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gone meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers i am back from kentucky and ready to get into those sweet sweet gun memes wow the world is not disappointed in continuing to go to since i've been gone what a surprise so yeah i took a little bit of time off went down to a photo shoot well down up geom griffey went up to kentucky and did a photo shoot with my buddy scott from kentucky ballistics the tactical rifleman crew a lot of cool dudes and uh you know just had a really good time up there at a decommissioned nuclear power plant which is one of the coolest things ever a vlog will be coming out shortly on the second channel as far as the things we'll be discussing in this gunmen review we've got let's just get into it of course before we kick this off this week we're going with the flavor mango gotta branch out expand our horizons and of course making all of this possible thank you to our sponsor global ordnance global ordnance is of course the exclusive importer of brands like grand power rx and actually the strybog also came from them as well more important than any of that they are actually one of the few people who has ammo in stock so go ahead you angry piranhas there will be a link in the description where you can go check them out and uh we definitely appreciate them sponsoring the channel i really like to get my hands on the new sp983 so who knows maybe that might happen but anyway thank you so much to global ordinance let's get into the sweet sweet gun memes so while i was in kentucky i actually stayed at louisville which we had to leave at the last minute because uh we didn't know that was going to be ground zero for some protests and really just wanted to get the hell out of town while we were leaving roads were already blocked off and you could see the the the angry hordes were descending upon downtown police already had riot gear rifles everything like that so it looked like a great time to get the [ __ ] out of dodge little did i know louisville was going to be getting a visit this weekend not from santa claus but from the nfac or the not fudging around coalition yeah not [ __ ] around coalition how did i know they were in louisville well i checked the news and they had already shot themselves there was a pretty horrific nd that happened and i think it was one negligent discharge that wounded three people two of which had to be hospitalized and if ac used open carry it hurt itself in its confusion getting worse the one of the leaders of the nfac doubled down and talked about just like the vast majority of things that they believe and why this was not in fact their fault this is an xr 15 shorty we call it a bull pup because this [ __ ] got kicked to it this [ __ ] will knock you the [ __ ] down the interesting thing about this weapon is if i pull back the boat see that see the boat no bullet in there pay very close attention if i'm not paying attention and i take this weapon and i bang it look what just happened the boat goes forward the weapon has fired i didn't touch the trigger i just simply banged it on the table if you sit down and you bang this on the ground you will blow your head off well sir can i be uh well maybe not the first person to tell you but definitely somewhere in that list that you're a [ __ ] idiot that is not a bullpup i hate bullpups and that's not a bullpup secondly what you're describing is the last round bolt hold open as you can see we have an empty magazine okay your bolt is back [ __ ] i can't believe i'm actually about to explain this unless you have an open bolt weapon that is not going to cause a discharge the only thing you're doing is using inertia of your weapon going back and stopping suddenly to pull bolt carrier back off of your bolt hold open just slightly so that it drops down and can allow your bolt to go forward let me demonstrate see finger nowhere near trigger guess what the funny thing about that is your trigger still hasn't been pulled you sometimes have to improvise like so i'll do you one better pulling the trigger even if you have your finger on the trigger that is not going to fire your weapon so unless you have a mystical open bolt air 15 uh you're just a [ __ ] idiot well it may seem like a convenient excuse while you're ranting to facebook live that's not what happened you're just a [ __ ] good now i can put this thing away and stop holding it that's better and let me just say this to clarify because i know the comments are going to be full of frankly idiots nobody is denying anybody their right to protest whether i agree with you or not we're all protected by the first amendment right to peaceably assemble you do not get to stand in the middle of the road blocking traffic with a [ __ ] rifle i'm really confused as to where the issue is here the grade school explanation is your rights end where somebody else's begins so if you're in the middle of the road blocking someone and well this is getting a little bit too much into a specific incident that we'll talk about next week so i'll leave it for that all right before we move on to the regular gun memes i have to rate this one so nfac nd meme i'm gonna go with three three out of ten that was the amount of casualties they had moving on to generic gun memes we will never get another sponsor again gun owners in america now have eight weapons on average double what it used to be you gotta bump those numbers up those are rookie numbers it's like the opening spiel and lord of war there's one firearm in world circulation for every 12 people on the earth the only question is how do you arm the other 11. clearly just have them move to the united states when the walmart guard takes my temperature with the wrong gun all right i take back my previous comment maybe we shouldn't be arming the walmart security where you guys are at are they are they doing the temperature gun [ __ ] like they are everywhere that i've been recently i think it's hilarious because even when i had kovit i only had a fever for like three days out of the mandatory 14 so that would have done [ __ ] all but i guess it makes people feel good right speaking of verona when both brandon herrera and angry cops get corona bring out your dead yeah rich did you actually have rona i know you're testing for it you blame me [ __ ] guess who's getting tested for corona i am i'm getting tested for corona and i blame you brandon herrera you god damn playground i'll do you one better i think you're the original playgrad and you were the one who gave me the rona and i think it was a failed attempt to infect donut oh nice yes those are the protesters i love that's right i'm on to you donut if you're out there start injecting bleach right now you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about what's that i can already hear the flood of comments from all the guys claiming that the vz58 is better than the ak plot twist the vc58 is not better than the ak nice try how to hide your knife at school no doubt there are europeans that are wondering where the meme is thank you for being fantastic not you battle rifles hold on where is ak this is the part where everybody's gonna get really butt hurt that the ak is in fact an infantry rifle and not a battle rifle because it is an intermediate cartridge and not a 308 like the rest of them i would like to remind you that there are several variants that actually did come in 308 such as the saga 308 and the m77 from yugoslavia modern day serbia so get [ __ ] nerd but i do like the meme and uh now i want to foul ah here we have a political graph all started by a tweet from ben shapiro 9-1-1 yes someone is robbing my house the police no longer exist but they still answer the phone but someone is robbing my house check your privilege then you have the communists no one is breaking into our house ex libertarian right no one is breaking into my house libertarian left is breaking into ben shapiro's house i resent they gave the kami's aks even though that makes perfect sense for me [ __ ] you i know there's going to be the people in the comments who don't get this joke you could say the punch line is explosive it's almost over don't worry americans start using the metric system they only use it to measure the diameter of bullets only because you guys started it we still have classic 30 caliber and 22 caliber of course 50 caliber wasn't somebody gonna do an ak is one of those ah whatever domino's pizza zimbabwe this is the final chance for customers to claim their lost property from our store the container is full and we need to get these items back to their owners thank you hmm there's good ak's in there thank you domino's pizza zimbabwe but i much prefer domino's pizza rhodesia [ __ ] i really do need a foul raid shadow legends ak daddy in it i can't even say that out loud ak daddy in his crippling white claw addiction rage shadow legends money for more white claw thank you raid looking forward to more sponsorships in the future [Music] brandon is like a kid with divorced parents going to mom's house for gold aks in 1911s and dads for 500 magnum two christmases yay but matt is daddy though son we know you're gay funny story about that bit that is actually a line from the video if you go watch the 9 millimeter versus 45 guys that me and matt from demo ranch did that video was filmed on the first day i actually really met matt probably within the first two hours actually we'd seen each other in passing in shows and stuff like that but he had invited me down to go film the video with him after they did their ak guys versus ar guys rebuttal and we just started improving jokes because we had talked about filming this video right so we just started improving jokes off each other and then one of the ones that he had thought of was this whole thing about coming out to your dad as a as a 19 as as a nine millimeter guy and so here is the biggest gun tuber on youtube probably two hours after meeting him for the first time in in actuality and i'm having to cosplay as a son coming out as gay to his father funny little aside for you guys i hope you will treasure that always and because we're truly dredging the bottom for gun memes this episode that don't relate to the thing that we're not talking about now and might talk about next week for gun meme review marty robbins memes which you know we might just bring back for its own gun meme review all on its own yeehaw chucklefox big dick marty cux all of texas [ __ ] you oklahoma you're next okay that seems like a great play to end this pla jesus [ __ ] that seems like a great place to end this episode of gun meme review hope you guys had a good one i think we're going to do we got some interesting stuff planned if you guys would like to see this is kind of a weird episode because it was like a leap thursday we call it fifth thursday we don't really know because normally we do first and third thursdays of every month so this one's a little weird if you want one next week just let us know in the comments and if there's anything else you guys want to see just hit us up helps with the engagement quite a bit as does the hashtag akg notification squad and as always i will see you sexy youtube [ __ ] in the next episode thanks guys whether i agree with you or not we are all protected by the first amendment which guarantees our rice our rice jesus christ what the [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,059,409
Rating: 4.9245048 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon herrera, the AK guy, meme review, gun meme review, NFAC, Kentucky, antifa, protest, donut operator, angry cops, Friendly fire
Id: xlPW25ps1V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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