ABSOLUTE Beginner Basics.. Blender For Noobs

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hey guys and welcome back to another video on the road builder youtube channel today i'm gonna try my best to go over the absolute beginner basics of blender uh i've been asked so many times to do a beginner blender video and the only struggle i have is there's so much to cover so i don't know what to keep in a video and what to get rid of but today i'm gonna be focusing on the absolute beginner basics like you've never opened this program before i'mma help you build your first model okay so when you first open it up you're gonna get greeted with this screen you're gonna see a cube and uh that's about it okay and then this little outline on it which means it's selected first things first i want to go over how to move in blender because it is a bit different than a roblox studio and hey if this video happens to reach people outside of the roblox community hello i will compare to roblox studio first things first guys your middle mouse wheel okay your little scrolly thing is how you zoom in and out i know i did those backwards and then pressing in the middle scroll wheel you can rotate around an object by holding in the middle scroll wheel on your mouse and moving your mouse around you can rotate around the object very very nicely now if you hold shift and hold in your middle mouse wheel you're now scrolling away from it so this is like good in case you want to like i don't know say your your object was long okay look at this we have oh my gosh i can't see my whole mesh you can hold shift and your middle mouse wheel and kind of scroll through to see everything so that right there is pretty much all movement is in blender just mouse wheel uh and mouse that's it guys so to fly around you can press shift and f and that'll put you in this free cam mode and then you can use wasd to kind of go around wherever you want to look into it i don't really use this that much i used to use it a lot when i was starting out that's the only reason i'm mentioning it because it might help some people but after you get down the actual like mechanics of moving i don't think you'll really be using that too much because there's just so much it's so much easier and faster to just kind of whip around like this now in blender there's something called orthographic views i think that's how you say it and if you have a number pad on your keyboard if you press one you'll flip straight to this front orthographic if you press three you'll go to the right seven is the top and nine is the bottom so that's kind of how you use those if you want to know if you do not have a number pad on your keyboard you can hold alt and your middle mouse wheel down and kind of scroll over so right now we're on the right if we scroll over this way we're on the front if we do it again left back if you go like this top and bottom so if you use alt and press down your middle mouse wheel you're going to be all good all good to go and you don't need a number pad so i think that is everything for the movement side of things in blender i kind of stumbled my words but it's all good i'm trying out here up next we're gonna go into the modes the only two modes you really need to know as a beginner is edit mode and object mode right now we're in object mode and we can do things like scale this if we want to that's about it though if you press tab on your keyboard you're going to go into something called edit mode now as you can see all the vertices which are these points here are like a bit darker of an orange which means those are highlighted you have three selection modes you can use in blender there's vertices mode which we're on right now line select mode which as you can see it selects the lines or face select mode which is probably the most used one by most people unless you're doing a very very detailed model now with that being said we're going to be in this face select mode and there's really only a couple hotkeys that you're going to want to know and really there's only a couple that you're going to use overall in blender for most your objects the first one and arguably the most important one in blender is e if you press e it's going to extrude your object giving you more of that object to work with so now instead of having only the one face i can you know grab these and you know move them how i want so extruding is probably the most used one and then s is the second for scale so if you press s and then just move your mouse you can scale now you can team these up as well so if you press e and then s now you are scaling the extruded piece so you're not scaling the normal face you've extruded it alright so those are the main two hotkeys there is a couple more that i'm going to go ahead and go over though we have let me go ahead and just mess this up a little bit so it's not a perfect cube so this will look a lot more demonstratable there we go uh we have r which is rotate and it's as simple as it sounds now if you're looking at this like in a weird angle your rotate is going to be on a weird axis but if you press r and then your direction so right up here you could see z would move it up and down so r and then z we're gonna move on this axis all right and i use this little thing all the time because i always get confused like oh what button am i supposed to click what way is what way kind of a deal so r and then any axis is how you're going to rotate along that axis and you can do that with anything as well if i wanted to for example extrude this but i only wanted to extrude it on the x-axis i could put e and then x and now as you can see it's locked on the x-axis and you could do that with anything if you want to scale and then press x it's only going to scale on the x-axis uh s and then y it's only going to scale on the y-axis this is going to be very helpful later on another very widely used one but i don't use it that much apparently a lot of people do is going to be g if you press g on your keyboard it's going to grab so you can kind of just move it wherever you want to move it and then of course if you want to lock it on an access you could press g and then whatever axis you want to lock it on now this last one nobody really really uses it but i do think it's important once i figured out about this i was like wow that is a game changer uh and i don't know if it overly needs to be included in a super beginner tutorial but it was awesome when i found it out so i want to share it with you guys and it's this guy right up here proportional editing so you can just click on the button or you can press o on your keyboard and what this does is it pairs up with for example scale or grab we'll use scale and let me add a couple loop cuts in here as well which is ctrl r while you're in edit mode and you can use your scroll wheel to go ahead and add more or less we're gonna add two of them since we have this proportional editing tagged on if we were to press g we have this little circle and we can use the scroll wheel to affect how much it's grabbing so as you can see we have this but if we scroll in on our mouse wheel it's not going to be grabbing as much so this is very cool like for example if you made a whole tree uh you can grab the top point of that tree and then add a curve to it at the end just something i thought was amazing might definitely be confusing to new players or not new players new modelers and last but not least guys to sum up this whole little beginner tutorial and i know there wasn't anything insane like i said this is for the absolute beginner basics um how to spawn in objects because a lot of times you're not going to want to model with just a cube so we can go ahead and delete this guy press shift and then a and you're going to get this little pop-up right here now mesh right here is most of the time what you're going to be using and you want to pick whatever resembles what you're trying to make the most so if you were making a tree you'd probably go with a cylinder and then you could go through back into edit mode and use all the tricks we already learned for like extruding scaling all that kind of stuff if you wanted to add a leafs to the tree you would want to use like an icosphere for low poly anyways and then edit it however you would like it to be but shift a is how you add in new meshes i think that's going to wrap it up for the very basics of blender tutorial if you did enjoy and you want like the next step up let me know in the comments and by dropping a like on this video guys like comment and subscribe have a great day later
Channel: RoBuilder
Views: 43,789
Rating: 4.9518933 out of 5
Keywords: Austin, Enders
Id: Z8sg0nHNTTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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