of the model so any kind of unwrap is fine texture paint uh with texture paint we are gonna go to single image create one and we're going to call this the bite mask because that's what it is and with the bite mask you just kind of paint the area where there is a bite don't worry too much about the fall off that we could control procedurally with the node but you can see we're just isolating this area on the uv map so i think uh that should be pretty good uh at this point you do want to make sure you like save this out otherwise the image doesn't get saved there's like a weird thing about that so you gotta like image save as and then like i don't know throw that on the desktop bite mask make sure you do a save but anyways once you have that we are going to import in this image that's going to be our bite mask so again it's isolating this area we use this for the base color saying in some areas it should be one color and then some areas it should be another right this a b situation and uh just like last time i guess instead of a color ramp we use something like a mix rgb should be fine um and we could do something like i don't know well first of all this should be the factor but we could do something like a white for the exterior because that's uh let's see the reference you see it's white on the exterior and pink on the interior i guess we could just sample this so e for extract or whatever and we sampled it now just to make this a bit of a harsher thing because again i said you could do this without texture paint uh you just send this through a math node something like either greater thans like a nice way to make a quick cut off or if you want something that still has a bit of blur but isn't as intense you take power and you bring it to any number that's above one this way you can see this is before and this is uh after just tightens it up a bit and you could go crazy with this right but that should be pretty good we could also do a tiny bit of a subtraction before just so we could eat into that mask just a little like that um and what else what else uh it should be a bit bumpier here so let's do that as well we could do noise and this is just not dude i literally typed in boy i didn't even didn't even mean to i'm just a natural frat boy at heart uh noise texture we're gonna make this a dense noise texture and give it some bump um and use this for the normal mapping and again what this does is it basically creates not displacement information but just bump information like normal information we're converting this uh float uh stuff into why is it not showing why is that not showing oh it's because no make sure that's going through height that's important there we go um it's going to convert this float information into actual normal information using some like gradient differential calculus or whatever don't worry about it too much take this make it less intense so it doesn't look crazy and then i think we only want this in the interior let's see the reference i guess it is everywhere but it is more noticeable there if you only wanted it in the interior i don't think we are going to do that but if you want that you just take math and then you multiply by the texture or the filtered version of the texture that way we're saying we want this noise stuff but only where we have our mask okay um so that's just gonna add in a bit of noise mapping okay so we have the bite we have the particles what else can we do uh popsicle uh should be pretty easy so this is gonna be a wood material uh long story short to make a popsicle all you need is first of all to pick up the sdf with roughly the right popsicle color i don't know something like that's fine make it slightly less reflective so i don't know 0.6.7 and also what else also probably a bit of normal mapping okay uh fastest way to do this wave texture take the wave texture and maybe use uh i mean this is pretty distorted because of the edit mode stuff maybe use object coordinates so we'll use object coordinates uh bring up the scale add a bit of distortion distortions what's going to make it look like wood grain bump the detail bump the roughness and there you go you just convert this into normal mapping okay that's the idea here uh because wood at least the way we're going to make it for a popsicle it's just gonna be one color with a bit of like surface variation right is the point of that so i'm just gonna make that strength a little less intense and now we kind of have a popsicle that again is a separate object so you can have this sticking out a bit more until it looks roughly to scale but other than that let's see is there anything else we'd want to add to this we have the particles we have the bytes and again at this point you can really change almost everything right the byte is set in geometry wise but you can always update this texture with the particle settings we haven't applied it right so you could just go back and change the number of particles anytime so if there's like too many dots you bring it down do some more scale variation and stuff like that which is something i do want to do a bit more scale variation but that makes me want to increase the particles again um you can go back and forth and make it look better or worse or whatever but this is the essence of how you want to make this thing just one final note if you want to turn this into one object make sure you apply your particles like you make them real or you convert them because if you do not do that and you just like join these objects because you want it to be one mesh it's going to start making dots over the popsicle because we haven't defined a vertex group to say you know don't put it there but uh there you go uh you didn't know how to make a strawberry popsicle cake thing before but now you do you're welcome uh what am i looking at at the right is it a list of all these dots on the no it's a patron something like 680 690 make sure to put patrons in the credits because they are funding these tutorials but why are they patrons and why should you maybe be one well uh first of all i already mentioned they get blend files like this one i'm gonna clean it up a bit more give it nice naming conventions make sure we don't have textures we don't need stuff like this all the blends that i've ever made you can get via patreon even with a mon one month subscription you can just go there download a bunch of stuff also exclusive tutorials at a different tier right tutorials i don't upload to this channel or cg matter or anything like that behind the scenes early access sometimes if i'm ahead of schedule which right now i am not um but there's a whole bunch of over there if you are interested go check it out if you are not to do not go check it out it's pretty simple you don't need to do anything you don't want to do so that exists get the blend over there if you care but otherwise uh thank you patrons everybody else as well uh thank you for watching i hope you learned something and uh gotta go fix the bidet although i'm not the one taking care of it so uh see
Channel: Default Cube
Views: 53,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, ice cream, modeling, 3d modeling, 3d, vfx, cg, cgi, animated, animation, cycles, eevee, procedural, 2.92, particles, particle system
Id: -17JXcsvUlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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