Blender 2.8 Beginner 3D Modeling Tutorial

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in this splendor video I'm going to demonstrate how to make a 3d model of this hammer in my next video I'll demonstrate how to add materials and textures to it the blender version that I'm using is 2.8 beta since this is a beta version of blender you should be aware that some of the things that I'll be showing might change also version 2.8 is a major update to blender so if you're using an earlier version then many of the things I'll be showing will be different for the benefit of those who are brand new to blender I'll start by covering some blender basics and then we'll jump into modeling the hammer if you want to go straight to the modeling then skip ahead in the video to three minutes and 52 seconds in blender there is more than one way to do many of the common things that you'll be doing for example if you put the cursor over this magnifier icon hold down the left mouse button and then move the mouse you can zoom the view in or out you can also zoom the view by using the scroll wheel as another example if you press one on the number pad the view will switch to front view another way to do this is to open the View menu select viewport and then click front this is a list of the hot keys for these vantage points learning hotkeys and blender can help you to work much quicker by the way these hotkeys say to use the numpad this is important because in blender the numbers on the number pad work differently than the numbers at the top of the keyboard if you don't have a number pad then you can open the Edit menu and select preferences then click the input button and enable emulate numpad this will cost the numbers at the top of the keyboard to work like the number pad if you click the save Preferences button then blender will remember the settings the next time it opens even though blender gives you multiple ways to do many things in most cases I'm only going to be showing one way but as you explore blender you may discover other methods that you like better as I previously mentioned you can zoom the view by using the scroll wheel to rotate the view hold down the middle mouse button and move the mouse on many mice the scroll is also the middle mouse button to pan the view while holding down the shift key press the middle mouse button and move the mouse to select an object left click on it here I'll select the light source the camera and then the cube with the cube selected you can move it scale it and rotate it to move it press G which means grab and then move the mouse you can see how far it's moving up here if you want to restrict the movement to the x-axis then press X if you press Y then it will be restricted to the y-axis and if you press Z then it will be restricted to the z-axis if you want to move it by a specific distance then type in a numeric value I'll type one point two when you're finished moving it then click the left mouse button to complete the operation to undo the last operation press ctrl-z to scale an object to press s and then move the mouse and just like when moving an object you can restrict the scaling to the XY or z axis by pressing X Y or Z you can scale by a specific amount by typing in a numeric value to complete the operation click the left mouse button to rotate an object press R and then move the mouse rotating can be restricted to the XY or z axis by pressing X Y or Z you can also rotate by a specific amount by typing in a numeric value to complete the operation click the left mouse button now let's start modeling the hammer we're going to start with a new project so from the file menu select new and then general we're going to turn this cube into the head of the hammer we're currently in object mode which is useful for things like adding objects and moving them around to edit a mesh edit mode or sculpt mode is typically used in this video we're going to be using edit mode so press the tab key to switch to edit mode pressing the tab key will toggle back and forth between edit mode and object mode in edit mode you choose here you want to work with vertices edges or faces start by clicking the face select button currently all of the faces are selected if you want to deselect everything press alt a if you want to select everything press a we only want the left side face to be selected so click it to select it now we're going to extrude it to do this press e to extrude and move the new face a little to the left if you want to know precisely how far I'm extruding then look up here to complete the operation left click now scale it down in size by pressing s and then scale it down and just like when I was extruding you can look up here to see precisely how far I'm scaling to complete the operation left click next press e to extrude then press e to extrude again now press s and scale it up in size we're going to be making this face round but for this to work we need to first add some more geometry to the object we can do this with loop cuts adding loop cuts is a multi-step process first press ctrl R and place the cursor over an edge that you want to cut then use the scroll wheel to select how many cuts we're going to add two cuts then left click now if you move your mouse the loop cuts will move with it which allows you to position the cuts next you can either left-click when they're in position or right click if you want them centered we want them centered so right click now we're going to add two more loop cuts so press ctrl R use the scroll wheel to make two cuts and then left click and then right click when we added the loop cuts blender switched in to edge select mode so click the face select button now we're going to select all nine of these faces on the end an easy way to do this is to hold down the left mouse button and pull this selection box over the faces next we're going to turn the selected faces into a single face so press X to delete and select dissolve faces now we're going to make this face round so from the mesh menu select transform and then to sphere now you can move the mouse to adjust the strength of this effect or you can enter in a value so enter 1 and then press the Enter key now we're going to extrude this face so press e to extrude next we'll add a bevel so press control B and use the mouse to adjust the bevel sighs now let's model the other side so select these 9 faces then press e to extrude now press s to scale then e to extrude 2 times then S to scale then e to extrude next we're going to add more geometry using loop cuts so press ctrl R use the scroll wheel to make two loop cuts then left click and right click now we're going to transform this cube section into a sphere shape so that we can select edges on the front and back of the object at the same time click the show whole screen transparent button this lets you see through the object and it also lets you select any vertices edges or faces that can be seen now rotate the object to the side and select the cube shape to transform this into a sphere from the mesh menu select transform then to speer then type 1 and then press Enter now I'll press alt a to deselect everything next we're going to select just this ring of edges one way to do this is to first switch to edge select mode if it's not already selected then hold down the Alt key and left-click one of the edges now we're going to scale this down to zero on the y-axis which will flatten it so press s then Y then 0 then enter then move it on the y axis by pressing G then Y then move it to the right now hold down the Alt key and left click one of these edges we're also going to flatten this ring so press s then Y then 0 then enter then press G and then Y and move it to the right now select this whole section then press G and then Y and move it to the left now click the show whole screen transparent button to disable it next we're going to add a subdivision surface modifier which will make the object look smoother so switch to the modifiers panel and add a subdivision surface modifier this sets the number of subdivisions for the current view and this sets it for the final render set both of these values to 3 now I'll press tab for object mode so that we can see what this looks like the subdivision surface modifier smooth everything out but there are some areas where we want the sharper edges we can accomplish this by adding extra geometry so I'll press tab to switch back to edit mode if you add a loop cut next to an edge it will sharpen it so press ctrl R left click here slide it close to this edge and left-click again now let's add another loop cut to the other side so ctrl R left click slide it close to the edge and left-click now if I tab into object mode you can see that the edge is sharper I'll tab back into edit mode so that we can sharpen some more edges now press ctrl R to add a loop cut then ctrl R again then ctrl R again we're going to do some to add geometry to the outside edge of this face instead of using a loop cut we're going to inset the face to do that switch to face select mode and then select the face then press I to inset and drag the mouse until the new edge is just a little smaller then do this one more time sometimes when you have a round face like this you'll see ripples around the edge by in setting it twice like we did it can make it look much better now we're going to add two loop cuts to the center so ctrl R use the scroll wheel to make two loop cuts and then left click and then right click now scale it up in size on the z axis by pressing s and then Z next we're going to put a hole through the center so switch to face select mode and then left-click to select the top middle face now rotate the view so that you can see the bottom then while holding down the shift key left click the bottom middle face to add it to the selection by holding down the shift key while selecting the bottom face it prevented the top face from becoming deselected so that both faces are now selected now we're going to scale these faces up in size on the y axis so press s then Y then scale it up you can see that it's scaled the top and the bottom the whole is going to be created between these two selected faces to do this go to the edge menu and select bridge edge loops to make the edge Sharper at the ends of the whole we're going to add an inset so press I and then move the mouse until the edge is at its sharpest next we're going to inset the front and the back to flatten these surfaces so select these nine faces on the front then press I to inset and drag the mouse until the new edge is just a little smaller then do this one more time now select these nine faces on the back then press I to inset then do this one more time now tab into object mode you'll notice that there are some places like the inside of the hole where the surface is not smooth to improve this right click and select shade smooth now it looks better we're finished modeling the head of the hammer this is a good time to save what I have so far now let's make the handle so press shift a and add a mesh cylinder when you add an object it will be added at the location of the 3d cursor so the cylinder is currently located inside the head of the hammer we're going to scale it up to be nine times longer on the z axis so press s then Z then nine then enter now add a subdivision surface modifier set the view and render values to three the ends of the cylinder are pointed instead of flat so we need to add some more geometry to it so tab into edit mode we're going to add six loop cuts to it so press ctrl R use the scroll wheel to make six cuts and then left-click and then right click now we'll inset the top face to sharpen the edge so switch to face select mode and select the top face then press I to inset and drag the mouse until the new edge is just a little smaller you'll notice that the edge has ripples so press I again and inset the face one more time now we're going to flatten the handle a little so press a to select all then scale it on the x-axis by pressing s then X then flatten it a little now we'll the handle into position so move the handle on the z-axis by pressing G then Z then drag it until the top of the handle is near the top of the hammerhead then press 3 on the number pad for right side view and zoom in then press G and then Z and align the top of the handle with the top of the head at the center next we're going to shrink down the top of the handle so that it will fit in the hole that we made earlier so click the show whole screen transparent button so that we can select faces on the front and back of the handle at the same time then select this top portion of the handle now click the show whole screen transparent button again to disable it next press 7 on the number pad for top view then scale it on the y axis by pressing s then Y then scale it down in size until it's a little smaller than the hole then scale it on the x axis by pressing s then X and again scale it down in size until it's a little smaller than the hole now let's reshape the rest of the handle so press 3 on the number pad for right side view then click the show whole screen transparent button so that we can see through the objects now let's add a loop cut to sharpen this edge so press ctrl R then left click then drag it up close to the edge and left-click again now select this edge then move it on the z axis by pressing G and then Z and then move it up a little now select this edge and scale it down by pressing s then press G and then Z and then move it up now select this edge press G and then Z and then move it up next select the bottom edge then press s to scale and scale it up a little then press E and extrude it a little then press s and scale it down a little now we're going to inset this twice so press I and then inset it then press I and inset it again now we'll add a loop cut to sharpen this edge so press ctrl R then left click then drag it down and left click again we're finished the hammer now click the show whole screen transparent button to disable it and then tab into object mode I'm going to save what I have so far in my next video I'll demonstrate how to add materials and textures to it to produce this result well that concludes this video thanks for watching and please subscribe and leave a comment
Channel: tutor4u
Views: 743,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d modeling, 3d, blender version 2.8 Beta, how to, tutorial, tutorials, tips, tricks, beginner, intermediate, Blender (Software)
Id: elUJCEC06r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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