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dun meme review what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers we are back for another episode at GMR aka pew pew meme review 2020 has not failed to disappoint yet another level of Jumanji that you recall the last couple gun mein reviews I've been trying to say come on we've killed the boob memes it's been enough guys it's no longer funny I really should have reconsidered because the memes that came from current events this last week or so back so yeah worlds on fire yeah alcohol this week is it's white claw I just spent a week with some of my good friends down in South Carolina and unfortunately we they they've hooked me I am now member of claw gang I don't know if that's a thing it's a thing now anyway if you've been paying any attention the news you've probably been doing a lot of drinking as well so of course this being gun me review I've got a lot to say about it I know it's a little mainstream well I'm gonna try not say much about it but I'm gonna say a lot about the gun news I think it goes without saying that what happened in Minneapolis was absolutely wrong that being said as much as I stand with the protesters I also stand with the roof Koreans that has been the biggest blessing of 2020 so far as you know things return back to their natural habitats as things have been in quarantine and mankind's footprint is lessened the Koreans have returned to the rooftops nature's wonderful as glad as I am to see so many peaceful protests happening all over the country there is also the well the news still calls been peaceful protest but shits on fire people have started to commit the luteal ooh lots of not so peaceful protest just taking the five finger discount you catch my drift which makes this week sponsor a really organic choice coincidentally enough this week's sponsor of course is us CCA now a lot of people are getting their concealed carry permits first time I know personally I've had mine for quite a while in fact I carry it on me whenever of course I carry that's North Carolina law I'll show you the backside because I don't want you to see my terrible signature u.s. CCA exists to give law-abiding citizens like you the training the knowledge and the legal protection to protect your families when you need than most things getting crazy out there and there's a lot of people that are being charged with the mere act of self-defense are you ready for that fight so go ahead and click the link down in the description or the pin comment learn more about us see CAI we definitely recommend it I know that I'm a member I hope I'm a member right first up some Ludi defense stuff so we've already talked a little bit about the roof Koreans but this made me chuckle the new Gadsden flag don't steal my [ __ ] I haven't made that a flag but if somebody would like to I will definitely promote it because that is fantastic as long as you give me one because I will put that up in the shop it's basically the don't tread on me but for I guess it's a little more widely applicable riders we are coming to the suburbs armed militiamen blasting Sabaton loads LMG with malicious intent as opposed to recreational intent which you know is reserved for Range days malicious intent moving on riots not in my neighborhood be like mr. Rogers I want a Kalashnikov I would love to see that smiling mug shot in a red sweater don't be a Redcoat be a red sweater speaking of red coat I've been called that a lot recently for saying that destruction of private property is not an appropriate reaction to people that are completely innocent of any wrongdoing in the initial incident a funny how that works don't get me wrong I usually hate the government too that being said I fully expect to be called a boot licker for this next bit but if you guys want to see my thoughts on the matter doughnut operator has a fantastic video link it in the description just released it about the the new 8 can't wait all this is this garbage is going around at the very least you can do is google police protocol before you try to start a social movement around changing it I don't know it's kind of depressing lately just people seem like they are entitled to an opinion I think that was the worst thing people ever did was then be told by their second-grade teacher that it doesn't matter Little Jimmy here you are entitled to your own opinion get [ __ ] know the facts moving on cops are evil and racist you don't need a gun because you have the police proudly drop I'm sorry I've been - I've been hearing this entire Second Amendment debate only the cop should have guns now you want to defund them take their guns and all so take our guns hmm seems like if you guys get your way only the criminals will have none I feel like I've read this on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt or two you can be wrong it's okay to be wrong I've been wrong in a lot of stuff at least be consistent people down with the government and police me knowing the government is the only thing stopping them from getting shot I think my favorite thing out of this whole thing is the writers that end up getting victimized from friendly fire from other rent random riders and then they call the police on the other rioters it's been my favorite or when they victimized themselves like we did here in Fayetteville or that guy with the dumpster that was good this isn't Target [ __ ] this is Walmart and we ready appreciate the Smith and Wesson you could be a little bit more ready I love this shirt how may I help you what's that you're here to shop fantastic go right ahead no you can't protect your property to stay kill the black man that means we get terrorized private citizens let us steal from you huh huh air 15 go boom let me just reel this back real quick all right I've seen a lot of memes like this I do not endorse violence of any kind in any scenario other than self-defense should be great as well seeing cases where actual law-abiding gun owners used their guns for their intended purpose to protect themselves and their families ie businesses small businesses you haven't seen anyone protecting large businesses but whatever they could do it to but really not back around here's the other one some edgy team hosts about using excessive force on a home intruder the lawyer of his future home intruder interesting like said guys no murder threats jokes need a punch line ironically last time I said that I got a lot of murders rats and I hate to get so political in on this stuff but you guys have been asking for this literally since the stuff popped off so I really don't want to talk about it I've been avoiding it all week and was fantastic but snap back to reality oh there goes gravity mom spaghetti 20 mm depress gun owners of every background test no violence or damage thousands have demonstrated for loot and assault to show their outrage after witnessing an illegal act that nobody disagrees with yeah you see the Richmond event that's how you do a peaceful protest a bunch of guys showed up almost all of them armed and nobody got hurt you know nothing was on fire you know nobody spray-painted monuments to things that you know several of monuments were 100 200 years old themselves it's almost like you can peaceably assemble and not be a [ __ ] that defeats your own cause we need to run studies on this I'm not sold Chris Martin Palmer burn that [ __ ] down burn it all down two days later they just attacked our sister community down the street it's a gated community and they tried to climb the gates they had to beat them back then destroyed a Starbucks and now are in front of my building get these animals TF out of my neighborhood go back to where you live it's funny everybody wants to burn down that neighborhood until it's your neighborhood this one actually tweeted by the president's son the 54th Massachusetts regiment memorial vandalized by black lives matter this week the 54th Massachusetts regiment aka the all-black regiment led by Colonel Shaw they kind of made a movie about that it's probably not on Netflix because that's about racial unity last thing the looters see trying to break into my home beyblade [ __ ] defend thy castle through any means necessary but I'm gonna call it a rest on that just go to a couple miscellaneous gun memes cuz I'm tired of talking about it guys this is just something that I wish would really go away cuz I highly doubt it's a lot of posturing and I just I highly doubt anybody's not anybody but I just a lot of the people are using this as a convenient excuse to either posture or just give free Nikes and it's it's really it sucks to see cuz this was this could have been something really unifying and it is turned into exactly the opposite and I feel like that's the theme of 2020 and I'd like not to think about it too hard gun memes ah yes we missed the anniversary of killdozer day so june 4 2004 happy killdozer day everyone always literally have zero excuse for not having communi patience skills because I've seen you play group video games and you described where you are it's a lot easier to say shotgun in the East hallway than it is to say my crippling anxiety is ruining this relationship that it's too close to home moving on is the awful Photoshop River the bullpup stand that I tore apart in the last cursed gun images it doesn't work that way kids it's kind of fun to see like our audience starting crossover and photoshopping him into my stuff and it's a little weird that's getting a little romance is strong getting eaten alive by mosquitoes Jesus Christ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows like a lot I don't even hate it that's a lot of very intricate stipple work it's probably done with the laser caliber 9 and 3/4 it doesn't say that but I think that would be neat it says expect oh I imagine the other side says patron oh but shouldn't it be like the killing curse of auto cadaver or whatever and we've roasted for knowing what that is and also roasted for probably not pronouncing it right such is the way of YouTube by the way I just wanted to mention that you guys have officially bullied la s concealment into moving forward with the makarov holster so I'm looking forward to the future of that project with great interest anyway guys I think that just about wraps it up I hope you guys are all staying safe out there these are kind of crazy times so uh yeah from me to you don't be an idiot or do dude be an idiot I'm not your mother but I am your that's all we got for today guys I hope to see you guys soon I have a video coming out for you on Thursday and this whole week we're actually gonna be traveling out to drive tanks so I'm gonna be doing some cool stuff if you check that out over on instagram at real brandon herrera should be some fun stuff with gun drummer and i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers next video thanks guys let's get the [ __ ] out of here madam yeah in the live movies I wonder if we could hold America accountable for these riots just like we held China accountable for the Chinese virus what is up you sex YouTube mother lovers we're back again for another installment of how [ __ ] can 22 well I can't say [ __ ] in the first 30 seconds all right I know me myself me myself the [ __ ] you SCCA exists to give you the law by to sit the LA basin all right cool now do the mean excellent [ __ ] nats wat there all right so i tried to declare boob memes dead what okay that's it i remember a couple gummy was
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 468,098
Rating: 4.9296579 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, meme review, we didn’t start the fire, gun meme review, memes, donut operator, gun memes, protest, riots, Fayetteville, comedy, riot review, Roof Koreans, News
Id: 8Uaw2aZdT8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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