Modeling FLOOR PLANS From IMAGES in Blender! Step by Step Tutorial PART 1

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whoo what's up guys Justin here with the CG essentials comp back with another blender architectural modeling tutorial for you so in today's video we're gonna import an image and create a floor plan from that image so let's go ahead and jump into it so note that there are a number of different ways to model this out what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the built in add-on ARCA pack in order to create our walls if you don't want to use our capac I will link to a video where I talk about several other ways to create walls inside of blender and so to start off what we're gonna do is we're gonna import an image and bring it into scale and so I have a more detailed video on this but in this situation I'm just gonna start by setting a top-down view and then I'm gonna drag my image into our model so I'm just gonna click and drag and drop this right here remember that you need to be in a straight up-and-down view in order for this to come in properly otherwise this will come in at a weird angle and so what that's done is that's brought this in here as an empty well now what we want to do is we want to start by getting this to scale so I'm going to delete out my default model then what I'm gonna do and you need to make sure that you've enabled the extra objects add-on in order to do this you can just go up to edit preferences and just look for add mesh extra objects when you do that when you enable that what that's gonna do is that's gonna allow you to add in a vertex so I'm gonna do a shift a and I'm going to add a mesh and then I want to look for single vertex and click add single vertex what that's gonna do is that's gonna add a vertex at my origin point and you can see how this automatically moved me into edit mode so what I want to do is I want to select that vertex and then I want to extrude this the length of one of my rooms or one of my known lengths so in this situation you can see how my bedroom is 11 feet wide so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to tap the e key and you can see how when I extrude this what this is going to do is this is gonna allow me to extrude another vertex out it's basically like drawing a line and so I'm gonna go ahead and tap the X key in order to lock this to the x-axis and I'm going to type in 11 feet and hit the enter key and you can see how my units are currently set to inches so I'm gonna change this to feet and then I can change this to 11 feet down in my extrude region and move box and so what that did is that move this 11 feet this way so now we have a reference line that we can use in order to set our image up so now I'm gonna take my image and I'm gonna move it until the corner right here aligns with the corner of my edge that I drew and so what that means is that means I can now come in here and I can scale this image up so that it aligns with this line right here and so one thing you may want to do is you may want to change the image pivot point so right now if I tap the S key it's gonna scale based on this pivot point that's in the very center I'm just gonna tap the period key and I want to set this so that my period are so that my pivot point is set at the 3d cursor so what that means is that means if I click on that now if I scale this out it's gonna scale out based on the location of the 3d cursor so what that means is that means I can use this in order to align this image with that edge so you can see I'm scaling this in and out and this is only going to be close if you want things to be exact you may need to import like a CAD file or something but this will get us really close and so what this is done is this is basically set it so that now our image is scaled so that this section right here is 11 feet long and so if I was to come in here with the measure tool just to double-check I could click and drag a measurement in here and you can see how the inside of this room is about 11 feet which is exactly what we want it to be and so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna start adding our walls so to add our walls in we want to use the extension our Capac which is built in to blender so we can go into edit preferences and you want to check the box for our capac note that i have the pro version of this you really might want to consider the pro version because it gives you the ability to add um like materials and other things like that to both sides of the walls I'm gonna leave this on the free version right now because I want this to be a video that everyone can use in order to start creating walls inside blender so make sure that you have enabled arcattack then that's gonna give you the ability to add walls when you do a shift a so you can see how what I've done so I've done a shift a to add a mesh note that I am in object mode and then I want to go down to our capac and I want to select the option for wall and so when I do that that's gonna build a wall based on my 3d cursor point right here and so notice how when I add my wall there's a few different things I can do with this so when I first added in this wall the cool thing about our Capac is it allows you to set things like your wall Heights so in this case I'm gonna set my wall to 10 feet just by clicking on them and then typing in a value so you can use this in order to set things like the width the height other things like that so you can see how I can mouse over this and I can set a length and I can also set the thickness of my wall by clicking over here so in this situation my wall is going to be we'll call it four inches for right now so I'm just gonna type in a value of 0.33 just for simplicity's sake and hit the enter key so one thing we need to do here is we need to rotate this wall so I'm just going to tap the R key then tap the z key to lock it to this axis and type in a value of ninety or negative ninety and hit the enter key so what that allowed me to do is that allowed me to rotate my wall well now I can come in here and start typing in values for lengths so for example this one I want this to have a length of 11 feet so I'm just going to type in 11 and hit the enter key and then once I get to a corner what I want to do is I want to add another segment so I'm gonna add a segment right here and I can adjust the direction that the wall turns for the new segment so in this situation I'm just gonna type in a value of negative 90 at the inner key and so what I want to do is I want to start by modeling out the exterior walls inside of my model so in order to do that I can just come in here and start adding in the different segments that I need using these tools and so you can see how what I'm doing is I'm just coming in here and I'm just adding segments and then I'm setting them to the proper length so it's not exactly rocket science you just come in here you add a segment you set the length and you just keep going so I'm probably gonna speed this part of the video up because I'm just gonna be coming in here and adding different walls is all that I'm going to be doing so I'm going to start by creating the outside walls of my apartment all right and then for the last wall what we want to do is we just want to click on this and tap the N key in order to bring up the ARCA pack menu make sure you selected ARCA pack and we're just gonna check this box for clothes what that's gonna do that's gonna extend this wall so that this closes the loop that we've created in here so what this did is this allowed us to create all of these different wall parts in here as segments notice how you can each one of these segments to make them straight or curved inside of your settings down below alright so now let's start adding our interior walls so adding our interior walls is gonna be similar to adding our exterior walls the first thing I'm going to do is so I just want to do a shift a and just want to add a wall so that'll get our wall piece in here so one thing you could do is you could click and drag this over but that starts getting a little bit weird and we want to change a setting first so what I want to do is I'm gonna undo that then I'm gonna turn my snapping on so I'm gonna go up here I'm gonna click on this button right here to turn on snapping and I also want to set this to snap to vertex and so when we set this to snap to vertex what that's gonna allow us to do is that's gonna allow us to select our wall tap the G key notice how my pivot point was on that corner and I can move this over and it'll actually snap to this wall point so what that did is that allowed me to align the corner of this wall with this wall so we still need to make some changes so inside of the arca pack menu we're going to select this wall notice how we get this option right here for part one so that's segment part one of this wall right well we're gonna click this little drop down this allows us to set our start angle of our wall well in this case our start angle is 90 degrees well I'm just going to type in a value of negative 90 degrees and hit the enter key what that did is that aligned my wall with this other wall right here and so notice how when we select this we're not getting any of the options to adjust the lengths anymore so all you need to do in order to get those back because these are smart objects that this creates is you just need to click on the button for manipulate so select this and click on manipulate and that will bring those back so now we can come in here and we can keep working with our walls so in this situation what I'm gonna do is I'm going to set my thickness again to 0.3 so 4 inches and I'm gonna start working on my wall and one thing I want to do when I do this we go ahead and set the height to 10 feet one thing I want to do when I do this is I want to make segments in here for at least where the other walls intersect in here you could also do it for your doors if you wanted to that would give you kind of a that would give you a snap point if you wanted to use this vertex snapping in this case I'm just going to set it for this wall right here so we're just gonna click and drag this out and get this kind of close and we can see how this is gonna be about 15 foot 5 inches so we're gonna do a 15 point 5 then we're gonna add a little segment I'm going to set this segment to be 0 degrees so I'm going to type in 0 right here and you can actually set this and we're just going to set this across so that we get another snap point on this wall right here so I'm going to set this to a value of five point three three then I'm going to add another segment over here and in this situation this is just gonna have a angle of zero now we're just going to drag this across until it intersects with this other wall just like this so now we have our dividing wall in here well if you remember what we did is we set this so that there's a point right here and right here well what that means is that means we now have a snap point for the next wall that we add so we're just gonna do a shift a add a mesh we're gonna add a wall then we're just gonna do the same thing remember that we have our vertex snapping on so I'm just gonna tap the G key and remove this so that it snaps with this wall right here and again notice how we're gonna set our start angle to we're gonna say 180 make sure to set your wall thickness to the proper thickness and then we'll just set our width right here set the depth the space right here and actually we're going to want that to be back a little bit or maybe not one of the cool things about this is you can adjust all of these right so if I do something wrong like I did right there I can just adjust it so all of these different wall pieces are still active as long as you don't apply this wall modifier that's in here so this has a custom modifier that creates a wall but we're just going to drag this until it intersects with this other wall we'll call that good so I'm gonna go through and I'm gonna add the rest of the walls in really quick and then we can talk a little bit about starting to add our doors all right so we've got half of our walls in we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna call this good for right now so you would just follow the exact same process over here for your other walls but now what we want to do is we want to add doors in so in this situation for example let's say that we wanted to add our door right here well all we have to do is just do a shift a in order to do that going to mesh and then pick a door so you can see how when we do a shift a to add add or you can select a kind of door that we have in here so for this one we're just gonna select this 80 by 200 and we'll have to resize this a little bit that's okay what I want to do though is I want to take this door I'm just gonna move it so it's aligned with this wall and so notice how at the moment it's a little bit too thick and there's some editing that needs to happen so for example notice how these are all dynamic so since they're all dynamic what that means is that means I can adjust them on-the-fly either by using the settings in the architect menu over here or by adjusting them right here so you may want to think about going into wireframe mode if you want to get a better view of the way this door is going to look but notice how I can adjust this so that my frame aligns with my wall then I can also adjust the depth of my door so depending on how thick your wall is your door is going to have a certain thickness right so I'm just going to maybe go back to solid mode here for a second so now we've got our door in our wall and so one other cool thing about this is once you've got your door set so it's inside of my wall right here you can actually go into your create functions you can select your wall and then you can click on the button for create boolean and so what that's done is that's basically added a boolean that cuts a hole for our door frame inside of our model so you see how it gives us kind of this uh this kind of like outline right here what that's doing is that's using the location of the door in order to cut an opening for your frame and so the cool thing about this is the hole is wide enough that you can make any changes and it's gonna stay in there and you can also move it around so if we go back to our architect menu select manipulate manipulate like this you can see how you can adjust the door and when you adjust the door the boolean is adjusting with it and so that means the hole is adjusting with it so we can use this in order to adjust our door you can also come in here and just the size of the frame as well so we could do like a will give it a depth of 0.33 and hit the enter key notice how that's giving us probably too much depth but you can adjust this dynamically as you're going until you can get the look that you're going for in here so you can set the size of your door all of that stuff inside of this window as well and so I'm just going to go through here and add a few more doors all right so that's Herman in the first video this should give you a pretty good idea of how you can get started adding walls and doors inside of your models I'd love to hear from you guys what you'd like to see next in this series we can add materials we can add furniture there's a lot of different things we could do with this but I'd love to hear what you think in the comments down below I'll feel like this video please we're going to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 92,233
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender floor plan, blender floor plan image, blender modeling floor plan, blender floor plan model, blender floor plan from image, blender floor plan image scale, blender scale floor plan, blender floor plan scale model
Id: eiDVmoecTw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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