The ONLY 5 Modeling Tools You Need To Make ANYTHING in Blender 2.91!

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hi i'm chris bailey and i'm a blender youtuber at sea bailey film and today i'm doing this tutorial for cg cookie we're gonna give you the top five modeling tips that you need to make anything in blender now today's tutorial we're gonna be taking this handy-dandy whiteboard marker and i'll be making it out of a cube using these top five modeling tools if you haven't checked out there's amazing resources there you can sign up for a free trial now let's go get started the bevel tool takes any edge and splits it and creates a new face so if i hit control b which is the bevel tool hotkey you can see it splits this edge i also get this drop down menu so i can increase the number of segments to create a nice rounded shape i could change the shape to make it go convex or concave so to get started with this model i'm going to delete the top and bottom face and then i'm going to select the edges on the outside i'm going to hit ctrl b to bevel and i'm going to drag my mouse i'm going to come here and i'm going to turn clamp overlap off to get rid of that overlapping section and i'm going to decrease my segments i don't need 12. the next tool we're going to use is the merge tool now you merge things all the time when you create a model and this is a great example you might think this is a perfect uh cylinder but in reality right here you can see we've actually got a double vertex and that happened with the clamp overlap if we want to clean that up we're going to hit a to select all and then we're going to type in for merge and we're going to go merge by distance that you can see is removed eight vertices you can increase the distance here if you want to if they're a bit further apart but that has cleaned up our geometry a great deal and isn't going to cause any problems down the road now i'm just going to take this top ring and i'm going to bring it up now the next tool we're going to use is everyone's favorite extrude now i'm going to use extrude to extrude these vertexes inward so i'm going to hit e to activate the extrude tool and then hit s to scale and i'll drag in to scale in i'm going to hit e again and grab up so g and then z to lock it on the z plane and then i'll grab e again and then s for scale and i'll drag this out [Music] now the next thing we want to do is we want to build off the clip off the side to do that i'm going to use the next tool which is the loop cut tool it's technically called the loop cut and slide tool but i always think of it as the loop cut tool so hit ctrl r and i bring this yellow loop will appear and you can roll your mouse wheel to increase the number of loops basically cutting our faces with this tool so i can click to cut and then i can drag up and down to slide it and i'm going to bring this up here like so now the edge of the cap has this kind of flat section here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select my faces and i'll just add that in so i'll just shift select these and i'm going gonna hit s to scale and on x to lock it on the x plane and zero to scale all of them to zero on the x plane that flattens them right out now i can hit g to grab an x to lock it on x and just drag it out a little bit so it lines up here next i can grab this top row hit e to extrude and grab it on the x to bring it out so hit ctrl r again for another loop cut grab these faces in face mode e to extrude grab and z and bring it down all right now the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to use the loop cut and the bevel tool together to create the ridges that are in the cap [Music] so we can make those pretty easily by hitting control r and then i'm going to drag my mouse wheel up and then i'm going to hit escape to exit the tool and then s to scale and z to lock it on the z plane and just bring them down like that and then grab with g and then z to lock it in and bring them up like this and then i'm gonna hit ctrl b to bevel while everything's still selected now when i'm beveling it's going to reuse the same settings that we had last time so i need to decrease the number of segments just down to one again because i don't need that many and then i'm going to hit e with everything still selected to extrude those hit escape and then i'm going to hit s to scale and a bonus trick if you hit shift and then select either x y or z it will not scale along whatever it is that you selected so if i hit shift z it will just scale when we x and the y so i can bring that in like that this last section here this little hole i'll show you a little bonus tip if you had if you hold down the alt key and click on uh some edges you get a loop selection so just like making the loop cut with ctrl r you can get a loop selection by selecting by holding down alt and clicking on an edge loop it looks like that whole loop to fill this um you know you can be tempted to uh just fill it up by hitting e to extrude and then scaling it all the way down and then merging the vertexes which is what we've already done but a much better way and why something you'll end up using a lot to fill in sections is the grid fill tool and that's going to be our next tool to get the grid fill to activate i'll hit f3 to bring up my search menu and i'll type in grid and i'll go to grid fill and i'll hit that and it will activate now with the span you can actually change the number of cuts so you can decrease it down and you can see it it just has these lateral cuts here and then offset rotates it so you can create some really great stuff really clean geometry with this i'm gonna keep it with eight and i'm also gonna use simple blending and what simple blending is gonna do is gonna not distort the mess mesh as much now to finish off our visual image we want to shade smooth so that it doesn't look faceted like it is now so i'll just do that and you can see now it looks really gross why is that well it's because we don't have enough geometry so the last thing we want to do just to polish this up is just add a few modifiers on and this is something you do most pretty much with every model you'll add a subsurface modifier which smooths it all out for now that just increases the amount of subdivisions that it makes so what is it doing it's actually taking all of the faces all of our geometry and it's subdividing them so it's making more faces out of them now to get rid of this sort of uh blobby look uh if we go into edit mode what you need to do is basically create bevels for all of our hard edges and that will help tell the subdivision surface modifier how to behave so if i select all these for example and hit control b and just drag just a little bit you can see right away it looks much nicer it's how we want it to look there's actually a much easier way to do that and that's actually just to use the bevel modifier which works across the entire mesh so if i bring up my bevel modifier put it first right up here and then set my limit method to angle that will mean it will create a bevel wherever two phases meet but only if the angle between them is greater than 30 degrees so 90 degree angle will create a nice little bevel for us and you can see that it's done that there it's really strengthened up our mesh now you might disagree and have your own opinion of what are the top five modeling tools let us know in the comments give us your top five list and tear down ours systematically thank you youtube in the meantime subscribe to the youtube channel here and like this video leave us a comment thanks so much for watching this video i will catch you in the next tutorial
Channel: CG Cookie
Views: 360,756
Rating: 4.9514742 out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorial, CG Cookie, learn blender for beginners, learn blender in 30 days, blender beginner tutorial, how to learn blender, blender tutorial modeling, blender 2.91 tutorial, Modeling Tools, make anything, blender tutorial modeling, blender tutorial modeling beginner
Id: kejQ8nX5YZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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