Blender 2.8: Intro to 3D Modeling #b3d

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hello my name is Colin and this video we're gonna dive into 3d modeling using blender 2.8 if you're new to blunder 2.8 and new to 3d modeling this video hopefully will be a good resource for you in order to learn how to make or model whatever object that you want in blender you're given a host of default simple mesh objects that means three solid objects if you go up to the add menu and mesh you can add simple things like cubes and spheres and Tauruses and cones and of course the monkey head but if you want to create whatever you want to create that's called 3d modeling and this video I'm gonna be showing you several tools in fact we'll go over four tools and all of the little variations and how to use them and their keyboard shortcuts and in the last part of video we're going to create this house on the screen right now and we're gonna actually start modeling this house from a default cube so let's go ahead and jump in of course if you like this video if we learn something please go ahead and click on that like button below this video it really helps me out if you want to see more videos like this one in blender 2.8 or in the Godot game engine click on that subscribe button as well and click on the belt icon to get notified whenever I upload a new tutorial so 3d modeling in blender starts with a mesh and blender actually gives you three objects when you start up a new blender file if you go to file new in general that's how you get what I have on my screen you get a camera object a cube mesh object and a light or lamp object and this cube object by default like all objects are by default they are in what's called object mode and object mode is how you can actually move around objects and work with objects as whole things but with a mesh object selected if you go up to this mode menu you'll see there are lots of different modes including edit mode and that's what you go into if I go into that you're gonna notice a few things change on the screen number one the mesh looks a little bit different because right now we can actually now see its vertices the pole we're edges meet at the corners of faces of that mesh object you can also see that our toolbar has changed out the slide of our screen so now have a bunch more tools if I go back into object mode and by the way to jump between edit mode and object mode it's a really handy keyboard shortcut it's the tab key on your keyboard tab we'll go into the other one and then tab will toggle back so tab is really good for switching between those two but in object mode your toolbar at the side of the 3d editor window is quite short you get your basic tools but if you press tab to go into edit mode you get a bunch of modeling tools and we're gonna go over again four of these today we're gonna go over extrude and all of its variations we're gonna go over the loop cut tool and its variations we're gonna go over the bevel tool and how to use it in several different ways and lastly we'll go over the inset faces tool and how you might use that in a productive way now working with a mesh object in edit mode requires that you jump between this is one thing that you also notice when you go into edit mode these three buttons will appear right there they are for switching between your three different selection modes the first mode is a vertex selection mode and a vertex again is the point where two edges meet at the corner of a face most often and so if you click on a vertex you can select it then you can use any of your move tools really just move for one vertex in order to move it around in fact if you don't want to have to switch from your selection tool to your move or rotate or scale tools in butter 2.8 there are overlays that are disabled by default up here is a gizmo menu and if you click the little arrow next to it you can turn on move and rotate and scale gizmos those are those on-screen controls and that way you'll have those on your screen even if you just have the selection tool enabled so I like that a lot so with a vertex selected I can move it up I can move it around I could of course use my keyboard shortcut G on my keyboard and move it around great you get it you can't rotate a vertex though that does not work because it's just a coordinate in 3d space on the XY and z axes and you can't scale if I tap S on my keyboard nothing will happen but if you have more than one vertex selected and by the way the plural of vertex is vertices although I often call one vertex of vertices which isn't correct you might catch me doing that in this video you can tap s to scale them towards each other and our tour what you looked at them and of course you can use your gizmo as well the next selection mode is edge selection mode I think get it at this point if you click on an edge you can move it around and of course you can scale an edge because it has a size and you can rotate it as well and last but not least is face selection mode where you can select a face and move it around ok and you can scale it of course and rotate it and make whatever object that you want if you're happy with your object you're done editing you can go back into object mode and there you have it your finished object now a few more things you can actually go into all three modes at the same time if you hold shift on your keyboard and click on all three you can select faces or single vertices or on vertex and edges as well and that will work just fine if you want to jump between these three selection modes in edit mode very quickly if you're in the edit mode you can use the number row keys on your keyboard the one key will jump into vertex selection mode the two key will jump into edge select mode and the three key will jump in to face lecture mode that's super simple and really really handy if you don't the move your mouse all the way up here you can just use one two and three and lastly if you're working with vertices edges or faces and maybe you haven't one or more selected if you right-click you'll get a context menu that's specific to the selection mode that you're in so right now I get the vertex context menu up and I get very common things that I might want to do with vertices same thing an edge selection mode if I have an edge selected and I right-click I get different options here because you can do different things and some of the same things with edges and faces work the same way too if you're in all three selection modes if I go into all three with the shift key and clicking and I right click yeah it's pretty impressive I get all three context menus at the same time but a cube is quite limiting as a mesh because a cube object only has six sides it's like a die or dice from our board game so you only have six faces to work with and it only has therefore eight vertices on the top and on the bottom and only has twelve edges for around the top and for around the bottom and for around the sides so how do you get more how do you get a more complex object well that's where these modeling tools come in what I'm going to do is actually press tab to go back into object mode and then I will press the X key on my keyboard yeah the letter X will let you delete a selected object so I'll delete it and I'm gonna go up to the add menu and add a new mesh cube because a cube object is a great object a mesh object to start any object pretty much with it's called box modeling you start with a box and you can make really whatever object that you want including that house that will make later on in this video so to go back into edit mode I will press tab on my keyboard and the first tool we're gonna look at is called the extrude region tool it's this tool right here and to work with this tool I recommend strongly that you only work with faces although it will work with edges and vertices as well so with a face selected if I just click on a face you'll notice that with this tool enabled I get this little yellow gizmo handle the plus on it making an extrusion is the same as making an extension extension is the same basically word as extrusion if I grab this little handle and click and drag out I have just made an extrusion or an extension out from the cube and so now I no longer have that top face in the middle of my mesh if I go into x-ray mode up here I can see that there's no little dot there's dots when you're in x-ray mode on the faces there's no little dot on that face but I've extended out the mesh so now I have five of my original faces plus five more on the second cube so I'm if I wanted to all turn off x-ray mode I could go back to selection mode and I could with my extra gizmos turned on with them on the screen I can now work with my faces I could work and pull some edges and I could do a little bit of pushing and pulling and make some sort of a custom 3d model but using the extrude tool is really powerful because once you can extrude a face outwards you can start to grow the shape into whatever object really that you want at least a very blocky version and that's okay because those ways you can smooth it out later so if I go and select the extrude region tool and I start extruding out I can grab the handle and just pull if I hold ctrl on my keyboard it will snap to the increments of my scene which are the same as the grid increments on the floor which are actually one meter by one meter increments because that's the default unit meters of a new blender file now if I keep going if I drag this little plus handle again and hold ctrl or even don't hold ctrl and I let go what I can do is adjust the operation that I just did in other words I use the extrude region tool by going down to this little popover window that only shows up right after you complete pretty much any operation in this window if I expand this out it says I just extruded a region and moved it and I did and I moved it on the normal z-axis that means I extrude it out in the same direction of the face was pointing that's called the normal direction and away from the face is called its normal Z direction the normal implies the direction that the face is actually facing so still weird it's not the global direction so if I change the Z access value you can see I can change it and I can type in there too because a default cube is two meters by 2 meters by 2 meters um I'm gonna keep going here and actually create a simple four-legged chair the back on it yeah so let's keep on going if I select all three faces at the same time and I extrude them and I'll hold ctrl to extrude out an even 2 meters again they extrude as a region and that's why this is called the extrude region tool if I were to go back control Z on my keyboard and extrude each one of these out at the same time that is much different than extruding them as a region because now if I go and use my move tool and move these apart you can see that I have phases in the middle of my geometry I've got internal geometry when they're all together if I undo that those movements and I go into wireframe mode there are two phases between each of these extended cubes and that's not a good thing I don't want to have phases dividing up my shape I want to have all three of those extrusions attached together so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to undo those three extrusions select all three at once grab my extrude region tool and then I can pull out and of course hold control now if I try to move any of those phases it is attached and if I undo that and go into wireframe mode there is no dot in the middle of that section or over here it's it's what I want it's a solid shape so let's keep going I'm gonna make my simple chair and I slept these three phases use my extrude region tool pull out and hold ctrl there you go I'm gonna extrude the four legs of the chair out so I'll get those four actually if I hold shift I can just get the second third and fourth legs and they are separate and we're using the extrude region tool but in this case that doesn't really apply because they're not next to each other so if I extrude out they just extrude as you would expect and now if I go up to the top and extrude these three in a row and I pull up you can see now I have my simple four-legged chair and if I'm happy with it I can press tab to go back into object mode and I've got a simple chair the next version of the extrude tool is actually hiding under the extrude region tool there's a little arrow pointing at the bottom of this button and if I click and hold this button I get the four versions of the extrude tool so the second one is called extrude along normals and to demonstrate what that does if I go back to just using extrude region and select two faces so I'm in edit mode right now if I select two faces on around a corner and I drag the extruder region handle you'll see what happens it extrudes those two faces together as a region but it has to decide which direction to go and so what it does is it a verge is out the direction that the top face is facing and the side face is facing and so it goes diagonally but what happens if you want to extrude the top face up and the side face out but still have them attached in the middle that's where the extrude by normal tool comes in if I undo that and I go into the extrude along normals tool that's what it's called extrude along normals and I drag those faces out there is no gizmo with this tool unfortunately but if I click and drag the other way you'll see what happens they become attached but they still both go in their normal direction as well now it is a little bit's QE the top isn't level and the side isn't level and that's because we can enable an option down here in the recent operations popover window it's called offset even so if I enable that that's the fix it's pretty simple and it's really handy for making extrusions out in different directions but all attached on your mesh the next version of the extrude tool if I keep going is called the extrude to individual tool and that does pretty much the exact opposite of what we just did if I want to extrude that say this face and I'll hold shift and select this face and this face but not as a region because I want to work with them separately after I extrude them that means I basically want three pillars coming out of my shape well I could do that so if I use the extruded region tool again there is no gizmo here for that I just click and drag it looks pretty much the same but in this case they are actually separate if I click on the scale and click and scale and click and scale with the S key of course then I get three separate areas and maybe that's what I want the last tool is called the extrude to cursor tool and this tool is a little bit cumbersome and probably not one that you're gonna use a whole lot unless you like making random shapes if I go into this tool I actually can no longer click to select a face and right now by default in this new cube I've got everything selected so just a keyboard shortcut for you if you press alt a alt a will deselect everything in your mesh so alt a will deselect everything the a key will select everything so a and alt a to select and deselect everything but to use this extrude to cursor tool actually to go back to my selection tool and select the one thing that I want to extrude so I'll select that face I'll go back to the extrude to cursor tool and what this is is it will extrude your selection to wherever you click so if I left click out here it'll extrude to there if i zoom out I can just click and click and click and click and click and as you can see I could or up my view and I could keep going in whatever direction I want but there's not a lot of control here unfortunately there's no operator pop over so I can't adjust where I went or which direction I went with that tool at least not in blender 2.80 so I don't find it that handy if I were to undo that and then go to an orthographic view in my scene like if I pressed this little green dot in my axe East to go to the front orthographic view that's where I am right now what I can do now is actually you know what I'm gonna go to my side or the graphic view so I can see the the selection I have about face from the side if I now click and click and click at least now I know that I'm not moving you know forwards or backwards or side to side depending on which way you're thinking of your scene and they're not twisted at all okay so that's the extrude to cursor tool the last way you can extrude in blender is by using the keyboard shortcut the letter e on your keyboard if I go to my selection tool and I click on a face to select it and I tap E on my keyboard just tap E and then move your mouse and click you just made an extrusion so this is really really fast and handy if I select a face tap E and click and click I can make extrusions be warned though that new users might get in the habit especially an older versions of blender because right-clicking was common if you tap E and then you right-click instead of left-click your extrusion will snap back down and it's actually still there if i zoom in and I move that face up there is a hidden extrusion there but if it's flattened it's actually giving us a bunch of edges in the same spot and a bunch of vertices in the same spot so it's actually two vertices there which is not a good thing it's called having doubles in your scene double vertices so you really don't want that so be careful with that if you have more than one face together select it like these two side-by-side and I tap II they will extrude as a region if you want to use the other versions except for the cursor version you can tap alt e on your keyboard alt e will let you extrude faces together or extrude individual faces or shrewdest along normals so you can do that with alt T on your keyboard I'll select those two alt e extrude along normals and I can do the exact same thing and I can use these options down here of course after I do that right away so I'll use offset even the next tool is called the loop cut tool and it's right there and it's for actually making new edges if I select it you can actually see what's happening it's for making new edges in your existing mesh so this cube of course only has six sides and it only has therefore four plus four plus four on the sides edges so it has twelve edges but if I want to make more edges so I can push and pull those and extrude from those this is how you can do it at least in one way so if you have this tool active and you hover over your mesh object in edit mode you can see that it'll put a cut this yellow line through whatever edge I have my mouse cursor most closely to so that one or that one or that one and if I click it'll actually put a new edge loop cut all the way around the mesh that's all the way around if you have a loop of edges and I go into the selection tool and because I still have those gizmos turned on if I you know I actually had to select that again I'm not sure why my gizmo didn't show up before if you by the way if you don't have anything selected so if I press alt a on my keyboard if you want to select a whole edgeloop like all that one and that one and that one and that one you don't have to do what I just did by selecting all with a shift key and then letting go of shift and orbiting around you can actually just I'll press alt a to deselect all you can hold the Alt key on your keyboard and click on any edge and it will select when you're an edge select mode if you hold alt and click on an edge it will select all of that loop of edges all the way around your mesh now yes the loop cut tool makes hell loop all the way around your mesh but now if I had them all selected you know I could scale that I could rotate that and I could make whatever shape that I want if I want to make more loop cuts I can just go back to that tool right there and I can click and maybe I'll make one in that direction too so with a cut in all three directions or in the middle of my cube I could go back and use my tools I could alt right click on an edge and scale that one up I'm the same with this one scale that one up after I selected at all and now my shape is a lot rounder and now I go into vertex select mode and grab and push and pull and make the shape that I want the next version of the loop cut tool is called the offset edge loop cut tool and you use this by actually grabbing an existing loop cut or an edge so in this case I'm gonna grab my boot cut tool and just make a simple cut like that and if I go into my offset edge loop cut tool what I can do with this tool is actually spread this or make new copies of this edge loop next to the existing loop cut so if I just use this offset edge loop cut tool I always forget the name of that and you click and drag with edges already selected away from that edge you can split it into two and it'll leave the middle one there and now I've got two new edge loops to work with that's pretty handy I should go back and mention a few more things about my loop cut tool if I make a new cut there are options for that cut if I go down to my operator pop over I can actually change the number of cuts that I just made so if I didn't want to make just one cut there if I wanted you know a bunch of cuts I could do that I wouldn't necessarily make that many I probably making me two or three at most and that might be very handy for you you can also change the settings for the cut that you're about to make because this setting here is for the tools anyways is only for the cut that you just made but if I make another cut it made just one cut so you can actually go over if I undo that to the tool settings tab in the properties editor and you can change some of the settings for the tool for its default for every time you then use it so if I turn this number up to three and then I make a new cut it it put three there I should also mention that you can click and drag with this tool to put the cut wherever you want along an edge so if I turn this back down to one and I get my normal loop cut tool and I hover over my object and I click and hold and drag I can put the cut wherever I want and just click it'll go in the middle of the the edge that you're hovering your mouse over now if you don't want have to always go over to this tool tab in the properties editor you could actually bring a tool settings bar up in blender 2.8 at the top of your 3d editor window this is a new feature in blender if you right click anywhere where those buttons or anything anywhere where there's an option in this header of your 3d editor window so not right here but over here if you right-click you can add things or change the options of your header and so I'll go to header and I'll say show tool settings and it'll bring up this new tool options bar on the top of the three editor window so now if I'm using my loop cut tool and I want to have more cuts I can just go up here and change the number of coastal it's a eight and I don't need to have this open anymore this shows the same thing as this that's why they kept that hidden so I can go back to my you know render settings or output settings or something and now if I make a cut let's say right there well I've just made eight cuts okay I don't know why I would want to do that but there you go the last way you can use the loop cut tool is actually by using the keyboard shortcut which is a keyboard shortcut that gets you to what's called the loop cut and slide tool it's a little bit friend but it's almost the same I'm gonna go back to my selection tool and I'll press alt a to deselect everything in my mesh if I press ctrl R on my keyboard ctrl R will get me into the loop cut and slide tool and so just like with the loop cut tool if I hover my mouse over the mesh it will make it cut but in this case I am just gonna click and it's not gonna make a permanent quite yet let's say I put a cut right there well that just confirmed which direction it was going in and you can move your mouse now I'm not holding anything down I'm just moving my mouse around and you can tell it where to go and so if you want to go over there I can click and that will make it permanent so this requires you to click twice and not just click and drag to slide it so I'll do that again I will control are on my keyboard to bring up the loop cut and slide tool and then I will click and that go and then I'll move my mouse and click and there you have it if you want to put your cut in the middle of an inch so I'll undo that one I'll press ctrl R and then you can click to put it along wherever you want and then you can right click and right click will snap it to the middle of that edge okay and you can even use the equivalent of the offset edge loop cut tool I actually just learned this recently if you have an edge loop selected and you press control shift R it will do essentially that offset edge loop cut tool and you can move your mouse apart and it will split that edge loop into two and it'll make offset edge loop cuts so that's control shift R and then control R just for the normal loop cut and slide tool so let's go ahead and put those last two tools together the loop cut tool and the extrude tool I'm going to quickly undo those cuts and I'm gonna use the loop cut tool and I'm going to cut my cube rate oops I don't want to use multiple cuts so I'll turn that down to one and I'll turn the new ones down to one as well so I'll undo that and then ctrl R and click and drag and ctrl R and click and drag what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a little Boxey looking tree like a very Minecraft ish tree so I need to make a smaller face on the bottom of this bushy tree and I'm gonna extrude the trunk of the tree down so I've got two cuts I'm gonna do two more this time I'm going to use the loop cut and slide tool so I'll press ctrl R on my keyboard and I'll do the same thing that click and then click and then ctrl R and click and click and now I've got a face bear that if I go into face lection mode and select that face and go into the extrude region tool I can just pull that down and I've got my simple little boxy tree the next tool is called the bevel tool and it's right there there's no variations of it but there's many ways you can use it if I have it active and then I go to edge selection mode and I select an edge on my queue if I click and drag with that selected edge so if I click and drag it will turn that one edge into two with a surface along that corner so you're essentially beveling or chamfering this edge kind of like the edge of a picture frame now there are lots of options with the bevel tool if I want to smooth that out into a rounded corner that's what lots of people want to do with their their objects that's called the number of segments so I can turn in our pair of segments up after I do that operation and you can see I can make a rounded corner I wouldn't go too dense because that might slow down your computer and that's unnecessary you can also change the profile that means not just a round even kind of shape but you can make it you know more of a sharp round or you can even go almost flat or even inwards so it's really up to you of course you can change some of those settings before you even do a loop cut or pardon me use the bevel tool and so I'm gonna undo that and I'm gonna change some of the settings up here I'm gonna make this my bevel will always have say six segments and the normal profile so now if I use the bevel tool and click and drag it'll give me that automatically so I could just keep using it again and again and there we go but in mind that this requires some planning because if you want to round out lots of corners in your object and there are some edges that are next to other edges like this edge well you can see now that it's gonna be a lot harder for me to drag and make that edge smooth after I've already made some of its next-door neighbors smooth so if you want to make all of the edges are rounded especially around a face you might want to actually just select that face so I can go into face select mode and yes I can bevel out a face so if I click and drag from that face it'll do all of its edges so you can bevel faces which means the edges around that face or individual edges you can even bevel vertices if I go and undo and go into vertex selection mode and I select let's actually do all of the vertices and then I click and drag away from it it looks exactly the same but that's because there are some options here one of them is called vertex only and if I check that box look what happens it it beveled each vertex as an individual vertex meaning that we got a nice round corner kind of like a die or dice in a board game and so if I repeat that if I go and select in fact I can just select a face do this actually and I click and drag and then I check vertex only I can get you know a die object-- which is kind of cool the other thing you can do with the bevel tool is you can split apart an existing edge or edge loop so if I press ctrl R to use the loop cut and slide tool and I make a cut let's say right up there in fact if you use the ctrl our bevel tool you can actually scroll I didn't mention this and make multiple cuts and then click and then slide them and click but if you for this example just have one and you have it right there if you use the bevel tool and you click and drag away from this edge it will split that edge into the number of segments that you have specified on your top bar so if you only had one and you beveled it out you would split that edge loop into two edge loops and the difference between doing it this way and using that offset edge loop cut tool is if I were to use that tool it would make the same two cuts adjacent to my original loop cut but it would leave the original loop cut there the bevel tool if I use it and drag that apart it doesn't leave that middle one there so you can decide which option is better for you but the good news is that when you use this tool this cut here if I go into my edge selection mode that one and that one they are equidistant the same distance apart from that middle line or where that middle line was now that's a keyboard shortcut for the devil tool as well it is controlled beyond your keyboard so if I go into edge selection mode and select an edge if I press control B on my keyboard and move my mouse out I can bevel and I can specify just by moving my mouse if I scroll with my mouse wheel I can bevel that out or add segments and make it round if I click of course I still get all of my options and I believe if I have vertices selected and I press control shift B on my keyboard control shift B as opposed to control B will bevel just vertices so that's control B and control shift B the last tool is called the inset faces tool and to use this tool you have to be in face selection mode because it's called inset faces tool and so if I go into face like mode and select a face and I click on that face and drag towards its middle I can make what's called a smaller inset face that means a face inside of the size of the original face and as you can see it's kind of like making a picture frame or a window or let's say if I undo that and I want to make a square cup or at least a hole in the middle of this cup that goes down into it well I can select the face and I can that with the inset faces tool click and drag and make a smaller face inside which I can then extrude down into that shape so if I tap a on my keyboard I can extrude down and then I can click when I'm happy and if I were to undo that and then go into wireframe mode I could see actually what I'm doing and I could tap E and go down and that way I could see where it is inside of that shape so that's the inset faces tool really simple if I want to use that with a keyboard shortcut I'll turn off x-ray mode I could use the I key to a letter I on your keyboard if I tap it I can move my mouse and click and one of the handy things about the inset faces tool is that you can make an inset around a corner so if I have two faces selected and I tap I look what happens it makes an inset but it bends it around a corner that used to be really hard to do in blender before this tool came into blender and it's actually not a tool that has always been in other programs like Maya or 3ds to do max as well so people actually switched over to blender in order to use just this tool I heard about that for at least one video game company that was making some models for their game how you used to be able to have to do this is if you would use the extrude tool because you can do this kind of with the extrude tool if I tap e on my keyboard and then I right-click to put that face back where it was which is dangerous because now there's double vertices if I tap s now I can scale down and that's really the same as an inset but if you do that around a corner so if I undo and do I have no okay it's good if I have two faces selected around a corner and I tap E and I right-click my tap s well that's kind of what happens and yes those ways you can fix that and you can put your 3d cursor in places and scale towards your 3d cursor but if I were to just move this up and move this over you can see that I have almost the same thing but now that edge is thicker than these ones and that one is thick too and that's not what I want so if I undo that and just making sure I got to undo one more time there we go and then I tap I on my keyboard I can inset and it'll be all nice and even it might not be even though because there's an option that I already have checked if I uncheck offset even which might not be on by default you can see what happens it looks all kind of wonky again but that's the little checkbox to fix it and the inset tool can even do in set and out set kind of like extrude so those lots of ways many things of doing modeling to make the shape that you want in blender okay so it's time to go ahead and make that Vedek showed you in the first part of this video so I've got a blank empty scene with just a camera and a lamp and my three cursors in the middle of my scene and that's important because of course that 3d cursor is where new objects get added to your scene if you've held shift and you've right-click somewhere else and you've moved your 3d cursor around if you press shift S on your keyboard with your mouse in this window shift S will bring up this pie menu or you can say cursor to world origin and that's how you get that back to the middle of your scene now if you go and add a mesh cube which is how we're going to start making that house it'll go to the middle of your scene so let's press tab to go into edit mode and first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna make some loop cuts around my cube actually know what I'm gonna break out of edit mode back to object mode and I'm gonna hold ctrl and drag up this cube so it's sitting nice and flat on my ground it's one meter down so it's half way through the ground by default so back to edit mode tab and I'm gonna press alt a deselect all and I'm gonna use the cut tool and I'm gonna make a cut up and throw right through the middle of my house essentially because I'm gonna make an edge for the roof and I can pull up so just so you know this red axis is the x-axis and your senior I'm gonna consider that the side-to-side access on my in my world and the Y green axis will be the front and back so if you're modeling with the Y so I decide just know that yours might look a little bit different than mine so let's go ahead and make a cut there with a loop cut tool so click for it right in the middle now if you were to go into the selection tool and select the top edge and drag it up you get a roof to your house but what that will do for later on is if I were to make another loop cut I'm gonna use ctrl R this time I'm gonna try to flip back and forth between the tool and the keyboard shortcut version in this last part of this video so if I use ctrl R and make a loop cut look what happens it it's not straight across and that's gonna make it hard and make the bottoms of windows and and tops of doors and things like that so I'm gonna undo and I press escape to get out of this tool that's how you that and I'm going to press ctrl-z on my keyboard and that will move that back down I'll use the active tool again and I'll make a loop cut by clicking and dragging like that and this is gonna be the top of our garage and this will stop that diagonal edge from happening the top of the garage is gonna be right there in fact I might undo that and just click and drag and put it a little bit lower down mm-hmm right about there probably the same place now I can go and use my selection tool and select that and at age but you might notice that and I thought they had solved this in the beta versions of blender 2.8 but I can't seem to click through the circle of my gizmo so if you zoom in you can then see and select beside your gizmo if that makes sense I couldn't select things in here I don't know why that is still I thought they fixed it so I can drag that up now or you can press G and then Z on your keyboard and move your mouse and click so I like both like that so the garage is gonna come out of this side of the house and in order to make the garage it doesn't quite hit the front of the house and the back of the house it's a little bit shorter or narrower so I'm gonna use ctrl R on my keyboard to make a loop cut right around there there and I'm gonna click and then right click to put it in the middle and because I don't need right now an edge in the middle of the garage actually know what I will because I'll have a roof running down the middle of my garage it'll be a point I need to move up I was gonna use the bevel tool with that edge loop selected but you can see that if I scroll down it leaves actually no what I can just leave it like that I can use the bevel tool and just scroll so I have an edge left in the middle of it that's great so I'm gonna put the front and back of my garage I'm looking at the edge it's gonna go there and there I'm gonna move it to rate about mmm there I kind of like that let's go ahead and extrude out the garage so I'll select faces grab those two faces use the extrude region tool and pull those out I don't care how far it goes in actual fact I'm just gonna eyeball it here so all just let it go about there sure and I'm gonna make the top of the garage door and the bottom of the garage door and after I do that I'll move the roof edge point up so I'll use the active tool this time and I'm gonna click right there now I don't need a middle line in my garage door so I'm going to use the bevel tool here and I'll use the actual active tool over here so I can click and drag and that will not leave me with a middle line and that's great so right about mmm there sure I'm use ctrl R to make a loop cut around the top of the garage door so right there and I'll click and I'll do the active tool this time I'll use the loop cut and I'll click and drag this time and I want there to be a little lip on the bottom of the garage door so your car would kind of bump over this little cement that's raised up and the reason we're doing that is because we're when we extrude inward if you have if you extrude inward and it's at the same level as the bottom face it would not work out too well you'd have two faces and facing in different directions on the exact same plane and that doesn't look good so let's go and select that garage door face and I'm you still using the loop cut tool so I can't actually select faces so I'm gonna use my selection tool and grab that face and I'll just tap e on my keyboard to extrude and I'll move my mouse and click so now I've got my garage door done the last thing for this part of the house is I'm gonna select edges I'm gonna select that edge and that edge and that edge will shift of course and I'll drag them straight up so now I have a roof on my garage next up is the front porch and the door the front porch is right on the ground level but it's taller than this little lip that we've got going around so I'm gonna make another loop cut I'll use ctrl R to do that and I will click and then click right about hmm they're sure and I'm going to need to use that I always forget its name it's the offset edge loop cut tool to split this loop cut this or this loop down across out and out so we have our porch sides that we can extrude out from so I'm going to hold alt on my keyboard I'm an edge select mode if I hold alt and of course click on that edge it'll select the whole edge loop which is what I want and I'm gonna press control B actually no I'm not gonna press control B if I beveled it would actually get rid of that roof at the top you can see right there if I press control B I'm gonna orbit and pan down or zoom and pen down if I press control B and then scroll up once I could get it like that but it's still not the same at the top obviously so the way you solve that is by using this offset edge loop cut tool if I click and drag now it won't go one way but it'll go the other I can make the sides of my porch okay so right about mmm there okay while I'm at it I might as well make the sides of the door so I'm gonna hold alt and right click or alt and click pardon me that's the old two-point-seven blender talking because used to right-click to select things I'm gonna hold alt and click on an edge to select its whole loop and then same thing I'll click and drag with my offset edge loop cut tool and that's gonna be the width of my door so let's go and select faces let's select that one I need to be in selection mode because it won't let me select faces with that tool well that's a little something I have to get used to faces there we go that one all 8 of these faces and it can get tricky if your gizmo gets in the way and I'll use the actual active tool the extrude region tool and extrude that as our region so now I have a front porch and I'm gonna move it out a little bit more like that I'm kind of happy with that the front door needs to have a top this is not that it's too tall so I'm gonna do a loop cut ctrl R or of course I can use my active tool and I'll and drag and I like that as a front door height so now I can go and select those two in with the selection tool those two faces and tap e to extrude in orit's and I'm gonna have a little window with a rounded top on it radiates around here this is a good bottom that's okay with me but we need to make a top set of edges for the top of the window so I'll press ctrl R and as you can see this is a slanted edge but that's actually okay for me because I do want this taught to be rounded it and it just turns out that's okay so I'm going to click and then I'll put it right about there and I'm gonna take those two faces and I'm gonna select them and I'm gonna tap e to extrude them a little bit inwards and to round out the corners in other words in edge select mode this edge and this edge I'm going to bevel and I'm actually not use the active tool I prefer the the keyboard shortcut ctrl B in this case because control B will let you scroll as you're using it and then you can figure out how many segments you want so control B and it gave me two segments by default but if I scroll I can get more as I'm adjusting it so what I'm gonna do is and making myself a few more than that it's making kind of funny polygons that are diagonal but I'm okay with that so we'll undo and just start that again and I like right about there I'm happy with that kind of I don't want this point so I'm gonna go and select this edge and bevel it as well but I'm going to need to give it a different number of segments here so control B and then those habits are smaller so I'm gonna scroll down to make them match okay it's not the greatest topology in the world topology means kind of how your edges and faces are laid out but I'm happy with it at least for the year you're maybe your first time modeling something like this I'm okay if you were to put an image texture on this and you would want straight edges across and not want something funny like that so you might go and do some Rita pologize in drawing new edges and erasing old edges and fixing them up so they're all nice square even polygons but for this we don't mind so last two things we need to make a breakfast nook a house would not be complete without a breakfast nook so I'm gonna go into ed selection mode and we also need to add a chimney of course so I'll go into edge select mode and I'm gonna hold alt and a right-click or alt and click partly on the middle edge to select the entire edge loop and I'm gonna use that edge loop and slide or offset edge loop cut tool but I'm gonna use a keyboard shortcut this time control shift R and then I can move my mouse out and the breakfast look will be about mmm that wide I'm happy with that and the breakfast looks not gonna go down this far so I'll do a loop cut ctrl R it's gonna start right about and I'll click and drag or just click once and then I'll click right about mmm there it's a good starting point for the breakfast nook and let's go and select the faces that we're gonna start with so right about there I think yeah I think I don't need to go up quite that high that's a very tall breakfast nook and I'm gonna extrude these out so I'll tap e on my keyboard and move that out and I think I'll move that edge out so I'll grab just that edge and that one and move using the move gizmo and I'm gonna grab the edges on the sides and I'm gonna bevel them so control B and I don't want it to be rounded so I'll scroll down until it are flat and that looks pretty good to me now just to know here that this face and this face and the ones on the bottom are no longer part of a nice continuous or contiguous set of edges or polygons that flow nicely around so if I were to a loop cut which I'm about to do for the chimney were just gonna come out right here I want to make a loop cut across watch what happens control R on my keyboard you see what happens it doesn't go across it doesn't touch my breakfast nook kind of stops there the reason why that's happening and I'm going to click and right-click to put it in the middle there is that this edge loop wants to keep going and no to cut through all these parallel edges and cut them in half but when it gets here it kind of goes and says hmm which one am I supposed to go to my that's supposed to cut across there or there it doesn't know it it doesn't follow the easy to recognize pattern so these are called n-gons n-gons are polygons with multiple or more than three or four sides or edges so this face has one two three four and it had five faces and that's not a normal polygon with just four or three so it gets confused and it stops just seeing no you might want to think about that as you're modeling okay I don't care in this case because I'm not cutting or using that edge here so I'll just leave it as it is but I'm going to undo that and I'm gonna do a loop cut ctrl R and put it where I want so I'm gonna click and then put it right about let's say right about there okay that face right there I'll select it will be our chimney and this is a little trick it requires using some of those modifier keys if I extrude right now if I tap e on my keyboard it'll go to handle e up but if i press e to extrude i can then press a direction I'm gonna press Z so E and then Z and I can move that straight up and when I'm happy with its height roughly I'll click now it's has a diagonal top and I don't want that well we can fix that with modifier keys if I scale if I tap S on my keyboard or grab that little handle the blue handle I can squash it flat and if I can get it perfectly flat that's what I'm going for but what I can actually do and I'll leave it to agonal is tap s on my keyboard and I'm gonna scale but if I tap a direction I'll tap Z so s and then Z look what happens I can move my mouse inward and scale it to be flat and notice I'm scaling to be zero on the AK on the z axis so if I tap s and then Z and then I type zero on my keyboard and then press enter on my keyboard I've just flattened it too zero sz0 enter so good I think I think we're almost there last step we're gonna inset and extrude inwards here so I'll tap I on my keyboard or I'll use the active tool and I will click and drag in sometimes if you have a stretch out face what you might need to do is if you got a result that looks something like that or something like that and you got an uneven thickness what you might need to do in this this applies to beveling as well as it applied cuts it might apply to loop cuts as well is you might need to go back into object mode and go up to the object menu when you're in object mode and what they mesh selected you can go to apply scale and in fact you might as well just do apply rotation and scale and that basically zeros out all the transforms and that leaves your object actually knowing that it's it's own stretched shape so object apply rotation and scale is always a good thing to do once in a while in object mode I'll go and press tab let's finish this off I'll tap I on my keyboard to inset and I'll click that'll be the thickness and I'll use the active tool and I'll drag the extrude or the active extrude tool and drag a straight down and we have a finished house so let's just use the selection tool I'll turn off my gizmos to get a good look at it and as you can see we've got a finished house so that will be it for this video thanks for watching of course if you like this video over learn something go ahead and click on that like button below this video it really helps me in my channel out if you wanna see more videos like this one in planar 2.8 or in the Godot game engine click on the subscribe button and click on the bell icon to get notified whenever I upload a new tutorial check out my facebook page at slash born CG on that page I post sneak peeks and previews of what I'm working on next and that's where I communicate with you guys the most but that'll be it for this one thanks for watching goodbye you you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 173,571
Rating: 4.967083 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, tutorial, lesson, 3D, model, modeling, modelling, beginner, vertex, edge, face, extrude, 2.8, loop cut, inset, bevel
Id: CmBMcYVW9x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 2sec (3182 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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