Mako Stones, Mephisto, Mudbloods (with Jonathan Coulton)

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from warp drives to warp stone nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] [Applause] joining us today we have brian murph murphy hi we have natalie palamides and we have demi adejuibe nailed it so to briefly explain the game i have here a stack of statements these are false statements about the franchises that you love or if you don't love someone out there loves uh deeply and passionately but these are all false statements so it's up to you to find the thing that i said that is incorrect buzz in and correct me there's only two rules really every correction must be preceded by the phrase um actually if you don't say i'm actually i will not give you a point it's really the only rule i can't break it the other is that you can interrupt me whenever you want just like in real life it doesn't matter the point i'm trying to make what matters is that you know what you're trying to make that's it that's it you got it natalie already rearing to go um actually she didn't say i'm actually passed out oh my god and demi i'm a smart ass with a smart ass correction also very much in the spirit of the game i can already feel that i'm gonna come in second place again this first statement is about harry potter harry potter in the harry potter series the caretaker of hogwarts argus filch is a non-magical person from a wizarding family also known as a muggle um actually he's not from a wizarding family because he's a muggle uh no he's a non-magical person from a wizarding family um actually non-magical people from non-magical families are muggles that's correct oh uh can you tell me what the term is for a non-magical person from a wizarding family ooh yes i can it's a mud blood uh that is not correct that's not what we're looking for well i was so confident i'm still gonna give you the point unless someone can tell me the the term i'm looking for is it just loser [Laughter] are you okay yeah we can just hold on back okay i'm just gonna guess um mugfug [ __ ] that sounds like the right like tone uh but debbie we'll give you the point you identified what was incorrect which is that a non-magical person from wizarding family is not known as a mud blood or was not known as a muggle they are known as a squid are you no thank you it sounds like a slur honestly it was like that squibb over there like jesus does harry potter words do sound like oh i'm offended by that but i can't tell you why yeah it's got that like that real like linguistic crunchiness of just like no i don't know what you're saying to me but no thank you poor guy too i mean think about that being born into a family of wizards and you aren't if your brother can be like this is your job and like just like make magic whenever he wants and you're just like stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself nightmare uh well uh that is a point for demi nice one demi all my points today go to susan g komen race for the cure that's what i'm playing for uh our next question is about final fantasy shinra the corporation opposed by the eco-terrorist group avalanche has constructed a series of reactors that are slowly but surely destroying the planet the reactors harvest mako the life force of the planet that in its crystal form materia can be shaped and molded into magical weaponry um actually materia is not a weapon in and of itself they're like little crystal gems that you can put in weapons that's correct it's not the crystal the crystal itself doesn't get formed into weapons you make a weapon that will just have a random slot in it and you just jam a cool rocket just like real weapons yeah you know how real weapons you leave space for cool rocks to be jammed with just tape your cool rocks to your gun you know what are you doing to your gun making it look cool yeah it's like when you put flames on a car yeah it makes you super cool it also lets you control fire it's like a really cool thing about uh unless you're a squib yeah unless you're a squid right then your brother can do it you can give me back my shoes we will move right along uh this one uh i'll be interested to see who of the reaction this one this one is about the animated series gargoyles gargoyles okay let's do this the gargoyles winged protectors of new york gifted with stone bodies and the ability to glide not fly all named themselves goliath hudson brooklyn lexington and bronx um actually one of their names is d'angelo get over your deangelo no no i'm sorry that's incorrect um actually goliath's name is lower east side yeah the goliath has really been gentrified lately no no goliath is uh is named goliath demi um actually bronx is the one that did not name himself that's very funny because that's not what we were thinking about we were actually going for his goliath also did not name himself but i think that has to be true because bronx is the dog right brox can't possibly like name himself so [ __ ] it that wasn't what we were going for but i guess that's correct there's that dog no way bronx could possibly name himself that's insane no he doesn't he just growls what's the logic there because they are all like rocks right so why like the other ones are monsters why can they speed up it's the same thing with pluto and goose yes dogs our next question is a special video guest question so let's turn it on over to the screen but there's no sense crying over every mistake you just keep on trying till you run out of cake oh hi there it's me jonathan colton for all of you fans of portal out there you might recognize that song as still alive the theme music that cortana sings over the end credits that song along with gameplay and dialogue spawned the popular meme the cake is a lie demi buzzed right in there actually it's glados who sings that over the end of portal uh all right that's your answer let's hear from mr jonathan colton here he has to say um actually cortana is the ai from halo the ai in portal is named glados i'm very cool i know a lot of stuff about that this brings us to our very first shiny question now shiny questions like shiny pokemon are basically the same they're just a little bit different a little bit rarer this is a game called map maker map maker make me a map [Music] all right karen will be giving you a board and this map has had all of the place names removed from it we have also six magnets along the side that we want you to place in their appropriate spot on the map you don't have to get them all right you only have to get more right than your competitors let's uh jump right in go ahead and flip these around okay let's look at what we've got here we've got places all over the place just for ease of comparison let's go ahead and put the correct answer up here so did anyone get anything is the real question here because if you got one you might get it's a real second place move right i suggest that we try again i would say my brad dirt's pretty close where's your where where's my bread i can't in all honesty vouchs for anything i did here i think my brad dirt's pretty close yeah it's way on the other side of those mountains you're you're far to the south that's in the north i don't know what you're doing what are you a geography nerd maps are great maps are amazing i'm gonna call this a wash i'm going to say no points for anyone on this one i feel like she's close with brad durr that she's way on the same side thank you so much i would agree i would agree we will call that uh zeros all round that's all right a noble effort uh luckily none of us will ever get lost in middle earth because doesn't exist we made some mistakes in the last episode and you caught them here they are at transcommunist says um actually you said that hank mccoy's mutation gave him strength as well as a hairy blue appearance but his mutation didn't cause this he used a serum to disguise himself and left it too long resulting in him staying that way in amazing adventures volume 2 number 11. many people told me this i'm sorry to all of you only one point to act transcommunist at some sort of user says um actually bastards from the iron islands are named pike after the castle and not after any geographical feature also flowers the reach and storm the stormlands are not geographical features yes i spoke incorrectly about those bastards and from our dropout discord comrade krampus says i'm actually the skaven is a starter army in the island of blood and is significantly cheaper than any army of the same size of any other faction making them actually one of the most inexpensive armies to start very well i will give you 81 80th of a point and we will move right along to this question about marvel genetic alteration is a common phenomenon in the marvel universe but it's hard to know which superhumans technically count as mutants while those who have lived with the x gene since birth such as gene grey cyclops and wolverine are considered mutants those who receive their genetic alteration later in life such as spider-man juggernaut and polk are technically mutates what do you think natalie um actually juggernaut did not receive the mutation later in life that's technically correct i'm actually i know why i know why actually juggernaut does not have any kind of mutant g he there was no genetics he has an artifact that makes him uh powerful that is correct second place swooping in correct do you know the name of the artifact is it called juggernautium it is not about i mean that is a good guess the way like comics go uh uh no that is the crimson gem of cytorack of course i feel so bad for natalie though because you you totally had that and merv was just like oh yeah yoink i kind of want to give you a point you can you say want like if only this were my show and i were allowed to do such a thing no pity points trap i'm gonna get a real okay point by the end i would have given you that point if murph hadn't immediately come in with like a more correct answer that episode of the cartoon although he doesn't like carry around the gem it's weird that he's like part of like this it's like it's like ah this brotherhood of mutants like outcasts from society it's like you can literally get rid of this every time you drop the rock man it's like yeah yeah i know we're all pretty discriminated against he wants to but he jammed it into his office and it's stuck there do you know how many weird things i've had to google for this show do you know the depths of wikipedia that i've had to plumb just so i don't get roasted online for not knowing how huts reproduce and i don't want anyone else to know how far i've sunk into nerd minutia how much time and energy i've devoted trying to figure out how many pikachu pokemon cards there are now i know most of you are probably thinking why don't you just use incognito mode incognito mode hides everything um actually incognito mode does not hide your activity it doesn't matter 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use it protect your online activity today with a vpn rated number one by both cnet and wired visit our exclusive link actually to get an extra three months free on top of a one-year package now i will get back to looking at what diglett looks like underground uh this is about the game diablo hmm my favorite game deckard kane last of the hoard rim serves as a mentor and sage council to the heroes of the world of sanctuary warning of the prime evils diablo the lord of terror mephisto the lord of hatred and belial lord of lies oh belial is not one of the prime evils that's correct um actually is not one of the prime evils that's correct yeah i know we're fighting but i still feel proud of her uh yes um natalie swooping in with the um actually backstory i feel like i'm sitting next to not one of the prime evils that's for swooping in last round that's true this feels very fair i feel like the universe has balanced itself out this is about dungeons and dragons i know a little bit about this all right in 3.5 d d the animal companion an exclusive class feature of the ranger allows the pc or npc to select an animal of appropriate hit dice to their level um actually it's not exclusive to the ranger that's correct paladin's also again uh animal companion uh not paladins though they get mounts mounts are not animal companions the [ __ ] are you talking about they're animals they're animals they're companions yeah what i'll give you the point anyway for identifying being aggressive it's not exclusive to the ranger um but there is another class that does explicitly get animal companions it's druid it's druids druids get animal companions um also mounts are kind of at all yeah sure fine you know what since you have the point can be a companion that's what you make it's like when you're a kid it's like it's like she's a my friend who's a girl not my girlfriend it's like like charlie makes a really minor distinction that is something that someone has played a lot of dmd would have to say it's not fun um all right this brings us on to question nine which is our second shiny question this is crunch time right here are time travel maps these are six different timelines depicting time travel on them from six different properties these could be books movies tv shows they're all just time travel stories it's up to you to look at the time travel and identify what those properties are and go ahead and flip those over [Music] that's buzzing in i'm gonna turn in with two answers doctor who and that movie where she writes letters i know that like lake house movie she's like right yeah is it called the lakehouse she like writes letters to somebody it's not the lake house but all right uh let's see what we got here doctor who uh-huh time traveler's wife uh-huh steven universe i'll fudge two time travelers one austin powers and back to the future what do you have demi oh i have the time machine a christmas carol looper nothing nothing and bill and ted's excellent adventure i actually think demi you might be the winner here um uh this first one is bill and ted then a christmas carol uh looper this one down here is 11 22 63 this is x-men days of future past and the last one is time bandits yes that is a point for demi now we're not perfect either we may have made some mistakes along the way if you think you spotted something that we got wrong you can correct us just tweet at um actually show and you might even get a point remember points don't count for anything this brings us to our next question about hocus pocus yes wow you guys are going down yes okay okay okay here we go in hocus pocus the villainous sanderson sisters return on all hallows eve when max dennison lights the black flame candle in their hut despite the protestations of salem the cat natalie buzzing in um actually the cat's name is banks that's correct oh wow i knew that salem is from sabrina the teenage witch that is a different talking black cat a happier cat this one kind of dies at the end right he turns back into a hot child he's brought to peace to be with his sister he goes into heaven he becomes a cool teen and wait do they say that he goes into heaven well it kind of looks like heavily implied it's so funny to me i don't know just like and now he's in heaven i mean i guess if once you're like it's like i guess like witchcraft is real like maybe i should rethink a couple things like i should start going back to church this brings us to our final shiny question of the game this is a game called fictionary [Music] in just a moment you'll be given a whiteboard it will be up to you to draw a monster that i will give you now it doesn't have to be a good drawing it just has to depict certain key features of the monster are these real monsters that exist in literature these are monsters from folklore okay yeah so monsters from our everyday lives yes these are monsters like uh the monsters we feel on the inside teachers guild [Laughter] your monster is the cockatrice [Music] all right let's turn this around let's see what we have here all right murph tell us what a cockatrice is so i figured it was like some kind of chicken thing and i figured like turkeys are kind of close to chicken so i just did this sort of a hand turkey situation i see and uh natalie walk us through your cocktails i figured it was also some sort of a chicken thing but i drew a [ __ ] for the beak and balls for the gobbler because also [ __ ] means dick and um then i drew a wish hat on it because tris to me reminds me of like sorceress or something sure it's got like a certain uh feminine in it yes it's like chicken penis witch gotcha and demi uh i don't know what a cockatrice is but i think i did a pretty good depiction i assume it's half cocktail half waitress so i drew a uh i believe this is a cosmo sure and then you got the waitress bottom because this cosmo is just trying to work to support its family on a meager uh income i don't know if that's a cosmo it's got an olive in it i don't know how to make a costume also it's a monster maybe it doesn't fall no that's the only problem i see with this drawing well uh these are all uh pretty incorrect um natalie's is kind of the closest though no it is a dick isn't it certainly the funniest i don't think any of these are correct enough to include you were going on the right track with the chicken thing a cockatrice is essentially a two-winged dragon with a rooster head i should have went for a dragon instead of wigs for dragons yeah that that would have got you there if you were to say that it was a type of alcoholic drink what alcoholic drink would it be not a cosmo dude sorry that's like a nice [ __ ] oh gosh i'm so torn between either giving you a point just because it's fun or saying no points all around i think these are all just a little too far off i think i'm gonna have to say no points all around as always our final question concerns real life skills these are just uh things that would be helpful to know to survive irl have nothing to do with any of the franchises we've talked about so far today in life who you know can be as important as what you know but of course this also includes simple skills like remembering the names of people produced to you for example in the first two shiny questions i introduced the pa who handed you your boards as her name being jessica demi um actually her name is katie oh that's incorrect god damn it oh fudge me um actually her name is rosie no it's not rosie most embarrassing this is [ __ ] this is distinct um actually her name started with an a no [ __ ] um actually her name is kate no um actually her name is josie no it's not joseph actually her name is jessica no i said jessica in the original things that you know that should be wrong actually her name starts with a j no um actually it's katherine no um actually starts with an r no um actually her name is lillian nope it is not uh um actually her name is mary no um actually it starts with the k it does i'm actually it's katherine i didn't guess that like three different actually it's carrot it is scary [Applause] i should at least get some points for knowing that it was cash something yeah we'll give you the assist i think we all live for being bad yes that is karen karen was the one who was handing you your horse you know some people you know i'm good with any time i meet somebody yeah i knew it started with a j or an r okay i was thinking like when you said people you meet i was like you're gonna ask us what your name is and i'm gonna say mike and it's not gonna be mike and i'm gonna have to kill myself uh no i'm a little meaner than that so that that is it our final score here looks like we have four from earth two for natalie four for demi so a tie between murph and demi and that's it for our episode join us next time for even more hyper-specific pedantic corrections on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 139,689
Rating: 4.9623823 out of 5
Keywords: Um, Actually, Mike Trapp, nerds, trivia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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