Blender - Organic Eevee Animation Loop (Blender 2.8)

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okay so in this video we're going to be tackling this VJ loop it's really cool it's one of my favorites I've ever made quick heads up before the tutorial if you make this or any other tutorials that I've made um send it to me on Instagram I have a highlight right here where I post some of the work that you've guys made and you can see that some of the other stuff that I do so let's get into the video okay very important before we do this you need to go to your user preferences so go to edit preferences and everything we're doing here in animation you in your default interpolation right here in the animation side make sure it's on linear and then everything's gonna loop seamlessly by default it's on Bezier and that's gonna mess everything up first thing we need to add is a cylinder before we do that to keep it within the bounding boxes to make this a seamless loop we need to put in a square hit s-8 and we'll scale it up and then over here you're gonna see this little box this will square go to viewport display and where it says textured change it to wire so that's so we can keep everything in this box when we instance the collection it'll be mathematically correct in the seamless looping okay next I'm going to do shift a and add a cylinder hit our X and 90 and we'll have this next thing we do hit tab go right up here to do the face select click that click over here so we can see these right here these arrows hold down control and just bring it over you want to hold down control so it stays within the grid everything is when it comes to making seamless loops staying within the grid is really really important so you just hold down control and you can kind of see the line where our boxes just go right to where it hits the edge we messed up right there and then do the same thing for this side okay so the next thing we need to do is subdivide it the problem I'll demonstrate with subdividing these big tubes is the way it's subdivide so we'll just show you how it works before right now it's just you have these straight lines there's nothing going this way so when we hit the subdivision surface and apply it now we just have one thing or if we go back say give it to apply it there's a ton this way there's a ton of vertices going this way but there's only two going this way and then when we add the displacement it's not gonna look good so what we need to do is add some loop cuts and you're gonna have that right here on the side if you don't see that that means it's minimized this way you'll see a little arrow bring it over so let's add a couple loop cuts in here you're gonna want to put quite a few so it just evens out the vertices basement and you can subdivide it much better so make sure it's about even like that okay so I added a couple more you can do right about this much is perfect what I found and now we can add a subdivision surface and a displace so over here on the displace click new and then click this little button right here and we're gonna go pick a cloud texture so we want this texture to look pretty big so on depth bring it all the way down to zero and then on size bring it to something we'll be able to change this in the future as we design but just for eyeball stay right about there okay so now we have our tube and will shade smooth it one last thing before we do this if we were to instance this and say duplicate it and bring it all the way to the end we have a problem with this is that it's not a perfect we can see there's gaps and that's because it's not perfect they don't go into each other to make a seamless loop so we have to add the mirror modifier first let's add an empty as the modifier object and bring it right to the edge of our box here so we can click it I can't click it but you can see the lines right there just bring it right to the edge of that box the plane right here and then we'll go in and add our mirror modifier in our modifier section so click the mirror mirror object click your empty and then right here where it says X click Y and so now they go into each other perfectly and then we'll just instance this these two okay so the next thing we need to do is add our camera so let's go in and do that I'm going to go into the wireframe view and then on the add camera over here in the rotation settings put it on 90 or wherever you set up your camera make sure it's pointing down the tube and then hold down control and we want to set it right here at the edge so get that green arrow hold down control and snap it to your grid and of course make sure it's connecting right there to the edge of our plane so now we need to bring our camera and animate it to go straight through here so let's take our plane duplicate it hold down control and bring it all the way to the edge of the box so that we can see where to place the camera at the end of the mirrored tube so let's click on our camera I usually put it about 24 frames a second and 120 frames if you don't know how to do the frame rate the 24 frames a second that's done right here on frame rate so 120 frames would be a 5 second animation so click on your camera go to the Y for me its Y whatever one it is for you click on the keyframe button here or you would right click and press place keyframe so let's click our camera and then we need to right here at the very end of the button right there click it and then click the right arrow so we'd go to frame 121 that's super important otherwise you're gonna have a duplicate frame when it goes back to the beginning so now get your camera hold down control and bring it all the way to the end I messed up let's do it one more time bring it all the way to the end right about there and you can see it's right at the edge of our plane so it's perfect and it's going to loop perfectly click on your camera and click the keyframe and now if we go back hit 0 2 click on your camera and then press play and now it goes right through the tube and then all we'll do is add this to a collection little bit later I'll show you how to do that and we're just going to send it so you can you can't see the end ok so the last thing we need to do to this is animate it as you can see in the video the the cylinder isn't just standing still everything's moving around in this weird organic way so we're gonna do that really quickly I have a video on this exact thing called how to displace or how to animate displacement that's exactly what we're going to do so we're going to run through that pretty quickly so first thing we need to add is a Bezier circle so we're gonna go to the curves and add a circle right next to it we need to add an empty so we're going over here plain access and we're just gonna name it move okay so click on your move object go to the object constraints you're gonna see it right there click follow path and then click the Bezier circle that we just we just put in so the next thing we need to do is animate the empty going in this circle so in the object constraint that's the thing called offset you can kind of see it doing it right there so right click insert keyframe go to the very end and skip a frame and then click 100 right click insert keyframe so now it's gonna be going through really quickly okay so the next thing we need to do is click on our cylinder go to the modifiers in the displace modifier change it from local to object and then the object section click the the move and then now we'll see it animate pretty well what I like to do is take the Bezier circle and instead of having it that way I click R twice and I just rotate it like that and I just think it animates a little bit better but you can do whatever you want okay so now we're gonna go into lighting and shading my favorite part about this is the texture I have it on my wallpaper I like it so much okay so make sure that you're in the Eevee render engine so I switched it from cycle so and then make sure bloom is on that's super important and screen space reflections is on so you can just see the only thing that I don't have on is depth of field we're not going to be messing with that I like to turn off motion blur it's not really it doesn't really look good on this one and I like to be able to see this shader that we're gonna be using so I'm gonna turn off the motion blur as well so go to render view you can't see anything and we're gonna hit shift a and add a point light super bright way too bright so we're gonna bring it down a little bit to right about there and we're gonna change it to a blue something like that and then we need to click the point light then click the camera holding down shift so point hold down shift click the camera click control P and object so now the light is going to follow wherever the camera goes and we don't have to line up a bunch of lights next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna duplicate the point light and I'm gonna go into my transform and then on Y I'm just gonna send it down duplicate it again and then send it down a little bit farther and being that they're all parented I don't have to reparent them to the camera and then I'm gonna pick these last two lights and make them a red color something like this and I'm gonna make them a little bit brighter I think the very end one we're gonna make much brighter kinda like that and then I'm gonna make the blue a little more tense okay so now we're working with some pretty cool lighting already this is looking really really cool so now of course we're gonna make this shader okay so in 2.8 there is a shading preset right here if you don't have that then you're just gonna bring this over like that and then up here we're gonna go to the shader editor okay so let's get to making this so click on your object click new and we're not gonna make it metallic we're gonna keep it non metallic and let's put a clear coat on it so right down here clear coat and it's kind of looking pretty cool I almost left it at this when I was first designing it but we're not gonna do that so it's pretty cool but we're gonna add some a noise texture to the clear coat roughness first so first thing we do shift a and add a color ramp and right next to it we're gonna add a noise texture we're gonna plug the color and we're gonna plug that in to clear coat roughness so you can't really see anything going on bring up your detail and they just bring up your scale some and you can kind of see kind of see it start taking shape so in the color ramp we're just gonna expound on that and make it a little more extreme something like that now it's starting to do what we want it to do I'm gonna increase the subdivision real quick so we can see it better and we'll go back so we can kind of see it start to sort of mess with it on the clearcoat roughness here as you can see and then next thing we're going to do normally we would just plug this straight into the roughness but I don't like what that does to it it's a little too extreme so we're just going to duplicate this color ramp bring it up here plug the noise into the factor and then we're gonna plug that into the roughness and then we're just gonna change this right here till it does what we want let's see what this looks like so it's pretty spread out so we're just gonna do this kind of like that get a couple perfectly glossy spots and then I'm gonna change the scale a little bit to right about there and now we have that really cool material that really gives it that that magic okay all we need to do here we can kind of see the end of the animation when the camera gets there so first we need to take our planes here click the plane hold shift click on the plane and then click on your cylinder and then hit M new collection and we're going to call it tube all right now shift a collection instance click on the tube now just hold down shift and bring it all the way to the end and I think we just need to do that once let's check out the animation we just we need to make sure that we don't see the end of it and yeah that's perfect so we're just in the instance at once and there you go that's the animation it's really cool it's a lot more simple than it looks and that goes with a lot of designs again if you do make this and you put in an Instagram send it to me tag me in it whatever I'll add you to the Instagram highlight and you can see alot of other people's work as well thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 163,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, Olav 3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: 3eXXqK69i_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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