Bill Hader - Has The Cutest Laugh - 2/2 Appearances [720p]

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[Applause] my first guest tonight he's a very funny talented man his movie the to-do list is in theaters tomorrow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you okay I'm alright congratulations my friend congratulations yeah at the big swimming film this is the one you wanted to do for a while this is the movie where you you swim the entire movie I tried to ya know my wife wrote and directed the movie and I think that she knows I can't I can't really swim that well really yeah so she's gonna wrote that into the movie I'd be concerned about that I know I know said and I mean she could very easily kill me you were sleeping or put something in your juice yeah yeah your wife directed you as an actor and yeah yeah so that means like she gonna like go for that where that go over there and say this yeah yeah yeah you do that in the movie too yeah yeah yeah yeah listen what's the film about then about a guy who swims no I wish no it's about Aubrey Plaza plays a girl who is a very type a valedictorian type of girl just graduated high school in 1993 and has done nothing sexually better like she barely knows how to kiss right so she wants to be prepared for college she wants to lose her virginity so she approaches losing her virginity like and like an AP course she kind of takes all these notes of certain things she has to do I think I know this girl yeah drink drink did you guys meet in college no no no we met I was in a sketch show and she was in the front row and I said this really hot girl in the front row thinks I'm funny and and then I yeah right yeah and that's a terrible way to find some d'marie and now it's because you know she may just have thought you were funny in the sketch and not before I think you're funny later on honey drink your tea yeah finish your job anything do you live in New York or Los Angeles I just moved back to Los Angeles yeah because I imagine if you wrote son [Applause] he may be the one that brought the play we brought some squirrels with us yeah I do dude did you well I guess you were New York when you were doing Saturday Night Live yeah yeah yeah you finished there now yeah I'm done with SNL that's it my goodness that seems like I yeah no you were very very good on this thank you very much I appreciate no it's true you were and I'm gonna miss the club reviews oh yeah everything I was that guy I'm like I know that God yeah yeah I have a lot of people come up to me and they think it's based on them right you know thank you based it on me did you know clearly must have run it was a guy who worked at a coffee shop that I would go to every morning in Chelsea mm-hmm and then John Mulaney the guy I wrote it with he got an email from a guy describing a club and that's exactly what the club rooms full of broken glass all these things and then we just combine combine the two you do you do that often with characters entities like fight people who are real and think I'm gonna plunder their personality yeah exactly I'm going to use you for personal gain oh no the the Vinny vedecci I did this Italian talk show character and that guy he was from a guy that I was waiting in line to see the movie ai and he was in front this guy in front of me was essentially that guy and he was trying to buy gelato for these like teenage girls he was hitting he was like I bought you a lot too much me energy drink he's a robot you know and all that stuff I was like okay I think I know that guy no you're still working on size parkland you still yeah yeah right it's a yeah it's really Matt and Trey and I kind of sit in the room and go yeah yeah I I'm a little scared of both of them yeah there's quite angry and it like they'd be really funny about you to your face yeah they will make you feel bad about yourself you're right you're right man you're right dog yeah man I'm a dummy yeah I feel that yeah but that sure was very Mike Mike kids well my older boy watches that show how old like do twelve oh yeah that stuff yeah and he's like it's what you're talking about money if you don't know then you can keep watching but that's all my dad was with Monty Python I would watch money Pi Phi Phi circus they would have nudity in it mm-hmm and my dad will go well hey won't let inin alright is that what you were into growing up money price or nudity were you in to nudity growing up both yeah when they happen together is the perfect absolutely is that remember Monty Python most nudity was Terry Jones naked playing the piano you know you're talking to did you he would've been good in your swimming movie yeah you could have been swimming that guy you know they had to pixelate his butt crack yeah yeah if he was on CB yes yeah tonight this is fine but the minute you move one of the fingers and here it becomes illegal no it's all right no pixelate you really yeah did you ever get that in Saturday Night Live like you guys would do stuff and if we just go strap we're life - obviously I don't get tempted to just like go crazy and yeah I know my fear a lot of times when I be on SNL you know especially doing an update feature in my head Seth would start Seth Meyers would start talking in my head I was like if I say the F word right now I'm this is I lose my job this is terrible everyone will hear it but it would be hilarious I think that - but I don't think F word I think dude see fruits ah we're Ella straight up I wanna buy fruits peabody award path we have to take a break while I discuss things with CBS [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everybody bill was telling me something really dirty and I just said whoa man I don't need to hear it until the next commercial break yeah yeah yeah no it's all right so you've moved back to LA that's lovely it's fun yeah you can go back to your loves of surfing and yoga yeah mostly hanging out in front of a me bud do you do that yeah let's go to amoeba that's a great story people is the store in LA where you can buy old DVDs that like even like I'm in them and stuff and you get vinyl records and yeah-eh asses yeah it's great you go across the street get a coffee walk over to amoeba and then I would go to the ArcLight and watch a movie and it was essentially my entire existence and that's pretty good that art likes good as well rates cuz they've got that kind of policy if you use your phone it out out and they don't carry those guys even if they're they're all prepubescent you know yeah you gotta get out of here yeah I'm just like I'm like no it's important sir you're ruining the movie for everyone yes sorry about my face they're not sorry though they're never sorry what are you going to see when you go seem obviously you're going to see you know the medulla I see that to do yeah every time but anyway you have science fiction fun oh yeah I love science figure you at comic-con this year I wasn't coming now have you ever got I went to comic-con a couple years like 15 years ago just as a fan if you were gone just as like well I went behind it was a fun this year I went as a father of Doctor Who and I was moderating the doctor repair he has to look like he's a guy in costume as the doctor in order to walk around it's like a partly hugh jackman that is well like he dressed up as overeating walked around the for people like you to tell for wolverine so that's how you got to do it like bright crime scene from Breaking Bad put on a Breaking Bad mask and walked around you did yeah yeah but that's the only way you could do it I should do that well you should put on a Bill Hader Moscow to go around they'll go Rainn Wilson yeah no tag no Karen who's one of the head Raiders here you really like chemistry talk about in the office all the time yes I am him and you've been very mean to me I'm joking I have been quite head that made me panic for a minute we have to introduce you to dead then get photographed exactly have a photograph of Ted or is he around he's probably drunk by now he's crying yeah now by the way and a couple years ago and I seen years ago and I met that comic-con and there's this old man setting up a little booth and as and it said learn stop-motion animation and it was Ray Harryhausen who's like man and next to him was a booth for a lesbian vampire movie this is great fun a giant line to the lesbian no one was talking to Ray Harryhausen dude lesbian vampires I know I got a lesbian vampire right yeah like it abraded be like I'm gonna go see the lesbian vampire oh wait lesbian vampires yeah well we're out of time sadly fancy ending with an awkward pause or I'm gonna end in German or my chairman aqua yeah sure [Music] [Applause] five first guys the very very talented actor is moving the skeleton twins is in theaters now please welcome the lovely Bill Hader [Applause] all right the film is good yeah TV's movie though the skeleton twins yeah yeah it's a serious but yeah Kristen Wiig and I play a strange twins acceptance no no no sorry very excited about this Mary yeah because yeah skeleton twins was the name of my testicles so I'm very no Gadhafi's why I'm sorry no we actually that was it's based on a book about your your test - great thank you and Kristen and I I play the right one thank thank you for acknowledging that Bill Hader right for your welcome thank you you don't have to acknowledge him man I mean I appreciate it but it's alright tell me the story of the movie what is it well not all of it cuz I you know I have to see it well the ending we're goes Oh Bruce Willis came on during Six Senses like well the end of a ghost [Laughter] Kevin Spacey's like Ron Kaiser so see ya and then at the end of it what was it The Crying Game but it was like oh it's a dude yeah like oh never guess that one well I play a girl at the first part of them yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get serious actually it is yeah it's a drama that Krista and I did but it is very funny we thought we made this very sweet kind of drama but we were really surprised that it's when you people see it it's actually a big crowd-pleaser people were laughing and clapping around in movie theatres oh and yeah like you're like don't pay no attention to me I wanna introduce I introduce the movie oh you do yeah no I go to every theater yeah I just got back from Minnesota I was like all right everybody hey I'm here pretend I'm not here if you don't laugh I'll be really mad do you know that Anthony Hopkins used to do that with Silence of the Lambs he was after Silence of the Lambs it was at the end of it was a lady he said in front of them who's like freaking out in the anyway did you enjoy the movie I love that movie you know SNL actually we tried to do you know the bag Jamie Gumb Buffalo Bill in that movie yeah yeah yeah I we at SNL we tried to do the Jamie Gumb talk show right awesome I was like hey everybody it's me the Jamie gums are very big fat person like it was all that and then our my co-host was the woman in the well there was just a shot of the well you know whatever at the table read I remember Seth Meyers and John Mulaney and I wrote it we did a table read and it was just like oh god that is a great idea no yes no you get says you get over here yourself let's do it here all right I'll do it let's do because if you know ads about this show you know we don't get money so I met sense for the first eight you're great what a lovely man no Soviet advice not yeah it's like yeah very nice my really sweet guy no he taught me so much at that show yeah yeah that must be a great place to learn Crocky oh my god yeah that's what Lauren says this is a great place to learn yeah I went I had a meeting with him once here yeah when I started doing this show I thought oh I'd like to meet Lorne Michaels now thought and never guys show he'll meet me and he did all right we sat for about 45 minutes I'm sky she's Canadian we said all right all right [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] you know I get it you know yeah yeah the break talented man obviously powerful as well ya know he gave me a career so yeah I would not be sitting here if Lauren went you you know that what does he go yeah yeah yeah he just walks around I was on the street you wouldn't you was like excuse me me what phew where were you before Sunday Night Live I was I was here in Los Angeles I was an assistant editor on Iron Chef America man you were almost there I was so much I was almost there oh yeah hell did you end up dude I was doing Improv Theater and stuff and here in LA at Second City and Megan Mullally saw me in a show and recommended me to Laura Michael's change my whole life so I was sitting there as an assistant editor on Iron Chef America and he came into the room and no you and then he got a rope ladder in a helicopter took a bowl yeah it's like a Bond villain no but he no I got a phone call saying Megan Mullally recommended you to us and you go and have an Edition and that's yeah yeah were you on the show eight years good lower that's way too long yeah yeah go back to the host I'm hosting oh that's great yeah I'm hosting the show hosted you get to boss the other people around you that way you get that well no but you get to go into the room where that you do our table read on Wednesdays and then everyone would go into Lauren's office and close the door and I never knew what happened in that room where they picked the show I never knew what that was like and now I get to go into that room and when Kristen Wiig hosted she went in and she came out I was like what's it like in there and she's like no they'll pour you a goblet of blood one of us we have to take a break well that's what you do on the show right yeah yeah you go to have to remember that for Saturday night line now as you know there live much like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by the time but we're outside right at time yeah we're out of time all right just get back to tease you no no no we have a little bit of time really oh just a little I guess what you want to do what do I want to do now yeah what you want to do now want to have some fun yeah what do you want to do all right want to pretend let's pretend I'm a therapist and your bill hader okay ah why do you think you're sexually attracted to mice I could tell you Tom and Jerry when I was a child and the mouse mouse would scuttle to Martha's pedal towards the door and I would say my god hind quarters big belly eyes and I would say you must be mine well now as you say like that I find myself also 60 what do you say we get out of here and find some mice [Applause] one of these men is Bill Hader one is Ted McCarran and one is Donald Trump oh now wait a minute turn around turn around turn that Donald rah I'm sorry mr. Trump that was a complete nonsensical drive-by I do beg your pardon sort of oh yes enough don't you agree you guys look alike yeah yeah yeah how much do you hate me right now Ted oh no I like it fun really yeah it's so bright up here he's never seen daylight he's a television writer well that's our show everybody let's stand like this [Music]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 74,311
Rating: 4.9451661 out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, super happy fun time hour with robot and old man, snl, bill hader, bill hader roast, bill hader funny, bill hader best of, bill hader scenes, bill hader movies
Id: hQlocew_cjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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