Say Bye To Brassy/Yellow Hair Instantly!

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hi beautiful I'm feeling feisty today because I had my my tool at a toning is fun it is the icing on the cake and in some cases it is the cake it's very important you do this step correctly which is why I decided to make an entire video about this one topic choosing the right toner for your blond hair is essential to making it look luxurious and professionally done today I'll give you everything you need to know in the most simplest of terms about toning your hair maybe without using t18 but basically we're just like it's just very basic so you can do this at home and not get up I see one more person using tatin on their orange hair it might just stop doing hair just reacts I'm just kidding that's never gonna happen please don't skip over anything in this video because all of it is very important and I tried to sum up everything and make it short and sweet but every detail is important for you to know to make the best decision on which toner you should use to tone your special blond hair and make it as beautifully white just like that pure platinum blonde that I rocked for many many years and with that said let's get into it first let's talk about your different toning options and how toner works color is broken up into three different categories semi Demi and permanent and those all do mean different things now semi is going to last the least amount of time in your hair around three to six washes whereas Demi's gonna last a little bit longer about twelve washes and permanent of course lasts the most amount of time in your hair 20 washes this is just a ballpark number but that is kind of the idea of the different types of color semi-permanent color just lays on top of your hair it is not going in there it's not penetrating anything and that's why washes out much faster when things are inside of the hair it takes a longer time to wash out now Demi permanent slightly lifts the hair cuticle very very slightly goes underneath and also lays on top so you're getting a little bit more protection because it's in the cuticle but it still ends up washing out a little bit faster than permanent color now permanent color is not gonna wash out fast because it is fully raising those cuticles and molecules are fully going into the hair shaft sitting in there and that is why you can wash your hair many many times and it does not come out because it is really deep in there it shoved in there it okay that's enough of that yeah and now I explain that part to you but let me just tell you I know what you're thinking like oh well permanent seems like the best option for me like I want it to last a long time I want my hair to look perfect forever there are different applications for different types of color you don't always want to use permanent color for reasons I'll explain later but I can't stress that enough just because it's permanent doesn't mean it's better lastly a very important rule of thumb here about how toner works toner does not lighten your hair it simply tones it it is not called a Lightner that's what we call bleach you cannot go a lighter with toner you can only stay at the exact level you're at after you lighten your hair so please use bleach and get your hair where you want to be first and use toner to perfect what you already have now that we know that's a very basic beautiful information let's move on to the next topic shall we let's quickly review the a level system and the color wheel because those are two magical very useful things you should know if your coloring your own hair okay here's the color wheel okay beautiful thing oh my baby she's actually my niece the color wheel is my niece that wasn't funny if you look at here the opposite of Orange is Balu and the opposite of yellow is purple so if your hair has more yellow tones in it after you've lightened it then you're gonna want to go with a toner that has more of a purple base to it and purple is violet in color so purple equals violet and then if your hair is really orange you're seeing a lot of orange in your hair you're gonna want a blue-toned toner and blue and hair coloring world is usually an ash tone so blue equals ash so you're really looking for Deni permanent colors that has either a V or an A on the package those represent violet and violet is purple and then the other one is ash which is a and a is blue those are the only two things you use now quick thank you to blue and purple pigment because it plays such an important part in making your hair why does without blue and purple he wouldn't get platinum blond you wouldn't do it now if you're having a hard time figuring out if your hair has more orange or yellow tones in it well I recommend holding up a white piece of paper to your hair or anything white and just seeing is your hair orange or as your hair yellow and then if you're seeing both I would just say your hair has more orange in it and go with that the other very important factor when coloring your hair with a toner let's make it very nice and bright and white or silver or whatever you want to do you want to know what level your hair is when we're talking about blonds we're typically talking about level eight through ten sometimes seven seven is a dirty you kind of blonde but we won't include level seven in this video just cuz it's irrelevant right now um we're talking about very light blonde which is eight nine and ten so kind of match your hair up to these and figure out is your hair level eight is it a nine or is it a 10 now that you know what level your hair is what the underlining tone of your hair is is it orange or yellow typically in a level eight you're seeing a lot more orange typically in a little nine you're seeing a lot more yellow and then typically in level ten you're seeing a very pale in profession now that you know what level your hair is and you also know what the underlining tone of your hair is we can move on to the next step which is choosing between semi Demi and permanent hair color which one should you use for toning your blond hair semi is awesome for people going and doing fashion colors which is like blue Purple's Pink's anything like that because it does wash up fast you can change the color often so if you go to a person who's like I'm gonna change his color all the time I don't want to be blonde for that long we're gonna do all sorts of choose semi because it's amazing on the hair it's very conditioning it does a wonderful job at toning hair however it doesn't last that long which is beneficial in a lot of ways but also can be its downfall with a semi-permanent color you'll know that it sent me because it'll say it on the bottle but you'll also know because it doesn't have a developer with it you don't have to mix it with anything it is just a standalone user right out of the tube or the bottle very simple then we move on to a demi-permanent color and that involves a developer and a tube bottle whatever it is you mix them both together and there is your potion there's your concoction you then put on your hair and magic things happen typically a doing permanent color is mixed with 10 volume or below that six volume whatever it'll be doing permanent who does a beautiful job at attaching to the hair doing a great job of toning just enough and also does not cause any damage to your hair or just a little bit of damage just an all-around great option for toning beautiful I loved any printed color and then we have permanent permanent is scary when talking about toning pre lightened hair and that is because with permanent color you're typically using something like a 20 volume or 30 volume with the permanent color and what happens when you use a developers that are higher than 10 volume is you're gonna get a lifting moment and lifting means it's opening your hair cuticle so that the molecules can go inside and sometimes that's not good because when it lifts it does cause damage it's not healthy to keep lifting your hair and lifting your hair and lifting your hair the other thing with permanent color when using it as a toner is that it can tend to be very dull with demi permanent and semi-permanent it is very glossy it is very reflective toning with permanent color can make your hair look dull and kind of lifeless and it won't reflect light as well however it is great if your hair is just a tint yellow and it's still healthy and you just want to kick it into high gear and get all that little bit of yellow out and you don't mind just a little bit more damage well you can use permanent color because it does have that lifting agent it's gonna get knock that yellow out and deposit that tone in but for this video I'm gonna keep it there with permanent color above all I just recommend using demi-permanent color for toning platinum blonde okay finally we've learned so much already that was wonderful I had so much fun explaining that I love color now that you have all this information what are you where do you go how do I do this why do I go to get this color who I ask let me answer that first of all your hair must be light enough to tone if your hair is not a level-8 get it there you have to use bleach color does not lift color and if your hair is a level 8 and you want to be a 10 you use bleach unless your hair is damaged then leave it alone but use bleach get it to a level 10 and then tone your hair owner will not make your hair lighter take a toner that is the same level as your hair don't go beyond what you are if your hair is level 8 don't pick a level 9 or 10 toner t18 is a level 10 toner most of you guys do not have level 10 hair so don't do that there's other options you can ask somebody at a Sally's Beauty Supply what they recommend and say you do not want t18 if your hair is already white cuz I know a lot of the girls or work at sally's will recommend t18 even though like they don't know what they're talking about sorry that was really I see most people were trying to tone their level 8 hair with a level 10 toner team and it doesn't do anything because that is not what the product is made for so what I recommend you do is go to your local Beauty Supply Store whether that be Sally's or anything else that sells color walk in there and ask for a demi-permanent color and pick the one that you feel is best there are probably three options for options most of it does the same thing in slightly different formulas so don't over think it just pick one now that you've found the demi-permanent color choose a color that is at your level and choose a color that is going to cancel out whatever existing tone you have in your hair whether that be orange or whether that be yellow and you guys know the opposite of orange is blue which is ash and the opposite of yellow is purple which is violet in color and ash or an A is a very strong toner and a violet or a V is a lighter toner there's also stuff like VA mixtures the two again ask the person at the store but take this knowledge with you please then make sure you choose a demi-permanent developer to go with the demi-permanent color sometimes the haircare line does not have a developer to go with it sometimes they do if there's nothing to go with it just choose a 10 volume developer it'll work out fine and also don't use box dye whatever you do it's going to ruin your hair and it's not going to do anything I promise you I have no personal vendetta against um box dye it just doesn't work it's not going to tone your hair so stop trying to make it happen I also like to apply the toner to adapt towel-dried hair that way the water evens out the porosity of your hair makes everything perfectly equal and make sure that the parts of your hair that are very dry and damaged don't pick up the toner faster than the parts that are healthy so you want a very even result and applying to damp hair will give you just that and lastly apply fast go dip your hand in it put it on your hair and comb it through just get it in stop taking three years to put a toner on because you're gonna get one side that's purple and one side that's white it's gonna be a mess you have to have it all on your hair at the same time I don't care if you use your hands just get it on just go look and make sure you get it everywhere and it'll be great and then wait until it the desired tone is achieved that might only take a few minutes so just be careful and watch it and kind of take a strand and rub off the color and see what you have underneath but sometimes people tend to jump the gun too fast maybe just wait it out if it's a little violet a who cares sometimes if you leave a toner on too long it'll make her hair just a tiny bit violet and like it's just like fun for a couple of washes and then it washes out and then you end up with a perfectly white hair and you can also just wait however long the directions tell you to wait whether that be 10 15 20 35 minutes so just read the directions and keep an eye on your hair and boom that is how you get it done just keep in mind this is the very very basics of toning Hair Stylist do things a lot more complicated than this but this will give you a nice home hair color moment you know I mean just because I'm sick of people with orange hair trying to tone with t18 it's just time I said something you know anyways yeah I was once the queen of platinum blonde hair and I have retired but I'm trying to pass the baton on to all you other people out there who are trying to be hot and I'm blond Queens with white hair that blends in with the white walls so you just look like you have no hair that's the kind of white hair I always strived for and what I got all right you guys that is all for today don't forget to check out my hair care brand X mondo hair for beautiful luxurious fabulous glowing hair we just released a product called salty sea salt spray it'll be linked below it'll give you perfect fabulous air dried hair it'll give those amazing Beach waves also we have wave tech which is an essential summer product you can read more about them on the website also make sure you check out ex mono hair on instagram at ex mondo hair where we post so much great content and so much information about the brand and make sure you follow me on Instagram Twitter and tik-tok at Brown mondo NYC I also have a Facebook page and a snapchat show under Brad mondo make sure you check those out and that is all for today I hope all your white hair dreams come true don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you guys next time bye this is prismatic glow our hydrating mask prismatic glow is a savior you got dry you got damaged hair you got processed hair you have police chair this will save your life we've combined argan oil and baobab oil in order to repair your hair and make it feel and look 10,000 times better if your hair is damaged if your hair is brittle give this a go it won't let you down
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,851,341
Rating: 4.939446 out of 5
Keywords: Say Bye To Brassy/Yellow Hair Instantly!, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, brassy hair, purple shampoo, orange hair, fix orange hair, ash blonde, how to, wella t18, how to tone brassy hair, brassy hair fix, wella toner, how to fix brassy hair, hair tutorial, hair toner, how to tone hair, hair color, brassy to ashy, how to cut your own hair, hair fail, fix orange hair at home, white hair, at home, brad mondo, box dye, How to get rid of yellow hair
Id: B_u_NjVLre4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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