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Un-subbed once I caught on to his politics.

B. Herrera, Fighter of Strawmen.

Hey are you guys ready to overthrow the government and replace it with a worse form of government? Can’t wait to do Socialism with you guys. Comrades, whatever, lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gulag_disco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

that foos wack

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/reddisetgoh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He makes a good case for why foster should have shot first, cars are deadly weapons

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WahhabiLobby πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Another meathead gunbro. NEXT

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cimat1984 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw him heart a comment talking about "the globalists" and their narrative and immediately unsubbed. Fuck that guy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/a_massive_idiot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is why I subscribe to Ian, no bullshit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpaceRocker1994 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't fucking stand this guy.

If he stuck to the guns, I'd probably grudgingly watch him because he does occasionally have good information but the signal to noise ratio is way out of whack.

Also friendly reminder that this is the dude who got sick with Covid but had mild symptoms and declared it was "no big deal" and "nothing to shut the economy down over." So yeah, fuck this dude.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HeloRising πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thankfully internet celebrities and the losers that waste their time with them will never matter.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I Only Watch His AK50 And Cursed Gun Video's The Rest Of His Content Is Shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AussieCommieBastard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head [Music] oh yeah we're talking about that this claw is not gonna be strong enough it's a little better what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers we are back for another episode of gun meme review now we're not gonna start out this one with claps like we normally do potentially out of respect to the clappy this is definitely gonna be one of the spicier gun meme reviews we've ever done but it is one of those things the internet's just been on fire about and uh if you're offended by anything you see in this video just remember we only used about 10 of the memes that i've seen floating around of this and it was probably the least spicy 10 the others i don't think we could get away with showing on youtube i actually considered not doing this video at all there's a lot going on to this one so i was like i didn't know how to touch it because it's technically a second amendment self-defense concealed carry case but the guy who got got was a self-proclaimed libertarian boogaloo boy with an ak-47 who was also marching alongside of a group that is openly aligned with a communist agenda a lot to unpack but the memes were too good so well we're going for it can't wait to see how many subs i lose but first i did want to give a shout out to the guys that help us pay the bills and this week it is sdi or sonoran desert institute take it away past me with the koof today's sponsor is sonoran desert institute i get a lot of guys who ask me brandon how do i get started in the firearms industry well sdi might be a good place to start it's great for somebody who's had an interest in firearm technology like gunsmithing firearm repair shooting sports management pretty much anything in the gun industry if that sounds like you you might want to check them out they have lots of online classes to make it super easy for you so if you want to learn more head on over to for more info so again a big thank you to sdi without further ado let's [ __ ] so for anybody who didn't see this about two weeks ago there was a protest in austin texas where uh the protesters has swamped the roads which i pointed out before is not a good idea quoting uh from painkiller already that's where the cars are anyway they swarmed the road and they surrounded this one vehicle i think was trying to blow through the protest because you know people have things to do that's why they get in their cars they surrounded the guy trying to stop the vehicle uh mr garrett foster pulls up next to the vehicle supposedly to get in front of his uh handicapped girlfriend but he is holding a palmetto state armory akm conflicting reports as to whether or not he brandished it at the motorist but he definitely had it in low ready in a lot of the photos and stuff that i've seen just around his uh his neck on a sling audio of the whole thing is pretty much shits there's really no way to know if there's an exchange of words or what exactly happened but homeboy does roll over the driver's side of the car with the ak in hand driver doesn't take that too well and extinguishes mr foster as a little bonus added twist i believe it came out later that the driver of the car was something like an uber driver and he was also an air force vet who was also a furry i can't make this [ __ ] up so yeah boogaloo boy with handicapped blm girlfriend goes and confronts an ex-air force furry in the middle just austin what what's going on is everything okay i know austin texas slogan is keep austin weird but can we like suspend that for 2020 because i mean come on but the real gem of this entire thing is the internet responded with complete sensitivity and understanding [ __ ] no they didn't the memes were there in like two hours in fact at time of recording if you google garrett foster the first thing that pulls up in google's suggestions is garrett foster memes so uh well you know what we do here let's get down into it everybody meet garrett foster his pronouns are was and were steal his look psa ak 899 ako you hat 24.99 golovk.ejoy bandanna 12.95 full brush copper bronze finished casket it's 1199.95 a nice looking casket i highly doubt it's not cheap garrett foster 1990 to 2020 [ __ ] around found out oh yes because it goes even better turns out he did an interview the same night he was patrolling around in the middle of the road with an ak during which oh my god you're talking about famous last words i mean if i use it against the cops i'm dead i think all the people that hate us and you know want to say [ __ ] to us and this is where i personally believe the story about him being a genuinely good guy looking out for everybody's best interest kind of unravels a little bit the only reason you're not shooting at police right now is because they have more guns and you'll be killed what a stand-up guy people who hate us are too big of [ __ ] to actually do anything about it reality is often disappointing and this is where we get into one of the weird multifaceted angles of the whole boogaloo movement for some people it's just a joke and we like wearing hawaiian shirts and plate carriers and shooting things on the weekends on a philosophical level it's more of a stance against government tyranny and saying that there are people out there willing to protect their rights if uh there's something like a mass gun confiscation or something people you know looking for that's originally where it started is if there was a massive gun confiscation in the united states there would be the civil war part two electric boogaloo breaking that down it's a reference to a very shitty sequel that your parents probably watched break into electric boogaloo that's where it came from for some reason it seems to have transformed online into a bunch of angsty teenagers uh who are simping for communists and want to shoot cops how do we know he wanted to shoot cops well he said the only reason he's not doing it is that you know he would also get clapped which whoops but also straight from his facebook page three federal officers face permanent blindness after riders shine lasers in their eyes they're talking about industrial strength like uh lasers the ones that like set paper on fire and [ __ ] he says it's amazing somebody points out nah don't mess with people's eyesight even if they're feds they're just doing their jobs garrett foster they're cops it doesn't count interesting when you say people's lives don't count because that's how a lot of us feel about communists and i said some stuff recently on instagram that people got really up in flames about saying that i was a bootlicker and that he was not a communist he was a boogaloo boy whatever and i just want to be clear i never said he was a communist i i don't believe that he was a communist what i did say if you read me a little more clearly is that he was simping for communists which is just as bad and quite possibly worse you see i've met some communists i'm sure you've met some communists they're about 90 pounds soaking wet and can be found at pretty much any starbucks across the country why people in our realm feel the need to simp for those people and go stand arm and arm with something that is so antithetical to anything libertarianism has to offer is beyond me you mean we shouldn't be standing against the government no i think the federal government's very guilty of a lot of unconstitutional overreach what i'm telling you is that you shouldn't be protesting against the government arm and arm with people who want to eradicate that government and replace it with one that's 10 times worse kind of counterintuitive western consulting my face when some fool boogaloo boy sides with the antifa blm kami faction makes me want to go play new vegas the feds won't let us burn down buildings and assault random people we truly live in a fascist country fascism you keep using that word but i do not think it means what you think it means ah and of course the classic i'm gonna go block traffic i'm the victim no you are your roadkill when you're surrounded in a vehicle and someone brandishes an ak at you you know the rules and so do i and after the end of last gun meme review i have made the determination that every gmr going forward needs a marty robbins meme so here we go gunfighter ballads and trail songs sergeant perry [ __ ] around and find out move [ __ ] get out the way and more keep an eye out for volume two including better dead than red but if i can get real with you guys for just one second i know things are [ __ ] crazy right now everybody wants to be against racism and for the rights of protesters and being able to exercise the first amendment but then there's rioters over here and should we stand with business owners against the writers stand with the protesters who are doing it peacefully it's just a lot of very mixed messaging on top of that we have a global pandemic and just there's so much crazy [ __ ] going on murder hornets if those are still a thing and what really gets me is that there's a decent chance that this guy might have even seen gun meme review before so if you're one of the guys out there that is just really kind of confused and not really sure what to think about all this stuff or feels like they need to get involved they just don't know where to start start with yourself man before you try solving the world's problems focus on yourself and i promise you you'll be happier start going to the gym ask that girl out focus on your career go to college if that's your thing or get up get a plan together for your own life because you can't control the world but what you can control is your own life and where your life goes that is completely within your power so you know what if you just focus on the things that you can control and then once you have everything in your life squared away then you can try solving some of the world's problems we need more squared away people doing that i promise you if you focus on yourself and get everything in your own life in order for the next year or two you will be far far happier than putting that same amount of energy into the things that you really don't have a say over hopefully that came off less as preachy and more like a aside from a cool uncle so anyway lebanon blew up [Music] so um holy [ __ ] i'm sure you guys have seen the videos all over the place this is a horrific accident for sure so i don't want to make too much fun of it but from a scientific perspective from a physics angle holy [ __ ] can you just look at that look at that vaporwave which is just so much pressure escaping that explosion at one time the shock wave itself is lined with water molecules in the air the humidity condensing into a sheet of water vapor around the pressure that is absurd technically not gun related but it's an explosion we like explosions and it's basically the stuff that blew up is a it's a recipe for tannerite anyway so i'll allow it now there's a lot of speculation going around as to who the culprit is if it was an accident if this was an attack of some sort it didn't take long for people to find out who was actually behind it sam hyde identified as perpetrator of beirut explosion lebanese police confirmed samuel hyde is behind the explosion he can't keep getting away with this lmao ah the return of the davy crockett coming full circle on that cursed gun images which we may or may not be doing another episode of in the next week or two so keep an eye out for that but seriously guys that explosion was absurd this is the before and after photo part of that dark little peninsula that makes up that dock has returned to nature crazy stuff and i know again it's a serious topic because there's very real people that have died in this explosion and uh a lot of injuries i don't even think we know the toll yet at a time of recording so very serious stuff but we had to mention it because this stuff's floating around holy [ __ ] i i keep coming back to holy [ __ ] just look at that and now for something completely different when you finally find normal priced ammo this one's [ __ ] up too because that was a suicide joke damn it that's a tiger king joke by the way for the eight people in the audience who still haven't seen tiger king the [ __ ] did you do with your pandemic time yeah ammo prices have kind of been in the [ __ ] uh for the last several months and they're getting worse but the good news is is uh at the current rate in the year 2022 i could buy your [ __ ] house with this so i'm doing okay at this rate you might as well stop carrying a gun concealed anyway because it's probably [ __ ] cheaper just to give them your wallet and phone yeah they're not just telling you that because the police have to stand down completely because you know politics they're actually trying to save you some [ __ ] money of course we have this one that's not a bullpup this is a bullpup if i have to look at that guy one more time i might actually vomit brandon herrera while talking about gun rights brandon herrera when talking about guns as you may or may not know by now i am something of an ak guy myself i definitely don't want anybody getting the wrong impression i am not a communist sympathizer by any stretch of the imagination i have a love for soviet firearms i really do it's probably unhealthy i love reading about soviet gun designers i love just anything that has to do with russian-made firearms it it's how i get my kicks i guess even in the autobiographies of these people you can definitely read into a lot of the atrocities that happened under the communist government mismanagement just just really the pure hellscape that was communism in the ussr from boogaloo and chill soviet government soviet-made guns so if i have a short sweet psa for you guys out there just summing up this whole video stop something for commies just don't do it okay you can think about it but don't do it and that is the end of this gun meme review which i thought was going to be a lot more awkward to film but i actually started having fun with it so hopefully you guys did too if you want to go ahead and head over to the b channel i will leave a link in the description and in the pinned comment we will have a video of our time at the decommissioned new plant a lot of fun and of course i will see you sexy youtube [ __ ] in the next video thanks [Music] we teased it a little bit last week and since we have two guns nope uh of our time in kentucky and of course i [ __ ] i [ __ ] that up like three different times and that just all compounded into an unusable take [ __ ]
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 734,436
Rating: 4.8749719 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, meme review, gun meme review, GMR, SDI, simp, communist, Garrett Foster, AK operators union, Austin, blm, nfac, Gun memes, Beirut, Lebanon, ammo, Garand thumb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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