Blender 2.8: Image Textures & UV Mapping #b3d

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hello my name is Colin and this video or look at adding image textures to 3d models using blender 2.8 in this video we're actually going to create this simple child's letter and number cube with a wood texture and color painted on numbers and letters and outlines using a separate graphics program we're gonna paint the texture and we're gonna put the image texture precisely on the mesh object putting all the right sides and all the right faces using what's called UV mapping and creating a UV map so let's go ahead and jump in of course if you liked this video or learn something go ahead and click on that like button post video it really helps me in my channel out if you want to see more videos like this one in blender 2.8 or using the Godot game engine click on the subscribe button as well and click on the bell icon to get notified whenever I upload a new tutorial so what we're gonna do here is take our cube object and create what's called a UV map a UV map is kind of like taking origami and using a knife on that origami to cut a long seams and make scenes by cutting along and then taking those seams and unfolding the 3d mesh object out flat onto a surface so you then if you once you have it laid out you can export that layout it's called a UV map out to a separate paint program again like Photoshop or or Krita or or affinity photo or Pixelmator and you can paint that texture and then bring it back into blender and you can put that image texture on to your 3d model how do you create seams and create a UV map well if you have another window on your screen which we're about to do now I'm gonna grab the top right corner of this window and get that little plus mouse cursor and drag straight down to split my window into two I can change one of my 3d view editor windows to using this button to what's called a UV editor No when I do that I get a flat surface where I'm gonna lay out the polygons of my cube yes we're just gonna use the simple cube in this video of course you can do this process create a UV map for any mesh you like it's a bit more complicated but you could do it of course but this is pretty basic for this first video if I then go into edit mode of this cube so if I have the cube selected I press tab on my keyboard you can see actually a premade UV layout that I already have these are all the faces actually these are the vertices because I'm in vertices select mode there are vertices or vertex select mode edge select mode face select mode and island select mode that's the whole connected surface that are connected so that one in that one are not connected I guess for some reason this UV map we're not gonna use cuz it's not in the layout that I want instead I'm gonna create seams from edges so I'm gonna switch into edge select mode right here or you could press the two number key on your top number row on your keyboard but I'll switch 1 2 & 3 2 is for for edge and I'm gonna click and select edges that I want to create into seams so you can create any seams that you want but if you don't create the right number or the right layout you'll get a wonky UV map layout so what I'm gonna suggest I'm gonna go into wireframe mode here is you select the same ones that I do and those are the top 3 or 3 edges on the top that form I you doesn't matter which 3 you do as long as they format you and then if you hold shift still and you select the bottom 3 I'm matching you directly below your upper lower case you and then you connect the two edges up and down that connect the two tops of the use so I'm gonna hold shift and get those two so I've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 & 8 it is selected and then you hold shift and you click on one of the bottoms of the of the use to solo to deselect it so I'm gonna hold shift and click on this upper bottom of the you and so now I've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 edges selected I'm entering these ones or mark them seems if I right-click in this window right now I get my edge context menu I can say mark seam do not confuse that with mark sharp mark sharp is totally different mark seam is right there I could also go up to edge and mark seam again not mark sharp so mark seam and when you mark an edge as a seam it turns red reddy-orange and if you press a you can select them or an alt a to deselect all and they'll still be marked red so now I've got one two three four five six seven eight I just marked it seems if I press a again my UV map hasn't changed my gun I need to unwrap again or relay out re unfold this mesh into my UV editor window so down here I'm gonna select everything with the a key and I'm gonna tap you on my keyboard you will bring up the UV mapping menu and I can say unwrap I can also do that under UV and unwrap okay lots of places to do things in lunder when I select UV unwrap it will use the seams cut the mesh in those places kind of virtually and then layout and unfold the UV map or the mesh up here now my T happens to be rotated this way yours might be diagonal or it might be the right way up for a capital T it doesn't matter because you in this window can use all the same transformation and select tools that you're used to so if I press a little mouse up here I can select all alt a deselect all if I have everything selected I can tap R to rotate okay and G to grab and s the scale so I'm gonna undo a few times with ctrl Z what I can do is I can tap R and then I'll type negative 9 0 for negative 90 and I'll press Enter or return and now if I tap G I can move it up and if I want to fit and I want it to fit in this square so if I'm a little bit off I'll be cutting off some of the top of the T so I'm gonna tap s to scale it down just a little bit and click and then tap G and move it down so I've got a little bit of buffer you want MLA everything out inside this square okay because this is gonna be our sighs for our texture okay so we have a UV map now that's great and everything in here is selected with the a key if you tap a it selects all if you double tap a it deflects all so I want everything to be selected here we want to now take this layout this UV map and export it out to a picture file on the computer and my case on my desktop and then open that image file in a paint program we're gonna use but again you're welcome to use any of the graphics programs I mentioned before and we're gonna paint the the sides of the cube including the use of a wood image texture as well so with everything selected here I'm going to go up to UV I'm gonna say export UV layout and this is gonna export it to a picture file a PNG on my computer I want to go to my desktop I want to save this as cube UV layout and I'll type dot PNG myself manually and I want to specify in these settings down here one thing in particular I want to turn this fill opacity setting down I want to turn it from 0.25 down to zero okay that's because those faces in that capital T that I have I don't want them to have any fill inside those faces and by default they have some transparent gray in them so I just want to turn that off so my image that's a exported only has the lines that I can use as guides okay so you'll see what I mean in a sec so I've got it on my desktop I'll click export UV layout so now I can go to my desktop and I have got this cube UV layout that I just exported there it is and the checkerboard pattern means transparent it is gonna be handy because I'm gonna use these as guides now on to I'm using the newest version of 2.10 as of this recording date I'm not that familiar with camp I'm a Photoshop person so I'll kind of be fumbling along here a little bit use the graphics program that you're most comfortable with there are free options like is free and open source and and available for Windows Mac and Linux Computers if you want to spend 30 or 50 dollars this pixel meter on the Mac there's the free for Windows computers maybe I'll put some links down in the description area below for at least the free tools that you can use maybe the cheap ones you can use as well I'm not sponsored by any of these tools okay a file and open I'm going to open that UV texture from my desktop and there it is cube UV layout just so we can see it better I'm going to add a new layer and if you don't have a layers panel in and by the way this is not a tutorial for how to use by any means you can go up to the windows menu and you can say dockable dialogs and these are all of the tools or windows or doc panels that you can have so if you're missing your layers window you can go up to windows and dockable dialogs and layers and there it is and I can undock it and make it bigger if I want okay I'm gonna make a new layer with this button and it asks me what I want to put in that new layer I'm gonna say not transparency I'll say white just so we can see what's going on I'll press ok this layer is now above my original layer with the lines so I'm gonna drag it below so now you can see the lines that's great I gotta use these lines as guides which means everything I paint is gonna be below that layer now I want to use a texture image of wood and I got the texture image that I'm gonna use for the image textures I'm gonna use this one I got it from texture comm they are not a sponsor at all but I just like them because you can get image textures that are high-quality for free there are paned options this is a freemium website where you can get a limited number of downloads I believe in a lower quality for free but you can pay more for higher resolution images I just went down to wood as a category and I went to fine wood there's 82 images here I believe I showed seamless textures only if you want to have the texture repeat across a 3d model and I believe I you this one right here which is called where is the name of it it is seamless wood zero zero one eight okay yeah it's that one right there okay so if you want to go and get it I'll put a link for this page in the description area below you need to make a free account to download it and you can only download the smallest resolution which is what I have so in I'm gonna go to file and open and get that picture into I'm gonna go to select all and I'm gonna copy ctrl C on my keyboard I'll go to this image and when you paste in one of the eccentricities of is that when you paste into a image ctrl V to paste it makes a floating selection layer which is not a real layer I believe I can still transform with the scale tool all the transform tools like scale rotate are all separate in which is kind of weird I can drag the corners and hold shift to make it bigger so it takes up the entire height of the picture and I'll press Enter and this is still a floating selection pasted layer so if I right click on it I can say to new layer and that I'll make it a proper layer and I can see my lines on top of it still so what I'm gonna do now is use the text tool which looks like a little a to make letters and numbers on the cube if I click somewhere I can type I'll type flat or capital a if I double click over the a with the text tool still selected I can select it it has a yellow outline and I can change the font I believe I have to type here comic sans ms bold everyone's favorite font please don't dislike this video because I'll use Comic Sans it's just that everybody has it and I'm going to type in 200 for the font size and I'll use the move tool and move it up and there we go there's my letter we're gonna make it blend in with the wood in a moment but what I'll do actually is make a bridge new transparent layer so I'll click on the little plus new layer button and change it to a transparent fill layer and I'm gonna use my selection tool there are no shape tools in but what I can do is I can use the rectangular selection tool in this new empty layer and fill in a selected square so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna hold shift + and move my mouse to make it a perfectly square selection and then I can use the paint bucket tool with red and fill that in and now what I can do is I can make a smaller perfectly square selection I'll just guess to me something like that and I'll hold shift again and I can select an area and delete it with the Delete key on my keyboard so now I have my outline for that layer I've got a text layer and a colored outline I'm not gonna do this entire process in this video because this is not a tutorial on how to use but this is some basic knowledge for you if you're not familiar with what I would be doing to make the texture for this I need to make both these layers blend in so you can see the wood texture through the colored paint so I'm gonna change the blend mode of these two layers by selecting it and then this mode section here this menu lets you change how the layer blends into layers below it Photoshop and other programs have this as well I'm gonna choose soft light it's the one that I like the most and so now the color kind of shows through or the wood shows through the color you can experiment with which one of these blend modes works best so soft light again for the the text layer which is still an editable text layer so now if i duplicate the text layer i can right click duplicate layer there's two of them now so you don't see it blending as much I can use my move tool move it over I hold ctrl it'll slide in one direction only and if I use the text tool again I can double click to select that letter and I can tap B onto ABC and one two three and I'll do the same thing for my outline layer so layer I can right click and say duplicate layer and I'll move it over and I'll hold ctrl to slide it in one direction side to side only now if I want to make organized this layer so this is the two layers for the B if I want to change the color I can double click on the letter with the text tool so if I double click right there with text tool i get if i zoom out you can hold ctrl and scroll to zoom out I'm gonna change the color of the text to that say light blue sure or let's make it kind of an aqua color okay I did the text color first because the text color is a little bit trickier to do with selecting the text and then editing it and you don't see the color until you change the the color and then then it shows up after you press Enter or click away I want to change the hue the color of this outline to match the B so I'm gonna select that layer I can hide it to make sure I'm getting the right one and if I go up to colors I can select the hue saturation tool and this let me slide the color of the selected layer of this outline so hue/saturation and now I can slide this hue slider around to pick any of the 256 colors that a computer screen generally can can display and I can just find one that's pretty close to the one that I already have so I like that I'll press ok I'm going to speed this part of the video up I'm gonna do ABC and one two three and we'll do that in just a few seconds [Music] okay so I finished the texture I have now a image file that has lots of layers in it if I go up to save right now file and save it will not save to a format that blender understands in particular has its own layered image file called an xcf file that's the file extension and if you save that and try to bring it into blender it will not work I actually believe that Photoshop files dot PSD probably or may do work in newer versions of bunner especially 2.8 but in this case it's not I've already checked I believe so I'm gonna save this as cube texture editable because I might want to save this so I can edit it layer later and have the layers accessible to me so I'm gonna save that what I need to do is export it so file and export to a PNG or a JPEG or some sort of an image file format that most programs like blender know how to actually view and use just lets you type in the extension that you want so PNG is there by default PNG ZAR compressed but they're not lossy they don't get those artifacts but they are bigger and file size so they're higher quality than JPEG so we'll use that so cube texture dot PNG on my desktop I'll click export this file will not have layers in it of course because it's a normal image file and that's why we're making a second copy the exported version ok it had some options there for the compression and things like that of my PNG but I just use the default ok so back into a blender 2.8 in blender what we're gonna do is we're gonna add that image texture back into the material on our cube so we don't actually need this UV map editor window too much so I'll make it smaller we're in wireframe view here so I'll go into material viewport shading or the look dev mode as it's called right now and I'll press tab to go back into object mode what I want to do here is actually create another window on my screen so we can edit the nodes which is a new concept for this video series of the material of the cube so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the top right corner of this window and I'm gonna get my little plus some of my mouse cursor and I'm gonna drag click and drag to the left to split this window into two side-by-side what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna customize the material of my mesh not using this editor window over here because this is good not really for complex materials I mean you get a lot of options here but if I want to put an image texture on the mesh instead of this base color they're better and more professional workflow is to use what are called nodes and nodes are a visual way of seeing what makes up a complex material that's better to use them this side panel so in this window we're gonna change this editor to a shader and inner window this used to be called the node editor window in one or two point seven but they split the node editor window into two the shader editor window and the compositor editor and those are for two different things now even though they both look similar and both use nodes so we're gonna use the shader editor and with the cube selected you're gonna find that you currently have these two things these are nodes if there's one there I'll move it over and one there and I'll make this bigger so we can see it in more detail there we go these nodes are connected by what's called a noodle yes that's the technical term and this is a visual representation of the material that's currently on the cube all materials have what's called a material output node you need this final node in a very complex setup of lots of nodes perhaps that make up a single material you need this material output node that acts as kind of the final output for that material but right now our material is the default principal B SDF sheeter which is represented also by this note here it has all pretty much the same settings that you have over here but what you can do with nodes is create lots of nodes that you mix together to create a more complex material surface in this case I don't want to have a base color that's just a color I can click on the color box and choose you know a blue color to make it blue instead of that I want to plug another node into this port that's going to bring in an image texture so we're going to bring in an image texture node that we can then use to open an image file from our computer so I'm gonna go up to this node menu at the top header of the the shader editor window and if I go to the add menu and I go to the texture category and I go to image texture this will add an image texture node into the material so add texture image texture there's my image texture node I can click to place it and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna move this one over by the way you can scroll to zoom in and out you can hold your mouse wheel down like a button kind like you're orbiting down here but you can do that up here to pan around and you can drag nodes around we're gonna connect this image texture using this color port into the input of the base color and what you'll see is that because we have not yet specified or opened an image texture using this texture node we have black on the surface of the cube in older versions of thunder it used to show up as bright purple or magenta because that let you know that you weren't actually putting an image texture you were putting nothing on the cube in this case we get black that's the new way of showing it in 2.8 so I'm gonna use this image texture node and open a file from my computer I'll go to my desktop I'll show as thumbnails there's some different display options up here I've got some other textures for other video series that I'm making in the Godot game engine but we're gonna use this one on my desktop and I'll press open image and as you can see we have the image texture on the cube it's upside down and that's because of my UV layout what I could do is I could just rotate this cube around I could tap R to rotate it and then X so R X and then 180 180 0 and then enter to rotate it around and so now I've got letters and numbers on all sides of my cube the last thing I might want to do and I'll zoom out so you can see this set up here you'll make this a little bit tell her on my screen there's my node set up so you can copy it if you want to pause the video the color of the image texture is plugged into the base color replacing it in the principal shader what I want to do now most likely is if I want to save this blender file it will still be a separate blender file from the image texture the image texture if you don't yet it will no longer show up on the cube so this image texture file on my desktop this file right here is pretty vulnerable it's kind of sitting there and if I move it to another folder suddenly my blender file if I save it will lose the reference to it so what I can do is I can go to file and save this blender file onto my desktop so I'll call this cube or the letter number cube and I'll click on save blender file what I can do is actually go up to file and external data and pack all into blend this will take any other files that your blender file needs for reference like image textures and it'll pack the ones and zeros of this image texture file the image file the PNG into the blender file itself meaning the blender file will actually get a little bit bigger and then when you save it it'll be a bigger file but that way you can send the Bunder file to somebody else or put it on a USB Drive or email it and you only need to attach that one blender file and the images will come along as part of the blender file so I'll go to file external data and pack all into blend and down at the bottom and the information bar it says packed 1 files okay so if I save this file it is safe and if I want to spend a little bit of time I could light this cube it does not have any bumpiness or roughness to it but it's a simple material with an image texture and that's how you can do that one last thing if I go into this cubes edit mode and then go to the UV editor window I can actually see the faces lining up with the image texture so if I take let's say the entire island I'm in island selection mode this last one and I may mess up or change my UV map you can see what happens now the faces do not line up with the image texture and I've messed it up so you probably shouldn't change UV map once you've added a material to it unless you're willing to reorganize your texture as well okay so that will be it for this video thanks for watching of course if you like this video or for learn something please go ahead and click on that like button below this video it really helps me in my channel out and if you want see more videos like this one in butter 2.8 or in the Godot game engine click on that subscribe button as well and click on the bell icon to get notified whenever I upload a material also check out my facebook page at slash born CG that's where I post most of my news and updates and sneak peeks and previews of what I'm working on next that's where I communicate with you guys the most so thanks for watching see you next one bye you you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 114,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, tutorial, lesson, 3D, model, modeling, modelling, beginner
Id: rng7AYfJk4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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