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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers let's try this again shall we as you may have seen we did an emergency gun meme review that was taken down not sure why but i hear if you still google it you could find it but that was an emergency gun meme review technically it wasn't our typical first and third thursday so we're back round two well you know so this time we're gonna try to avoid current events that might make the overlords not happy with us but we're still a youtube gun channel so that's coming eventually let's get into the memes an oldie but goodie one thousand rounds of ammunition one remington rifle two scopes suspect stockpile found yeah if that's a stockpile uh i don't want to talk about it this is why i hate video games it appeals to the male fantasy of all that drill bit is a little too big buddy tiny pinhole not you know demolishing the entire upper half of your lower but yes it does appeal to the male fantasy because what else do you guys fantasize about besides drilling the third hole in that case having a drill bit too big for the job is part of the fantasy i suppose if you don't get that joke ask your parents actually don't why are you watching this guy on the internet talk about illegal machine guns it is too late mother i've already seen everything we must repeal the nfa my safe full of 10.3 inch sbrs me every time i open it i would like to know the context of this please the guy's face is [ __ ] priceless for this too trying to figure out the best plan to hide your new business expenses like so sir um we we understand uh you know the electric bill and rent and payroll it's the killdozer we're really not so sure about and speaking of things that allow us to have completely ridiculous business expenses like to thank our sponsor big daddy unlimited big daddy unlimited is like the sam's club of the gun world how does that make you feel anyway bdu is a great place to find awesome deals on guns ammunition whenever that becomes a thing people can buy again accessories nfa items all sorts of cool stuff they're also a big supporter of the channel and channels like mine so if you click the link in the description and in the pinned comment you could go check them out i definitely recommend subscribing and it helps us out helps them out and it's gonna help you out you like saving money right anyhow big thanks to big daddy unlimited let's get back to the gun memes you can't eat at chick-fil-a they're homophobic and support donald trump no voice acting on this is getting absurd gun buyers that firearm is manufactured by an actively genocidal government and purchasing them is directly funding their military industry i know comblock isn't a choice it's a lifestyle oh [ __ ] this one's a lot of reading a well-armed population is the best defense against foreign invasion guns have maintained an important part in the culture of our history firearms are needed to protect myself and my loved ones gun rights are natural rights and shall not be infringed guns should be kept and used if the government becomes tyrannical armed minorities are harder to oppress guns help make the vulnerable be it equal footing with others the people's revolution cannot succeed if we are unarmed no one needs guns is no one needs guns even a centrist view i would hope not at least not in this country i definitely want guns if all the other people are gonna have guns now the main problem area is up here all of this going on up here is what's causing me the most physical discomfort it's like a visceral reaction of discontent coming from this area this area is not good either i hate this but i'm mainly worried about this while i oppose most gun control proposals there is one group of americans i do believe should be disarmed federal agents ron chad paul i've always assumed that was his middle name and i don't want to hear differently throwback to the one opportunity that we had to have a true libertarian elected and actually have a chance of winning nobody at all you're a wheelchair-bound morbidly obese uncle on facebook the day is coming for good men to do bad things pretty sure this is all of our facebook feeds no one's been i guess rude enough to remind that uncle there may be a time in the big igloo where you may have to run more than 50 yards this would be a prime example of what we consider a boomer meme a random quote that was not said by the guy in the photo in this case uh the guy from bill and ted but if you have your own memes to go ahead and submit we can do it a couple different ways we have options post it on instagram with the hashtag gun meme review or you can print them out on a piece of paper fold them up attach them to a random leg of a pigeon you found in central park and hope it gets to me or you can also go over to the new reddit r slash brandon herrera good luck also if you could frame the meme and have an attractive girl hold it you'll probably get more upvotes and i will probably see it countries that use the ak platform gay marriage is legal in 35 countries i just want to clarify i'm not saying there's anything wrong with any of those things it's a very interesting graph isn't geography interesting and i love south africa down there just vibin rejecting the trend also these memes have been kind of taking over uh at least before you know current event thing dicaprio making a comeback road rage psycho threatens to kill me the glock in my waistband them it's not an assault rifle because it's not full auto me with a 3d printer i was thinking about doing that wonder if it would get from youtube but i really want to see if the yankee boogle actually works if you're not sure what that is don't click off the video new tab i'll see you in about 10 minutes rioters [ __ ] the police ryder gets his arm blown off call the police police that's getting into the current event stuff we said we weren't going to talk about in wisconsin okay yeah one or two wouldn't hurt urban dictionary k-town hat-trick removing a sex offender a wife-beater and a burglar from society in one night kyle scored himself a k-town hat-trick before he reached voting age also big shout out to the 69 upvotes defund the police [ __ ] go back all right i got my fix back to the gun memes we won't speak of this okay when you invited your girlfriend into your workshop to help build pipe bombs and drill the third hole on your ar and she starts getting naked i have to ask you to please leave the forge some people have no respect for the separation of certain couples activities this really is a shame on a serious note if your girlfriend keeps doing this please just break up with her and then you dm me her number kidding kidding kidding next meme nobody brandon herrera dreaming that poor macro of this wait a minute this isn't a dream this one from the reddit i am inevitable and i am the super boog i love super boo i don't i don't know about that punch line we can fix this i am inevitable and i am drunk and speaking of getting drunk oh look at the time i didn't just check i think it's about time to call this episode of gun meme review to a close also check it out new merch bunker branding you should go check it out description pin comment check it out but anyhow guys i appreciate you staying with us hopefully this one stays up for longer than the last one did but just in case go ahead and remember to hit subscribe and the notification bell be part of the hashtag akg notification squad so you can see content before the sensors have an opportunity to because that's becoming a bigger problem anyhow guys i appreciate it as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] brightness down so my phone doesn't [ __ ] die or you could print them out on a piece of paper a piece of paper
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 765,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, gun meme review, meme review, memes, gun memes, donut operator, pewdiepie, emergency gun meme review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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