Blender Complete Character Tutorial - Part1 - Modeling the Head

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if you want to learn blender to make a character for cool renders or animations you can google it but it'll give you 60 million hits i know because i've done it it took about a month and this was a result this series will walk you through all the steps it takes to make a character similar to this one all you need is a basic understanding of blender and a little artistry step one design design seems simple but there are whole career paths dedicated to it for this series we're going to cover just enough to make our character so scour the web read watch some cool movies look everywhere to find something that you think would make a good character and start drawing or find a character that someone else made and ask the creator if you can make it in 3d here we have reference for a stylized woman with kind of a wide-eyed hopefulness nice simple white dress with flowers and the fiery colors of autumn for this tutorial i skipped any kind of concept sketches and went directly to drawing front and side views for a template like what you can find on some character sheets and if you want to skip drawing altogether you can download these templates in the links below there's a lot of anatomy reference and examples of character sheets on the web good ones lamp the head shoulders eyes etc these help a lot when making your own character sheet and you can use them as an underlay when you're drawing this is a tangent but an important one when you're gathering front photos of faces to help you draw your template try and get photos that were taken with a long lens the one on the left is too distorted this one on the right is better when you draw your character sheet try and draw it more like the one on the right it will translate better to your cad try to capture the essence of your character in the orthographic views here our character has a big cartoony head big wide open eyes and small lips the dress and hair are ghosted in so it can be used to model the body the hair and the clothing try and draw your design symmetrical and take care to make the side and front line up as much as possible i drew this out and used photoshop to move things around so everything lined up and still looked good photoshop's guidelines help a lot with this when you're finished put your views on square images and make sure the heights line up then record your images as jpegs and we can finally get to blender step two templates okay so we're finally in blender we want to make a template with the front and side view drawings we just made and we want them to be the correct height we'll do this by taking this default cube here and making it the height we want our character to be so let's pick our cube go to item here and these here are the sizes of our cube let's pick the z height and change it to 1.6 this is the height that the character is going to be it's kind of the height of a short person let's also make this cube a wireframe so it doesn't get in the way when we're bringing in our templates so click object properties here click on viewport display here then from the drop down pick wire now we have a nice wireframe that won't get in the way now let's bring in our drawings as image reference so let's go to the front view by hitting number pad 1 make sure we're in front orthographic view shift a for add i for image r for reference navigate to where you saved your drawing and double click the front view hit arm pad 3 to go to the side view and do the same thing shift a i r pick the side view now we've got the side view also in the file um this is backwards actually i drew it backwards so let's click it hit r to rotate it z for axis and 180 enter so it's facing the right way let's move it aside let g and x to get that out of the way and we'll move this one also g y okay now we've got our images in place let's scale these down to the right height so you see this little orange dot there on this image if you move that see that here the orange dot that's this objects or origin this one has a dot 2. so we want to scale to that origin you do that by clicking this little arrow here and choosing transform to individual origins then we'll shift-click both of those image planes in the outliner go to the front view and hit s to scale and it scales each object down to its origin so you can see we've got this scaled down scaled a bit a little bit more we'll hit g z to move it down a little bit g z to move it up a little bit okay that looks about right um let's move these a little bit closer so g y to move that a bit closer to x to move that a bit closer okay that feels pretty good let's delete this guy because we don't need it and these are a little bit bright so let's make it dimmer so you click the object click this little image properties click transparency and type in 0.25 let's also make it one-sided so i always get confused but just look at the back side of this thing and i think you click this one there so now you can only see it from one side do the same thing here click it transparency 0.25 [Music] make sure it's one-sided nope there it goes so we can see it from the front not the back now we've got both of our images faded and scaled to the right height let's clean this up a bit since we've got him here so we'll click this double click let's call it template front and we'll call this one template side let's put them in their own collection so we'll click here right click new collection we'll call this collection templates [Music] drag them in i find it useful to make them unselectable so click this carrot here and come over here and click on selectable you'll see these arrow arrows appear here just uncheck these and now these are all unpickable and i think i think we're good to go we're ready to start modeling before we get started let's take a second to go through some of the setups and plugins that i use so for setup and the preferences under navigation i use trackball i find it easier for toggle wireframe i have that set to shift z and for toggle x-ray i have that set to altc so down here if you see shifts here alt z and it doesn't work on your blender it's because i set custom hotkeys for that and i'm toggling wireframe and x-ray these are a few plugins i use that i find super useful and i'll probably use them for this demo so let me show you those so go to add-ons f2 that's a good one definitely turn that one on nodewrangler get this one turned on also mesh tools mesh edit tools so get that one turned on and also the extra objects add mesh extra objects so get all those plugins turned on here's that list of the plugins i just showed you and here are a few plugins that i forgot to mention earlier so you get these turned on also and now let's get started with our tutorial okay let's start modeling our head so let's go to here click here to make sure we're in the root for a file go to shift a mesh and round cube here it is that's not what i want let's go to the options here make sure radius is set to one and arc is set to four looks good let's delete half of this so we can mirror it and do half the work so we'll go to x-ray mode go to front view edit and face mode drag to select half of it x delete faces and we've got half of that deleted let's add a mirror modifier so we'll hit the wrench add modifier go to mirror here it is and make sure clipping is turned on cool so now we've got half a sphere mirrored over we can modify it you can see it mirrors over let's go to the front view and scale this head down a bit the sphere to the sides of our head so i'll move this up s to scale g and z to move up scale a bit [Music] so i'm just trying to go and get in a general ballpark size here check the size okay that's okay so that's good enough for now you know what we need to do something we need to pick these templates here get our cube let's move this whole thing up so the feet are at this red line this zero point because normally when you do a skeleton which we'll do later on in this series you have it sitting on the the red line or the floor so let's just move this now so we don't need to move it later okay so let's lock the template again close that let's check our head and i think the head's a pretty good size okay that's pretty good part of modeling is creating clean topology and there are standard ways to break up a face to get clean topology if you select loops you can see these so this loop here separates the whole face this loop here separates the eyes and this loop here separates the nose and the mouth so as we go through our tutorial i'll show you how to create these groupings so that you too will have clean topology with your model let's grab our head go to edit mode grab a few points i like to use proportional modeling so you can start that by hitting this icon here or the o key if you hit g you can see it moves a lot of points if you make this circle smaller by rotating your mouse wheel you can see it affects less points this is a great way to quickly shape things so again we're going to just roughly shape our head to match the template probably should have drawn that hair kind of invisible so i could see the skull also but we'll just deal with it so right now we're just kind of trying to get roughly close to our our head shape it doesn't need to be exact to me it seems like this kind of this slow tweaking of your shapes get closer and closer and closer um adding more definition until you get to what you want um so i'd like to use templates it's a quick way to get to your intent it's also important to go into perspective mode because things look different so you can see here it follows pretty closely here it falls pretty closely well okay maybe not let's see if get this closer okay so there's so friends pretty close side's pretty close and perspective it's like oh it's kind of like some weird stuff's going on so in this mode you see things differently and so i see now that i think we need to smooth things out so let's go to sculpt mode this is another way to affect large groups of surface points if you go into smooth drop this down to like 1.5 or so so in any tool if you hold shift it'll it'll switch to smooth mode if you hit f you can change how much you effect how big it is and hold shift and you can see it just kind of smooths out a little bit evens things out i like to try and keep everything even when i'm modeling so that way it kind of leads to clean topology doesn't do it completely but it helps okay edit mode that's pretty good that's pretty good let's add our chin so we'll grab these planes down here e to extrude g to move so now again we're going to we add some geometry now we're going to shape it a bit scale us a bit down [Music] so right now we're shaping but we're also thinking our flow our loops so i had talked about wanting to create a loop that separates the whole face from the head and so we're starting to do that so i can show you here if you hit alt you can see this is our first loop that's going to go around the whole face so we've got that in place we know we want that and now it's a matter of shaping it to make it look good so let's see here get this to define the draw a bit better let's see here another modeling feature i like to use is g is for moving if you double hit g you can see it'll move the points along their vertices so it's nice different way of moving things let's see in perspective i can show you how that works so you can see here if you double click g it slides it along its vertices you can pick one here or just by how you move your mouse the computer figures out which verse you want to follow so like these are too far out double hit g and you can just pull them in okay let's go to x-ray mode define our chin nicely and do okay so in this front view i like to work in x-rays so you can see your sketch but when you're in the front view or even side view sometimes the overlapping verts makes it hard to see so you can go to face mode grab some hit h to hide him and then it's it's a lot easier to see what's going on if you want to bring it back hit alt h alt h and uh and it unhides it so so h to hide alt h to unhide don't forget all age then you'll be like where am i where's my geometry okay so i'll take a second here just to shape it a little bit a little bit better i think this line is going to define our chin um something else i think of when i'm modeling is i'm trying to keep these faces kind of as unstretching as possible [Music] you can always fix them later but it's a good practice to try and just try and keep it in mind while you're modeling okay alt h let's go into solid mode okay this is looking kind of kind of head like let's create our next major group the eyes so we'll go to face mode grab these so this area here will be our nose and in the middle of these four planes will be our eyes so let's define our loop that surrounds that we hit i to inset and hit b to observe the boundary we can get that in place so now if you alt select you'll see this will define the boundary around our eyes now that we've got our eye loops in place let's let's shape it so we want to shape it kind of like a mask so it's um let's grab some points here and start moving them around the way i usually end up working is i'll i'll shape things a bit without changing the actual geometry then i'll uh do an actual change for example we just created our loops for our eyes then go back to shaping again so now we're we're taking those loops around the eyes and shaping them in place you can see we can match our sketches better this way too because we've got some more geometry to work with so we'll shape the the socket for the eye a bit here shape the brow line a bit and the cheek a little bit and just just get it to look look closer to the shape you want to be let's add some geometry to represent our eye so it'll help us model the skin around the eye we are in edit mode right now if you add geometry while you're in edit it'll add it to the current geometry if you go into object mode and add it'll add it as a separate geometry so mesh shift a mesh uv sphere let's check our settings you don't need this much geometry for a small eyeball so we'll do 16 and 16 and 8 x-ray g s o okay some scaling but it's going towards this 3d cursor you can see here this is the 3d cursor or transfer by a 3d cursor change it to body mock center and it scales like that [Music] normally it's one sphere for the eye one sphere in between and one sphere for the second eye and a half a sphere on either side of the eyes since we're doing a stylized character she's got big eyes so it's i'm kind of just making it up so get in place it makes things easier if you have the topology of the eye match [Applause] the uh the circle for the pupil and iris so rx90 anything that makes things easier i think are good things let's get two eyes in there because it's nice so we'll do shift d escape to have a snap back the easiest way i found just to get the other eye in place is go to x and make it negative okay now let's delete these faces because we're going to add geometry go to point mode and alt click oops point though and alt click to get the whole loop e to extrude s to scale and let's make this opening roughly the size of harsh sketches i and we'll go to x-ray mode so we can see through it take off proportional editing so i'm going to move these points to roughly match the shape of the sketch of the eye but i'm not going to move it so far that it distorts our geometry so for example i wouldn't pull it this far because this this poly is a weird shape i'm trying to keep them as square as possible while still moving these in place okay and it's not a big deal because we'll be adding more geometry later and then we can shape it closer and closer to our to our design that's not bad let's go inside view a way off here so let's pull these back oops let's pull these back double tap g to have these points slide along the geometry and then pull that one a little bit more back okay let's check it out in 3d and see how it looks that's a little weird but as usual we you know we make some changes some cuts and we add some polygons and then we go and shape things to be a little bit nicer and um so so our eyeball is sticking through our skin here so let's make it make the skin come out we'll do that by snapping so turn on snap turn on face now if we click in a point you can see it's very far from the sphere if you hit g to move now it snaps it close let's do that here too and here too let's get these points that we can't see bring those out oops you can see i'm trying to keep the shape as much as possible while doing these snaps let's check it again [Music] that's okay and that it's more or less okay let's turn off snap by hitting shift tab shift tab so so this kind of shaping is about of knowing what you want to model uh if you're doing a face it's obviously knowing what a face is shaped like if you take a lot of figure drawing classes if you take a lot of sculpting classes you do lots of different things all that translates to your inherent knowledge of what a head should look like and it makes it easier to model let's add a little geometry here so control r get this in place so the skin right here is the eyelid and that recedes back so we'll hit turn off partial editing and hit g to move this back we'll sink the skin into the um the eye socket a bit i'm going to do the same for this point here a little bit we'll bring it in slightly don't worry about the eye poking through we'll fix that later so you can't see me right now but what i'm doing is i'm i'm kind of touching my the skin around my eye just to kind of feel what that's like to see how the surfaces kind of move [Music] i'm not modeling myself obviously but my my head is a real head so it helps me to model let's fix our jawline it's not looking so good grab that over here grab these guys move them back so they're not stretching too much let's get our chin to line up better with our sketch make it feel more chin like let's also close up the holes in our eyes and the reason why i want to do that so right now i want to build make sure we have good loops this is the phase where we're constructing and making good geometry so by closing the eyes i can now check the loops and this one looks pretty good this one looks pretty good this one is pretty good i want it to run off the chin down here and then this one's good it runs around the face and this one runs around the eyes so pretty good but these here a little little bit funny so what we'll do is we'll change the direction of that loop let's delete that go to edge mode hit f control r we'll add a couple here so by doing this it allows us to change the direction of the loop so move this down here so now you can see instead of going from here over to here we're going to go from here down to there so f f and now we've got a loop that runs off the chin while still having one that goes around the head so that's nice i think we need some more geometry because it's light over here so we'll go to edge mode ctrl r let's put this close to this line here ctrl click a couple of these and hit g twice and move this down so we've made our changes to the geometry to our polygons we've got good loops and i think we also have enough geometry to get the shape that we want to have in our face at this point so i'm taking a minute here to get everything to line up nicely to how i want it to look i'm trying to match the sketch with the design as much as possible however while i was going through this i noticed that in the front the jaw got all messed up side looked good but the front was just kind of funny so we needed to figure out how to fix it so gotta change the side change the front but keep the side and so to do that there's a little trick so if you pick a point and you only move it left or right and that's how you can change it while maintaining the front view so even if you move it really far to the right you'll see from the side view it looks the same so i grab the point turn on portion editing i'm just using that technique to shape the jawline knowing that the side view will stay the same so i did that and checked in perspective to make sure everything looks good it was a little rough so smooth out a little bit it went back to shaping it in edit mode a little pointy so i changed that a little bit until i felt like we're good for where we're at at this stage let's add a nose i'm going to use a template so i'm going to hide these surfaces go to front mode there's a standard technique for creating the the face and the nose and the mouth we want to do is we want to keep a loop here and then we want the nostril to be below this eye mask and from that nostril we're going to have a loop coming around that goes below the mouth so let's just shuffle things around so that our geometry that we already have works with that so we'll move this up here so that way our nostril is below the mask we'll move these down this up so we can create a loop that comes below the mouth okay so now let's move this up move this up a little bit here so now let's add our nose so if you click here and control click there these are these surfaces we'll build our nose off of to go to side view e to extrude you can pull that out go to x-ray point we're going to really really roughly really quickly shape this so this is not the artistic shaping mode where we make everything look good this is shaping it just enough so that way we can build our topology our good topology oops okay let's see here well that's pretty crazy let's let's fix let's make it look at least a little bit better moving these points all in okay so that's a decent that's a pretty good no oh well this is kind of funny let's fix this we'll delete this edge mode click an edge ctrl r so we're going to add i'm going to click once click a second point hit m and merge when you merge if you choose at first it'll merge whatever you've selected to the first point you selected like that so again you click one point click the second point hit m and at first and it adds it goes to the first point so let's check our loops now and see how we're doing so this is good we've got a loop that runs around the mask and we have a second loop that runs off the nostril so that's good so that's what we want let's add our mouth we'll delete these faces here go to front view oh looks like batman so the strategy for adding the mouth as i said is you want to have a loop that comes off the nose and runs below the mouth let's pull these a little bit lower so we're going to extrude while we're extruding we also want to extrude one face for each of the surrounding edges so this way it emerges nicely when you when you merge so we'll extrude and rotate extrude and rotate extrude rotate extrude rotate and extrude okay so that's messed up let's just move it a bit and get it in shape i'm trying to um put this line here where i think the smile line or laugh line would be it's it's a weird it's hard to do because she has such a small mouth it's such a stylized character so it's not following the normal rules of of anatomy but it's okay because it'll all look good in the end okay that's pretty crazy let's let's let's pull this in shape so we'll hit click click m merge at first for here click click and at first and here okay this one we're not going to merge so let's just move it closer we will go to edge mode and hit f and f to close it up and then let's just fix this a little bit here because it's making me laugh move this one back and get that a little bit more in place okay let's see here okay that's a little bit better um let's check our loops to see how we are looking okay we've got our eye mask is in place which is good we've now got a loop that runs around the mouth off of the nostril which is good we've got the looper on our face we've got a loop here which will continue through the mouth and we've got that running through off the chin and that one's going off the chin so we're so we're looking pretty good so this is this is a good foundation for our face um let's also add uh this cut didn't go all the way through because the back faces were hidden so let's add that ctrl r enter put the face mode delete that then go to edge mode and and ff okay so this is this is a good this is a good foundation for our face we've got all the basic building blocks and then we can go through and shape this to get this closer to to artistically where we want this this character to be so we've got our loops the way we like it the flow is looking good to us so now it's time to go into our artistic mode and shape this so it looks like our character so here we can use a template also go into perspective mode and use sculpt to scope sculpted in shape it's also good at this point to try and get all our lines to line up nicely to get all of our polygons to be as unskewed as possible or as most like a square but you still want to make sure you capture your design intent so if you have to stretch things a bit or if things don't line up perfect that's okay because you want to get your character to look right you can see the nose and the side and nose and front they weren't lined up the sketches weren't lined up this happens a lot with concept sketches so just try and use your templates to get as close as possible and then go into perspective mode and just sculpt it so it feels like your templates or your concept sketches so i think this is feeling pretty good i i think it's feeling like our character the eyes are a little bit different but they feel okay so i think now we can go and add some more geometry to close out that mouth let's add a mouth go to edit mode so i'm not liking something here um this loop that goes around the mouth and the smile line this should come above the nostrils not in line with the nostrils so let's let's take a minute to fix that so let's delete this let's let's just move these let's hide this hide hide front view okay let's just move these so our loop is where we want it let's pull that back like that okay so that's good okay so now we have our loop coming above the nostrils which is good we want to build is a loop that goes around the mouth and a loop that goes around the nose so let's start off by doing the one around the mouth oh we also want to get a loop that comes across the face and over the the uh the nasal troughed area this upper lip okay so let's start by making the mouth so we'll yeah let's cut this okay so let's come over here e to extrude that's the scale so we are making our mouth i'm going to really roughly do this this is the construction mode we're just getting good topology this is not the make it look good mode let's um extrude this rotate it scale oops oh here we go oops oh i hit i hit e by accident extrude again okay so here's our mouth then i want a loop going across the face so we will extrude this and then f so now we've got this thing here so we want to put a loop here this is a bit of a triangle so let's add a little bit more geometry ctrl r i think that's that's okay because we could use some geometry up here anyway okay go to point mode let's move these around to where we want it to be this is pretty blocky here but we'll add some geometry there as we fill in the mouth so don't worry about that for now [Music] let's add our nose so [Music] we will first let's go to see where we're at here kids do a little bit of shaping so this looks a little bit better get this here so we're just doing a little bit of shaping just to help us with adding our geometry and loops and and so forth so what's weird is this whole thing is going to need to pull back pretty far yeah there we go behind the nose something something like that and it looks bad right now but we will we'll get there okay edit mode edge mode alt click e to extrude s to scale so this will be this will form the loop that goes around the nose and it'll also form the back part of the nostril here let's move it forward a little bit [Music] okay we'll extrude again press the scale g to move it a little bit more so you can see here this will be that'll be our nostril then to be kind of nostrilly we'll close the front of our nostril so that's the front of it and then we will extrude a note the tip of the nose so e to extrude s to scale it a little bit and we'll close this up f and then we will cut this g and then we will do this here here and here and merge at first okay so i think that's that's pretty good um let's go to smooth this out so we can just it's so confusing right now let's just smooth it out so we can see what's going on let's check our loops so now we have the loop going around the nose and the mouth which is what we want we have a loop going around the nose which is what we want we have a loop coming around the mouth and the loop coming across the face so that's all good um yeah so now that we've got that i think we can [Music] i think now we can we can start shaping this let's shape this here go to point mode x-ray let's move our mouth move our lip line okay let's go to front view here ah so you can see here this is the top of my lip line it's too low here it's pretty close so this shows you how far off the sketches so let's uh let's go with the front view since i think you're gonna see that more often oops gee maybe we'll go go in between it's kind of like that okay let's pull these all in shape to match our lip [Music] roughly let's go to the side view let's grab this see where we're at i think this can come forward a little bit i think we need some more geometry around the lip here so we'll ctrl r to add that g to move it so we can shape the lips slightly okay so this loop here i don't like it it's it's coming in too far and i think it's going to create funny pulling again this is a problem because this is a very stylized character with a very small mouth but uh it's still going to lead to bad bad pulling so let's fix that so we'll we'll just add another loop so we'll put this here so this this loop here will be our lip line [Music] and then we'll take this one oops and scale it out so now our laugh line or our smile line is is going more the way the muscles of the face would naturally go pull that down [Music] and now that we have more geometry here we can get that curve right where the nasal trough is okay it's pretty good see here this is our lip pull this in okay so now let's see let's close close this here too okay so now we have got that loops that loop that loop that loop and the nose loop so so so now i think we're ready to do some sculpting [Music] let's let's uh give ourselves a little tool to shape the mouth so we will add a cylinder [Music] to simulate our teeth so scale to oops [Music] x-ray scale teeth are usually as wide as the centers of the eyes we're gonna make ours smaller because she's got a very small mouth looking at our sketch we will try and feel where the teeth are and now we are going to take the inner ring of the mouth and snap it to the cylinder okay so it doesn't look like it changed much but it changed a bit and that's going to help us i think we can also extrude these in the see x y z [Music] like that [Music] so we can shape it a little bit better i want to add too much geometry i don't want to get too heavy but i want to have enough okay now i think we i keep saying this now i think we have enough to shape our head i changed my mind i think we need to add a neck to this whole thing here so let's go to shift a mesh and cylinder we're just going to roughly put a cylinder in there so we can locate our neck looks like the neck is a little bit too far forward so let's move this that feels better yeah so our our sketch seems a little bit off so let's i'm gonna need this neck to hit this body here so let's rotate it a little bit yeah okay that feels better let's close out this hole in the bottom of our head alt h let's pick that turn on proportional editing g y and scroll the mouse wheel so we can get more geometry g y pull that up let's go move this up here oops rotate it around itself okay that's good enough i want to extrude this in towards the neck toward the center of the neck so we will move the 3d cursor to the orange dot which is the origin point of the cylinder so shift s cursor to selected so now it's there make sure we're in transform towards 3d cursor go to edit mode we've got that selected e to extrude s to scale and it goes towards the center which is good let's make this roughly let's turn off the portion editing make this roughly the size of the neck and let's go to loop tools and there's there's kind of a funny bug with loop tools i found so you need to work around so i'll turn off clipping for our mirror right click loop tool circle you can see how the loop tools makes it kind of rotated so you rotate it back towards nicely so it's moving along the y-axis and let's make this a little bit wider than our neck and let's move it back gy here and scale c rotate it so i'm making it pretty flush with the bottom of the neck that's messed up but we'll just smooth it out so now since we had clipping turned off when we did that circle command turn clipping back on and hit g and move it so that these points line up okay so now we're good let's pull these in and let's extrude each extrude s to scale scale it down touch move this down a touch scale y to make it a little bit wider extrude again rotate slightly let's see how we look i forgot to since the back was hidden when i added this loop it didn't continue so let's delete that oops x not dissolve faces let's delete faces let's cut that and ff okay i don't like the bottom of the neck here it's good to have a loop that runs down the side of the head and below the chin so you can make this chin here round nicely so let's delete some faces go to edge mode and close it up close that close that so now we have a nice loop that runs down the head that's good let's close up this hole here so let's go to edge mode and x dissolve edges and then f to close it up okay so that's pretty good let's check our loops here i like that i like that like yeah i don't like that let's add a little bit of geometry i think we need that to smooth out the bottom of the chin and round it out better so that's good that's good that's good that's good yeah okay i think we're we are looking good so i've said it many times before i'm going to say it again now we have enough geometry in place where loops are all looking good so so now finally we can go in and sculpt this artistically to make it look like our character okay so let's start shaping this thing out so using the smooth brush the smooth tool and sculpting you can smooth things out to get a good start of course going back to our templates to make sure we follow our concept and jumping into perspective to make sure in perspective view it looks good also so some of the geometry in the back of the head is too heavy and there's a big area below the neck that's needs a little bit more definition so just need to go in here and add some geometry and this is this process is very um it's kind of typical you shape a bit then you change some geometry or loops then you go and shape some more you kind of go back and forth this loop here was actually very bad which is okay you just check and see if you like it if you don't you go in and add the loop in a different way and see if you get a good flow um it's very fluid it's kind of forgiving in that way it's not like sculpting granite with once you do something it's set in stone this is all digital so you can change it as much as you want so trying to figure out how to get the good loops get our quads and reduce the geometry in the back of the head back of the head uh it's covered by hair so you don't really need a lot back there so this loop here is important because it goes to the front but this one doesn't so we can take care of that just get rid of that one then we can just merge these two points and we'll have nice quads like that then check the loops make sure we're good and then we can go back to sculpting it's a little boxy back there oh but we've got a triangle so let's get rid of that delete some faces around it and then go back and add the geometry you do want and then just figure out how to fill that hole so put one there didn't like it maybe just delete some faces you don't need in the back anyway and just close it up and that's pretty good it's the loops are looking good there we can lighten some things up and yeah this one's this is feeling good so now let's go back to sculpting again so in perspective mode to shape this out nicely head's a little point in the back the back of the head is actually wider than the front of the head so widening that out in the back the front had a lot more definition the back wasn't as good so we needed to to make it just feel like it has the right volume then going to smooth things out the smoke doesn't work in the center point when you're doing a mirror the center divide division between the two sides so you have to go back and fix that manually in edit mode so you can see the chin got pointy again so we're just pushing it back out a bit making it more filled out checking our cross section view again to make sure everything matches start to become a lot of noodling once your flow is good you just kind of push and pull until everything feels like it matches your concept sketch nicely in this case matching the template i think the cheeks are a little bit puffy a little bit round so crispening that up a little bit and the um the skull just behind the eyes sinks in so i needed to add some more geometry so i could make that concave a little bit so now i've got those loops in now we can sculpt it and push it in just a touch it's good to have um it's good to either know anatomy very well or it's good to get lots of photo reference or even get they have these little sculptures of heads you can get one of those and reference that while you're modeling here i realize i need some more geometry above the mouth the upper lip but i didn't want the loop to go further than just the mouth area not i didn't want to go into the nostril so i deleted the face and since we're here we might as well build out the nostril so we can delete that and figure out how to close that hole with a nostril so that was really bad so delete that really quickly and go back to the old method of you just extrude and make the shape you want in the loop you want and then figure out how to close it so here we are extruding a nice rounded nostril shape and then merge at first point just to close things out now we've got a curved nostril with the hole you can close that up i think the best way is just to extrude that in a bit and then just fill it in this little little corner here but i don't think it matters a little triangle but i don't think it matters inside the nostril it's good to drop in a subdivision modifier to smooth things out and see how it looks let's add our ear in place here so i have a template to reference so we will grab that image here we are so let's talk about how we can add an ear i found the easiest way is to take a polygon and draw all these lines or cut all these lines into the polygon to create this image in 2d all the red lines and then take the white parts extrude them out take the dark parts extrude them inwards and then merge a bunch of points until you have an ear shaped piece of geometry so let's do that let's put this in place here and we can start shape start adding this geometry back in so first we're going to [Music] make a little island around the ear so let's get that here and then we will delete that island of faces we will extrude in extrude scale in a bit and then we'll close this up and and don't worry about those triangles so we'll go to yeah so you see we just have this set of polygons here now it's a floating set of polygons okay so now we're just going to cut this out into this ear so go to point mode and hit k to cut and i'm just going to go and cut this in it's pretty pretty brutal it seems like a crazy way to do something it's like seemingly very rough and chaotic but it actually kind of works so bear with me okay to cut let's keep cutting what i like about this is it's it's just like drawing it's so loose and so easy to just put down some cuts it's less like constructing it more like sketching make sure you connect all of these here so i think that's everything here [Music] so let's let's move our template now pick that oh let's come out of edit mode pick our template g and move it over go to solid mode okay [Music] so now we will clean up this here so these we don't need this is the outside the extra part so that's whoops now we'll take out some of these edges that we don't want i don't want that wait yeah i don't want that okay i think that's weird it's a little floating here in space so now we will extrude out the light parts here oh i don't need to see there okay so extrude these out e to extrude that's good and these go further inwards so we'll pick those whoops yes pick those and extrude them inwards and we'll go to just start merging some of these points so it's shaped like a year so this part of the ear comes down to here so we will pick a first point and shift shift and end at first this whole thing comes down let's see this one here this flush with the head then if the ear starts to come out so we'll leave leave that one there it's feeling a little a little bit more ear like we can turn on our smooth modifier and see how it looks the back the ear obviously peels out the front attaches to the side of the head so let's pull our ear out so click the face l to select the whole thing and that's just let's just rotate it okay that's pretty good let's uh let's just sculpt this a little bit i think the top of the ear has to come back and this has to come in i had mirror turned on we don't we don't need that right now because we're our objects already mirrored let's pull this in some let's go back to edit mode and edge mode so we've got the inside of the ear kind of shaped we'll finesse it a bit more now let's um shape the back of this ear here a to extrude s to scale and g to move so i'm basically scaled in and i moved this loop towards the front so we have a bit of floppy ear here let's rotate make it thicker that's pretty good and then we will extrude this again and rotate it so this is where it starts to meet the head and then i think that will be good um so the front of the ear is flush with the head so we'll go to point mode and we will just merge these up and that first click click click oops click click so this one i think the ear comes out a bit so we'll keep this little triangle here and then merge these up to it yes that's where it'll start peeling out and i think we can [Music] i think that'll be good and then the rest of this will have it merging to the we'll bridge it to the head okay so i won't worry about that right now i'm just going to start closing things so f f f f that's okay that's okay it's okay that's not gonna be okay close the oops what happened here oh f we'll close that then f we've got a big big fat triangle there let's just keep closing this up close that up close close that and that so i think we're all closed up but we have some bad it's a lot of triangles going on it's not the end of the world because the ear doesn't animate much but i think we definitely want to fix it here let's check with the smooth modifier and subdivision see what it looks like and that's okay that's pretty a little shallow here but we're getting there so now let's take care of some of these things so i think i want to have let me check my loops okay that's pretty good about to break oh that's probably okay what i'm looking for is i want to make sure that when you select the loop it doesn't twist through this ear and end up coming out some other weird place like down there that would be bad if it terminates that's great this one is fine because it's terminating it's not going further so this one goes into the ear but doesn't come out so that's pretty good so so we want to keep that don't want loops going all crazy so i think we need to i'm really hesitant to get rid of this little loop going around the ear i like having my features separated from the rest of the geometry so what we're going to do is we're going to merge some points so we'll turn this merge button on here we'll turn on snap and vertex click a point and hit g oops turn off the portion of editing hit g and it just snaps and merges at the same time so that's pretty good we've got we've got an edge here dissolve edges so this might mess up our loops let's keep on here and then here we will get this dissolve edges and soft edges okay let's check our smooth here okay that's all right check our loops that's good that's good that's good okay so we're not not attaching the things where we don't want them to attach okay so now that we've got our geometry in place i'm not going to say it whenever i say that we end up modifying some geometry turn off our snap so the ear here usually um wrinkles inwards so i'm going to add a little bit more geometry so i will see cut that and i will cut that and move this in move these out and i think we will yeah okay that's better this needs to be much deeper so i think we might need a loop no i don't have that much um let's try and push these back so it gets really deep here and it gets shallower over here so let's pull this back see how it looks looks kind of crappy i think it's okay so i think that's enough geometry for us to work on our ear so i'm going to take a minute to sculpt this so this shaping will be uh in artistic mode now we're going to artistically shape this ear into something we feel will match our character here's our i find ears to be a disproportional amount of work compared to how much they are appreciated no one really looks at the ear and says wow that's a really good looking ear but they they take more work than you think but you have to have an ear because if you don't have it it's going to be a really weird you know looking character so so here we are making an ear i like to have the subdivision modifier turned on for this so we can see more what it looks like when it's final with the sub d turned on you can grab the points and push them around to see how it's going to look like with it turned off you'll see that your points move out pretty far like if you can see right inside the ear that sharp triangle coming out you wouldn't do that if you're if you didn't have that sub be turned on so it's it's helpful to have that and toggle on and off to see what you're doing so here there's some geometry i didn't like i'm just cleaning up a little bit to get to make more sense a little bit cleaner probably didn't need to do that it's it's just getting kind of nitpicky about the geometry but for this mode you just want to shape this try and keep to artistic keep to your artistic mode and just shape it nicely and just check it against your concept and see if it lines up nicely so easy to just move things around i think that chain's a little funny too and i think that's uh i think that's gonna do it for us before we do any more it's a good idea to copy this head this is a good base mesh to sculpt off of [Music] so one day if you want to start doing some sculpting you'll just have this bass mesh head to attach to a body and you can start sculpting so let's hide that guy go back to our file don't have any scale on your objects this is especially important when you're doing animations so pick your head control a all transforms all transforms to deltas go ahead and do that with your eyes these i know these are temporary eyes but we might use them we might not well i'm not sure yet let's do a subdivision for these guys let's turn off our smooths let's add a smooth to these eyes let's get our eye in shape i think this needs to move in just a touch our eye is sticking in too deep into the head um you don't need that let's get that here we'll delete this and make it negative side okay [Music] so let's pull our skin around the eye forward to match so we will g y and just pull the whole thing forward like that so i know this is too far but we will pull it back in a second so let's do extrude and just oops [Music] extrude and pull that back so now let's pull back some of the some of these eyelid parts gy so when you pull them back leave a thickness there so you can see there's a lot of overlap or skin still sticking out and that's that's how real eyes are look are and so it'll look good and it'll also make it easier for us to fit our eye and keep our eye in the head when we're when our eyes are rotating so let's move these back let's move this forward okay okay that's pretty good for now the shape of our eye does not match our character it's a bigger arc here and a shallower arc there and it's pretty even this one it seems like it's bigger on this half so let's fix that and that let's check our template also if you're having a hard time seeing what's going on because of all the surfaces in the back you can hide them it's better right here get this over here i think i think that looks pretty good so i'm looking in 2d and in 3d to see if it feels similar i suspect this eye is still too far back so let's pull it just a little bit further forward to the y and just a little bit further forward let's get these eyes to match it gy okay [Music] okay that's looking pretty good let's add some detail to the eye so i'm going to use some reference images or a reference image so we're going to add this crease to the eye here similar to what she has uh the crease in her eyes a little bit different it's uh follows the eye over here and the inside it peels up a bit so it looks a little bit closer or smaller and then we'll also shape the bottom of the eye it peels out and it pillows slightly so let's do that so we will grab our head let's uh see let's grab our head and add a loop so with this loop here we'll pull some of the skin into the upper eyelid and again in this phase we're just going to shape it and we're just going to add the geometry and then we'll shape it later so a nice way to pull the skin in is insert 3d cursor do transform around 3d cursor and then rotate around that turn off proportional editing and rotate around that point so that's and that makes the skin follow the eyeball which is what happens um in real life and then i think uh let's see here so the fold for her eye is actually lower so let's pull it down slightly yeah it's a little better then let's smooth it out a little bit here okay that's pretty good you can check it with the smooth modifier i feel like it needs to pull inwards slightly and i think it needs to come down a bit further okay i think that's i think it needs to fold a bit more over here so let's have it fold a little more okay that's good now we'll shape the bottom of the eye it's going to puff out slightly so i think we also want to pull the rim of the eye out like this yeah that's better and then we'll pull this out so it puffs slightly and pull this down a little bit [Music] so it's not as sharp let's check it okay this uh this inside part's throwing me off so let's add a little more geometry here we need to anyway so we'll extrude this back and then we'll scale it around itself so now i'm just going to quickly shape the inside of the eye z extrude it again [Music] and then that's probably good enough okay okay that's better so that's looking pretty good i think that crease is good now we'll um so when this eye closes when this eye eyelid closes we need to get a little more geometry around here so that way it can shape around the eyeball so let's add one more cut okay and we can also use that to shape our skin a little more and we can use it to pell out the bottom of the eye okay i think that's looking good [Music] so we'll add some geometry in here to create this tear duct [Music] more here okay i don't want that much geometry so we will delete a face delete that face [Music] go to edge and edit close it back up it's there's a triangle here i don't think it matters no one's going to see that so i think that's enough geometry we want our tear duct to kind of pull in at the corner so we're going to do is but you want to still keep this shape up here so you want to keep this shape here and this shape here and just have it pull in the corner so we'll take these edges and double hit g and move them close to the corner we'll take these also actually no i'll take these and move them close to the corner even them out then we'll take them and pull them in so pull that in let's actually scale it a bit down pull it in scale it down and pull it in okay there you go so let's see what it looks like okay that's something to work with we need to um add some skin to usually there's some skin here it's like the the criminal carnicle or something like that so we need to pull the skin in not great with my anatomy terminology so apologies if i mangled that let's get this in here so we'll just double tip tap g to get this edge close to the tear duct and then just pull it in okay that's that's getting better now you don't want to go too much because if any skin is overlapping the eye when the clear part of the iris hits it it'll poke through and look and look funny so don't go too far with it hopefully you can see what i'm doing here i'm just going to get that point closer also then move it in slightly okay i think that's good [Music] okay so i think it's a good foundation we will have to shape this also but we'll do it later this eyelid needs to be much thicker i think we need to shape our eye to match our character a little bit better but this is this is good for now [Music] let's add some definition to our mouth edit mode edge mode there's usually a crease around the ellipse so we'll add a loop there very close [Music] so we've got a bit of a sharp there let's add the insides of the lips because right now it's just a little divot let's turn off this and let's open a side view here so control number pad three to go to the inside view make it easier for us to pull our shapes edge mode i mean uh poly mode or face mode okay extrude right click and over here we'll hit g to move it in now i want to shape the inside of the ellipse so let's grab the bottom ones here actually let's delete this [Music] so we'll grab these bottom points here and pull this down to make the inside of the lips so if you can see here or here that's the inside of the mouth or the bottom lip it's probably a little bit short so we can fix that g then let's do the same thing from the top up there and then let's scale these out so i'm going to put the 3d cursor right there scale around the 3d cursor and scale x to pull this out so it starts to make the inside of the mouth if you delete these temporarily you can see that's going to be the insides of the lips okay now we will extrude again e and right click or middle click wait escape sorry let me do that again because i'm confusing myself hit e and then escape so it snaps your extrude back to where it started and then you can hit g in the side view and pull back to shape the inside of the mouth [Music] make it a bit taller extrude again rotate it down [Music] and extrude it again rotate it down and scale it that's probably enough let's delete these faces so we'll have teeth in here and a tongue in there so it's going to block so you won't see the end of this throat so that's that's gonna be good enough it's probably more than we need so let's turn our mirror back on now because we had the mirror turned off all these new faces we added didn't clip so let's go into edge mode here i don't want to mess with that let's go to edge mode and select everything from new that we made oh it's going the other way okay so usually if you control click it control clicks a straight line of your whatever edges or points but because it went the other way so i had to had to click it manually okay so we've got that and now you'll see if you just move it it'll snap it to the middle so i'm snapping it to the middle just make sure i did that right yeah okay so that's that's now snapped let's turn on okay so it's a little bit better let's just make sure we have the geometry i think we might need a little bit more let's go ahead one more loop just want enough to be able to shape the lips we might need to add a loop here and here to get the mouth to fold nicely but let's let's play around this first and make sure maybe this will be okay so let's look at a reference image so we'll do shift a image reference actually shift a image reference okay scale us down [Music] this okay so our character's mouth is shaped like that so lips are partly open [Music] so it's most like this image here where you can see the skin overlaps to make the opening in the mouth smaller the mouth is open there's no overlap and the mouth is very wide and when it's closed it's just closed so we're going to make our mouth like this one here which means we need to have the actual mouth as wide as this one right now our mouth is actually very narrow so let's go and widen our mouth and after we widen it then we need to pull the lips down so it closes up like this so i'm going to mess around with this enough just to be able to tell if i have enough geometry for it and if i do i'll make the loops nice and then i will go into artistic mode and shape it nicely so let's just see if we've got enough so right now we want to move these out so let's move so i think this highlighted area here should be the same width as that right there so that should be good maybe a little bit more i also think that area doesn't come forward like that it's pretty flush with the front of the mouth so let's pull it back more oops like that [Music] okay let's pull this one further back because the mouth the open mouth curves around towards the inside so doing the same thing here oh not quite so let's make it curve more let's rotate around bounding box okay so now our sides of the mouth are curving inwards okay that's pretty good then let's try and pull these lips closed like that or like that and we're just going to check out and see if we have enough geometry to support that kind of shape to make it easier to animate i really think it's useful not to have these polygons from the top lip overlapping the bottom lip so try and avoid that it's not the end the world but it does make it a little bit easier to select things [Music] oops the lip actually comes out further so push that a bit i want to also shape the nasal nasal trough so we will but i don't want to do that i want to delete some faces here so we will delete a face go and make whatever shape we want so we will extrude the face here if i cut that it's going to go all the way around the head i don't want oh do i no i actually do i want i want a little more geometry to define the nose but i don't need to go around the whole head let's unhide this you don't need that much so what i'm going to do is i will delete a face somewhere up here behind the hairline and now i will cut it that's better so it defines nose a bit more and we can also use that to define our nasal trough f f close that up then we can use that to pull it in let's see here yeah so we're getting a little peel there so we need that that'll be good to shape the bridge of the nose or the length of the nose i'll leave that for now we want to get back to shaping our lips partial editing and let's pull that out why see here i am kind of just shaping this now just trying not to get into too much but i just want to make sure that we've got enough geometry and loops to make our mouth okay let's see here i think we've got enough for the bottom lip but this top lip hat the top lip height rounds down i don't know if we have enough for that i'm going to add just a little bit more geometry and then we can go into artistic mode and shape shape our lips okay i don't need that much geometry i don't need the bottom lip so i'm going to do is go into split mode and i'm going to see i'm going to merge that so our loop doesn't continue so control z point mode point point and at first so once i change that poly to a triangle the loop can no longer continue see now it stops which is what i want and i don't really care down here about how clean it is because that's not going to be animating no one's going to see it so we're good and i need to cut it somewhere else unless i need geometry in the eyes and i don't think i do um oops [Music] hmm but it might be nice to shape that nose a bit more but i still don't want it over the eyes so let's see let's do that go to isolate mode this goes into here so we will merge these points merge first no merge at first what okay whatever now we will cut this okay so that gives us a little more topology to shape our upper lip our nostril and this area here between the nose and the eye it changes uh does a lot of surfacing there um so it's gonna be useful to have that so i think this will be enough for me to go into artistic mode and shape this thing i'm going to leave my plate my reference my reference images here just in case i need them okay so here we are putting on our artistic hat and just shaping things immediately you'll notice that the lips look really funny they're overly too thick and when you go into 3d view um they pull down strangely it matches in the sketches in the front view it matches on the side view what matches in straight projections like that doesn't always look good in 3d so make sure you drop into 3d view when you're shaping your character to make the 3d view match what the 2d looks like so it's kind of this artistic blending in between the two so here you can see all these subtle details you you can't really immediately pick them up from the sketches so you'll have to go through with your knowledge of how a head is shaped and put that into into your um your mesh it's also useful to try and get your topology to be as even as possible but again you do still want to make sure you keep um you keep your design intent intact so here you can see we're getting that pocket below the eyes to bulge out a little bit here there's still a hole in the top of the head where i added some um an extra cut so just close it up i've always found that the nose is a very strong character trait so i like to take time with the nose the shape of the nose to closely match you know the the sketch i feel like it translates well to the character especially when you see it inside you so here i'm referencing the eyes i'm noticing that the pocket above the eye is smaller in the sketch than it is in the model so i'm modifying that to to make it to reduce it it's misleading sometimes because when you're working with just polygons there the shape will change a lot from naked polygon to when you have a sub d modifier on there so you need to make sure you look at both a smooth version and an unsmooth version to make sure you know what's going to happen when this is finally rendered smoothed and rendered i think i mentioned this before but the there's a the skin over the eyes and around the eyes there's a a slight light pink color around the eyes and that's the thickness of the skin it's it's quite thick you don't really think about that because you just see eyelashes or irises but the skin right at the edge of the eyelid and the bottom of the eyes is very thick so make sure you get that in there it also creates nice place to nest your eyelashes which is what happens in real life but having that thickness makes it easier to to bury the eyelashes in your eyelids so here you can see the tear duct um it wasn't prominent enough so i just slid over some points to square up that little shape slightly to to get that to death to stand out more i also find it's it's nice to have inspiration while you're working and i find working with an eyebrow-less face is somewhat less inspiring so i like to just throw in some really rough eyebrows just to make it more fun to work with there we go eyebrows we'll get rid of those later i like to pull my points close together to accentuate creases or curves sometimes you need to throw in a little bit more geometry to just get a little bit crispier this happens a lot right at the crease where the nostril meets the face a lot of times you need to put a little more geometry there so i think that's i think that's looking pretty good for our little artistic sculpting session i think we can add some more details maybe we'll add some we'll get some eyes in there and maybe move on to the body okay i think that's looking pretty good for our head i think now we can flesh out the eyes and move on to the body i like to make eyes with two pieces of geometry an outer sphere will be the clear part that's really glossy the inner sphere will be the white part with the little flat on one side to make up the iris and pupil so let's go and make that a little housekeeping first make sure your objects are this says one one one it does that one says one one one that's good too now i want to add a new sphere right where the old eyeball is i don't want to use this eyeball anymore so we'll do shift s cursor to selected we'll bring the 3d cursor to the middle of that eye new meshes are created wherever the 3d cursor is hide that i shift a mesh round cube and we'll make this one and we'll leave that aside for now let's go down scroll down let's add a sub d okay so right now i'm scaling it down so i have enough skin around the eyes that looks pretty good so now i want to do all the transforms or scale the deltas so a control a rotation to deltas and control a scale to deltas so i want to make oops our pupil this colored area here so we'll grab our eye and we'll turn off that and pick pick these edges loop tools and circle so that's a circle so i think that i think it's not i want to make this circle slightly bigger from the cheat so i'll do control e sorry control b and i'll scroll the mouse wheel to get three new lines then i'm going to scale this to roughly what i think the size of the pupil is i think that's not good let's turn this back on and see how you look are you a little too big so we'll control b again and now we'll do ctrl b pull that in we'll do two rolls of the mouse and then we'll delete this outer ring effects dissolve edges okay things are stuff funky hey why okay and at first and the first first i think it looks funny now oh no it's okay so where's our sketch go those are our people look the same size and i think that's good i also want to scale this middle part down a little bit so when we rotate our eyes around this origin point let's go to active element r y z see you can see the eye start because the eye pops out in the front it starts to push through our geometry because we were kind of assuming it's going to be one big sphere so what we want to do is and that's more like what a real eye looks like actually more like that but it makes it harder for us to to animate because you have to fix when it's going through the skin so i'm just going to cheat i'm going to turn on partial editing and go to g y g y and push it back just a little and check it r z is it okay okay that's better um i want to look and see to make sure it's not the front's not too pushed in where you start creating holes and it looks okay it looks almost like a sphere so now we'll make the inside part so we'll shift d escape edit mode a let's go x-ray we'll scale it slightly and we want to scale up towards the or the 3d cursor so we'll go to we have our inner i selected we'll go to shift s cursor to selected and go to edit mode we've got all our faces selected go to 3d cursor turn on x-ray and look at the beautiful scale s scales right down to the beginning um let's turn on wireframe so we can see just what just a small scale in okay now we want to make our pupil and iris i'm going to make this see through so that way we can see what we're working on on the inside so go to object properties and go to i don't think that works ah it works okay yeah so this this is our outer eye and it always it's invisible but it has a wire frame so you can see through to what's behind it so now we'll select what's behind it turn on edit mode and pull these in to turn off portion editing and pull these in towards the middle so you normally this iris and pupil it's almost flat i like to exaggerate it because i like to get this cast shadow i like the upper part of the eye darker than the bottom part i like the bottom to catch some light it creates for me it creates um some depth you're cheating creating more depth okay i feel like the inner eye wants to be a little bit wider let's bring my 3d cursor back there and we'll scale this so when we scale it make sure this inner line doesn't go out past your clear part scale it and i think now it looks better okay so that is our eye and we will see we'll name these okay so we've got our eyes in place let's just make sure they rotate okay let's make some teeth i think we had a cylinder in here somewhere to represent our teeth here we go x-ray wireframe so let's see here the teeth look like they're in a good location like trying to see if the teeth are big enough yeah i think they're good let's go to local wood the side view make this as tall as our teeth and our gum line will be on the top okay so we'll make just the top teeth first we'll scale this slightly in then we will go to edit face click click oops click shift click i to inset in x to delete faces edge f and then a whole bunch of f's okay go to bring everything back x-ray so let's cut let's cut some of our teeth off that need the back teeth here does that look like enough teeth yeah it's it's hard to see inside the mouth anyway so it's you know no one would ever know if you didn't have enough teeth i think we actually don't but it's okay i'll cut half of this off mix faces and we'll add a mirror and mirror okay so let's sculpt our teeth or make make our geometry for our teeth let's see here the front teeth are a little bit bigger so let's move it in a bit you can reference your model when you're doing it to get a feel for how big the front teeth should be that's too small that's too big that is just right c g x y since this whole uh mouth is on an angle make sure you're transforming in local so that way when you scale an x or y then go along this axis okay let's also move some of these in because the molars shift s cursor to selected shift s curve selected okay edit mode now we can scale these towards our 3d cursor and make the molars bigger because we need to eat our vegetables and we need big teeth for that so we've got our molars and then we will alt shift and just click them all uh control b to bevel and we will make just three then we will scale to bounding box okay so the front tooth does have a little gap there but don't do it too much just do it really suddenly maybe let's go that way more g x y gy increase okay so the front teeth are rather flat these other teeth are more rounded so let's just add some shape to it and i don't think we're going to see much further past that so we're going to skip the rest of it maybe one loop here okay that's a lot better and we will alt alt shift shift shift e too many hot keys shift e okay and s z zero let's bring back everything else and see how it looks let's turn off our mirror oops oh little wide okay so now oh didn't scale it to control a scale to deltas but we're leaving rotation the way it is so we will shift d to duplicate s z negative one g z to pull it down we'll scale it in slightly and the upper teeth in the front at least overlapped the back cheesy so it's just touching and then let's undo okay we've got some teeth there shift a mesh cylinder reduce the vertices down to like eight should be fine rx 90. so let's rotate this so should be 22.5 degrees which is half of 45 because each of these angles is 45 degrees so half that's 22.5 we will delete this face x face go to edge mode and close it ffff and then we will control r and add three pieces scale it down scale scale scale so let's make it roughly tongue size rounds some of these in a smooth modifier the tongue is somewhat of a spoon shape on top so we'll move this down to create kind of a little pocket in the middle okay so i think that's looking pretty good let's go to side view other side view x-ray move this tongue in place i think uh i think the tongue just sits at the edge of the teeth so back of the teeth let's do that and we'll select some pieces here and we'll rotate it cursor and i think that's going to be our tongue let's un-mirror re-mirror our head and yeah i think uh i think we are pretty good here maybe let's put a no that's good i went and cleaned up our collections here so things are nice and tidy [Music] i find it good to add a little bit of color so you can keep your inspiration going when you're making this character so let's add the color [Music] new [Music] i like breath and we will pick some faces create a new material [Music] color it say green assign then we'll create the iris i think you want to inset this that feels good new [Music] okay got that now let's make our eye clear so if you're you're in modeling mode i like to do wireframe let me show you here so in modeling mode i like to go into wireframe this way you can kind of see where the clear part is in relation to your solid part but if you want to shade this some people like to shade it will go to solid and then go over here and let's get a material on there [Music] so i use the glass material and it's it's i'm just kind of funny with their glass so we need to go to let's see material and transition where is it screen space reflection then we need to go to our scene settings and render properties and screen space reflections and turn reflections on and go back to our material again and turn the roughness down [Music] yeah and so now we've got a clear eye so that's kind of fun when you're working because you just have it looks more like a person let's add some more textures in this tutorial we'll create full on texture maps with normals and everything but just just for now for our modeling it's nice to have some color let's go to color our lips a little bit go to face mode that's good so after you assign it you can click off and then see how the color looks a bit more because we don't have our actual textures if you go too heavy it'll look look weird so i and again this is personal preference i like to go light until we do the actual textures and maybe we can do this too so i want to select inside the eye also and i'm just going to close this a few times until i get the inside of the eye it looks like i'm selected yeah now go and subtract and then assign tongues are usually more red [Music] and right better a little bit nicer thank you for watching and i hope it's useful i found all of this on youtube i just wanted to put the entire process in one video series in the next video we will model the body so if you want to see that let me know by subscribing leaving comments or better yet supporting me on patreon have a good one thanks
Channel: TomCAT - Characters, Art and Tutorials
Views: 1,304,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Tutorial, Character, modeling, girl, woman, pretty, hair, design, concept, templates
Id: 5d1vca8R43A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 10sec (9130 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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