Architectural Modeling in Blender IS HERE! Architectural Modeling with ArchiPack!

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what's up guys Justin here with the CG essential stuck on back with another blender add-on tutorial for you so in today's video we're gonna learn how to use our Capac in order to start creating architectural models inside of blender so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so in this video I wanted to talk through how to use some of the tools built into the our capac addon so if there's enough interest I will go back through and maybe do another video doing more of like a start to finish like house model or something like that there's been a lot of interest in architectural modeling inside a blender so I wanted to kind of talk a little bit about this add-on so to start off the ARCA pack add-on you can find more information about it at blender - ARCA pack org and so our Capac is basically a toolset designed to help you create architectural models inside a blender and so what this does is this allows you to create different things like walls and floors and roofs and other things like that really quickly it's basically designed to be an easy to use architectural tool pack for blender and so you can find information about this here there's two different versions of our cue pack so there's actually a version built in to blender 2.8 and above which adds some of that functionality into your modeling tool set and then there's also a paid version that has more tools so things like manipulating walls while you're drawing or wall auto snap other things like that saving things to your library those can be had with the paid version so I currently do have the paid version but I'm going to talk through some of the wall creation stuff for the free version as well so let's go ahead and talk about how to add this in to blender so to start off in order to do this if you have version 2.8 or above you can just go into edit preferences and I'm gonna do a search real quick for our cue pack and so you can see how for mine I have two options in here right I have our capac Pro which is the version that I've downloaded and installed and then I also have this version right here at the add mesh architect so the add mesh are compact that doesn't say pro now that's gonna be the free one built into blender and for now why don't I turn pro off and I'll turn the regular one on so that we can kind of see what's contained inside of that and then in the future we can talk a little bit more about the pro functions but so built in what this tool has and this is the free built in version is it adds the ability inside of your add mesh menu in order to add some different things so you can add things like walls windows doors other things like that into your models really quickly and so let's say for example we wanted to add a wall we would do a shift a go to mesh our Capac and click on wall what that's gonna do is that's gonna add a wall into your model and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna set my units to feet for right now and so notice what that does is that creates a wall segment in here with different things that you can adjust so for example you can adjust the height the width and the length and so right now this is just a single wall piece right and all of these are editable so for example I can come in here and I can type in a value of 15 feet and hit the enter key and this is going to live update inside of your model so in addition I can adjust things like the height by clicking on them and then typing in a value so notice how I can adjust the thickness other things like that and so for right now what we have in here is we have our wall however there's only one piece of our wall in here well what we can do is we can click on this little arrow right here and that's going to add another wall segment into our model so let's say we wanted this to be 20 feet long you type in a value of 20 well notice how now we have two wall segments in here as well as an angle on the corner that you can adjust as well so notice how I can either click and drag this or I can type on the value and depending on the level of precision you want most of the time you're going to end up typing in a value but all of these have different points that you can click and drag and edit notice how this also pops up a little menu down below that gives you information about different modifiers so for example if I do a shift Z says I can constrain this to the XY plane what that means is that means that this is going to keep this on the XY plane it's not gonna do anything with the z-plane and again notice how this is all adjusting dynamically inside of my model and so let's say I wanted to close this in I could add it in another wall segment here and then one more and so another cool thing about this is notice when you close in this wall it's automatically closing it off on the corner right here so it's making it into a singular wall piece notice how these are all still editable so if I wanted to adjust the height of all of them I can adjust this right here and the cool thing about this is I can click off of this and then click back on it and still adjust it so I haven't lost the ability to edit this when I do this and so in addition you can also add doors and windows by doing a shift a and under are Capac selecting the option for door or window notice how though when you first open this up you might notice that there's nothing actually contained in here so you can't pick anything to add to your model so what you need to do in order to fix that is you need to allow this to render out your preview thumbnails so the way that you do that is you go up to edit and I'm gonna right click to get out of this you're gonna go to edit preferences then under are capac there's gonna be an option right here for render presets thumbs and so I think you only have to do this once but what this is gonna do is it's gonna go through and it's gonna render out preset thumbnails for all of your windows so if you click on this it's gonna ask if they this is okay and you can go ahead and click on this this is gonna do is just gonna pop up a little window and it's gonna go through and it's gonna tell you that it's generating render thumbnails of your different objects that you can add in so it's adding thumbnails for your doors your fences your windows other things like that cuz they're not built in to our Capac which one you think about it is actually pretty smart it means that you're not shipping with a whole bunch of different preview thumbnails inside of your program which is another way that blender keeps its size so small is this will just generate these after the fact so you don't have a gigantic download like most other programs with a bunch of images and other things like that but now if you add windows you're gonna see windows show up inside of your preview window and so once you've run this then if you come in here into a shift a and add let's say like a window or something like that notice how now you're gonna have images in here for the windows that you can add so you can add a window or a door just by coming in here and clicking on one of these options so these are all kind of built in to the base version so I can click in here in order to add a window then notice now I can use this in order to move this around notice how when I put this window in this wall it's currently not cutting an opening in the wall however you can set this up to actually have an opening cut by any of your doors or windows by selecting your wall and then go into the create menu and with our capac selected and your wall selected you can click on the button for boolean right here so automatic boolean what that's going to do is this is then gonna set this up so you can automatically cut holes for your doors and windows inside of your Walt's so let's say for example that I was to do a shift day again and within our capac what say I was to add a door right here we'll go ahead and we'll just select this regular 80 by 200 door for right now and now we'll go ahead and move it over and then I'm just gonna come back and click on my wall again and just click on the boolean button again so what that's gonna do is that's going to cut an opening you can see how there's kind of this frame right here or this kind of extended little box that this is using in order to do this so this is now creating a hole in my wall with the boolean function and so as we kind of saw there's a number of different other things we can add like windows and doors and other things like that so we can also add stairs and we'll go ahead and just set a stair and here notice how this is going to generate a stair well then you can come into the our capac selection or the ARCA pack tab right here and you can adjust different things like the width the height other things like this the thickness of your stair so you can use this to dynamically create a stair notice by the way if you ever click off of one of these and you don't really see any of the options for manipulating them anymore if you tap the end key and then go into our Capac the object selected you can click on manipulate and that'll bring all of these back so notice how I can use this to automatically adjust and automatically add different things like steps other things like that inside of your model so there's also options in here for different kinds of railings so let's say you don't want the glass panels you could turn those off you could set the sub rails on instead and you can use this to adjust the size of those sub rails dynamically as well so these are all dynamic and able to be adjusted really to kind of look the way that you want it to look so in addition we can also add things like fences so you can add different glass panels or a wood fence for example which just having is built in by the way and just being able to generate things like fences really easily or really quickly is a great tool to have inside a blender again notice how this is dynamic or if I have the architect tab adjusted in here I can adjust different things like your width your spacing other things like that so I can adjust my fence and this is gonna automatically adjust things like your different pickets and other things like that notice how there are a ton of different things that you can adjust in here so each one of these is adjustable on its own so you can use this in order to quickly create fences inside of your models so you can also add different trusses note that these trusses right here are more steel trusses so kind of like the kind of steel truss that you might have a few were creating like a radio tower or something like that but you can adjust the truss by adjusting the height you can also come in here and adjust the number of segments that are in here and notice how the more of these that I add the more complex this is going to get the cool thing about this is there's also also multiple different kinds of trusses built in so you can select different trusses and you can see how this is going to adjust dynamically based on what you select so in addition there's also a number of built in roof types so if I do a shift a and add a roof notice how there's a bunch of different kinds of roofs like metal roofs or Roman roofs or other things like that that you can add in here and these are going to have different details built in and you can adjust all of those dynamically so you can adjust the overall height as well as things like the individual slopes of each side so you can adjust how much this slopes as well as how wide and how long these wings are in here there are some other things you can do in here with like draft mode and other things as well but for right now just know that the roofing gives you the ability to create a lot of different kinds of roofs inside a blender really quickly you can also create different kinds of floors so you can use you can use this to create floors like tiles or boards or other things like that as well so if we were to look at this really closely notice how what this has is this has a number of actually pre generated boards in your floor so this actually models out your floor as different parts and pieces in here so there's a ton of different options you can adjust having to do with the floor so like the kind of material or the space other things you can see how you can dynamically adjust this however you want to in order to get the look that you're going for so that's a very high-level overview of the different tools contained inside of the free version of ARCA pack if you are interested in me getting more in depth we can talk about the pro version we can talk about how to create different plans and different kinds of buildings inside a blender just leave a comment below let me know what you'd like to see if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 240,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender architecture, blender archipack, archipack blender, blender walls, blender windows, blender holes for windows, blender doors, blender holes for door, blender holes for doors, blender 3d architecture
Id: l-aom9PyosM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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