Bleaching my Hair for 24 HOURS (All Nighter)

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oh no oh no is this it is this when i become bald oh no hello so right now it is 10 05 p.m and usually when it gets around this time you one either go to bed or two make some questionable life choices and today i'm gonna go with option number two as you know i have dyed my hair multiple times on my channel and for some reason my hair is still hanging on my head it hasn't broken off at any point and maybe because of that i have a false sense of security that i can do anything to my hair and it'll probably be fine so i'm going to bleach my whole head today yeah it's just so tempting to do it every single time i see pictures of jungkook and hyunjin from stray kids looking beautiful with their blonde hair and i want to be like that their hair is also expensive i'm guessing it probably costed like i don't know a couple hundred dollars to get their hair in that shape and they probably went to a professional and didn't do it themselves so i don't know why i'm doing it myself well actually i know why for the content and for 2021 i wanted to see a few things the first thing is that i wanted to see myself with a full head of blonde hair and the second thing i wanted to see is myself bald so hopefully i can get like a kind of two in one type of deal my hair might end up looking like that plant later time to go is set up my makeshift hair salon we are open from 10 p.m to 12 a.m and we only take reservations of one person a day oh yes and this is what my hair looks like at the moment in terms of length uh looking a little bit shiny on the top just because i haven't washed in a few days you're not supposed to wash your hair for a couple days before you bleach your hair just to protect it from the damaging and hair loss effects of bleach yeah hopefully i can maintain this length after i'm done like the stuff back here actually doesn't feel that dead i mean it's still attached to my head so how dead can it be okay time to be bald so i did think a little bit before doing this i thought it would probably be very hard to bleach my entire head by myself and have it coming out looking even so i asked my friend who they had a little bit of experience with hair to help me out i went out to sally's and bought all the necessary ingredients and off we go on our bleaching adventure i really did not think that this is how the night was gonna turn out okay so i didn't do this for myself i got my friend to help me bleach my hair it is now 11 00 pm and yeah i'm gonna try and mix all this and then we're gonna figure out the timing and the bleaching part i'm scared oh god i'm gonna get demonetized the curtain this looks like frosting it actually looks like um what's it called mcflurry okay here we go i guess we'll try so the first round of bleach is what i'd like to call the adrenaline round where you feel excited and like you're doing something really cool but in reality you're probably making a mistake but you don't realize it yet because you're just hyped up on adrenaline at first my brain didn't really register what i was doing so we were having a nice pleasant chat while i was probably destroying my hair but you know i could be doing worse things like not wearing a mask partying during a pandemic and grooming my hair too much yes grooming my hair too much that's what i was going to mondo i'm sorry maybe he'll do a really good job and he'll be like wow and he's like oh girl your sections are too big and they'll be like oopsies does your mom know that i'm bleaching my hair again yeah no [Music] i think it's working sounds like it's working yummy okay be right back in another two seconds okay two seconds later we're almost done we just ran out of the 30 so i just gotta make that for my hairstylist when the hair salon makes you make your own bleach don't try this at home is that too liquidy do you think it'll work no no no that's okay this is multitasking grab andrew what do you think okay your ends are done oh i guess we have to scalp that oops now we're gonna do the blonde part oh it looks like i'm bald into the camera oh my future all right so this is round one of bleach that's what it looks like so far look at that quick trigger warning if you do not like clowns maybe skip the next scene okay i think we need more bleach uh round two and the camera doesn't look that bad almost done it's only so good what the final oh that's okay wait what was i saying it is 12 30 p.m wait let me check oh sorry it's 1 009 am almost done guys the salon is only open from 11 p.m to 5 a.m walk-ins one client per year walk-ins only and white but it's like actually like your roots in mid-shaft they're actually fine yeah i think there's this yeah that big chunk i don't know we'll talk about that we'll figure it out it'll be fine oh god i just i actually felt like parts of your scalp were like brown that's why i was like you're like this doesn't make sense okay 2 45 a.m so time for a little lunch break we're gonna go to mcdonald's and get a snack we're still open for another two hours it looks kind of cool in the lighting time for lunch hi we're back from our lunch break time to do another round of bleach okay everything's cooking in this bag right now i think after this we're gonna be good to go and then i just might need to tone it and maybe put a hydrating hair mask maybe once or twice stunning well i think it's about time we uh closed up shop we had our little lunch break and now we just cleaned up the store so this is what my hair looks like after it actually it still feels not like it feels not bad like actually most parts of my hair still feel fine the only part that kind of feels a little bit um like it's on its last legs is the spread part just because at the very beginning of quarantine last year i bleached the front parts of my bangs i can't remember how many times and then i dyed it over with black permanent dye but there is a one hairstyle that kpop guys have where their hair like swoops out like this and my hair is a little bit long to do that so maybe like the bottom part of this will just fall off and i'll just get like a natural swoop something like that but yeah this isn't the final result just yet i still have to tone my hair um because i don't want it to be this yellow looking color i am going to have to do that tomorrow because it is like 5 a.m right now and the salon is closed right now so we're just gonna have to wait until it opens again tomorrow have i been awake for the 24 hour mark yet i don't know if i can sleep because i am wired right now you ever have one of those nights where you just hyper focus on a specific thing and your brain just keeps working and it can't relax so you basically have no choice but to stay up the whole entire night i mean any reasonable person would probably just try and go to bed but i know i probably won't be able to fall asleep so maybe i'll just do something productive uh i'm feeling kind of delirious right now i just made some tea i have a feeling that when i wake up in the morning and i look at myself in the mirror i'm going to be frightened i'm literally going to be like that lady who sleepwalks in the middle of the night and just does randomly and my random task is bleaching my entire head cheers hi so i think i had a nice nap of i think two hours i woke up and i wasn't groggy or anything i was like ready to go because i think i'm still excited about um bleaching my hair so since i couldn't sleep i just organized my desk and cleaned everything up this was a literal like looked like a tornado went through this the hair bleaching saga will continue today i really think i just need one more round of bleach just to even out some parts that are a little bit darker and after i tone it i think everything will look okay hopefully fast forward to two weeks and my next video will be i have lost all my hair i feel like i shouldn't say that because i'm probably projecting that energy into the world i should probably take another nap good night my hair is all suctioned and we're ready to die oh pippy long stalking things or wendy's our salon is open we opened half an hour earlier today how hard working oh i see a crunchy part one second whoops let's take this out save the crisp at this point i was really hoping that this would be the very last bleach session i never want to smell bleach again or look at it or even talk about it but during what would hopefully be our last bleach session we started talking about our wholesome asian moms and how disappointed that they would probably be because all we do is bleach and dye our hair all the time and be weird not pregnant not in rehab i'm not in jail not that many shenanigans it could be worse hey everyone almost done so this last bleach is supposed to just even everything out because last time there were some parts that were dark and some parts that were light it's looking pretty even and then after the secret ingredient toner will hopefully make me look like jungkook oh my god i look so different wait let's open the door the fumes are making me dizzy what a journey it only took 24 hours for me to get jungkook hair all right we are almost done i just washed out the bleach and put the toner in my hair it's just a little bit uneven in some parts but we will see how it looks after oh no jungkook oh no someone's burning pasta it's going to be a skin tone you take some out oh my god would you take some out and just when i thought things couldn't get worse [Music] is this it is this when i become bald oh no okay but i'm pretty sure that this piece of hair has been on my head for probably around like 10 bleach sessions so eventually it it will fall off hopefully it's just this one piece oh god i'm nervous i really can't say for certain if that was the only piece of hair that fell off my head because while i was washing the bleach out of my hair i did feel a few strands disintegrate in my hands but at least there's one good news that will come out of this my saitama ang mr worldwide taeyong cosplay will be coming soon feeling very crunchy and crispy so this is like the third day in a row of me doing stuff to my hair my friend actually gave me some ovoplex and i mixed it with a bit of purple shampoo to tone it just a little bit more and also to rebuild and repair my hair cause some of it was literally on its last legs if i ran my hair through um i would have a little bit of invasion dna in my hand but yes in these past few days my hair has gone through probably more than any head of hair should ever go through brad mono if you'd like to tell me what i did wrong feel free to hopefully i still have hair after you tell me i'm really hoping the purple conditioner will tone it just a little bit more and the olaplex will hopefully um bring some of my hair back to life yeah not quite looking like jungkook just yet but hopefully we'll get there soon i'm just gonna watch some anime edit another video while i wait and i will show you the results after all i want to do is just look like an anime boy or a k-pop idol which is apparently quite expensive and not the easiest thing to do hi stop niko please well good news everyone by the looks of it i still have some hair left on my head uh some bad news though the bad news me and nico have the same colored hair now oh my god everyone in this house has blonde hair now how embarrassing oh isn't that sweet we're a family of blonde hair blue eyes i'm pretty sure that one guy with a mustache who started a bunch of wars back in the day would love that but here let me show you the final result wait let me just ew stop sniffing her butt okay this is my hair unstyled um that's kind of why it looks like i just woke up but i'm really digging the results i actually forget what i look like with black hair for some reason it's been about four days of me having blonde hair and i don't know who i am anymore sometimes i walk past the mirror and i'm like who did this to you especially at the beginning stages when my hair was pretty much like deep fried straw olaplex really saved me it really brought back my hair from deep fryer bleach health but i think at the end i really like the color after all that bleaching and toning so the only bad thing is is that it is a little bit uneven in some places uh especially here in the back thankfully though this is a pretty easy fix all i have to do is just bleach uh this part again and i'm pretty sure it'll lighten to the same color as this front hair i was really expecting at one point to like wipe my head and all of my hair would freaking come off like a bunch of noodles but thankfully that didn't happen only we only had one casualty when my dad saw me he was like oh you changed your hair and then he kind of laughed at me and when my mom saw me she was like hey yeah which translates to you why are you a white boy now i just wanted to see what privilege feels like is that so much to ask for oh yes i also started a tick tock so let me go finish that as well girl don't do it it's not worth it i'm not gonna do it girl i was just thinking about it i'm not gonna do it i did it i think i'm also gonna live stream tonight too so those people will also see my blonde hair as well did you bleach your hair i'm actually just wearing a hat today is it a wig kind of it's really crispy crunchy looking wig well your junk hook from wish has arrived can you see me hello [Music] hello that was so funny my roommate came back and i was just frozen like this and she didn't see the camera and she was like why are you just standing there like that but yeah anyways jumping from wish at your service actually no i don't think i'm giving myself enough credit like i'm definitely not jungkook yet but i don't think i'm quite jungle book either i feel like this is more like john cook there we go jungkook jungle book john cook but yeah having blonde hair really changes up my look i feel like i can pull off like a bunch of different styles now as long as i still have hair on my head i can do anything the exposure is really high i really look like john cook right now uh john smith be typing right now hmm what is drawn cook culture time to go drive my pickup truck and play football with the bros and go fishing what is my hair oh god okay i won't wear my hair like this because it's really giving me like connor kyle jacob vibes so what have i learned after doing all of this if you decide to bleach your hair maybe don't do it like three days in a row and probably don't start doing it at 11 pm because you will literally be awake the whole entire night and if you can ask someone else to do it for you i definitely wouldn't be able to achieve these results if i did this all on my own but this is my hair after a few days of doing some hair masks and some treatments because it really was just like crunchy ramen noodles i wish i took some footage of when it was in that state because it honestly looks so scary like you know that piece of hair that was on the floor it kind of looked like that but on my head and if you guys want to stick around i will keep you updated because who knows maybe this might be the last time you see this hair on my head man after someone said i look like a epic gamer i literally can't unsee it so if you want to follow me on instagram twitch or tick tock it will all be in the description and before you leave make sure you feed the algorithm with a like and a comment every additional like will be an extra strand of hair that hopefully stays on my head please guys i need all the likes on the prayers that i can get and i'll see you in the next video bye say bye
Channel: Edvasian
Views: 269,455
Rating: 4.9717078 out of 5
Keywords: bleaching my hair, dying my hair, I bleached my hair, bleach, for 24 hours, brad mondo, all nighter, edvasian, edvasian hair, black to blonde hair, jungkook, hyunjin, hair transformation, tiktok, pulling an all nighter, hair fail, new look, glow up, kpop hairstyle, hairstyle, bleaching my hair at home
Id: ZxDwx6yPR1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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