Create A Low Poly Well | Beginners Tutorial | Blender 2.8 | Easy

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hello and welcome to gabot media I'm grant Abbott and today we're going to be making this rather attractive medieval old-style well it's one of those classic game objects that you often see this is a beginner's tutorial but I'm expecting some understanding of the interface and hopefully you've had a look at my beginners course and this is a general continuation of that course you can find out more about that on gavotte Cote UK where all the courses are free and you can go right through from beginner to advanced levels it is worth noting that this is not optimized for games but you could use this in games if you wanted to throughout this course are we going through different modeling techniques and I might be doing things slightly differently to how I might work just for the sake of teaching and going through each technique stage by stage and not introducing too many things too early so let's begin I'll start with a new scene and when you load up blender you should see something similar to this I'll start by creating the circular stones around the base of the well I'm going to use the default cube this time if we press tab to go into edit mode or we can press on edit mode up here and I want to be in edges which is along here or I can press 2 on my keyboard so I've got all the edges selected at the moment and if I press control B I will bevel them and I just moved my mouse which can be a bit glitchy but if you move your mouse you should start to see it move as well and we're trying to create a sort of stone looking object like this it's got that nice stylized look when it's beveled and that just takes the sharpness off the edges let's go into front view now with one on my numpad or you can use the axis up here and I want to duplicate this and I'm actually going to duplicate it in edit mode so I'm still in edit mode shift D to duplicate and then I've got a duplicate what I've forgotten to do though is change this to face mode so I'll undo that it's also worth noting that my shortcut keys will be displayed down here so this time let's go to face mode with 3 or I can click up here and make sure you selected all with a double tapping a will deselect all a select all and shift D to duplicate this time and let's constrain it to the x-axis by pressing X somewhere around there looks good I'm going to get to wireframe now I can go up here or I can press a Zed on my keyboard and go to wireframe and I'm going to box select those faces so that's just left clicking and dragging now I can press G than X and grab and slide them out so there's two blender units here and three on this one I'm also going to control our and loop cut down the middle here so ctrl R click once and you can move it around or you can just right click to cancel that movement to leave it in the middle you can also use the loop cut tool over here so I've got two bricks and one is 1/2 times the other I want to create one more different type of brick so let's get the front view again now that's interesting I've got the reverse view if you ever want to reverse your view press control 1 or control 3 and it gives you the other side this would normally be front view and I was on the other side so control and the number on your numpad so I press control 1 to get to front view again so it looks the same it doesn't matter which direction you're going in now I've got two objects but they are still one object what I mean by that if I press L on this object for linked it selects everything that's linked to that but it's not completely joined to this one so the vertices aren't merged together even if they were overlapped like this I can press I can double tap a to deselect all and press L over this one and it still only selects this linked object so you can select separate objects in edit mode even though they are part of the same object I'll just quit you undo that and let's duplicate this one shift D and drag it along the X so shift the X and drag it to about there box select those n faces I'm gonna go edges at the moment it should work with edges as well but I'd rather use faces grab and pull that along and constrain to the x axis so now it's twice the size of the original I want one more loop cut down here and I'm going to even these loop cuts out alt left click on that and double G to slide it across now you can see that's fairly even now the reason I want these loop cuts in here is so when I bend them around they'll have more topology to bend with I'll explain that a bit more later let's go to front view again this time I'll go the other way select them all shift D to duplicate extra the x-axis and pull them across and I'll do them all together once more shifty X so there we've got our long line now we need to add a modifier to all this in order to bend it around into a circle now it's worth pointing out that my pivot point is in the middle there and that's a fine paste for the pivot point to be but it's important that we think about where it is fill let's go to object mode with tab I'm going to get to solid mode so I can see it better and I want to go to the modifiers over here where the spanner or the wrench is an add modifier and this is a simple deform so a new one simple deform and you can see that it creates this twist because it's on the twist of selection if I change this to Bend now you can see it bends a bit strangely because it's going on the x-axis which is this red one down here I want it to bend around the z-axis which is up and down which you can see up here as well so let's change the axis to Zed and you can see it's starting to go in the direction we want it to go also notice that it's going around this pivot point here so let's change the angle if I click and drag I can slide it up but I know it's going to be 360 degrees so I can type that in and it goes all the way around to the beginning and you can see it just joining up there and that's great and also if I go into edit mode you can see that these loop cuts we made are helping it to bend around into a circle if I didn't make those luke cuts these blocks would all be straight and it wouldn't work so well back to object mode the tab and I'm going to apply the modifier you could make a copy of it if you ever wanted to go back and change this but I know I'm not going to but it's worth noting when you press apply you are setting that modifier and you can't go back and try and change things with it so I'll press apply let's go to front view now and let's duplicate this shift D and bring it up in this air axis then I'll scale it down to somewhere around there and now we can see one of our problems because my pivot point is here it's scaling around that pivot point if I press s it scales around that pivot point I'll cancel that with right click so actually I want the pivot point to be right in the center and there's an easy way to do that to undo those steps so I'm back to where I started and I'm going to go to object set origin origin to geometry and can you see it jump into the middle there if I press n on my keyboard now and go to item you can also see that the location is slightly away from the center I think it would be helpful to have it right in the center so I'm going to change all these to zero you can click and drag across all of them and type in zero and it will move it back into position now let's get to front view shift D to duplicate and said on the keyboard to constrain it to the z axis somewhere around there scale it down with s and then I can grab in the z axis again move it into position but it's in line with my other one so I want to rotate around the Zed axis are then Zed and then I can have more of a brick type look let's just look around quickly because you don't really have these lining up with each other I'll rotate round the z-axis again a bit more there we go that's a bit better one in front view shift D to duplicate in the said axis so Zed on the keyboard move that up and rotate it round this n axis and just having a look around to see whether it's lining up we don't want any of them lining up like that so I'll keep rotating it until they're not lining up there we go and then I'll duplicate the bottom one so I'll go to front for you again with one on my numpad shift D to duplicate and move that up in the said axis and just rotate that slightly in the Zed checking that it doesn't overlap anywhere that's great oh when I forgot to make that one bigger so two front view again scale and just scale it up slightly so it's not quite as big as the bottom one some around there grabbing the z-axis and there is the base of my well now I'm overlapping my light and camera I'm going to quickly select both the lights and the camera and press M that moves them to a new collection and I can create a new collection here I'm going to call that camera and light and press ok then I can easily hide them up here in my outliner so I can hide them from my view they are still there and having an influence so they will be rendered but this just hides it from a viewport so at the moment I've got four objects in my collection I'm actually going to make a new collection out of these as well so select all of them press M new collection and call it well now the next thing I want to do is make these non uniform so at the moment they're very rigid and it doesn't really have any character now there's a couple of ways I can do that I could actually join them all together and go into scope mode and start moving the vertices around a bit and I quite like doing that but I think a better way for beginners is to understand proportional editing so with all of them selected I can go into edit mode with tab and the new version of blender means that I can edit multiple objects at the same time as long as I have which is ticked by default lock object modes so let's go into vertex mode and if I select 1 vertices let's say turn on my proportional editing at the top here that means when I press G now it's got this circle of influence so if I make that really big for the moment you can see the sorts of things it does so anything connected to this object is being influenced by my movement I'll cancel that with right click and I press G to grab and if I use my will now I can change the influence so let's move certain vertices around and just start pulling things in and out in different directions and give it some variation remember to usual keep shortcuts for this Shoji to grab I'm just left clicking and pressing G to grab and moving them around Oh is the shortcut to turn on and off proportional editing so the shortcut is oh and you might just want to move one vertices here and there as well also what might help you is to changing your view to a madcap view and then you can really see what the shape is going to look like and you might want to get back into object mode and just have a look around and see whether you're happy with it so the madcap mode if that was a bit quick is up here under the down arrow and you've got mad caps there lots of different ones to choose from and some will help you see your shading a little better so there we go I've gone back check mode and clicked away from my object so I can see it all and I think that's looking fine so your first task is to get to this point once you've got to that point I'm going to show you how I made the wooden frame and you can turn to do that for homework and then I'll go through the roof tiles and other bits and pieces in the next episode but if I press shift and right click that will change my 3d cursor to this point and I can add the supports so shift a mesh cube let's go to side for you with three and move that into position and then front view I shall moved it into the wrong position so front view off to the side there side view into the middle that makes more sense now there's a couple of things I want to point out here if I scale it now say scale in the z-axis and make a supporting beam dip further with the set axis and scale it in so if I press s then shift Z it will only scale in the X and y axis and let's move that up now can you see my scale is non-uniform it's not all one so when I go into edit mode and I go to the edges or I can press two on my keyboard and press control B the bevel looks all strange and that's because it doesn't understand the scale of the object let's undo that a better way is to just scale in edit mode or if you've already scaled in object mode let's go quickly back to object mode with tab I can press control a and I can set my scale or apply my scale so when I press this look what happens over here in the scale so control a scale it all returns to one now when I go to edit mode press control B with my edges selected I can see that they're all working in a uniform manner the other thing that's worth pointing out when I do the bevel for the wood I don't bevel nearly as much as I did with the stone you could in fact keep your wood with sharp edges I just prefer a bit of a bevel I think it gives it a better look but if you do bevel the wood then you only need a slight amount so your homework task therefore is to try and recreate what I've done with the frame of my well which you should be able to see in the corner here and here's just the base on its own to help you out so very straightforward I'll quickly select it and go into edit mode so you can see so a slight bevel and a few loop cuts and I've just distorted them slightly the quick way to distort if you alt left-click on a loop cut and press R to rotate you can see that I'm just giving it slight variations around the place and you might want to scale some in and scale some out okay so that should be enough for you to be getting on with until the next time and in the next episode we'll be covering the roof tiles and the base and adding textures and materials thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 917,099
Rating: 4.9469552 out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, how, to, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, sculpting, sculptor, sculpt, painting, basic, stylized, lowpoly, low, poly
Id: OlnkGCdtGEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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