History Hyenas Just Go Wild!

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[Music] what's up everybody it is your favorite to trash monkey borough trash hyenas Chrissy can collector and yannis peanut head pop up up up up up up up peace i'ma [ __ ] your [ __ ] Mexican tan peace cuz you went to Mexico and make no mistake mrs. poppets now cracked open and cleaned out beyond the wall she did cuz I can turn her into a white Walker it's nice to be able to just let loose and let it fly cuz we had kapha came in here and we had really be on our best catholic behavior yes i was made a mistake that kid pretends like he doesn't curse make no mistake care we had to be squeaky clean for gaffing ur but now he just left so just been waiting to say it all day [ __ ] hwaseong she ain't there you go you just crested Mike Bush on the way gyeongcheon button my I'm gonna stop calling Mike Bush it just stock money emoji face Gaffigan laughter and might thinks it's okay yeah I just yeah you are my mom oh geez Mike was with me in San Antonio so we were pretty close to the border you didn't eat healthy we didn't eat yeah Mike just what is that Mikey you like my dad used to love this it was just like a plate of cheese and I'm like where's your there now he's like he died of a heart attack it was just this thing what was that cheese case of Lafayette oh okay so flabby Otto was [ __ ] great do you speak you speak you speak Spanish no but you did your father talk like down a little bit like that's the American kind of Mexican wave California oh so how's this town of San Antonio everything just turns to Chinese a little bit yeah I just started sounding like an Easter happy cuz make no mistake you're one of my most talented friends you're [ __ ] dope yeah there's no question that both my parents are from islands and there's a little in breeding going on there yeah and also I was talking to Irene brevis this weekend by the way I want to clean out yeah she's married to somebody give me weight Suncheon yeah it's a me-too era yeah I mean Mike Mike whatever my way songs me yeah whatever you just keep your finger on your finger on the [ __ ] Mouse when Chrissy's talking quickly and then we're gonna find out it's interesting now now that much now that Mike emoji face is in is in control of the way Jean she and button we're gonna see who he's prejudiced against because I'm gonna take anything wild about the Jos Zach would impress the boss he's ass and ridiculous anything so now we'll see we'll see where's where my is Mike and American you seen a Mexican yeah K says if I say something wild about Americans and he doesn't press that way Shan ji a button we're just gonna see what side of the border he's really on let's be honest if he doesn't do a good job with that Wei Zhong she and button would go right back down to San Antonio get a catapult and from right back over that wall you'll get right back over that way song she ain't yeah Mike took us all around say meet Tony who I had a good time in San Antonio my make no mistake was a great club I'm never going back to your city you didn't like it right now it was fine I went to the Alamo which was nice we rode around school make no mistake me and Sergio rented scooters yeah and Mike was on one too and he was a little nervous he was like when kept looking around like where's Mike yeah just like yo I think he's a little nervous fam why was he nervous cuz those things can pick up speed and Mike's not the most athletic kid yeah he's just not a kid who's gets a little nervous when you have to move a good time on it alright we know be more comfortable sitting still you feel safer oh yeah you feel like you got your balance everything's yeah and let me tell you something I'm being dead serious honestly truthfully shout-out lol Comedy Club San Antonio you guys were great Mike's a [ __ ] good conic he opens up every single show cuz make no mistake I'm just gonna be crystal clear there's not many high heat of fans at San Antonio I think cuz I did not some tickets so Mike being able to go out to a pretty cold empty room that holds about 400 and let's be crystal clear had about 60 max yeah each night I thought might crack them up wei zhongxian man nice job Miley did Mike's actually very good comic and I think when we finally do the live history Hina shows in their mics we're gonna give like emoji face a mic cuz it's very good yeah thank you yeah it's good to have you on the team Mikey that's nice you're diverse we like that could you know sometimes you go on the road and like I this guy you know but Mike was just he could he could cut it in New York yeah and Chris tells the truth so I I you did good otherwise you oughta just set it in front your face ya know Mike's good yeah he only know what he's a good eater but not such a good cop only thing is the only thing is what mike is yeah if you bring them on the road - you better just make sure you get some extra snacks for the green room cuz he will clean up the most snacks for your on stage let me come back and be like where's all the chips and then Michael back I don't know and they'll just be crumbs on his nipples yeah we might here for a good time not a long is he for a good time not a long time yeah that's an oldie but goodie we haven't said in the world I'm here for a good time not a long time Mike yes definitely we all are let's be honest I'm probably the person I even on the oldest here probably know Mike he's my age yeah but um I'm probably the one who's gonna be around the longest you guys yes making a mistake you're here for not a long time for a good time you know that crazy green lights and let's not forget that Sandra Dee Isis over there yeah he's got tattoos all over his body like the movie memento he's not here for a long time either let's be honest you don't find them too many senior citizens with tattoos on their fingers too many of them he's probably it for a long time now he's probably up for a good time not a long time but you will be here the longest but make no mistake you will get Alzheimer's and you will just be a show of yourself drooling by a bench yeah you will be here till you're 95 just make no mistake cuz yeah you were punished in previous life because you probably did have some power in previous life and you you really you were a piece of [ __ ] with that power and then unfortunately took girls off the streets being sexual harem yeah and you just killed innocent people so now you're gonna be here too you 100 years old yeah but you're real your brains gonna stop working at 6:00 so you're just gonna have close to half your life yeah just and that and that's just why Jesus is gonna punish you because make no mistake you're not Catholic you weren't chosen yeah so Jesus punishes those who don't bow down to his will every Sunday st. Matthias Church Father build [ __ ] me in the uvula hwaseong shame and they also punish kids who only tip that the green room waitress only five bucks right yeah you [ __ ] dirtbag so yeah here's the thing I remember told me cuz here's a funny thing that our fans didn't know about me and you probably didn't know about me what is it my original name is B piece real name was John no my last name is not Pappas my grandfather on my father's side change it from P piece to Pappas okay you know a PB s-- means the B's small penis really yeah it means small penis you why would he have a last name as small P my real last name is B piece but well I don't understand so this would I remeber was telling me she was telling me like yeah and you make sense back in the day if you were a goldsmith or you were a blacksmith that would become your name so somebody in my family line just had a really [ __ ] small micro penis yeah and like the people in the village were making fun of him call in that became true this is true it's gotta be yeah well I'm not saying if it's true like 100 percent fact but I'm saying like P piece is slang for small penis and it happens to be my real last name my dad happens to have micro penis he does have a pretty baby seat somewhat he inherited that I'm somebody and that person he inherited it from it's probably the person they were making fun of when they made P piece the [ __ ] way Xiang Jing of that era listen to me listen to me yeah listen to me loud listen to me clear listen to me now for any of these non toots for any of these toots who are listening to the history niz right now on iTunes for free [ __ ] to you join the pay try go to patreon.com/crashcourse okay the non toots no we're talking about they know where the fun is if you think for one [ __ ] it how you doing yeah you're right get in there yeah Sandra Dee incoming I got [ __ ] harbored by Sandra Dee yeah it's what it is yeah the technical guy the video tech guy you know very part of the world he stopped he just walked in the podcast studio caught me off guard so yeah I thought it was out $100 sponsor who is that kid is that on camera now okay yeah yeah it car you guys said you did I let the boy stop yeah you set up those cameras areas Thank You 10 daddy Sandra Dee five o'clock if you [ __ ] think for one [ __ ] second these the people who are not for the patreon.com slash pay which was an Fela thing for one [ __ ] second that when we get to ten thousand patreon members we're not going to post a picture of Yanis is dad's piece and my dad's piece to show you how small it is you got another thing coming cuz that ten thousand patrons make no mistake I will take pictures of I don't care if you're honest his dad's dead I'll [ __ ] jump in that coffin I'll take a picture of a little piece and I'll [ __ ] take a picture my dad's little piece for his gambling my mother's fortune on the OTB racetrack I'll take a picture of their little [ __ ] pieces and I'll post when we get to $10,000 ten thousand pounds Chris to teach it you can mark it you [ __ ] psycho Chris the teacher came to my Long Island show yes and then sent me messages yeah he's um actually he gave me to scratch off tickets in a cart he got me another card and he said congratulations on your wedding and then he got me a scratch-off ticket which guess what turned out to win me 15 bucks Wow thank you Chris the teacher yeah Chris the teacher good fan superfan yeah start a message in Sergio Sergio sent me a message he was like who's this kid incident screenshot as Christa teacher he's like he's asking me all questions about boxing I said ignore yeah you just got it yeah but the teachers great fan that Chris teacher always supports I got to be honest he does he always support so we respect that but here's the problem teacher here's the problem yeah the more were nice to him the more he thing so then we gotta pull it back and be like we got to make fun of them and Thomas yeah cuz otherwise he'll just keep texting you know just keep saying wild stuff yeah by the way he was saying on the patreon are you down there cracking over your wife only Chrissy can say that on the pod you're just a fan you can't talk about my wife like that plus she was a student at the school you teach yeah you tried to texture your dick no just kidding wait you have just way song she by the way art speaking up super fans that we love to give shout outs to go to patreon.com/scishow and beg a kiss on instagram she's a tease yeah yeah yeah I'm a married kid yeah oh yeah yeah yeah so Jen I don't know if even still listen you don't comment on anything anymore but if you are listening you're looking good babe yeah you looking good babe I'd shout out to all the hi Hina fans who came out while governors do that Hans and one kid came dressed as you which was a 10 a 10 funny cars make known I should how could I not have taken we got up in the green room were you not coming cuz will you not screwed in I wasn't screwed in because yesterday by the way I did a show at Union Hall and I saw a black kid with an afro and he had the yarmulke on the Afro and I said you're a [ __ ] screwed it buddy and he just looked at me he was like I don't know what you mean listen I don't remember your name but it you're listening to this cuz there he it was him and his buddy they're both huge and he specifically came dressed as me he came dressed as you he was wearing a Yankees jersey and he kind of looks like you cuz he's make no mistake he's some type of [ __ ] snow monkey kid yeah garbage man out on the island so can you yet post a picture look at the D goes with you know he did it you know how I am well these kids well no well I don't give off the energy that I want you to take a because I would have taken a pit I would've put his [ __ ] to my mouth I mean I do it for the fans cuz ya not I'm super cuz you've been screwed you've been consistently screwed in now for three months I can't believe you missed that one yeah well you know what they didn't ask me I was it was in between shows and I ran back in but they were really nice kids I don't remember thanks for coming out there was a cause that could you give me water yeah can you get him water Zach can you give my friend Chris of water I'll just start yeah my ear finally popped for the first time in four days and now four weeks and I just need someone so how was the flight did you make it without a bloody thank yous act let let me tell you that let me to be [ __ ] crystal-clear give me the guys I see with me flying I so last week I flew to San Antonio San Antonio Friday Saturday Sunday and then LA Monday to Thursday shocked cuz make no mistake I had two feet out of New York City two feet out of the ridge for close to seven days and I miss my daughter and I needed water and I was really really really upset I'm being dead serious I took the red-eye I'm home from from LAX to JFK Thursday night into Friday morning and I was the only one up and I saw the lights of New York City and I got emotional you did dead serious I start to well up because like I'm almost I'm almost eight I'm almost there to see my daughter and drink filtered water and but going out to San Antonio I was so nervous I was like my ears are gonna explode biloba for whatever reason because the pressure stabilizes it made my ears both fill up and then they both pop release so it's like this and now they're just completely pop so I was like so that thing that I played trip was basically a toot for your ears yeah whose poop for my ear they relieved your ears yeah got you got it not you got it or not and then it said get off me and never come back yeah like most of my exit to make sure it was okay yeah but tonight because I paste gets to play with can you suck my dick Bay buds you get it hard baby cuz let's be honest ah let me be CC with you yeah big CC y'all may be crystal clear what you see see I want you to be crystal clear and then cuz I didn't see you what do you crack me open and clean it out nice tan cuz make no mistake the more Puerto Rican you look you more I want to bang you I play no Rican right now house right now look at where to rekey you're gonna try to put a [ __ ] baby might yeah you got you got a bad tattoo and I'm your tanned up and I want ban you out yeah I make bad decisions up a little pan I'm your type you're my type so here's the deal yes you you fall in love with guys and you have sex with men but you know what else you fall in love with and you have a romantic istration interest in what New York City New York City yeah New York City gets you [ __ ] horned up to to go to it's absolutely cuz you're a New York City kid yeah you're almost like what would be like a emoji face what would be like a an animal that lives in the water and then crawls up but that can't live there too long has to crawl back in that's Chrissy crabs do crabs do that crabs or like a thing that it could come out of water but not for long I feel um that's you yeah what come what kind of fish would that be well there's frogs they do that dolphins yeah dolphins that water for a little bit that's you you close they come up yeah yeah you're like a dolphin you come up you can live in the air for a second and that's outside of New York but ultimately you just have to have one foot in a bar oh yeah well that's that that's kind of part of the reason other than throwing hands and because I enjoys companies why bring Sergio with me as much as I can cuz he represents in New York City and you don't feel like you're that far away from New York when you Sergio Chacon around because make no mistake you know you're hanging out with the guy and he's looking at he's just classic Puerto Rican he's looking at videos of snakes he's calling one of his family members in jail he's you know he's talking to me he's asking if we could play daddy yankee in the car so he's he's he's very New York Puerto Rican yeah and so that's why I like having him around because not only is he great comic but he's you know we got to throw hands he's always throwing hands and he's just got that Puerto Rican s New York City aspect that I like it keeps you it keeps you bring a little piece of home with you I have to yeah and of course if you're on the phone one of your it quote-unquote in-laws what do you call those yeah what do you call those that they're still in your life there's nothing legal just what do you call that cousins yeah I mean well yeah you need you clean me my baby mamas parents yeah but let's come up with some how you would call that yeah cuz they're not your in-laws are kind of like your Ridgewood kind of like yeah would that be sort of like uh what kind of ghetto arrangement is that yeah yeah I guess some yeah I mean it's just like it's just yeah my baby's mama baby mamas say be mama lost yeah my baby my baby mama laws so you need to serve you there if you get on yeah with your yeah cuz you're sometimes where I can't what my baby mamas mamas yeah I don't know what she's saying yes she's like I want to put it there and I'm like what do you want to put where I'm in surgery gets on the phone and he can communicate yeah look we have Anna problem with the baby Christie I'm out there and then one slip was falling over here and then that does she dancing but listen that the Chinese kid but I don't know he has so disease I was watching yellow fever on that but I'm stuck I'm stuck on the ferry here and you say I don't understand you and then you put our Sergio they said yeah he's a pusher Joe to the force like a jazz lay yeah she wants you that she would need you to go what she basically saying she need you to send her some money she'd go to sue market get some song that's all she's looking for go is a song but she's stuck on the fair yeah I she can't find Pathmark she got a little comfortable there's a met food there but she won't go in cuz she's never been there she makes the mistake she gets a little nervous when it's out of the four block radius you know like shopping at the A&P established off because it's too white yeah it's just what it is Mexico for a week yeah you were in Mexico for a week because make no mistake okay here's the thing the the way the behavior that you exhibited in Mexico on your Instagram was [ __ ] wild I mean me and Sergio I was sending Sergio pictures and videos of what you were doing and surgeries like yo life gets ugly he kept saying cuz the one video that you posted of Britney's feet and ass I was like eh she gonna [ __ ] punch him in the face that was a little too wild right I was even showed you was like yo that's disrespectful I think Chris the teacher might have been sniffing the phone for that one let me be crystal clear T unfortunately yeah a couple of our fans saved that video they did yes what it is yeah but I mean you got a piece of a wife what are you gonna do that's what you signed up for missus yeah look that might have been a mistake but you know what she was wearing a bathing suit I was hammered it is what it is I got hammered because you got banged out of shadow coat my wife it's what it is cuz the picture I mean cuz the fact that we're in a situation where your wife was texting me come get your friend that's because she walked into a room when she was getting ready for dinner and you were butt-naked almost drowning yourself in the jacuzzi yeah it was just cause for concern I mean I think let me see let me see if I still have the text that Britney was like have you ever got upside down in a Jacuzzi and let the Jeets just hit you yeah you know he's like a drunk baby yeah look how drunk and then it's just I have to wake up to a picture of Yanis his open [ __ ] under water that mrs. poppets sent me said he did zoom in the pool today and things got out of hand so you were doing zoom in the pool I did so you miss New York - I miss New York but make no mistake we had a good time we did out yeah we started drinking what'd you say we you weren't there you that was just we gotta have a moment we gotta have a name for that when Chrissy's half checked in well I was just trying to know but you got your boarding pass but you're not on the plans it's just because I'm looking I'm looking for some of the text so keep talking I know I but I love what you do that way you go yeah we had a good time like your you said the last thing I said but you weren't there yeah no keep talking so I'm looking for some text I find the text so first day we got there we started drinking a lot and we got I got hammered the first day don't know how more people don't die in all inclusive 'he's right it's like you get to live like Caligula like when when a OC and like the progressives talk about how this is the first generation to live without prosperity I'm like go to an all-inclusive and see how Americans eat and live on like a bus driver salary cuz making a mistake all inclusive in Cancun that's not where the waspey aristocrats go no those are where the regular Americans go yeah they let you be able to live like a Roman Emperor let's be honest it's thrown in my food and put more food back in there let's be honest I'm surprised that Cancun doesn't have a direct flight from Cancun right to the Verrazano Bridge on Staten Island because that's [ __ ] at the whole borough that's a five borough [ __ ] place to go was an all-inclusive in Cancun New York City in Boston they love can code so does Italy Anna implement suburbs of Atlanta like those white girls that come to yeah they love it though the the south of the Midwest it's its regular folks it's a regular folks Paris hmm all inclusive yeah and I've used if you slip one of my key emoji faces relatives a fiver yeah they treat you like Kanye West for the rest of the way this that's all it takes is a Lincoln this is what I wanted to say that's what I want to say now this was in this was in within within 15 minutes of each other this is the kind of person it's kind of inbred this is the kind of you know relationship I have with Yanis it's just summed up in these two things so at 5:15 p.m. while you're honest in Mexico Yanis tweets out if gender doesn't exist why do trans always become act exactly like the one of to all being opposite genders you say it's just a construct if gender is an anatomically anchored wouldn't there be variation like at least one trans person acting like a wind chime or snow angel this is walkies in the middle of his vacation with his fiance's mini-moon in the middle of Mexico and then within 15 minutes I get a picture of the honest as open [ __ ] drunk facedown in the jacuzzi from his wife saying come get your friend he did Zubin the pool he's drunk so I don't know how you go from gender perfectly typed out deep questioning to me have any received pictures of your open [ __ ] and ball sack from your wife jacuzzi cuz I am a wild kid you're just a wild do people think I'm wild yeah you're [ __ ] wild when you get inside the brain of Yanni Papa Yanni Peabody this it's what is it Yanni's PB s-- Yanni's be peace it's a place you don't want to go yeah let's just let's just be crystal clear let's be crystal [ __ ] clear to our list Risto [ __ ] clear I've had sex with Alyssa clear inside either my or your brain there's a little control panel yeah and there's a steering wheel there yeah and there's a girl yeah that's holding that steering wheel in a nice little sundress yeah and that's what it is that you were feminine can't have so many kids we [ __ ] lean gay and make no mistake the only way you would know is which one of our braids you're in is it one has fumes and one does it once a few doubt Creek it I'm once just a beautiful [ __ ] snow monkey clean ass yeah you know what happened the first day I was on my vacation yeah yeah let's talk about I got completely hammered you were ripped ripped yeah playing ripped Britney would get up early you hit the gym hit the gym of course yeah cuz my wife's up yeah and she would also go get the towels and you have to because it's such a it's like a game of musical chairs to get the each to get the right right right those chairs by the pool right so you put your towels down and maybe a book and like a flip-flop and that's how you claim your chairs so she would get up at 7:00 in the morning to get the chairs were of course I slept right she started apparently a nice conversation with a with a a guy oh my god in the morning like a nice nerdy guy in the morning right and I didn't know it so we started drinking and then we're going to lunch I'm hammered so we're walking to lunch and I didn't have my glasses on and I was about ten feet behind her because I was looking at my phone yeah when you don't have your glasses something it's a little thoughts a little foggy and I'm a little hammered so I don't know who's who yeah so I mean I'm hammered I must be on you look at his Instagram you know you a hammer yeah obviously see what you I was [ __ ] hammer yeah well because it's hot down there you know that there's different water like you get you get banged up out there cuz was underwater yeah that's how drunk I was I was underwater yeah I was scuba diving yeah that's how drunk I was yeah I was deep-sea diving I was scuba diving I was underwater yeah yeah can I get another water so I see Mike stop breathing so loud my wife's up about ten feet ahead of me and you know I don't my glasses on since a little hog foggy I'm drunk I look from my phone and I see a guy talking to my wife like saying something - it looks like he's hitting on her wherever and we're in the lobby of the hotel yeah which is not a classy move by me I go hey man that's my [ __ ] wife Wow you talked her again I'm gonna punch you in the face Wow yeah and he looked at me like I was a but he thought it was a joke he thought it was a joke he was like a little frightened he was a little confused he was a little disappointed in humanity it was a whole mix of emotion he was he was taken by surprise yeah not only was he confused he was surprising me you know he didn't know because I was behind her so like and so I I walked past him looking dead at him and I go out and my wife's just standing there and she's just got like a look of shock on her face and she goes what the [ __ ] is wrong with you cuz he walked away now by this he was staying yeah he they were walking we were walking past each other so like they talked and said hello as they were passing and I was way behind and I looked up and I saw the end of the exchange so as I was walking by him you know I said that's my [ __ ] wife if he and as I'm walking by as if you said I'm gonna punch you in the [ __ ] face I don't know why I did it I'm a drunk I'm hammered I thought he was hitting on her and when you're drunk did you say [ __ ] stupid thing yeah and also it's like yeah and I'm living beyond the wall I'm a little nervous I was in saying also and also also the thing is you feel like because you're in Mexico it's like you feel like it's your territory like you're an American yeah I'm gonna get hit you're in America I'm gonna marry just say whatever you want cuz America there's we all in this place yeah I'm an American bring me some more [ __ ] jalapeno powers or senator tender yeah I mean it's just you're you're yeah you have this imperious I'm an American you call them on water yeah Eduardo feed me my survey chair matzah jalapeno poppers yeah just bring it this way yeah I tell you slipping a five they treat you like [ __ ] Kanye West and that's what it is yeah and that's also what the weights down eleventy wad gets tipped yeah so you know I guess that governors I gave her a 20 or derd nothing because of you so thank you for me getting paid twenty dollars less yeah because I didn't want her anything and probably [ __ ] Irene bream is probably gave her a twenty now she's got $40 and she's made more than me mistake her husband's getting all the way for the Dodge that one cracker open way song Shane yeah so my wife goes what the [ __ ] is wrong with you alright that was a nice he was it he was in eastern Hemi Oh actually he was a sit nice and Rudy he was a he was a Sandra Kate you listen you let me just before you go let's just be crystal clear and let's just be honest you see what you wants the truth is truth facts or facts I don't agree with it but it's what it is your wife comes from a real wealthy family on the island she's not gonna loud to flirt with Sandra Dee I mean it should have been yeah what are you looking at me for Mike do you hear the way she finds me so she you know just saying that's a true statement yeah cuz make no mistake the kind of woman your wife is you don't like guys you gotta be worried about a guys who look like DJs if the guy looks like a DJ and he was talking about but come on cuz yeah it's not gonna happen yeah but I didn't have my glasses on so I thought he was a swarthy putter ik yes we thought yeah well Puerto Rican you always gotta watch out for baby was a copy yeah it was a planner Aitken Porto Ricans are slippery little suckers or I thought he was a Turkish Giggs he was you know he was he looked at Italy look Sandra yes so I hurry yeah so he was actually a really nice kid right she was telling me and they were talking this morning and it was they met at the gym or something they met like putting the flip-flops on that he was there with his wife I was there with his friend but he was just like he wasn't like a type II when when I saw him close yeah I was drunk but like nice kid retrospect when she was telling me that I was like he was just a nice dude Wow like a good human he's a nice dude but let's be honest if she was there alone talking like that he wants cracker open I mean if you if you could crack open his head there'd be you know hence every guy has that in them but I thought it is that doesn't mean it was okay for what I did know yeah I mean you know it's like but I wonder if mrs. poppets thinks a little bit like she's a little even though it was embarrassing it's a little hot to her it's a little like my guy is gonna protect me no matter what even though he's wrong cuz make no mistakes you know cracked open we know why let's just be honest whatever women say you know hey that want to be a feminist but deep down you know what it is yeah you want a nice big guy yeah that looks like Chrissy day hopefully a little better with the shirt off but you don't know that when you mean I've been throwing hand so I'm losing a little weight lose a little weight but there still is a little bit of a salamander tit on one side they'll always be sounded yeah you got the celebrated Ted but you want a guy who's big with Christie with a big forehead yeah and a big head to protect you yeah protect you so I think that's one so I wonder if mrs. Pappas Loki liked it but yeah it was when she said I was I'm a forty three-year-old care with a pulled soldier and a rip pulled shoulder and ripped bicep let's be honest I can't do much yeah let's be honest yeah probably in that situation probably gonna lose that fight I was probably gonna lose that fight make no mistake it was about five seven that's probably why I said something to him because I knew I could beat beat his ass yeah but exact Isis said it I may just walk past silently yeah but if Mike emoji face it I say what the [ __ ] did you just say yeah so but overall I feel like the experience from what we could see in your social media looked like it was really good a nice little mini moan it was very nice but the problem is when you threaten somebody it was more I was embarrassed afterwards I felt embarrassed I felt more you brought like you felt you got like negative energy I just felt like I'm I feel like a real idiot right the problem is when you threaten somebody at an all-inclusive you're trapped with that person for the next seven days let me see them so I just had to see this guy in the conga line at the breakfast and say and I didn't even know how to like make it good I was gonna say did you say anything to him ever again I mean now cuz like it was awkward I mean what am I gonna do I just like I was like then you apologize yeah but like what am I gonna do buy him a beer it's an all-inclusive I can't even buy him a beer it's pretty about that you just say listen man last I was drunk I apologize but acknowledge is more than it happened as it were strangers I just went to I'm gonna not look at him and I'm like listen I tell you I'm Chrissy crisis management yeah I'm telling you like just what you know when I lied to Godfrey because you know he's supposed to be our guest we're on the podcast that's what it is we have to you know we're on the podcast yeah we're not on the patreon right yeah we didn't have to cancel Godfrey well we did because let's make the mistake I forgot I'd booked Jim Gaffigan and he's a bigger star so I had to just blame it on Zach Isis and say that we have we have technical we had technical difficulties he and I just came up with a like us making a mistake on Chrissy crisis management and Godfrey believe that he's gonna come in next Monday or two o'clock and it's gonna be fine but gods if you listened and we lied to you we made you move over throwaway hwaseong Shane I mean it's just what it is I don't even know to do with that one yeah we have that out we might have to cackle that out yeah cuz guys nuts a great podcast guys you tell us how everyone stole the culture of the Nigeria yeah let yeah let's just yeah let's be on it let's be honest Godfrey probably doesn't listen this podcast cuz it's not sponsored by sneaker website hwaseong shame cuz Godfrey pleads up Godfrey is the black version of me yeah it would you and Godfrey went out on a mission you guys could take down the whole population in the United States yeah we'd need one swarthy in there with the three is if we're one three is physical I'll take two three is step look will be gonna be how we go beyond that fence yeah well forget the great loss of this kind you know you said to the guy talking in Brittany yeah take it physically I say look I'll go put my dog inside yeah we'll go beyond that [ __ ] wall man I'll take two three is physically yeah the Great Lord so who would be the who would be the swarthy we need one swarthy in there to clean up yeah because between you would take all the whites mmm-hmm Godfrey would take all the blacks there'd be a little crossover yeah he takes some white she'd take some blacks right because both you guys do clean up on whatever no I mean who cleans up on and then we would need one one swarthy like me little swarthy er to get all the the miscellaneous exact Isis could take some nose like ice is just way too hairy his butt crack looks like a goddamn Christmas tree it's what it is dingleberries in it yeah um who's this who's a really good looking comic whose is Wes cuz I'm trying to think of who's a Tanner kid Rami Yousef maybe he's about to become a star no I'm talking about like a hey come on what are you talking about oh no I don't want God for your like specimen looking men you're so unaware of how attractive you are yeah yeah because you're your little Franks and beans yeah have you actually think that these girls are listening to your jokes but they just want to look at your face yeah like Adam ray and is he swarthy now yeah but he's a he's a Yami is it yeah he's a Yami yeah I don't know buddy we'll find a little final figure it out but you and Godfrey could really take that wet black next week so you got to go to patreon.com/scishow it's 20 of the Jim Gaffigan interview and the Godfrey interview a month before anybody else pay yeah calm slash Bay Ridge head like Chris said the Godfrey episode will be up a week later cuz he got bumped I just forgot it wasn't intentional now what was not a you know Gaffney could only you know make a certain time so we appreciate we appreciate both of them doing the podcast yeah I mean they're both big gets and I haven't seen you in two weeks cause I know it's [ __ ] why I know I know I miss you cuz but you know we texting the whole time we did text the whole time yeah but I know what they're we're a little late as you know this podcast every week were a little late and the reason we're a little late is Chrissy just York receives Chrissy bite off more than you can choose yeah that's who you are Chrissy benefits he takes on too much yeah Chrissy takes on too much cuz he Chrissy full plates yeah cuz he says to me I think I was back we were both getting back the same day right we're both getting back same day no no no you got back Thursday I took the red-eye Thursday night landed Friday morning at 5:00 a.m. so I was it I got back Thursday afternoon I went and did Gotham so I was a little tired but I got a full night's sleep yeah Chrissy's like no problem yeah we'll do the podcast Friday I'm taking a red-eye and then it goes I'm gonna go get drunk in an airport bar and then we'll be able to do the podcast at 8:30 a.m. yeah you got in at like 6:30 a.m. and then you just your human body just needs to sleep yeah I got in at 6:30 a.m. I went right to pick up the baby yeah took and then you lied to me and Zach and said I got to pick up the baby at 1:00 this isn't gonna work out when really the situation was you just needed to get some shut-eye cuz you're a drug [ __ ] Irish dumb [ __ ] dad no that wasn't alive to pick up the baby and the plan was I was less you got to always pick up the bodies gonna pick up the baby and then I was my plan was I was gonna have the baby because we thought it was a half-day but I slept through the pickup and thank God Jasmine was there because my kids mom was there I thank our stationary bike wasn't moving that day and she was just pedaling in place so she was right by the school so she so she was able to pick up the baby and then Yanis I woke up to about five or six texts from Yanis genuinely concerned if I was okay or not because I fell asleep at 9:30 in the morning when my body just shut off and I didn't wake up till 3:30 in the afternoon yeah and that's never happened before and even the next day I was still tired I mean it's only bit I've only been home a few days I'm only recovered I feel like today because I was filming every night from like 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 o'clock in the morning LA time and then it was just all I was off my body was all [ __ ] up well what made you think that you'd be able to do that because I thought I would get home I thought my flight lands at 5:30 I thought I thought my daughter was gonna be taken to school by her mom but she had to work so I thought I was gonna be able to get home at 5:30 sleep from like 6:30 to 12 and then come and do the podcast but it didn't work out that way yeah it didn't work out that way but that's not a sufficient reason why you thought it was gonna happen what do you mean the real reason is you're [ __ ] stupid yeah it was a stupid idea it was a stupid idea but we're back here now we put up that we put up the episode instead we put up the episode of Sergio Chacon who let's just be crystal clear as one of our [ __ ] best friends it's one of the one of the greatest guys but he's just a little funnier offstage way joke no he's funny way song Shane we're always we're always just kidding listen some people are choosing me with jokes about his daughter being 2 years old yeah and it's pitbull who's been dead for 15 years it's what it is but Sergio's are born he throws hands he so he can throw because makes a mistake garlic Sergio you can be funny with him and [ __ ] around him to a point because if you cross that line you're gonna get popped and you're gonna get popped hard and it's gonna be a combination yeah I mean he peed or thrown body shots at drug dealers what do you think he's gonna do to a nasally Duke comedian Mike yeah that's an you have to wait Shanthi yeah no no no I said nasally Jew chameleon you I'm kidding around we gotta get the [ __ ] away songs name of course I'm a J oh oh I'm just kidding around sighs I I six I hear what I said those Jews aren't nasally no he's not you got them terrorists yeah here's the deal our podcast is brought to you by a few sponsors don't want to shut out yeah do it and we have more now right yeah but we just got a skid organized okay this [ __ ] thing is run by misfits look you're right and look to your left yeah those are our producers around good hands yeah we're not in good hands can we pull up the sponsor information by the way I sent it to you guys I know but we got it we need a sheet we need a paper that we just leave here for $100 if you go to our patreon you get all the benefits of all the patrons which by the way if your five dollar menu remember you know you're getting a bonus podcast every week and how awesome that is $10 members you get the interview episodes make no mistake if you're listening to this there's a Jim Gaffigan episode up there as well as Nikki Glaser a bunch of other ones up there there's four podcasts up there in rotation before they get released to the tooth so you can enjoy it for a month on patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys if this is your first episode that you listening to you probably didn't make it this far because we went completely wild and you're wondering why it's the history podcast once in a while me and Chrissy will just go straight hyena this was a situation where we decided to do that because we haven't seen each other in two weeks so the next episode is gonna be about Charlie Ross which is an interesting episode first kidnapped kid for ransom in America and where we live Bay Ridge ends up playing a role in that story so stick around for that also we joke around about everything if you hear the way Jonesy and button that means we're just playing we're just joking we're trying to make you laugh and this podcast is brought to you by did you did you get it up trying to kill time for you to get it up well um I don't know where the I don't have the new patreon members yeah and there's yep our podcast is brought to you by the Dora Rajapaksa who's a comic out in Berlin who's gonna be hopefully working with me on my UK dates at the Soho Theatre in London on June 24 25th you can find all links to all his dates podcast episodes and social media stuff on live from the sandbox comm and can be found at vidura Rajapaksa that's VI d u ra ra j AP a KS a on all the social medias the anything-goes podcasts can be found through the link on the website homepage or at podcasts dot live from the sandbox comm also we have a $25.00 member who says we have not called him and it's been like weeks or whatever and I can't find his name and he went to other sponsors what's what's the you know I can't find it keep talking Chrissie I mean we got to get better at this yeah we got to get better well while while we're waiting while we're waiting I'm just I'd like to read out some of the new members I'll read them out quickly because we have a lot today some of the new members of the patreon and I'm just gonna do a quick while you honest is reading we got the first member is Bret Luskin on who sounds like a white piece of [ __ ] thank you for your service Ali Pinto who looks like a piece Frankie or furry ass who's definitely beyond the wall and Frank you're free us it's $100 members small business support like you'll free us he's giving us $100 there's a small business support yeah but he it didn't it didn't go through go through Frankie or free us you got your card to climb which is no surprise yeah so I don't think way Shan she and please yeah I don't know what now our card is on girl okay fine yeah Waylon McGill your name is Waylon I mean you know who you are Waylon is a wait name let me just say this one real quick because his kidney is his name is Chris dad bun crush and he's pissed he says no fumes but slightly fuming he goes make no mistake I just finished a strawberry banana smoothie from Mickey D's and I'm feeling kind of cute but I was pondering how I've paid the $25 subscription twice and still have yet to hear my name or read him hear my name read or get a call much like both of your mother's I'm not upset just disappointed call him right now he says I'm guessing it's because both klu klux Chrissy and way too honesty honest hate the blacks deep down and Scrabble fingers has it in for the Jews so this kids probably half black Jewish and we love this kid we got a call huh yeah yeah yeah his name is a half-black if you're half black half Jewish you are screwed if you're [ __ ] screwed in his name you're screwed on Chris dad bun crush so I mean we gotta call this kid cuz whatever all right go ahead Chris I keep going okay so then next up we have Frankie ophea's Waylon McGill Haley Burt her Haley Bertrand um who looks like a pub she looks like a [ __ ] piece and then Kailyn Alex who also looks like a [ __ ] piece thank you for service the Victoria dagger pond who looks like a [ __ ] piece and if your last name is dagger punt then unfortunately your ancestors on slaves Jim Hyatt who spells his name with two M's so that means he's black Jim hide but he's not black he's white um our butter thought Pancho via who's just got a guy who's got a picture of Pancho Villa as his name so we'll do an episode on Pancho Villa then we got no another speck of sorry Oh oh my god that's his name I didn't can you why shonky and his name hwaseong she ate okay that's no another S word asorio Eric one name we know if you one name you're black yeah may William Hayden inskeep another $5 member who feel less names inskeep sounds like your family owned slaves for sure Chris Gunter who's upped his pledge to $10 Thank You Chrissy you're a DJ Samantha Rosenthal nice Jewish girl from Long Island most likely fight Alice Christopher penis Paul $10 thank you for service Christopher full name Sam Simmons another $10 hyena black kid Harrison ozone and Harrison urn Zeller aka Harry Sandusky she's a $5 member yeah that's funny Antoinette Moreno okay pass happy hunting ten bucks Leo I'll give you a burrito after I crack you open and clean you out five bucks Thank You leo Anthony Antony one name yay yeah Andy hello Roy Richie oh five bucks you les Richie oh yeah libs the kitty [ __ ] and [ __ ] attack missile ppw nominee ppw nominee $25 member tyrannical I'm gonna get a call sue do penis $5 member yeah Ashley Patterson who looks like a [ __ ] piece $5.00 sliding to Chrissy's DMS Candice tirado who looks like an absolute [ __ ] piece police sign into my DMS Candice Ted I though $10 carrey McIntosh 25 bucks Thank You Carrie their song yeah thank you for you service yeah you can thank you for service Gina Panzano Wow source monkey sauce Bucky come over cook fresh [ __ ] better make sure those garlic it's nice sliced thin Oh we'll work you over physically Anita one name sounds like the piece yeah man Geordie one name yeah I mean Chartier Jew yeah I don't know thank you five dollars Ashley London looks like a piece ten bucks screwed in non-gmo to ppwe pw 5 bucks nice kid then we got Danny Venegas Davie Venegas I'm sorry five dollars like if he service Davie Venegas Jessica barely looks like peace $5.00 Mickey a lights mchao Shawn Fargo what's that Shawn Thank You Shaunie yeah then somebody's just named themselves cuz he was he go for the funny stuff to the funny stuff guys ran ul the white Walker Lopez okay white Walker twice Walker $5 member yeah Amelia Visconti believe is good she [ __ ] better put some more meat and fish or the garlic is sliced thin Nicholas young firebox mama courts my box who's that Shanny Barlow Santiago get by Sammy Hampton Alison Rotundo who looks like peas yeah garlic sliced in Megan Tucker I can Tucker your father's at the bar come get them brevin Drake brevin Drake that's the Wow a Gutierrez Jakob a semi empty one named Tom black kid if it's one name yeah I'm a and that's it oh wow we got a lot they got a lot of FSU service those are all those are the newest members of the matriarchy and our podcast is brought to you as always by a healthy smile family and cosmetic dentistry down there in South Carolina with one of our favorite matriarchy members dr. Harvey Spencer jr. who will do what to your teeth Chrissy crack them open and clean them out that's right get down there at www.helpndoc.com and adults we love you yeah dr. Harvey Spencer jr. also want to just give a shout out a belated birthday to dr. Harvey jr. son Trey he turned seven last week so we just want to say happy birthday trach that could be service your father's a true wild hyena yeah yeah so we got a UH so we we got to do the other hundred dollar sponsors - yeah we got to call this kid I'll call him up I reached out to one of the sponsors Charles and he hasn't gotten back to me yet so we don't have another sponsor now that's four of them it's four of them now four of them yeah so one of those the one that you said didn't go through there's the other one Charles Watson I believe his name is what I'm not sure I think you said it was CBD CBD oil oh that's that CBD yeah how come you haven't sent his info has he sent his info hasn't sent it yet right I read I reached out to him through patreon so once he sends us a read we'll be able to read him yeah it's CBD oils and all that but we don't know anything about it once again guys join our patreon patreon calm slash Bay Ridge Boys five-dollar members get bonus episodes every week ten dollar members everything the fives get plus the interview episodes plus the videos of the podcast and those interview episodes are cooking with gas okay and then your $25 members you get the phone call from us you get everything everybody else gets plus you get the wildest little videos and podcasts that we do kamikazes walk and talks if for the tens the kamikazes for the 25 we do all types of podcast episodes me and Chrissy so go out there and of course our hundred dollar members are our corporate sponsors small business sponsors if you're a rich kid go against 100 will read your ad every other week and me and Chris you're also gonna send videos to all of you we still got to do that we love you so much cackle cackle ha ha ha ha thank you do you want to call any of these $25 members who do we got how many do we got Gabe chock-full of Leroy Torres let's call Gabe chock-full of Leroy let's call him up do you wanna do you want to take some of these honors what the cost you like remember like we decided like one person I'll do it sure I'll do it we got to get outside and start walking around now yeah do you think like when we call these people like they want to hear it on the podcast or like I just call them personally how they want to hear it on the planet yes yeah that's the tough part the funny thing is we can call them any time and then just edit it in so when we're to get I don't know how we record it though this isn't on camera this number right it makes your Center yeah so this is Gabe Choi Torres hello chockful Leroy Torres we are not a bill collector what's up is this chock-full Leroy Torres yeah baby yeah welcome you are on the podcast with Chrissy chaos and peanut-head Papa Papa papa hold on for a few more seconds yeah what is he doing right now what are you doing Chuck Foley Roy that's not always what are you doing [ __ ] look the exit tunnels to go another one there's a there's a huge echo where are you are you in a meat locker I'm Network I'm Network I'm hiding in the bathroom and if I get caught on the phone make no mistake the bosses just look a reason to call ice on you what do you do men that you got to hide in the bathroom I'm passing a trainer actually so shout-out to the P th letter for the first responders world oh thank you for your service free service for real thank you service thank you for being a valuable $25 members yeah what's the last thing you cracked open and cleaned out oh my girlfriend bro I'm not I'm loyal I'm a loyal - come on - I got I got a wonderful girlfriend beautiful he gets cleaned every night guaranteed yeah and she's a question ten yeah certified ten witty live Leroy would you lady young boys and we're not gonna breaking up where do you live yeah I mean he's hiding under toilet baby or nada Torres yeah yeah but you had Greek friends growing up listen thank you for your service go [ __ ] could go back to work just want to give you a quick call say we really appreciate your loyalty and thank you so much and real quick what's your love you got what's your favorite moment on the podcasts we asked everybody who's 20 oh come on that's in the name that talked to Leroy baby make in the Leroy amazing amazing cause I think we've hit the hey Bert time limit yeah I Love You Man peace thank you free service but we're gonna get one more Chris dad bun just sent me his number so we're gonna call all right let's get we got to find out I think this kid is he's half black half Jew which is great combo yeah he's a he's an Eric Andre as we say Eric Andre's half black half Jewish it's a good combination so what's this kid's name hello dad bun what's up it's Chrissy Dean Yanni P from the history hyenas oh because he are you half black half Jewish three-quarters black one-quarter Jewish yeah that's we're screwed holy [ __ ] cuz you're [ __ ] who's that calling denounce the Judaism who's Jewish your mom your dad my mom Hewitt Wow so that means you that means you're Judah you're Jewish because if the moms Jewish you come out you got you got you all over you can't wash it off little dear little black which means I'm broke but I'm also cheap yeah buzz but you're [ __ ] scuzz you're screwed and you walk around with a yarmulke on the Afro I got a man but got a dad fun but yeah yarmulke on the dad bud cuz where do you live from Chicago good city yeah I'll be there August 22nd of the twenty-fourth Janey's comedy club you better come you [ __ ] to it what the date August 22nd and 24th August 22nd to 24th I'll be there both days yeah yeah he's coming both days cuz he's screwed in half like a scooter these kids are screwed in and I bet you this kid he cleans up she's probably gonna bring one piece one night and then another piece the other girl No as a secretly curious kid I'm going to bring one piece and another piece and that piece might be having a piece Wow so what so you got you got what are you saying you got a piece in the oven I take a piece in the oven I don't know what you're I don't know we're talking about you got some weird Chicago language going on yeah it's doughy two deep-dish what are you talking about you gonna you're not gonna break - Pete are you talking about guys yeah some lady boys now Yanni peas perked up yeah true blue guy yeah okay clever yeah bring a cup nothing nothing like a good five pic yeah well if you're coming with if you're coming to see Chrissy make sure you bring one for him yeah alright cuz cuz Chris he likes to bring Euston to the cities in what it is a little Houston in Chicago I'm down for its lista we've reached the hate bird time limit but I [ __ ] love you thank you fee service gonna call you every month and I'm antsy in Chicago thank you love you keep it going guys thank you brother thank you service thank you good funny gay kid yeah yeah just openly Minnie's gay kid yeah or he's just not he's just wild like he's just saying what he wants to say yeah he's just kind of [ __ ] he's not here for a long time surfer good yeah listen we're here for a good time not a long time we don't even know what we mean Chris has rubbed off on me in that way I'm I don't know who I am yeah I could be a Russian kid at this point yeah I just don't know what's happened I just don't know what's going on I could be a little Venezuelan girl who sells empanadas the other day at the diner I ordered salmon on Texas toast and the waitress was like what is that used to make a sandwich I said yeah yeah that's where Delilah gets it I just put salmon on Texas toast and it was good yeah Chrissy Salmons is that it I think we have time for one more let's just do one more let's do one more who's this much I mean I Moses this is Stacey Chan oh yes my girl right here yeah have we spoken her before I don't think so these kids though it's gonna be a got a time limit yeah come on Stacy check she's agents probably worked and she's like up responsibie she's probably doctors probably working working you know Asians fuel the American cause they do should avoid me all right we'll call you back Stacy change you back Stacy chanting because you're [ __ ] Pete's so that's about it right we got it sorry all right all right thanks everybody love you
Channel: History Hyenas
Views: 22,844
Rating: 4.9405203 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Distefano, chris Distefano comedy, Yannis Pappas, Chris Distefano Podcast, History Hyenas, Comedy History, History, Mike Suarez, Michael Suarez, YKWD, The Bonfire, bayridge boys, hh, fighter and the kid, chris delia, chris delia podcast, theo von, this past weekend, joe rogan, joe rogan experience, jre, joe rogan podcat, brendan schaub, bryan callen, tfatk, joey diaz, bert kreischer, tom segura
Id: eXIMpC_LbrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 27sec (3447 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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