Blender 2.9 3D Architecture 1- Build a Simple House

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hello and welcome to another blender architectural video for this video i'm going to build a model for a simple house again but this time i'm going to use an architectural package that comes with blender so first we need to enable the package and i do that by going to edit here on the top left then down to preferences then you click on add-ons here on the left and the package we're looking for is called archimesh i can type in arc and it comes up i already got it enabled here but if you don't have it enabled make sure you check this box and now i can go back to my scene okay um i need to delete all these objects and you can do that by pressing a that selects everything and now you can hit the delete key okay um now i'm going to add an object actually a mesh and if you go down here to your options you see that you have your architectural package here at the bottom and so for a simple house we need four walls to start with and i don't see any walls on this list i'm gonna select the next thing that has walls which is a room i'll go ahead and click on it and looks like the simplest room is just the flat vertical plane okay we need to turn that into a room and you do that by going to the menu of your architectural package you can go to the right and open this tab where you see this little arrow and you can also use the shortcut key n to open and close that tab and then your archimesh menu is down here with this tab create i click on that and you see we have a menu for the room we just add it um so i'm gonna click on this um yeah this number this tab so you can see what it does i click on it and i slide my mouse to the right see that that controls the height um but yeah i'm just going to leave it 2.4 i think that's what it was and then the next option here is the thickness and you see there you have variable thickness here you can select that i'm gonna change it to 0.1 to make it a little bit thick okay now if we go down to the next option you have the number of walls so currently we only have one let's add one more now you have two and it's starting to look more like a room except that these walls are a little bit short i'm gonna increase the length of one of them let's do wall one increase it to three meters that's a good size uh let's do the same for wall two but i want to show something here i want to show what it does if you go in the negative direction you can see that it just goes the other way it expands the wall on the other direction so let's make it the same length but on that direction on the negative direction i'm gonna type in negative three okay now we have two walls we need a couple more three let's fix this one first again we need to go on the negative direction here and we need to go negative three meters to be exact okay and we are almost done with the walls you have two options to close them here you can do this automatic close box you can check it and that closes your walls or you can do one more wall and give it the same length three also closes your walls okay now that we have all the walls we need to add um a door a house needs a door so you close your room menu and you open your archimesh menu and then you go down here under elements you select door okay you have your door there um and you can also see here on the right that you have a door group actually several elements and currently only your door frame is selected make sure you select all of them all of them by holding down shift and left mouse click select the entire group now i'm going to place the door in front of the house and i can do that by pressing g and then z i'm sorry y now it's x okay and you slide it to the middle of the house that's in the front and you can actually open this door so if you select is the frame this rectangle of the you know the inner frame is for the door and then you can press r for rotate and then z and if you rotate it out that opens the door which we can see is not really a door because the wall still there so we need to fix that and you do that by selecting your room and then you go to your arc image menu and you see these room tools here you can select this option out of holes and that makes a hole on your door automatically it's pretty nice okay now that we got our door we can also add a window which you can do from your elements also and we're gonna do this one railwindows i'm gonna actually deselect everything first and then i click on rail windows and there's my window again this is a group so to select everything you go to your scene collection on the top right and go to your window group hold down shift and select everything with your left mouse okay now i wanna raise it to you know higher towards the center of the house i do that by selecting g z and i move it up it looks good and i also need to rotate it so i hit r and i think i need negative 90 degrees i type in negative 90. oh i forgot to do z first so you do r then z and then negative 90. okay now we we just need to slide it along the green axis which is your y-axis so i do g and then y and slide it to the right okay good and here you can do the same with the same thing as the door you can select one of the windows and you can hit g then y and you can slide it open uh now we can see that that's not really a window we still have the wall there so we're gonna do the same thing with it with the door you select your room and then on your room tools you click on auto holds and you can see that i made a hole for the window you can see it you can see both holes here got your window and your door and we're almost done um i'm gonna go back to the room menu and you have these options here ceiling and floor so let's add a floor i'm gonna go ahead and check this box and that added a floor automatically and to complete this model i'm also going to add a ceiling again i go ahead and select room and i check ceiling on the room menu at the top create a ceiling and you have a ceiling also thank you for watching this video
Channel: Applied Adaptive Learning
Views: 16,520
Rating: 4.9088607 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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