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gun meme review what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we are back for your favorite all right for an internet show we have kind of a lot to cover so i'm just gonna jump right into it on this one flavor of the week black cherry first up california freedom week part two electric you know so the ninth circuit court came in clutch for all of the california folks out there they deemed that california's magazine restrictions were unconstitutional where have you been the second amendment didn't say that you have the right to keep and bear arms until the magazine count is higher than what you can count on your fingers anyway huge win for california folks people immediately went all over the internet started buying those sweet 30 round magazines but as many people were expecting there was a stay put on that decision and while we're in limbo there is an ass load of pre-orders on california boys getting 30 round magazines so that's awkward but i'm not here for the politics bring on the memes 9th circuit ends california band on high-capacity magazines looks like drum magazines are back on the menu boys that's right we're skipping the 30 round mags going straight to the drums kind of like a fat chick after trying two weeks on keto breaking news california magazines floating ashore high capacity magazines from thousands of boating accidents found hell that's awkward now but yeah now that there's been a massive california panic by to try to get in on freedom week 2.0 supplies and retailers across the country are now in even worse shape than they were before which means ah i picked a really good time for the ak factory buy and speaking of the ak factory buy i would like to take a brief moment and thank one of our sponsors that makes all of this happen your favorite read shadow legends i know you've probably heard of this game by now but let me tell you why in terms of gameplay it is the deepest and most complex mobile game around with 500 champions to collect each with their own skills and millions of artifacts to find and equip no two champions will ever be the same kind of like i'll never be the same after we tried company taco tuesday that makes for literally trillions of ways to build your teams and endless strategies for you to figure out for yourself one of my personal favorite strategies is finding one and maybe two characters that i want to just make absolutely unkillable level them up like crazy and then have them carry my whole team but the best part is you get to find out your favorite strategy on your own in the last couple of weeks they've added a load of new updates so let's just dive in first they've just added champion fragments which let you collect pieces that you can use to summon specific champions with a special event running right now to get an amazing crelo witch arm it ends august 28th so don't wait around there's also a new bazaar where you could load up on high value items with the gold bars you win in tag arena and i just extended the daily login rewards up to 270 days with free champions available just for logging in so what are you waiting for go to the video description click on the specific links and if you're a new player you'll get a hundred thousand silver plus an energy refill plus ten mystery shards plus a free champion slasher all this of course will be waiting for you here but only for the next 30 days so good luck and i'll see you there so thanks again to raid for not letting me get my kneecaps broken by ivan the debt collector let's get back into the memes imagine being in california super stoked about the supreme court ruling so you run home and slam a 30-round magazine into this abomination yeah yeah but the precedent is a good one if they can go back on the 30-round mag ban it's a good direction i call it a win for us anytime they're reeling back restrictions instead of making more because if things kept going the trajectory they were a couple of years ago you could go to jail for a gun-shaped pop-tart it's freedom week lol i bought a 30-round mag californians who drove to nevada to smuggle in large capacity magazine years ago yeah tell the cartels we don't want like heroin and cocaine anymore like the united states is done with that i think if they could put all that energy into bringing high-capacity magazines into california they've been making a lot more money right now hey can we like stop building the wall just long enough to arm california thanks so if i'm going to rate the california memes i'll rate it a 10. those are currently the highest capacity magazines they can buy now that we've burned california wait they do that themselves now that we've roasted california we can roast the rest of us ammo prices suck because of the rona and you know all of the peaceful protesting [Music] there's been a huge spike in new gun owners which is fantastic there's also been a run on ammo suppliers and anywhere you can buy guns ammo and gun accessories like big daddy unlimited that part is predictable but it's not great as a result supply is down and demand is skyrocketed so nine millimeter that used to be 16 cents a round is now for sale for like 40. and to all of you international folks yes we do treat ammunition like an exchange rate listen kid i don't have much time the only retailer selling ammo for fair prices is f for harambe how did the end of the world start dad well you see timmy 2016 they shot the [ __ ] gorilla this is how ammo is sold now crying face those are the little baggies in nine millimeter i pass out to friends when they ask to shoot my machine guns here's six rounds don't spend it all in one place it's for a lot depends on the context palettes of 762 no boxes of nine millimeter yes who would have ever seen it coming that nine millimeter would be twice the price of 762 by 39 who would have thought not me me ranting about tyranny with my gun store homie for two hours my girlfriend who thought this was going to be a quick visit the only quick visits i have are with my girlfriend buying a gun from arms list at the asking price haggling and meeting in the middle make lowball offers from multiple email addresses until they agree to the price you actually wanted to pay keep flagging their ads as scam from different ip addresses until they're desperate for money and re-list for a super cheap price for a quick sale stonks a warning shot doesn't go to the face carl is this loss so the state of the world tells me that this is probably portland but that tactical umpire uniform tells me eastern europe girls with a time machine i'm a granddaughter really boys with a time machine also include barrel length rate of fire and accessories it becomes more relevant trust me one of my favorite facts about the founding fathers that a couple of them were like super interested in developing small arms technology like a few of them own prototypes for like crazy crank like 32 shot weapons and things like that like air rifles of all sort like they were not only fanatics about guns but they were like interested in new technology when they wrote that so anybody who tells you that they didn't know firearms technology was going to improve uh grab a history book okay now take it in your hands bite it please do not pet the radioactive puppies of chernobyl sad stalker is sad [ __ ] that makes me sad i promise i won't get too crazy tonight three drinks later man in homemade tank destroys small town well look at my wrist it's time to talk about killdozer if you haven't seen they've added a new documentary on netflix called tread this recounts the actions of marvin heymeyer and the rampage through granby colorado that became forever known as the legend of killdozer basically the tldr for those who haven't seen the movie don't have netflix and can't possibly be bothered to look up wikipedia a potentially unhinged man is [ __ ] over several times by a small town in colorado's city council and he takes matters into his own hands and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a komatsu d-355a bulldozer proceeded to level the places of business of several city council members that he deemed wronged him no i'm not saying this to condone the actions of mr heemeyer but he has grown to be somewhat of a urban folk hero and kind of the embodiment of what happens when you push a good man too far or as the saying goes sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things all right now that history class is over do the memes no i'm going to be a hipster about this i put kildozer on gun meme review before netflix june 4th 2004 happy kill dozer day everyone but now that it's in the spotlight again let's go through some kildos or memes god i've waited a while to do this the virgin unibomber and prim target's innocence damages but a single building attacks some irrelevant city in the midwest male's bombs too afraid to come out and deal damage himself the chad killdozer only attacks those in power who ruined his life builds and pilots his own destruction machine kill self not allowing government the pleasure of taking the little life they left him with damages and destroys many buildings belonging to his town's corrupt government another interesting fact about killdozer during the entire rampage through granby colorado he didn't kill a single person he only specifically targeted the buildings that belonged to the city council members that he thought ruined his life over a period of about 10 years and uh i'll say he got his point across i'll say 16 years later after a netflix special believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything nike just saw the bottom right hand corner just do it nike i don't know what you're suggesting but i don't like it or do i where do you see yourself in five years me man and homemade tank destroys hey this thing mean also is it really that hard in 2020 to spell out why oh you see yourself we're not savages well we are not in that way the virgin looter doesn't believe in anything just wants free stuff has plenty to live just loots for the hell of it destroys businesses that did nothing to him does unreasonable things for the hell of it will be forgotten in a few years oh my god i'm looting can't handle rubber bullets the chad heemeyer constructs a near impenetrable vehicle in his garage only retaliates when his life was completely destroyed would require a hellfire missile to stop reasonable man doing unreasonable things only destroys businesses and people's property that personally wronged him basically a modern folk hero 100 god approved mission yeah so if you haven't seen the documentary yet or you are unfamiliar with the story this dude armored the [ __ ] out of this thing we're not talking about a couple of steel plates apparently he had steel plates lining this thing and then a gap and then more like half inch steel plates and then he poured concrete in between the steel plates might be important to remember this guy was a professional welder there wasn't even viewports he actually just saw out of cameras that he had linked to monitors and a gas valve where he could blow uh compressed gas to remove the debris from in front of the cameras i'll say for crazy dude he had a [ __ ] together check on your friends some of them may need help welding and all of that brings me around to the prompt for this gun meme review i've been looking all over facebook marketplace ebay craigslist for a bulldozer i think it would be really cool to do a series on the channel building killdozer 2.0 obviously with no malicious intent behind it you hope but honestly it is very cool what the killdozer has come to symbolize kind of a tread on those who tread on you situation so i think it'd be really cool trying to build a killdozer up armor a bulldozer big tract basically improvised tank i think that would be pretty cool anyway i wanted to hear your thoughts about it if you think that would be cool for the channel go ahead and let me know in the comments and if you're selling a bulldozer go ahead and let me know it would be a cool series so let me know what you think about it down in the comments and i think that is this gun meme review coming to an end as always i appreciate you guys watching if you have your own suggestions leave them on instagram with the hashtag gun meme review hashtag akg notification squad is a thing down in the comments if you're here in the first hour and i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video [Music] and while you have that history book go ahead and look at a couple of photos of alexander hamilton notice anything different by taking matters into his own hands i mean of course he up armored a come our [ __ ] let me say that again by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a kamatsu d-355a bulldozer and proceeded to mow over the places of business from city council members he think wronged him he'd think [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn it that was so close by taking matters into his own hands of i can do this by the power of claw by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a kamatsu d3 [ __ ] by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he uh built a goddamn tank out of a komatsu 355a bulldozer and proceeded to level several buildings belonging to [ __ ] oh i'm so close and by taking matters into his home and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a god damn tank out of a komatsu d3 355. i got it [ __ ] perfect the first time and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of ah and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a kamatsu d-355a bulldozer and proceeded to level the houses of several city council members that he deemed wronged him there we go that wasn't that [ __ ] hard [ __ ] me and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a komatsu d thrifty thrifty [ __ ] 350 35. all right i got this i promise i do i'm sorry for so much [ __ ] footage you gotta sort through and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a komatsu d thrift and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a komatsu d 355a and proceeded to level the houses [ __ ] it next time but she failed and by taking matters into his own hands of course i mean he built a goddamn tank out of a komatsu d-355 bulldozer proceeded to level the places of business of several city council members that he deemed wronged him there it was [ __ ] all right all right break no i've been looking a lot on ebay and craigslist and facebook marketplace and grinder
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 511,072
Rating: 4.9587598 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, meme review, gun meme review, California, magazine ban, KillDozer, tread, Netflix, documentary, Marvin heemeyer, Raid shadow legends, Kill dozer, pewdiepie, gun memes
Id: wKq87axRHEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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