bleaching my black hair at home | i bleached it 4 times....

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[Music] we're back i'm on the floor of my room i'm gonna bleach my hair okay i'm going through some right now i'm just kidding we're gonna bleach my hair i look like hagrid right now if you guys haven't seen my last dyeing my hair slash bleaching video you know that i did the lower half of my head and then i boxed i did black um and a lot of people had have said to not go over with bleach because it's very very damaging i already know that i'm very well aware um but you know what i'm just gonna do it i'm just gonna do it um it's still we're still on lockdown um so i'm not i'm not going out i'm not seeing anyone the holidays have passed i have two weeks left until school starts and i'm stressing out about it so i'm just gonna bleach my hair bleach my whole head okay i'm excited so we're gonna section um i've watched a lot of brad mondo so i've been i've been preparing for this moment okay i've been putting in the efforts oh i should probably read the directions ha how long does it stay on my hair [Music] i up you guys i ran out of developer which is not good i also can't move my head because there's so many foils so i finished all of my ends but this big section i couldn't finish i couldn't soak all of my hair because i ran out of freaking developer and obviously as you guys can see i have not done my roots at all so we'll see how it looks um i want to cry but it's fine um sally's is closed right now so i can't even do that but i literally have not done my roots um i'm gonna have to bleach them when my developer comes in the mail or i might just go out and buy it tomorrow i'm a little embarrassed to go outside because i know i just know it's not going to be even what a lovely day to mess up your hair so i just got out of the shower um washed the bleach off and it's very orange as you can tell it's also my entire routes haven't been done because obviously i ran out of developer it is very uneven like here it's like really light and then down here it is not still very like what it's not fully dry yet but it is very like a dark orange almost um i look like bellathorn right now anyways i look crazy um my hair dude i don't know i don't know what to do i'm gonna go and i will see you guys when we do round two hey guys i'm currently driving i look crazy [Music] um i just picked up some more things from sally's because i really think i'm gonna bleach my hair again today i really couldn't wait okay so here's what i got at sally's i look crazy i got more developer 30 volume i got more bleach just in case i need it i do have uh more bleach in there but i don't want to run out again so i just bought an extra one just to be safe i bought a purple conditioner so i can use it to tone later and then i got uh just a shampoo because i was running out and they were having a buy one get one 50 off sale so i also got a pump for that so that's great look around should i do that oh hey guys so i basically just started bleaching from the front of my head to the back of my head and i know that you're not supposed to do that normally but because the top of my head was less processed than the back of my head i thought doing it first might help it get a little bit more even so yeah as you can see i'm just saturating my hair in the bleach and just doing it section by section and hey guys sorry if you can hear the tv in the background um here is my hair as you can see the roots are very very blown my bottom is still very very not blonde so here's what it looks like it's still wet but yeah um i'm not going to bleach it again for a while just because my hair is pretty pretty damaged so i'm gonna let it get oily for another three or four days and then we'll do another round of bleach and i'm just going to touch up some of the areas that i've missed um there's some black spots and maybe just redo like the entire bottom part of my hair i just wanted to give you guys an update of my hair it's still a little damp but for the most part it is pretty dry you can tell that the top part of my hair has lifted a lot like a lot other than that i look like a highlighter which is fun um it's actually so funny i actually need to do like an online interview and i just don't i just don't really know i'm gonna do it with this hair so we'll see how that goes but yeah i'll keep you guys updated all right guys so the next thing that i did was that i toned my hair or attempted to tone my hair with some purple conditioner and i left that in i mixed the purple conditioner with just a regular white conditioner to dilute it a little bit and then i left it in for about 45 minutes to an hour and you'll see in the next clip that it really did not do much um so my hair was looking pretty much the same after this but i will have to say that this definitely helped the condition of my hair because i was soaking my hair in conditioner for an hour it definitely helped to kind of nourish my hair and bring it back to health but ultimately i did have to bleach it again so this didn't really work for me i am back my hair doesn't really look very different um you can see some parts have gotten really really light and like platinum almost um it also might look like that because of the ring light but some of it has toned like especially at the top of my hair and my hair just gets way way orange at the bottom and now it's like this weird ashy brown color which i don't mind i just wish it was the same all over uh definitely have to re-bleach that definitely have to re-bleach a lot of different parts especially like my lower section i feel like this top half is okay there are some orange spots that i do need to touch up like on the roots but this is what my hair is looking like so far hey guys um sorry i forgot to record when i was bleaching my hair during the third session um but i just wanted to give you guys an update on my hair um let me set you guys down wow i look really blond okay so i just finished bleaching well i just finished rinsing the bleach from my hair from the third session and basically my mom helped me um just kind of cover up the spots that i missed before and bleach basically the mist roots um a lot of my roots in the back were still black so she helped me do those i also did a little bit i touched up a little bit of the spots that were orangey but they're still pretty orangey like these i don't know and some against the light you can see like some spots are still pretty orangey this is what my hair is looking like overall okay and here we go again here we are again doing the fourth and final bleaching session um at this point my hair was pretty damaged and i didn't want to do more damage on my hair so i really tried to focus on putting bleach on the really orange parts of my hair and i tried to skip over the parts that were pretty light so i wouldn't bleach over you know already processed hair um and yeah i am struggling a little bit in these clips but i honestly think that i could have done without this fourth bleaching session and if i just toned my hair i think that would have worked as well but here we are doing it again just making sure that the orange is really gone but yeah just enjoy these clips this is my hair after for bleach sessions and my hair better be looking like daenerys targaryen's hair okay it has gotten significantly lighter i think a lot of the orange is kind of off of my hair there's obviously still bits and pieces of orange and my hair hasn't completely dried yet because she's damaged as full okay um but it is actually definitely a lot lighter so i think i'm gonna stop it there for my bleaching um and i will probably tone my hair because she's looking a little yellow i will probably tone it in a couple of days i'm going to let my hair rest i'm going to do some hair masks we're going to try to restore my hair because she is she's not doing too well i mean i was a little bit concerned because i got out of the shower and my hair she was feeling like vermicelli noodles um there was some breakage happening but i think she's holding up okay um not the best but yeah i i am happy with the color so far i think we are reaching the end goal okay and now time for a very much needed hair mask break um this hair mask is mashed up avocados honey and then i also added in some coconut oil and this was actually really good for my hair i think it would be really good if you do this like every week um but yeah you guys should definitely try it out all right you guys this is the final product of my bleaching my hair series um i don't know if you can tell but i have toned my hair um i toned it with the t28 and this is in natural blonde and as you can see it has given me a very very natural blonde finish like it's i don't know if the lighting is i don't know if you can tell with the lighting but it is definitely like a cooler toned blonde it has taken away most of my brassiness and wow i mean my hair is completely fried but she looks good the color is looking real good i'm really really happy with it i'm really happy with the color and i will probably be keeping my hair like this for a while actually but i just finished washing the toner out and everything and i blow dried it a little bit um wow what a turn of events i'm very very surprised at how well the toner worked um obviously my hair is still a little bit wet but it's definitely not a brassy blonde anymore so i'm very very happy about that um yeah i'm just pretty satisfied with the color and it's i mean i might show you guys tomorrow in natural lighting and also when it's fully dry but this is just how it's looking like after the toner but yeah i didn't really record it because it's just kind of the same thing i just put it all over my hair so yes hey guys just wanted to end my video here um and give you a final look at what my hair looks like but yeah it's this very cool toned blonde ashy blonde color and i am really really happy with how the color turned out my hair obviously is damaged but i mean she's holding out okay i will definitely be doing some masks and things like that to help my hair feel a little better but i am definitely way more satisfied with this color than what i had previously so toning really really helped my hair just look so much better um hopefully you guys will see my hair but yeah um thank you so much for watching this video and sticking with me through this journey this has been really really fun but also really time consuming and i had to stay very patient throughout the process but it's definitely been worth it um and i am so happy with the final product so if you guys want to bleach your hair you should do it but be mindful that it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of patience and kind of a lot of skill not saying that i'm like skillful or anything but i'm pretty proud of myself like the color it looks pretty even it looks pretty good so the struggle was real but the struggle was worth it but yeah um i just wanted to say thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys in the next video [Music] bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Elizabeth Lee
Views: 169,327
Rating: 4.9053879 out of 5
Keywords: bleaching, hair, at home, bleaching fail, blonde, black hair to blonde, brad mondo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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