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hi guys welcome back to my channel or if this is your first time watching one of my videos hello in today's video i'm going to show you guys how i went from this to this all at home during lockdown and i'm going to show you guys all the steps that i took to get to this i'm very very happy with it i'm very happy with how it turned out and the colour i got because throughout this whole process my mind was changing so much i just didn't i just didn't have like 100 gold what i knew i wanted and i'm gonna show you guys how i done it before we get started on the video guys if you're already subscribed i love you but if you ain't click that button give a girl a support it means everything like it's so nice and go follow me on social media instagram snapchat and twitter it's all the same here innocent smiles kiss you know i wanted to go blonde due to boredom i'm not gonna lie i look nice blonde i look a million times better dark i know that i'm i'm i don't look terrible blonde and i'm not gonna take it away from myself because that sounds stupid being blonde and i know i look horrible i don't look horrible but i do look better with dark hair and i will always say that and i would definitely go back dark but lock down i got a bit bored and i just thought you know what let's change my hair color i hate done it for ages and yeah so one day i woke up and i just thought screw it let's go blunt i've already done a dark to blonde hair video um but i didn't film the process because i wasn't doing youtube at that time so now i've filmed the process except for my first strip so i just want to mention it now and show you the product so i started um about two months ago and i stripped my hair with colour before i'm gonna put the link here and that was my first strip now i always recommend if you are going to lighten your hair do a hair stripper not an actual hair stripper like a collar remover because it's got no bleach no ammonia and it's really good for your hair but it's not really good for your hair like you know putting any chemicals on your hair is not good but i mean in the senses in like it's better than just going straight in with straight up bleach i've been watching so many brad mundo videos so many bleach disaster videos and there's so many of girls who just put in straight up bleach on black hair and i'm just like if it was virgin hair i'd get that but people who have like got boxed on their hair and they're just like oh i'm just gonna bleach it and i'm just like you ain't even giving your hair a fighting chance like just put a d color remover on put the first d colour remover on which was the colour before let's get to that part of the video where i was on my second round so today we are going to strip my hair for the second time i didn't film the first time i stripped it and i don't know why because again i know how much youtube is utilized for stuff like this going from dark hair to blonde hair so i should have like progressed it straight away from the beginning but i didn't think and i did do it like really quickly on a whim but i've already stripped my hair once you know my hair is unbelievably dark it's um it's dark chocolate it says on the box dye that i use um but it's i'd say it's more dark brown to black i've already done one strip and i'm trying to it still looks pretty dark you can see the tones of red in it and if you go up to my roots yeah you can see so if you look at my roots they're significantly lighter maybe because the lighting isn't that good in this room it's my bedroom it has stripped a lot of um colour out the first strip i've done now the strip i used for my first stripper of my hair how many times i'm gonna say stripper was the color before i will put a picture here or somewhere of what it looks like and i'll link it down below the reason why i used that one first was because it was on our fab because it's normally like 10 pound each and it was on offer for like six pounds so i bought two boxes and yeah and it took a lot of um a lot of color out so i am quite happy it is a very lengthy process like you have to pull it on leave it on for an hour make sure it's heating on your head as well and then you've got to rinse it for 10 minutes in the shower then wash it then rinse it again for another five minutes to 10 minutes then buff it then a rinse again so it's like it's oh it's so time consuming but it does work like it really does work and it doesn't damage your hair whatsoever today i'm going to do my second strip app okay this is the scott cornwall d color hair color remover super strength formula now i've already done a video of how i went from dark to light and that was years ago that was in 2016 2015 i can't remember um yeah 2016 and i used this then and this worked so well i just want to strip it one more time because i've got my bleach and i really would like to bleach my hair on thursday because it's going to be 21 degrees so i'd like to bleach my hair with foil and then go sit in the sun and i just think it will process good so i'm gonna i bought two boxes of these these ones downstairs they were 12.99 each um i'm gonna open one use it see if i need the other one so the color results at the back it says so on the top one that color so it says i'm going to go like a d color result like that it's going to be a light brown it's basically what i want to do is i would just want to strip as much pigment out of my hair before i bleach it because i don't want to bleach my hair this color now and for it to just go bright orange i would id because i don't know if i want to go blunt or not i really don't know i'm in like two minds but i saw a girl's hair yesterday on the high street and it was like a lovely caramel brown so now i'm thinking i just want to do that so technic realistically all i want to do is just strip all the color out to bleach it once to then put a really light brown hair dye that's my goal so let me start rambling so i'm going to apply this now i'm going to focus on the ends of my hair and then work my way up to the roots and i'll do a checking with you in a moment quick checking with you guys so i put the product on my head i used i started from the darker ends and worked my way down and then put it through the roots roots combed it through with a fine-tuned comb then put some cling film on it did say dark hair color put some um heat on it from a hair dryer for five to ten minutes i did that twice i did it once for ten minutes then i had it on my head for about half an hour then i did it again for five minutes so i've had it on now for about 50 minutes you can see it's looking quite auburn also darkens spots so i put some clean film on i'm just about to go wash it off so this is after the scott cornwall d color i've just washed it out it's not as intense as the color before i mean the process i think i think this got cornwall is a better hair color remover than color before because color before it's a lot runnier so you don't need as much product but it's not as conditioning the scott cornwall i use two boxes and my hair just feels so conditioned and with this with the color before one i'm sorry i keep looking at the viewfinder uh with the um color before one you have to like rinse it for 10 minutes twice and it's just knackering whereas with the skutt corn cornwall you really don't but anyway come on look at the results so look at my roots my roots are like ginger and then my ends are like proper auburn oh my days i actually love this hair i love it but i'm going to bleach it still i don't know well i want to bleach it now because i bought the bleaching products and it cost me a bit of money because i didn't just buy a little crappy bleaching kit from boots or superdrug which is our drugstores in uk i bought like proper salon bleach and developer from schwarzkopf one thing i do want to tell you guys is the first colour remover the colour before it's so potent it stinks like egg it is so rotten but the scott cornwall one it smelled but nowhere near as bad at the two color removals i would recommend using the scott cornwall it is double the price well it isn't really double the price i got the colour before on sale so it's a little bit more expensive like three four pound more but it's so worth it it is it is the i'm not saying color before it doesn't work because it does but the scott cornwall one there's just something about it that is just epic today we are going to bleach my hair hopefully this won't end up in a brad mondo hair disaster video shan's doing it for me the bleach i'm using so i didn't want to just go to boots or superdrug and buy like a little cheap bleach um kit so i bought from sally's in uk um so i bought the schwarzkopf i think that's how you say the schwarzkopf gora varaya blonde powder and the the developer 30 developer um i've saw youtube videos on this it's really good it's a proper professional bleach and developer that they're using salons i've been watching brad mondo videos and a lot of bleaching videos to split your hair into four and then work from the ends up do not touch the roots until you've done your whole head then leave it to sit for about half an hour then do the roots because my roots are going to come up mega bright anyway because one it's your roots it's the most heat and two they're very light and i just know it's gonna like be very blunt i know i already mentioned it in the video just now um but i do want to just give you more of a better presented and part of what bleach i used so it was this schwarzkopf igora vario avario blonde plus this i bought from sally's uk sally's beauty uk i'd link it down as i say downstairs down the bottom and then i used this developer which was the agora squad schwarzkopf it's the same basically these are this is a developer to this bleach so yeah and these together i think it come up to about 35 pounds with um delivery i just thought you know i was looking online um at blues blues boots and that for the um bleach and stuff in there and i was just like you only get like a little box like a little packet of bleach whereas this i've still got loads of bleach left in here and i bleached my hair twice and you saw how long my hair was and how much product i used and i still got some of this as well so this is got a bit left over for when my roots are going to come through in the future so i recommend investing your money in proper bleach and developer that you know the professionals use instead of going to a drugstore and just getting the old little cheapy boxes okay so this is me with all the foils in my hair so we've left the roots um so we can go in and do them last my eyes are watering so bad but yeah we've basically just got each piece of hair covered in bleach and then covered it with a foil look in my hair so i'm going to let it sit for half an hour and then go into the roots and then mix it for another half an hour my god i look crazy right now but we done the foils i let them sit for half an hour then we took the foils out and gone over and done all the roots sorry i haven't got a top one so i hope i'm not flashing you my skin it feels so irritated look how red my eyes are i haven't bleached my hair in so many years and i forgot how potent it is and see it's really blonde on my roots there and i'm gonna wash it off now with some clarifying shampoo and put a hair mask on and then blow dry it look at me so this is after my first bleach it's two days after we finally we did it because um when we finally washed it off in that it got a bit like dark and the lighting wasn't good so i really wanted to film it in good lighting for you guys to see the full gingerness of it but i am so impressed with it like majorly impressed oh my god there's no dark spots anywhere like obviously my roots are really light which is a given they were virgin they weren't they were untouched so it was virgin hair so it's expected for it to get that light but the whole of my head like it's just there's no dark spots or anything shane done a really good job so i've clarified my hair on monday night and i haven't washed it since and now it's wednesday so it's had two days of just nothing happening to it so my natural oils can just go into my hair again and protect it so we are going to bleach it once again today same process obviously focusing on the ends um to about here with foils and then i think i'm going to let it sit for about because definitely don't need to let it sit for an hour like i did last time so i'm gonna let it sit for about 30 to 35 minutes then i'm going to take all the foils out and just put a little bit of bleach more bleach on my boots i know brad mundo's probably going no you don't need to because they are bright um but i missed a tiny little spot there i want to show you guys how i'm doing it so as you can see this side is done and it's all foiled up so i've split my hair into four shan's doing the back whilst i'm doing the front so shan's done all that quarter of the back and she's got this part left and i've done this one and then i've just got this part left so how i've been doing it is i need some gloves oh yeah they're here give it a little brush bro section it like so so i've got a good piece there and then just use a clip put my hair over it over to the other side and what i'm doing is just putting my hands in the blade well with gloves on and then just try not to get my face and then just lathering it all in using a lot of products now because this is the first piece so i should get a foil to put underneath and i'll just get some more product to just proper lava the ends get another piece of foil and put it on top and just voila do it like that release my hair another straight piece straight line clip this back and go in again all on all the hair is in as you can see went over the roots again because i just did and what i just done which was pretty clever i personally think so live tip when bleaching hair i just got my hair strainers and put all the foils together and just press them down to just generate a bit of heat clever enough so they're all like nicely laid flat with heat on gonna leave this on for half an hour then wash it put a deep conditioner in it and leave the conditioner in for a good hour so this is after my second bleach the lighting isn't that great in the house so yep definitely gone mega light and but there's still some hints of orange but it's quite blonde everywhere but the main thing is which is really distressing is my hair is frazzled like absolutely frazzled i need to give it a straighten and give it a trim on the ends this is how much hair i've lost i've literally just been collecting all the hair when i've been washing it and brushing it and this is all the hair that's come out and it's really scared me at the same time though it's it's very dry but it could have gone a lot worse so what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave it now for two weeks but for now no more bleaching hell no i think i think i should have done a bleach bath instead of a full head of bleach i just want to insert this little part in my hair did get frazzled um from the second bleach and i think i know why um i used a flirty developer on my first bleach and i think i should have knocked it down and gone to a 20. but obviously because i bought such a big bottle i didn't want to waste it so i didn't use 40 volume at all during this process which i'm happy with but i don't know the fact that my hair fried so much two days after it sort of like bewilders me a little bit because i didn't do anything crazy with my hair but if i look back on it i think the main thing i should have done is just gone down to a 20 developer because my hair was so significantly light anyway i didn't need such a powerful developer so if i was you guys to protect your hair from getting so it wasn't so frazzled it just dried quite a lot i'd go down to a 20 developer that's what i would do if i could do all this again so i just wanted to do a quick check-in um so after my little frizzy hair moment that you've just saw i've just straightened my hair and give it a little trim um on the ends where it's needed it's still pretty dry here at the front and look at the front part but i don't really want to trim the front because it's short as it is but after doing that the hair actually isn't in that bad condition is it it's not great but it's not bad out to tone my hair now and i'm not actually going to use a toner i'm going to use a box style i've done this before when i last went blonde i used a dye to just tone my hair and it worked fine so it's been two weeks since i last bleached my hair my roots already coming through and as you can see i did a really good job my hair is a bit dried on the ends i've had to cut off about an inch but i've been using um some lee stafford hair products which are so good like i need to do a whole separate video on them because my hair was so gummy and stringy and really badly damaged and i started using these and it was great you can see so my hair is very very blunt there is a few orange sections um but yeah so i'm going to go time with this now and then i will show you the results after i'm back dye my hair and now all the orange is gone and i am an all over one color blonde that is a given it is it done my roots perfect as you can see i didn't have to bleach my roots to get my roots really like to do this okay now i might sound disappointed in my tone of voice and i am because this is the color and the hair it's like dark blonde light brown this is multi-tonal blonde whereas i don't see any multi-tones i just see straight up blonde so i am going to end it here or the bleaching and the colouring because my hair i've had to take some inches off um it's still in good you know relatively good nick um the ends are a bit dry but like i said i've trimmed it and just got it all out sorry i look really red at the moment but that's just because i had a bath to um wash all this out well i washed my hair out and then i had a bath but one thing i will say is really like shiny but yeah so after stripping my hair twice bleaching my hair twice twice look at me no nails and then doing this this is my final color um i don't know if i'm gonna stop here if i'm honest but at least we've got blinds all over blondes so as you can see i didn't leave it there i was pretty disappointed in that video like i'm just editing it now as i'm filming this part now um i was disappointed i think i was very disappointed with the color because i i didn't know what color i wanted to go and i was ominouring about everything so much and that that blonde that i was just now after that tone um i wasn't happy with and i used this supposed to be like a multi-tonal um cream like multi-tonal hair dye it was supposed to give you like multi-tonal colors in your hair which you didn't but looking at the back of the box i was pretty light from the beginning anyway so i wasn't going to get that much of a difference so i was very disappointed but i just let it you know sit for a couple of days and i dyed my hair again and i finally got this color which i am absolutely like head over heels in love with like it is such a beautiful ashy blonde it's it's just so nice all the way like round it's just it's such a nice blonde i love it and to get this color i dyed my hair with the garnier nutrisse 7.3 dark golden blonde so i put this on that very light blonde hair and i got this color which i'm absolutely in love with i really recommend this hair dye out of box dyes there's something about this it really does condition your hair and the conditioner you get with it you get like a little bottle of conditioner which i've still got downstairs it smells divine and this it's not like normal hair dyes it really really like does look after your hair when it's doing all the crap to it it's a really good hair dye and it's not that expensive so if you go bright blonde and you want a nice ashy toner either buy a toner or use this on your hair because it just works so good for me there you go the reason why i used a box dye is toners are so hard to get hold of here and i went on youtube so much to um see what toner would be recommended and all the weller ones just kept you know the weller t-18 t-15 they all just kept getting recommended but i don't know like there was good and bad in everything can i just for when i previously went blonde before i put a box dye on to tony and it worked so i just thought you know what i'd rather not change what i know works so that's why i went back for that as you can see i'm very very pleased very pleased we've come to the end of the video um i hope this really does help you guys because i am such a major youtube reliant person whenever i want to do anything to do with beauty around the house just anything in general i always refer to youtube because i just think videos are so much better and this is a an actual experience from me someone who is not i was about to say medically trained not professionally hair trained and i've come up with a pretty good result and i'm very very happy i am going to do another video on some hair care that i am absolutely in love with like in love with that has just helped with the dryness of my hair um my hair is still a little bit dry and you can't really tell today because i've put run some curlers through it and it just looks a lot more bouncier and shinier and healthier but there is some really good hair products that i need to get out there and let you guys know so we've come to the end of the video because i don't want it to be too long thank you so much for watching and if you haven't already go give me a thumbs up and give me some comments give me any advice that you think i should have done that could be better or if there's any questions just put them below and i will answer as many as i can thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you all in my next video thank you
Channel: innocentsmilesx
Views: 184,233
Rating: 4.8005114 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bleachhair
Id: wRQ8lTJKN80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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