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here are communes it's Camille and today we are doing a very special video I am bleaching my hair and the reason this is a special video is because since the last video I did show you how to bleach my hair and now I have experimented so much with different products and different ratios until I found the perfect method that gives you the best results in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of damage and I have gotten this down to a science I actually weigh out my ingredients so almost professional disclaimer I'm not a professional I'm just an Internet person so I'm really excited to share this method with you guys and I really hope it helps someone out so this is a several day process you guys probably know that by now you don't want to do all of these things to your hair and one day because it's gonna damage it more so I like to space it out and I'm gonna tell you exactly what to do on which day and that's gonna help you figure out how to plan your life around it because you don't want to go out like one day into bleaching when you've only done one round and your hair is like brassy and that's like one of my greatest fears that I'd have to do that so I always plan my hair changes in advance so I know that I won't need to leave the house for like X amount of time from when I start to finish so I don't have to go out looking crazy and I'm gonna be dyeing my hair after this and I'm so excited because this is one of the hair looks I've been wanting to do for so long and I'm finally going to do that and I really hope you guys like it and I think you will because oh I don't know if I should tell you I'll say guys anyway so here's the hint my next hair look is going to be similar to the one of my most viewed video that's all I can tell you guys I'm really excited to do it but we have to go through the bleaching part first so this is officially day 1 day 1 you want to moisturize your hair and leave it in so when you bleach it it's not gonna be bleach on top of dry hair and it's okay to use some products and then bleach through it it's not gonna hurt the process but you do want to have some sort of thing in your hair and that's all you want to have in your hair you don't want to have any curl creams any gels any hairspray that anything like that just wash it detangle it and put in some leave-in conditioner the one that I used is the Aussie 3 minute miracle deep conditioner which I find is less thick compared to the 3 minute miracle one and I didn't want to have like too much in my hair so I did that and then I Dutch braided it thank you I know they look good I have to do this one twice because it was so bad the first time so that's all I have in my hair I graded it while it was damp and then you want to weave this in for a day just so it can soak into your hair maybe do this in the morning or the night before I usually do at night 4 and the reason that I like to do Dutch braids is because it's cuter than French braids and the reason I like to do either of those it is because you already part it down the center so when you section it off when you're bleaching it it's already got one of the major parts in it and you have your hair too tangled and it stays detangle because it's in the braids so you don't have to deal with that and when you ungraded it comes out wavy instead of curly and when it's curly bunch of hair just like clumps up together the different curls so it's harder to section without hurting your hair and damaging it and possibly ripping some of it out it just makes the process so much easier so that's why I recommend doing the braids and leaving it in for a day so we're about to go on to bleaching but first I want to say something have you guys notice anything different if you haven't noticed I did my makeup differently today I've been trying different products different methods and I can't wait to make more makeup videos showing some of the different things I've been trying out lately so comment down below what you think of this makeup look and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and social media linked down below while you are down there and now that we're done with all of the day 1 stuff just go to your life for a day ok so day 2 of the marathon this is your first hard day at work I eventually took out the braids and loosely made that hair into buns earlier that morning because I was going out but I still have the same texture and it's just as detangled and I have the center part down my head so the first step is to take out one side and section off your delicate hair I know my hair well so I know that the thinner hair is around the circumference of my face and the hair at the nape of my neck but if your hair is different then feel free to skip this step I just know these the areas for me that need less processing time so I do this to minimize damage and protect from breakage I'm putting these sections and scrunchies to save them for later and then attacking the center hair I divided it horizontally because the back of my head usually takes way more time to process than the top because I think the top produces more heat so I like to go from the back to the front so it ends up more even then you want to put your gloves on so you don't burn your skin and the same shirt you've been wearing every time you bleach or dye your hair for the past 7 years I hope you all have one I got these gloves from overtone at some point in life so thank you for that and now it's time to mix a nice fresh batch of bleach for my hair and I finally started doing this by weight to be more accurate and less damaging so I start with my current favorite bleach which is blond brilliance Express 9 level and I'm going to use the scale I bought specifically for dyeing my hair on Amazon I'll link to the products in the description box so you can find everything and I'm replacing the bullet came with with my hair dye bowl from Sally's and then zeroing the scale so it only weighs the bleach and not the bowl then pouring in slightly over 1 ounce of bleach the recommended bleach to developer ratio is one to one and a half all the way up to one to two and a half and with this line of bleach and developer I found that it works best with my dark hair with a one to two and a half ratio bleach to developer so now I'm using the same lines 35 volume developer and measured out about two and a half ounces slightly more because my bleach was also slightly over an ounce of course one of the most important products you hear about mixing into your bleach is olaplex which is super expensive and also only available to salon owners so I used an affordable and accessible version by ion called their absolute perfection kit step one is what they call the booster which gets mixed in with the bleach itself just like step one of olaplex and then step two is the color sealer that restores the bond in your hair after bleaching they recommend using a quarter ounce of the booster for every two ounces of bleach so I used an eighth of an ounce since I used one ounce of bleach this is also why I used a thirty volume developer because it makes the developer you use ten volumes less effective so it makes mine equivalent to a twenty five volume developer which is pretty perfect for my dark hair but not too strong like a regular 35 volume would be I am also has a sensitive scalp protector that you can add to your mix to prevent burning if you have a sensitive scalp and I use this on my second round of bleach because my scalps always more sensitive around - now you're gonna mix it together and keep mixing and mixing and so you get a really creamy texture and you get rid of all the lumps sometimes we use a plastic spoon to smooth out the powder bleach lumps before mixing any liquid and to prevent it from clumping and if you try this make sure it's a plastic spoon not a metal spoon for the same reason that you only use plastic mixing bowls so it doesn't react with the chemicals once your mixture is smooth and thick is time to start sectioning out pieces of hair to attack and because my roots are so long I'm gonna do this all by feel and a front mirror when it's shorter I use two mirrors to see it better but in this case I didn't feel like I really needed it and I'm not using a brush because I think it's easier to spread out through curly hair by hand since it's not as simple to paint a layer like it would be on straight hair and it's really important that you spread it out evenly so you can prevent your hair from coming out patchy I'm sectioning off pieces of the larger section to work with for the same reason it's better to have small sections at a time so you can get even coverage but you also don't want to go extremely slow because you don't want the part that you do in the very beginning to process too much longer than the rest so I'm pretty much just taking these sections saturating them in the bleach and then laying it on top of the other saturated pieces without using any foil oils just not really my thing but whatever makes you happy because that's the whole point of being alive now I'm taking the front quadrant and doing the same thing although I guess it doesn't really qualify as a quadrant because I sectioned out the edge pieces so it's more like 20% but you know what I mean once that's done I move over to the other side and do the same sectioning which looking back I don't know how I forgot to do that in the beginning because it saves a solid minute during the process so probably do that first and then go on to the back 20% ish chunk and do those pieces the front part looks a bit more like 22% and you can do that next then we're moving on to the circumference area and I'm starting with the back since it's okay but it doesn't see as much Sun so it takes on less sun damage than the front and can stand a little bit more processing time and then I'll do the front lots because it processes so fast and I don't worry about my baby hairs around one because they legitimately go blonde in one round so I usually try to do the really tiny delicate pieces only once in round two and getting to this point already took so long in so much effort but don't worry you still have 60% to go since I'm only bleaching my roots and not the ends which were bleached before I dyed them I'm going to saturate the ends as much as possible with my eye on keratin treatment so that while the bleach is processing I can also have a keratin treatment processing on the bottom and I used a lot to completely saturate it just like the bleach is on the top so it doesn't matter if the bleach swells or drips it won't really wreak havoc on the bottom now your DIY a hat out of a plastic bag shout out to upcycling - saving the environment although I really should have remembered my reusable shopping bag and not have this in the first place but I will next time this helps trap in the heat from your head which is what helps the bleach process and get your hair to lift more which is why the first quarter inch of roots touching your head is always lighter faster so you want to get the rest of the hair to share that heat and you can also use a shower cap but it will get gross on the inside and I find the bag easier to separate the bottom hair of it I left the bleach in for about 14 more minutes because it processes pretty fast and this is what it looked like after carefully rinsing all the bleach out of my hair with only water I'm doing the step 2 of the ion olaplex dupe which will help repair the bonds in your hair but has to be done before you shampoo to work it says you have to leave it in for 10 minutes but I've used this so many times that I can sure you that it keeps working past 10 minutes so I left it in for a whole day the goal for round 1 is to get as light of a yellow as possible and it should turn out a similar color to mine maybe a bit lighter or darker or more or less yellow depending on your hair color and tight but mine usually gets a bright yellow to an orange depending on how close it is to the scalp and a lot of people like to do the roots close to the scalp separately but I'm not doing that because I'm dying over all this after and it's going to be pretty close after round 2 you anyways okay so day 3 of work should be put off as long as possible so you can do hair treatments or just let your hair rest before bleaching again which makes a big difference believe it or not but this is just a deja vu day where I come out wearing the same shirt I'd do the same thing except left to right instead of right to left so it'll be exactly even and I wait those 14 minutes I rinse it out the same way style it and here's the result this is what my hair looks like after bleaching it and doing the step 2 of the eye on hair treatment as well as my own protein treatment because whenever you bleach your hair it's really important to do protein treatments and moisturizing masks because your hair will be like dying after you bleach it especially after you bleach - the second time and if you started from dark hair so I always make sure that I do that so I can make sure that I don't lose all of my curls but you have these ones seem like pretty nice my hair is still a little bit warm tone right now because I am NOT going to be toning it because the next color that I'm doing is warm tone hint hint so the fewer processes that I do on my hair out of time the better and if I don't need to tone it because it's gonna be a warm color after anyways then I'm not gonna do that if you want to have cooler toned hair or if you're going to keep it white then you can definitely use a lavender or a silver toner and I have a video where I showed you exactly how to do that process starting on hair like this so I'm going to link that down the description box so if that's what you're looking for then you can start with this video and then finish with that one I don't usually wear my hair parted down the center but I wanted to just be able to show you guys what it looks like after it's bleached all the way down to the roots and that's pretty much it for this video if you're going to bleach your hair I recommend doing it very slowly over time and doing moisturizing and protein treatments in between and just being as gentle as possible so I've been doing my best to figure out the exact perfect process ever since like seven years ago when I started doing this and it's definitely gotten better over time so I hope you find this video helpful so if you like this video don't forget to subscribe because the next video I'll be posting is my next hair color which I'm so excited for because I've been wanting to do this color combination for so long and it's kind of bold and I don't know why I just like kept putting it off for a while so subscribe and turn on the bail notifications so you don't miss that video thank you guys so much for watching this video I wish you all a happy healthy life and I'll see you in the next one kisses
Channel: Camille
Views: 778,561
Rating: 4.9337621 out of 5
Keywords: offbeatlook, camille johnson, camille, offbeat look, how to bleach hair, how to bleach black hair, how to bleach curly hair, black to white hair, healthy way to bleach hair, hair bleach tutorial, tutorial for bleaching hair, hair bleaching tutorial, bleaching curly hair, bleaching hair tutorial, hair bleach tutorial offbeatlook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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