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sobriety where we're going we don't need sobriety what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we're back for well you saw the title this one's going to be a little different though first i've got to read an email that came in a couple of months ago from a russian fan it reads hi brandon i'm your fan and i watch your channel from time to time your last video on cursed gun images gave me a lot of flashbacks there's a group in russian facebook that is devoted to guns and military equipment a couple of years ago they were doing bad things very bad things long story short they have an album with a lot of pictures i don't think you will like it but there is lots of content for future videos note drink some vodka before opening this link well bottoms up comrade that looks about right let's get started wow so i looked at this before when this email first came in i didn't really look too in-depth i know i wanted to come back to it this is an entire page devoted to russian cursed gun images and it's it's hilarious but it hurts let's go ahead and dive right in the crazy part about these ones is i can almost that some of their photoshops are so good i don't know if it's real yeah like this is a really good photoshop i hope this is a really good photoshop the classic han solo blaster c96 mauser as a bullpup because god is dead and we have killed him and this is not it's not a good photoshop but hear me out i kind of like it it's uh i guess if the romanians made an stg44 because you've got the romanian dong lower handguard and the romanian wire folder in the back and of course you have german excellence that is the strim gever 10 out of 10. i would [ __ ] but oddly enough the first two guns and russian cursed gun images are from germany luckily they got a lot of ak stuff in here and just a they got there's a lot of stuff before we get into all of that i wanted to first thank our sponsor no it's not ray thank christ it is manscaped so gentlemen let's just face it we've been quarantining for a while some of us for different reasons than others i'm sure more than a couple of us have let personal grooming slip to the wayside a bit but fear not my hairy friends i've got just the thing to help you out trust me you guys will love it and your significant other for the uh 14 of you that have one of those so if you sign up now using the link in the description and in the pin comment you can get 20 off and free shipping something like the perfect package 3 kit your balls will thank you their new third gen trimmer has these ceramic blades that make it virtually impossible for you to have a coarse collision that ends in violence so there's anything worse than having an accident while shaving it's having an accident while shaving your dick we just want to thank manscape one more time for helping the channel out you can go ahead and click the link in the description and in the pin comment be sure to use that code so you can get 20 off as long as you could spell my name ah the trusty glockarov we've covered this before somehow i like this one better and i hate myself for that although a glock 17 slide on a macro frame would kind of look like a dalmatian [ __ ] a chihuahua but whatever hey here's for everybody that was asking for the 50 caliber makarov because you know my comment section's awful it's actually kind of neat this is a good photoshop 50 ae desert eagle on a makarov frame weird flex but okay yo dawg i heard you like makarovs this one's actually neat so for those of you who don't know there was a different variant of the macro so this would be the makarov pm there was another one called i think the macro of pb which was integrally suppressed they're gnarly no we can't get them and no i'm not interested in making one this one they clearly just kind of pasted one in front of the other um because cursed gun image although the real question is would the atf consider that a forward grip although that's not really a problem as much as the [ __ ] suppressor at the end of the barrel so never mind all right so here we have two stretchkins which are basically like a select fire style of makarov kind of weird would love to have one of those still can't get them uh meant to be dual-wielded simultaneously i believe what's that engraved there's like a oh yeah no we can't show that moving on all right let's move over to the ak realm i said the ak this is a pipe this is a pipe with a soviet scope what appears to be an sks magazine there at the bottom and an ak pistol grip i think this is photoshop i hope the [ __ ] it is we need to do like a whole video on just improvised weapons like [ __ ] they find in prisons and whatnot where they make shotguns out of pipes and and whatnot i think that'd be neat ah okay so this is an ots 14 groza this was like an experimental 9x39 i think they had a few in 762 uh bullpup ak probably that just automatically makes it heinous i think that's a gp 25 grenade launcher there on the bottom or at least something that looks close to it what they didn't have is a gold accents and a [ __ ] as a front sight nice [ __ ] bro i really don't even know why that's there they have a front sight i think why all right so that is i think that's a kalashna pop that's like a 12 gauge probably a 12 gauge saga 12 like kind of like i got up there it's basically this thing except uh there's this bullpup i don't know why it's a bullpup but it is sobriety where we're going we don't need sobriety i think this is an american-made chassis though i think there was a company that was making this for a while i hope they've stopped yeah that's another one actually that's another saiga 12. i believe that's another american company's conversion kit i think so i know chris my gunsmith friend installed one of these on an ak before and i donated furniture to have him take it off so they're not a big fan of the way that we bastardize uh sega's got it duly noted i'm not either i'm on your side all right so this is like an m14 m1a something like that so i guess this was kind of cursed before they bullpupped it yeah that's right get mad yeah this just looks like [ __ ] i don't really have much else to say this looks like it would weigh 25 [ __ ] pounds that height overboar is kind of incredible even the madsen's not safe so this one thankfully is i'm reasonably sure it's fake actually i'm very sure so if there's one thing i learned that russians really don't like bullpups i like russia more and more every day and without any added context whatsoever they have bullpupped ukraine i'm gonna be spending a lot of time on this forum uh somebody decided that the vz58 didn't suck enough so they uh gave it a nice little wood bullpup chassis i think my newest past time is just triggering m14 owners and triggering uh vz58 fanboys it's better than the ak even though nobody uses it and it doesn't use standard ak mags even though those are the most popular magazines ever made when it looks really close and it uses the same caliber get get [ __ ] all of you get [ __ ] hipsters we have another poor bz58 this is wrong all right so now we have a mosin with what looks like a camo pattern overlaid on it on the wood a romanian dong protruding out of nowhere oh i get it it's a boy mosin this mosin has a dong and a sack in that case i hope that mozin is using manscape i'm kidding so this one almost excites me that it's real so this is the 18k lineup for their new release of the world war one french machine gun the show shot how the [ __ ] you say that show shot shacho i don't [ __ ] know you say this i've always said show shot i'm sure the comment section will correct me it's the child chat i'm not gonna forever call that the chow chat and i don't give a [ __ ] if it's wrong and this is why i'll never be invited to the rock island auction the chow chat sop mod the grenade launcher the chow chat stop mod h k modification the bullpup dmr match grade special forces seeing one of these with a night vision optic on it just kind of i don't know what that feeling is blurst i believe is the word which we did promise was going to be coming up soon so we will be doing a blurs gun images uh just make sure to actually send us some please these are kind of neat i think i'm going to spend a lot more time looking through these i might do this again who knows call of duty gunsmiths be like so we have the liberator pistol which i believe is an american pistol that was made of stamped sheet metal 45 acp that was air dropped over france uh during you know as part of aiding the the french resistance during world war ii they have a [ __ ] jack nicholson joker barrel on it a muzzle break forward grip a laser some sights just in case you don't like those pop-up sights you have a red dot sight some grip tape a glock mag it is a single shot pistol just throwing that out there and a stock did i miss anything anyway guys i'm starting to not enjoy this as much so i'm gonna go ahead and call it there i think this is actually kind of fun i i enjoyed this dare i say it so hopefully you guys did too if you want to see more stuff like this let me know in the comment section because that's where you leave your comments by the way new ak guy march is officially available at the link in the description and in the pin comment not manscaped you can't find any of my stuff there but the new shirts are available at bunker branding sorry scott had to go with maddie on this one i'm playing both sides so that i always come out on top anyway guys i greatly appreciate you guys watching to the end and as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] what is up you sexy youtube oh wait hold on i wanted to change his shirt out real quick i forgot wardrobe change so if you sign up today using the link in i'm just trying to speak too fast my mouth doesn't like it
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,582,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brandon herrera, the ak guy, cursed gun images, cursed, gun meme review, meme review, manscaped, makarov, call of duty, russian, memes, ak, demolition ranch, kentucky ballistics, demolitia, cursed images
Id: BomA9XIcdfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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