Black to blonde in 2 days! Bleaching my black box dyed hair at home 2021.๐Ÿ˜…

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel oh my god i'm about to screw myself over real quick but today i will be starting the process back to blonde hair here are a few pictures of me with blonde hair that i had about six months ago not so long ago honestly but you know what i tried out the dark side i like it but not as much as the blonde side something about blonde hair just pleases my eyes a little bit more don't get me wrong i'm not saying i'm never gonna go to the dark side again but i just have been having an itch to go back to blonde for the past couple months now and i think i'm finally gonna start the process so i've watched tons and tons of videos going from black to blonde healthy ways to go black to blonde and i think the first step is to remove as much color as i possibly can from my hair after coloring it black for the first time i've only touched it up with black box dye and i know that's such a no-no in the hair community but because i've only done it twice i don't think it's a big deal i'm gonna first remove as much color as i can from my hair and for that i picked up this hair color remover i don't know how well this is gonna work and i picked up two because i do have longer hair i've seen so many videos and it seems to work i know there's a color oops as well i think this is the same stuff so here's how my black hair looks i just bring out my eye color my blue eyes stood out with blonde hair as well but you know what i just like blonde a tad bit more so i'm gonna brush out my hair really well and then section off my hair and apply the hair color remover obviously if i had the money for it i would go to a salon but honestly i'm trying to pay off some medical debt and i just can't fathom spending like almost a thousand dollars if not more to go from this color to blonde so i'm done sectioning my hair i'm gonna leave one out because i have to start with a section so i'm gonna get these ready and we'll get started [Music] wow okay so i don't know if you guys can see but it's definitely starting to work okay guys i just showered i do not think the camera is speaking up how much black it took out but i'll pop in here in the morning when my hair is dry to kind of show you i think that'll help out a lot my hair doesn't feel damaged it doesn't really damage your hair necessarily honestly a part that i was like dreading about this was the in between like how you would look in between but i feel like i could totally rock this like i was expecting this so this is not even a surprise and i don't know why but i'm like unfazed like i know i'm gonna get to a blonde hey guys so this is how my hair looks when it's dry once again i feel like the camera is not picking up how light it got but my hair feels the same i have never used the color oops but i've heard that it smells so bad and i'll link this one down below because this one did a really good job and it just smells like hair dye so i don't see why you know you should use the color oops if you can avoid that that smells so once again this is how my hair looks when it was wet i felt like it wasn't even i feel like there was a lot of you know spots where it was darker granted around my roots it is darker and i was gonna go in with a second round but i decided not to because i know that my root area is going to bleach faster so yeah i have high hopes for this tonight i'm gonna go and start a bleach session with my hair right after work so wish me luck but if this turns out smoothly this will be probably the quickest bleach ever so here is my hair color in the daylight much better than having it completely pure black i accidentally got some on my root and it made it like blonde okay guys so i'm ready to start this process i'm gonna show you guys everything that i have so i have this bowl here where i'm gonna have my bleach i don't want to you know not make enough so i have this big bowl obviously i have gloves for toner i picked up a couple different toner two of the wallet t10 toners along with a 9g toner the reason being is because i don't want my hair to be too silvery i'd rather have it more on the light yellow side if you will i also know you can't really tone your hair with t10 unless your hair is level 10 so let's hope i get there if not we'll work with what we got i cut off some tin foil so that i so that i could have the best possible outcome i got a 30 volume developer a bunch of it and the wella lightning powder and of course i have one of these babies so i'm going to comb through my hair really really really well okay i mixed up the concoction and i made a lot because i'd rather have leftover than you know be in the middle of doing it and not have enough so i'm gonna turn on a murder podcast and start this i'm really nervous i'm not gonna lie i also section my hair off in four different pieces and then i'm gonna take a little bit down and coat it and and then put the tin foil on it and just repeat that all over my head i'm not gonna touch my roots i'm gonna go from the bottom up but i'm not gonna touch my roots just because i know that that will process way faster than the rest of my hairs [Music] so [Music] okay guys so i just finished the hair i took my time and coated every single piece and as you can see i mean it's hard not doing it on your own but to try to use foils by yourself was really difficult i really coated my hair and i put on a timer for 30 minutes after that's done i'm going to take these out and fill in my roots and then leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it off because my birthday is next friday so of course i decided to do it then all right everybody so i'm gonna take these babies out and fill my roots in with some bleach and kind of i don't know spread some bleach all over and leave it in for 20 more minutes oh let me rinse and see the results which i hope i hope it's good i got this weight on my shoulders slowing me down i don't know how it came about and why the world is spinning okay guys i have everything on now so i honestly feel like my hair is super blonde we will see once i wash it out but i don't want to speak too soon so i'm going to give this another 15 to 20 minutes so that my roots can turn blonde and then i will be back after i rinse it out i definitely think using foils is really smart okay guys so i just rinsed out my hair and i do have hot roots i kind of expected that because i forgot my timing was a little off so a lot of my hair is still orange i'm going to go in with the second bleach because my hair is honestly fine like i don't feel a difference in it it actually was super easy to comb through when i was i was rinsing it out i'm sure that has to do with the fact that i brushed it out really nicely before but i it doesn't feel dry whatsoever so i'm going i'm going to go in with the second coat okay guys so this is how it looks basically 90 dry it's still a little bit damp in some areas i definitely feel like my hair feels kind of like the same with the exception of like you know a hair mask i feel like after a hair mask it's going to be exactly the same i'm not gonna touch my roots whatsoever this time they are light enough so i'm gonna go in section my hair off do the exact same thing that i did last time i'm kind of over this so i hope that this is the last round before i put on this toner i have this thing on and things are looking blonde but those orange streaks are hella stubborn yeah let's hope this works out because honestly i'm kind of over it and done i actually ran out of bleach hey guys so i have the toner in my hair now i'm not like i don't know how this is going to turn out to be completely honest because i still had a little bit of like i don't know how to explain it's like a strawberry blonde after the second beach so we'll see how it turns out if it doesn't turn out the desired look then i'll give it a break and go back in but this is all i'm gonna do for a while just because i don't want my hair to be completely wrecked so yeah i'm gonna leave this in for a little bit longer and rinse it out and i do have some hair falling out not gonna lie but not too worried we'll see i'll catch you guys back when it's all done well here is the final result so my hair is definitely damaged a little bit i will say but it's not like to the point where it's terrible obviously with bleach you do damage your hair a little bit but i expected way worse so my plan is to keep it the same way that i was doing it so basically i usually wash my hair like once every eight days and then i'm just gonna add a few hair treatments to my routine every week and then brush it less and obviously not use any heat which is not hard i don't really use heat at all anyway so yeah this is the finished result um i do know i have like a little bit of like a strawberry effect to it if you will but i don't mind and if need be i can touch it up with the toner but yeah this is my hair now so all i gotta do lastly is just to maintain it like i said i don't think my hair is so damaged damaged where it's beyond repair it's definitely still in a good state but i want to bring it back to where it was and just give it some more life so my plan is to you know wash it probably only like a few times a month i hope you guys enjoyed this video and yeah the is bike with blonde hair i love you guys and yeah if you haven't liked this video like it it helps me out a lot and i'll see you guys in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: Esther Perepechkin
Views: 279,966
Rating: 4.9239516 out of 5
Keywords: black to blonde, black to blonde 2021, brad mondo 2021, black to blonde hair transformation, black box dye to blonde, bleaching my hair at home 2021, black to blonde fast, black to blonde at home, black to blonde in one session, bleach, repairing bleached hair, how to bleach your hair at home, bleaching black box dyed hair, black box dye hair
Id: g0R6nZbgmnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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