How to Create a Modern House in Blender | Part 1 | Blender 2.82

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hello guys and welcome back to a new tutorial this will be an exterior architecture visualization done with blender 2.82 and cycles render engine a step by step tutorial for beginners and intermediate in the end of this tutorial you will learn how to model add lightening materials and render full exterior scene with multiple shots so enjoy let us start by selecting everything and press X to delete it hit number bat 7 foot top view now from add go to empty and select image go to the empty settings press the Open button we are going to add two floor plans as images those images you can download from the link in the description so after hitting open in the empty setting navigate to the plans folder and select the ground jump to the unit setting and change the length unit to centimeters it is easier for me to work with it rather than meters back to scaling up the plan so the doors on the plan are 90 centimeters on length after that been said make a cube press n to open transformation change the length to 90 now scale the plan up until it seems fit you so as you see we end up with something near 30 you to start modeling the walls make a new collection select the cursor and place it in one of the corners press shift and from mesh add a cube so usually exterior walls are at least 25 centimeters in thickness duo to heat and moisture insulators but I am going with 20 in thickness and a 400 in height move the cube on Ezard X's by 200 to level it with the ground while selecting the cube press tab to enter edit mode press 3 for face selection select one face as you see and press G to move it along the axes it faces after that extrude the part when you reach the corner by 20 this made another part for us that will became a wall when we extrude it so this same process will repeat to make the walls moving with the G extrude by pressing E and a length of 20 centimeters you so in this final part we need to close the wall but the faces are not exactly facing each other we need to snap one of them to the other for that from the top open the snap and put it on vertex then turn it on now from the top view press Zed and enter wireframe mode what we have is two sets of vertices that we need to align select them as shown press G and snap selection to the opposite set of vertices you after that select the faces and with the right mouse button press bridge faces now we have finished the ground floor level to the first floor add another empty as image press open in the empty setting and add the second image named plan o1 move it over the ground floor you you can also turn down the opacity on the image from the empty setting we are going to align the walls for both floor with the snap once we finish you so before starting with the walls hide the ground floor from the eye icon or simply press H and you know the drill from add go to mesh and add a cube in one corner press N and change the length to 20 and height to 500 centimeters move it to the first floor level and press tab to enter edit mode we are going to repeat the process that we did earlier select a face move it along one axis by pressing G then the axes it faces press E then 20 to extrude it once you reach corners you finish with the wall before bridge the last two phases make sure to align the vertices using snap you after that press alt H to unhide all so to align the walls on both floor select same corner on both floor to snap it now here for some reason I had to enter edit mode in the first floor and press a to select everything then with the G snap it to the ground floor as shown after that still the walls need to be aligned and I am going to snap them to each other on vertices level wall by wall make sure to check all parts you now as you see the right wall is some shift in the middle so I just snap it to top corner and fix the middle part as you see you now to add the front-door stairs we will model it from a cube put the cursor near the stair area a 30 centimeters in wide and 15 in the height snap the cube to the wall and move it on place you now in the edit mode just move it along the plan as shown extrude it by 30 in the corner press the comma in the number batter zoom in to selection close the area inside with extrude now select the top face and press I to insert it by 30 you also might need to go back to object mode and hit control a and apply transformation after that we don't need those inner edges from the inset so snap them to corner then extrude the top faces by 15 2 times holding ctrl with the left mouse button for deselect once you finished go to wireframe mode and check if something overlap you now while in the edit mode press ctrl R to add loop cuts it will come in default in the middle I did move them top by 5 repeat that on the other stairs you select the faces as you see and with the right mouse button hit extrude faces along normal you fix the corner vertices by snapping them on both axes you after that select the edges and hit control B to bevel you this will chamfer the edges and add smooth the mesh you to start closing the main building I am adding a loop cut to the first floor and extrude the bottom part that need to be closed you so here the recorder somehow missed me adding a loop cut to the left wall on the first floor and just snapped it to that corner so let us start making the ceiling select the faces on one wall as shown and extrude them by 120 centimeters the opposite side will be extruded by 40 then both sides will again extrude by 20 now select the faces in front of each other and bridge them press number bat one to go front view now as you see the corner for the ceiling need to be fixed so in the wireframe mode select the vertices and move them make shorter hold shift while moving for accurate movement now in the other side we need to make a ceiling but we only have one wall here so make another as shown extrude an interior wall to bridge it to the one on the right side of the building so extrude it and snap it to the middle part on the wall you now what you see me do is I extrude both walls to top by 40 then deselect the one in the middle of the building and move the remaining selection to top by 80 you again select the top faces and extrude them by 20 this will be the ceiling thickness hold shift for multiple selection now I did want to bridge them in one take but the wall in the right is more faces than the other one so it end up messy as you see so I added two loop cuts and snapped them to the other wall to match the faces you and I selected the faces and bridged them still the final part has nothing in front of it to bridge with so just extrude it and snap it to the top corner you then in the front view we need to fix the ceiling corners it might take some times you also I did extrude it has shown to the right side by 120 you and to the front in the same 100 so to close the walls with the ceiling simply extrude them to top and fix the corner that pops you I did add another loop cut to the first floor to close the middle area in the right all as shown you and the left ceiling part need to extend more to inside you and to finish closing the roof I am going to extrude the walls from different sides as you see and snap them together you once I finish closing I did go back to front view to fix the ceiling I also added a plane to be reference for vertices to line them you and I did extrude the faces to inside by 40 so take your time while fixing them you so after you finished with this side go to the other one extrude the inner faces by 40 and move the faces down as shown you the front Dan left faces select them and hit extrude along normal with 120 in distance extrude the corner to close it now in the front view fix it as before you can use a plane as reference also so just make it something in line you after that to extrude a balcony add a loop cut and snap it to the inner one select the faces and extrude them outside snap them to the stairs below to cover the front door area you now in the backside off the building a deck or terrace is needed you simply add a cube and scale it to a height of 40 snap it to the corner move it up on the z-axis by 75 and in the edit mode make it cover the area needed you I also added a loop cut to extrude the remaining part you see you the balcony also is an extrusion from fur floor walls you extrude it on the first floor plan image for now you after that to the railing starting with the roof railing this left part will be solid wall 120 in height you I did add a loop cut to make area between the ceiling and the roof wall this area 240 in length the remaining wall faces on the right side I extruded them by 120 you now back to the part near the right ceiling you select the faces and extrude them by 22 top and then again extrude the resulted face to outside by 120 which I found big so I just moved it back a bit so it end up something like 80 you the top face I extruded by eight and then again select the faces you see and with the right mouse button hit extrude along normal you also fix the corner as shown you once I finished with that I did select both floor the terrace and the stairs in front and join them all by hitting ctrl J B now in this part on the right wall I added six loop cuts on each floor wall you selected the faces as you see and insert them by five then extrude them by tend to inside those highlighted faces will be glass so it is easy now to assign material to them go to material settings add to material first one will be default for meshes all the second one we will assign the highlighted faces to it and name it glass you can add material by pressing the plus button this will make the shading part easier for us you I also notice that this part is too low to the ground so I extrude it to top by 20 you and extrude it down in the top hole sir by 20 now back to the railing in the back side of the building roof add a cube scale it down I am using a cube and not a cylinder here for least amount of poly count in this project and also it won't matter from far shots so I just scale the cube down with shortcut Hess numbers are on the right a 7 centimeters looks fine to me you now go to edit mode select one face and snap it to the other corner as shown then extrude it by seven repeat the process along the walls you move snap extrude this is the motto of this part now you have the top part of the railing align it to mid wall you after that add another cube make it smaller 3.5 centimeters is fine place it under the top railing part and in mid wall also go to edit mode and repeat the same process you we also need a supporting parts in the corners so I made a cube 10 in width 120 in height and copied it to three corners as shown you - copy object simply select the man shift-d to make a copy press on axes like Zed we'll move the copy aamna taxes after that if you hit shift are the copy process will repeat in the same distance then once I finished copying all the parts I did join the similar one you now to the front balcony railing same thing same process move snap and extrude copy objects with shift D join selected objects with ctrl J you I also added a supporting column under the balcony a 40 on width and 400 on height snapped it to ground level you after that I added two loop cuts on each face of the column and also another two loop cuts on top and bottom is shown with distance of ten you while holding shift I selected all the faces I want you get out from edit mode to apply scale and back hit type to inset those faces by to then extrude them to inside along normal by five you while those resulted faces are selected go to material settings and assign them a different material I did named it metal as you see you now before start adding windows to the walls make two new collections one would contain the windows mesh the other one will be for boolean x' which we will hide later before render so while in the boolean collection add a cube on the front wall of the first floor scale it as you see you you can copy the exact parameters on the right and make a copy of it sir we have two windows you now select the two cubes and join them so we need to go to walls modifiers setting and add a boolean modifier then in the object section as you see select the two cubes that we joined earlier now to see the result select the cubes and in the viewport setting changed the display to wire it should cut the walls as you see now this is the place for the windows but we still do not have them for that while selecting the wired cubes press shift D to make a copy in place move the copy to the window collection and change back display to texture so to model the window select the cube in the window collection delete all faces but the ones in front snap them to the wall as shown press ctrl-a to apply scale if needed now before start pay attention to the numbers while in the edit mode press SCI and insert the faces by 10 then extrude them to inside by 5 you again in set by to this time extrude by two to inside and finally inset by 2 this will be the metal contacting with the glass the remains highlighted parts is the glass so now as before assigned to the glass a different material from the metal frame you and this is one window same process is needed with slightly different thing that we might do you so here I did align the top of the window with the ceiling then again added to the wall another boolean modifier you made a copy to model the window with it and repeat the that extrusion process you and once finish assign the same material we used in the first window you now to the garage door I am adding loop cuts to the ground floor walls and just try to make it as wide as possible snap the left loop cut to the collar you another loop cut is needed to set the height to 300 you and bridge those faces shown you now we will model the door from a cube snap it to corner and scale it to fit you then in the edit mode select the two main faces of the cube inset them by 10 or 15 then add loop cut to make large glass panels out of them you then select the faces as you see extrude them to inside by 2 you then inset individual faces by five you and again extrude them along normal by too you and finally inset them by two in the material settings assign material to both the glass and the door frame and we finish with the garage door for now back to adding windows you can continue with the same process earlier or you can simply copy both the window and the bouillon cube see what works for you the best we will do both methods you so here we had a problem with the boom lien simply moving down the boolean cube solved it just need to pay attention to intersecting faces and edges you I also did select all the windows that we made so far and move then to inside by five you on the left side I did make a window and copied it to ground level you so let us take a break from windows go to the back side of the building copy the railing from the roof to the balcony in the terrace I am copying it part by part the railing is 120 centimetres height same thing with the supporting part in the railing copy it and place it where it should delete the faces that you do not need you when you finish with the balcony select all the railing putts and copy it down to Terrace level I did here move it to outside you what I am doing here is adding some kind of wood covering over the balcony simple wood bars so add a cube 20 centimeters in width 400 on length and place it as you see you then press shift D to make a copy and move it along the axes which is in my case the x-axis now pressing shift our will repeat the process after you make the copies select the more and press ctrl J this will join them in one object you after that add a slightly bigger bar in the opposite taxes scale it up as you see you also to support this wood covering I am going to add a column 16 weeks and snap it to ground level you here you see me deleting one part of the railing supporters so you can delete the supporting railing parts in both the back balcony and the terrace because we are going to make a copy from the column I also did extrude the balcony to outside and snapped it to the terrace you adding some loop cuts to the column to edit it and make some modeling in it you six sets off loop cuts five centimetres is the distance between them I did also extrude the top face by five and then again extrude the resulted faces by five along normal you so here I tried to bevel those edges using the shortcut but it wouldn't work for some reason so if you encounter same problem I did just select the bevel icon and it works you and finally before make a copy of the column select the faces as you see extrude them along normal to inside by 5 you and in the material settings assigned to those in a face is a different material then once you've finished make a copy from the column and move it to the other side and that's it for this part stay tuned for the next one goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Architecture Topics
Views: 77,082
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Id: SzYgg6TeDfo
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Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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