Lena Headey - Aka Cersei Of House Lannister - 5/5 Appearances In Chron. Order [HD]

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[Music] now my next guest uh very lovely young actress she's starring in the new series Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles premieres Sunday on Fox wow please welcome Lena H everybody Lena h [Applause] [Music] Lena L Lena let me be the first to welcome you to the show and say how are you Lena I'm a bit scared I'm good you really scared it's a little terrifying I'll be honest really doing this well I thought I'd fall over my trousers cuz I haven't put them on before tonight and they're slightly too long they're lovely they're very lovely trousers I see by you using the word trousers you're not actually from California no I'm indeed Scottish you are you Scottish uhhuh are you really Scottish is that quite nice no I'm not at all where where you from where you from um I'm from Yorkshire which is very near Scotland your and now tell me in the s Chronicles s it's a tricky one it's quite tricky to say I'm begging them to change it well they're not going to no no it's Fox you can beg all you like I'm keeping St no know I know um the uh in the is she from Yorkshire Sarah Corner can you imagine if I made her from Yorkshire yeah they wouldn't like that I'd be in trouble no she's it's an American accent so it's it's challenging did you have to take lessons to do that I took a few but I'm quite proud so I was like I'm totally fine I can I can do this myself and by day two they're like no you no you have to go to yeah I tried it once when I came here to be to to have an American accent and everybody's like is that why is that Pakistani guy behaving so odly was very bad it was very very bad now tell me what happens in the SRA Conor Chronicles is it uh is a prequel to the movies or this see this is where I get in trouble because I'm very bad chronologically with the story yes that's going to help you in talk shows it's not great I'm just being honest yeah no it's that is in fact going to help you in talk show exactly uh I'm not really sure where it takes place but it's kind of somewhere around T2 uh and um I love that movie did you watch those movies when you were you must have been quite Young when these think were like maybe four or something I was more interested in boys though when terminated me too I mean sure uh I do I'm a pathetic old man struggling to keep above this late night swamp that's killing me how are you fitting in with the um with the Hollywood lifestyle presumably you didn't live here before the no no right it was it was we moved here me and my hos moved about six months ago right and I felt slightly um from where did you move from Yorkshire or London no London I've been in London for like 20 years oh gosh I love yes very I do what part of land did you live in oh clap clap how not por at all actually that's not POS clap clap most s like all right Gea it's a bit South London yeah South London all right smells a bit like the entire area it smells like Ur yeah yeah yeah yeah um so now I'm in the canyon which is very fancy oh the canyon yes there's more than one oh Laurel well don't be too specific Laurel Canyon I made this mistake last night I told somebody that the Scottish press once announced that I was I had been engaged to a woman called Laurel Canyon now last night I said it was tapanga Canyon but it wasn't it was Laurel Canyon and I thought I must address this something oh here's my chance Laurel there you go take it but it's where Laurel Laurel cany is where I lived when I first moved here I think everybody does all the Brits seem to kind of move through go to Laur cany well it's a bit Smoky and unpleasant exactly so so you get that at home feel and there are no good yeah and have you taken up surfing have you become you know you have no oh right no are you kidding it's a long trip to the beach from yeah it's a good I have a lot of dogs so we do a lot of dog walking I haven't managed to uh begin surfing yet but it's on my list of what how many dogs do you have three three dogs M that's all right that's okay what types are they I have um a couple of sausage dogs right we call them weener dogs here you probably it'll be very difficult for you to adjust sausage dogs weener dogs trousers pants it's so crazy here I know and I have a Brussels Griffin who a Brussels Griffin yes I wish wow what's that she she kind of looks like a sort of fat squashed Ewok does she present on The View what it's a fair question wow don't worry about them none of them speak English what no it's a fat squashed Ewok and what's what are the names the dogs um well we have wizard wizard that's good and the fat squashed Ewok not that she looks like the person she's named after but she kind of does her name is Angela Lansbury good Lord she that's very specific so it's not like I'm going call the dog Angela you went all the way to the Lansbury my friend told me my friend was like she looks like Angela Lansbury I was like she kind of does yeah so that so where do you look did did she ever solve crimes yes all the time actually my husband called me when I was at work and he said I just found Angela Lansbury in the pool and she'd fallen in was it really Angela Lansbury or the dog thank goodness cuz so sometimes I have found Angela Lansbury in myport I know she always does it oh too much typing oh she's crazy an land she's like I don't give a every she leaps in and she leaps into the pool you'll never take me alive coer and then she goes listen it's delightful to talk to you I I really wish you well in the the I I'm looking forward to this show I have to tell you I I'm very excited about it I I hate to say good things about Fox but this looks very very exciting and um and and I really it's lovely to meet you it's very nice to meet you Lena hi everybody we'll be right [Applause] back my uh my next guest tonight is is another lovely member of the show business Community she's a lovely actress she's in Terminator the Sarah corner corner Chronicles try saying that when you're me uh it's on Monday nights on Fox which is good but it's good though it's good that's one thing you should know to have a look at this come on everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] L you brought me a present oh an earring what a lovely idea hey is is it clean can I put it in my ear We just cleaned it oh you did I I found it from a gypsy a gypsy yeah I think they're called traveling Americans now I don't I brought it from Europe you brought it from Europe yeah oh all right a European earing eh I just knew oh gosh I don't think it's going to fit no I my hole closed up again I think it was when Sean William Scott didn't turn up I thank you for that though can I keep it uh no all right then I'll put it there now um I I'm first of all I'm very glad you made it the traffic is insane tonight I know very bad yeah and uh and and I'm very glad to see you again because the last time I saw you you had just moved here from La no from London to La yeah you hadn't moved here from cuz we actually are in La as you can see by looking out the window here is I live up there do you really don't point to it stalkers there sh that's what that's Shan Shan who William Scott oh Sean he's dead to me he's dead to me I uh so how are you adapting then to La life you having fun I'm good I still haven't been to the gym it's a year and a half but it's uh that's all right the the Gym's not that important no when you look like You For Heaven's Sake CU you're all thin and lovely black no I I've got news for you you're not in fact black [Applause] no no I you didn't know no no no that'll be the uh that'll no you're not anyway um hey just lean forward a little William oh no oh my Lord you've got a massive tattoo on your back I do can I can we do you mind people looking at it or is it private don't show my dad don't I'll don't show your dad is there a picture of your dad here or something my Lord did see the bird yeah I no I think I have to go a little lower to see the bird I can't see the bir maybe I should look down here to see the oh I see something moving what's the uh what's the deal with a giant tattoo I just I'd always wanted one and um I rewarded myself after a job it's a strange reward I ad it is it is you I mean you've got a tiny little star on your on your art oh two yes oh that's nice protection what part of you is not tattoo just the bits we can see I can show you later ah it's good to see you actually I'll be honest it's good to see anyone tonight but they still no it is it is have you embraced La culture because I I was a little worried about you when the last time you came because you seem to be very kind of you know nervous about being here have you have you do you go to the Starbucks a lot and everything now yeah I I I go I never drunk coffee coffee before I got here really yes and then I realized that it's not as acceptable to drink alcohol as early in my hand so I got on the Starbucks wagon yeah what what would you drink early what vodka not I mean from the night before but now I go for coffee much more sociable yeah it is actually yeah and if you can find a coffee amongst the Jazz CDs and the pastries and all that nonsense I heard you went to a brothel Starbucks I did not go to a brothel star Starbucks what happened is this I went to the Starbucks on mail Rose no what I do is I go to the Starbucks then I go to the baroth no there's this it's not that the Starbucks on Melrose right it doesn't have a bathroom and I complained to them I said look you're selling a diuretic beverage you've got to have a bathroom it's I mean come on it's right point so I complain and then they uh they said to me we did have a bathroom but Prost were using it to conduct their business and I said well if there's no bathroom they're going to conduct their business right out here where the customers can see them so for that I thank you I said make use of the toilets I see no well at least you know I mean and Starbucks how are things working over in the the fox lot do you like it over there I saw you spit at them again I it's I'm just play acting CU I'm jealous they've got all the money over there they're oh yeah Fox you kidding me they they've got The Simpsons they've got house there H Lori he's a friend of mine he's English too do you guys know each other I've never met you have you not I'd like to meet him he's very nice he's very very nice he's very hard on himself he's one of those guys he's very hard he's like oh I'm just a dreadful old grumbler and I'm think no you're not you you're lovely but he doesn't he get he's very wonderful in the show yeah he's very good do you like doctors why is that funny um you know I not really I remember going to a doctor in my hometown and there was a very small Hometown in the north of England not too educated and not that you know it but um I remember going to him with teenage acne and my doctor said to me and I quote put a bag on your head wow yeah wow really I know oh yeah that's awful actually yeah but now you're a big old TV star and he's still I've learned how to apply makeup ah me too actually now have you been to the uh have you been to the sites when around here have you been to the like the Magic Mountain and all that Disneyland everything have you done all that I've have Six Flags which Six Flags yes Magic M Magic Mountain Six Flag yes of course yeah Magic Mountain I didn't know right but yes I've done that and I've seen the water park which I think looks terrifying the water park yes the slides that are like this the end here you couldn't fit your body no I've been down one you have I I went on it and my swimming trunks disappeared completely disappeared it looks like that and then I sneezed and boom they were back it it's like boom I'm going to try it doesn't have clean you out it's lovely now have you done that you haven't done that then no not the I no what do you do do you go on the roller coasters the I love the roller coasters really oh my God I love them addicted we don't have anything like that in England they're kind of this High know true scarra in the north of England they've got a roller coaster yes it's like a death wish so old but I they're so high and big and fantastic except all the queuing don't like the we call them Lanes in America we don't call them qes yeah you can get a special celebrity pass can you yeah I'm sure you can you can probably Fox owns Six Flags or something they do yeah just call up rert Muk and say hey he was like hello yeah what going to do for you yes hello hell I li you no not at all [Music] no he's yeah no no he's lovely actually I've met him he's very nice I'm completely lying of course yeah I'm I'm glad yeah so um there you go that's it yeah pretty much that's it yeah what about Halloween don't have time to talk to you about Halloween do you want to talk about Halloween I love Halloween will you knock it off yeah let's talk about Halloween oh all right then hey any plans for Halloween yes I do what you going to do I'm going to Universal Studios oh they are not part of the Viacom CBS network so I don't want to talk about it but it's fantastic are you going to drive there in your Ford Flex who hey if you're going to plug your I'm going to plug mine all right [Applause] I I didn't plug anything no I'm only I have nothing to plug only my book oh you have a book no a book you're reading do you have a book you're enjoying at the moment I not right this minute no no you're not you're not reading a book then right now well you want to get on that shocking I know all right we have we really do have to go okay bye-bye all right then everybody [Music] welcome back welcome back my next guest tonight is a very beautiful actress she's in a new series called Game of Thrones which is on Sundays on HBO I watched it oh it's naughty and also I know you're surprised I have cable take a look at this that's what CBS tell me please welcome Le everybody Le hello sausage how are you hello I'm good how are you I'm all right I haven't seen you for a while you've been off making Game of Thrones yes and I watched the first episode and saw your bottom you did it wasn't my bottom it's not your bottom no I have to cop to that well whose bottom is it a lady who got paid very well to show her Bon you're saying I've been cheated you've been DED really I'll show you later oh that's fine this is better than cable it's a very interesting show though cuz it's set in a kind of fantasy land yes yes do you live in a fantasy land yourself often really do you live in a fantasy land kind of yeah this I you haven't seen this before no well this is a Freud thing because I I'm concerned about how small my penis is no kidding shut up this my robot you haven't been here for a while have you no all right well I got this and I got a robot and I stopped giving up C uh so so things kind of changed a little around here yeah yes yeah you've been over in England I take it in Belfast Belfast yes my husband was like we're going back to Belfast that's where you made game of thrs was Belfast so that's Ireland and that yes Ireland and Malta Belfast is cheap bu for for film lovely yeah no it is lovely I believe I don't know I've never been they have a Starbucks now they have a Starbucks do you know what I did no do you know what I did today I changed my Starbucks name what yeah I usually in Starbucks and they go can we have a name and I usually say Bob cuz it's easy and quick but today I said Sparkles did it work I got my coffee nice yeah you have a Starbucks name no they just say Len Luna Lena you know do that to me too when I say Craig they would say Drake you should take this with you for a refill that'd be kind of like being the guy that walks on Starbucks with the Iguana then it would be a $10 coffee what then it would be a $10 coffee $10 coffee well it's about that anyway is it do you drink do you drink a lot of coffee about eight shots a day eight shots of coffee a day I see I'm a mommy now oh yeah oh of course yes what age is your baby he's a year a year though that's walking yet walking constantly my life is this oh right yeah I know got to be careful when they start walking as I got a new one he's that's him over there the little one over there congratulations you can't see cuz one or two of you are crazy everyone else is fine I just I just have to say I know most people are fine but one of two of you are crazy so you can't see I can see them but it's a no no you can't so you're one of the ones that's crazy then you know yeah we're connected you H don't say that you uh you you're going to get a lot of that now you've done one of them Game of Thrones things you get all these people following you around wearing capes going to RS makes me feel important I like a bit of that myself but this Game of Thrones is very different though it's very sexy it is quite there's a lot of business going on there there's a lot of O My Lord O lady there a lot of how's your father yeah how's your father I haven't heard that for a while yeah that that's slang for sexual intercourse isn't it it is sexual intercourse the sexual intercourse where are we allowed to say we don't like that though cuz we're British well yes you can't no you're not you I'm Scottish we love sexual intercourse yeah we don't call we don't call it that though and we don't call it how's your father either we call it um non whiskey fun yeah yeah yes so it's not quite oh the I was thinking you'd make a great do to who I'd love to be Doctor Who they never let me do it though why not I think we should because I'm too I've ruined myself You' be a fantastic no I'm not mysterious enough look you're so wow that is mysterious no no I couldn't do it I'm stuck sexy what H yes really yes I think you could be you're sex you're sexy too thanks that's cuz you see my bum what you think you have well it's interesting though having now seen your bottom but actually it wasn't your bottom yes I now want to see your bottom even more than I did before I saw if you know what I mean you'd be disappointed not as much as you'd be if you saw my B you'd be disappointed on a deep and profound spiritual level like my life has come to this whereas I'd just be going oh okay does it look like a vegetable my B could you compare it to a veg you could compare it to a vegetable I like to compare it to a summer's day right I compare my bottom to a summer's day I'm vaguely referencing some poetry there which Michael Clark Duncan is famous for I don't know if you I've read all his poetry yeah yeah he get very mad at me when I did you do any poetry poetry is very difficult I think reading it read I love reading poetry do you really I find it very difficult to I mean stepen fry was here and he was going I love Steven and he's very very clever and he was talking to me about The Wonder of poetry and I like I can't I mean I can appreciate great writing of course I can but you know I get an anthology of poems and I go w Really you do I do you don't find the romance in it come on Craig sipping from your snake reading poetry makes a point your bare bottom in the wind yeah well I mean if you can write poems about or if you can point me in the direction of some poems about ladies bear bottoms and uh snake cups and then I'm in yeah balls yeah it's kind of frightening do you frighten you frightened of him no I wouldn't be he can't go more than 12T from an outlet okay good if you if he ever alarms you just go to the center of the room okay yeah and he just goes away yeah yeah he he'll never be able to reach you would you like a mouth organ huh would you like a mouth organ we can play ourselves out with a mouth organ can you play you can I'm super you could win the golden mouth organ yes really yes oh this is amazing really what I'm lying you're lying yes oh oh it'd be so great if you which way is it that way you just do this right and then it looks cool sounds good not with the everybody [Applause] bye next guest is a very beautiful and talented actress who stars in Game of Thrones that's my Game of Thrones bow yeah your new bow yeah yeah I do this I'm thinking about downhill ski it's on Sunday nights on HBO please welcome the lovely Elena heiti everybody Elena [Music] [Music] [Applause] damn you look great like really fantastic like I wish I'd wore my pajamas what your pajamas Why a little more comfortable what do you want a blanket or something yes a blanket do we have a blanket uh we don't have a blanket what about would you like would you like some beads what are those thank you there you are that won't draw the eye at all oh look there's uh there's some towels and stuff you good yep there you are let me uh uh for your first course we've got a oh look it's like it want like it I love get off Eddie get off Eddie there to better sing girl there you are wellow that looks nice isn't that pretty yes you look lovely you look cozy I feel like I'm a wizard yeah you look fantastic need a wand hey congratulations on the Game of Thrones it's like nuts everybody's crazy for it yeah yeah all my workor you no you don't you write it too yes yes I thought you did yeah yeah there's like 20 million people involved it's a huge deal and you shoot it in Ireland yes Northern Ireland yes yeah this thing is going to follow you around for a long time though you get that right the Game of Thrones thing I'd also not that one and also Eddie that brought the the thing out he will follow you around for a long time as well I don't I can smell Eddie can you smell Eddie on that that is Eddie very well done no I mean it'll be like you know Be Like a Star Trek thing you'll become like Shatner I wish I'm going to become Shatner have you ever met Shatner no he's awesome beyond belief two things about him he's 81 not yeah he's 81 and like he can bench breast £500 and he's also Canadian impressive you ever been there ever been in Canada yeah just came back did you back from Calgary yes whoa hey hey hey hey whoa keep it down if you were real Canadians you would have draw an attention to yourself like that what are you doing up there you filming what you you pointing to the horse yeah he can't point back he's got he doing under there what's he doing under below stable back it up secretary back it up let the lady see what you got [Music] [Applause] we all it's all right is that is that new ink since the last time you were here that's new what's new these it hurts a bit getting ink here doesn't it no I love it really what's that oh that's a snake starts there and it goes it wanders on and it's like a it's like a plot line in Game of Thrones it just keeps going and going and going no it goes up to about here the incest no no that's not that's not that no it's uh it's a tattoo of Benjamin Franklin's tattoo uh well well cartoon he didn't have a tattoo I don't think maybe you might have I don't think thanks very much you have quite a lot don't you I got five do you how many do you have uh five five my whole back is done really yes have you got the fox hunt with the Fox's tail disappearing in your bum yes the hunt you have makeup artist dream I would love to do that get that all done in my back the CH the fox you want to go get tattoos together I'd do it come all right I I need to get two done though cuz I always want to have an odd number of tattoos okay so I think here and here yes let's do it it's my addiction really how many do you have you have five you're really going to get more my I'd love it there's nowhere to put them though there a you got a bit of space here a little bit Yeah but I would never do you have any special tattoo person in mind uh I have a couple of people that I go to you ever been in New Orleans no electric ladyland in New Orleans okay yeah yeah ask for Ed okay yeah no I'm serious Ed did he did a couple from he's fantastic okay yeah no he's great electric ladyland electric Lady Land yeah you ever been in New Or you've never been to New Orleans oh man what a you'd love it I'd love it it's very weird no it is you know what you know like some people think they're weird but they're not that weird they've just got like kind of like you know a hat with a beer thing on it something they're not really weird well New Orleans is really genuinely weird uh like the veil between this world and the next and New Orleans very very thin the ne world yeah Vampires by the way I like your brain you like these suspenders they are the co suspenders and this pattern because once you get here you've passed the Finish Line your home I you know I was just thinking that today when I put them on I went I wonder if that what that means it does do you ever wear uh do you ever wear that pattern on your underpants always yeah yeah especially when I'm driving when when you're driving I don't know well I'll need my driving Underpants today I'm going for a long drive have you ever done a long drive across America I just went to Big s oh that's lovely that's a bit of a trick yeah it is did you see the elephant seals mating yes you did that's we isn't that amazing it smell oh my Lord and they just they go at it like oh they're like what kind of music would they play if elephant seals had music yeah they would I think it's really wild I didn't know if it was the right time of year but I guess it must be yeah in the spring it's yeah it's did you go to Hurst Castle no sounds weird why what do you mean weird I don't know it sounds a bit like Alton Towers Alton Towers Alton Towers is a theme park in Britain it's not anything like Towers really is it no it's h Castle it's one of the few castles in California I'm going to go now yeah you I imagine it to have rides and weird stuff I know no it doesn't have anything like that I like New Orleans I am weird yeah no New Orleans do you enjoy uh a lot of alcohol occasionally well that's the place if you like alcohol and re really good food like really good yes and very very weird people you can't find that in California you no there's very that's very few people in California are weird yeah yeah you know we're out of time not us I mean just you know this I mean you and I will be forever we'll just with the seals I think it's very nice that you you got your slanket on and just sat with it I know cuz I'm more comfortable I'm going to take it home I Ed no no you can't you can't take it that's Eddie's personal slank kit all right I'll give it you back Eddie I think it is anyway anyway yep definitely yeah but why didn't you just wear that then what a slank kit yeah or something more comfortable I know where you get a slank kit and now I do is it a slank kit or what's the other name for it a slinky snuggy sluggy Slinky a slinky no Slinky is the thing that goes like that a winky oh no wait that's that's the elephant what am I saying that that's a penis no uh that's I don't I don't know I've never I've never seen a penis go like that I haven't I've never seen a penis you've never seen a penis Liar Liar Checker pants on fire well um we're out of time like I said you want a chocolate dollar or want to throw frisbees at the horse yes oh you do at the horse frisbees at the horse everybody [Applause] shes [Applause] off Lena HEI everybody Lena [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I like what what we have to talk about that well welcome Lena thank you cig you look Sensational thank you so much very chic thank you I have lazy shoes I like the shoes it's kind of a sock and a shoe at the same time yes yes yes do you have socks underneath those no it's all in one so it's you miss a step out it's like when you get these shirts and sweaters made into the same thing yes I wear those all the time tonight though this is this entire thing is a sweater the back it's all it's like a tuxedo t-shirt except it's the whole thing I just like boom and it all comes off do it do it no I can't don't point at my jungle what wrong with you I did just you have a hole I have a hole I just noticed oh my God but put put your Snak in front of well well first of all let me say good eye because it's only a there's lining still underneath I'm not actually that color underneath there I'm not a blue silky color little B I guess crotch watch yeah a little bit so anyway how have you been no there no that's a feast your eyes I like your ring I know are you did you become engaged to a bird I did Birdman swallow yeah that careful I wish it was mine it's not it's not yours it's Bor did you steal it no was Bor from Courtney Kardashian's house sorry I only went there once that that uh did have you really no never mind I uh where did you make that film it looks great looks like a lovely place it was lovely Bulgaria is lovely Bulgaria I used to go with a Bulgarian girl did you how was that was awesome actually yeah did she introduce you to the National Bulgarian drink what is the national Bulgarian drink a yogurt infused uh uh garlic infused yogurt no we didn't have any of that yeah it's delicious yeah is it no what's it called I don't know sick maybe sick have some sick with your pizza garlic and yogurt together yes I know it's all wrong but I think you're I think someone was having fun with you I don't think I think bulgarians are like oh we have thought of great joke they talk like that they talk like that yeah we all talk like Dracula yes no I used to go out with a Bulgarian girl she rode a motorcycle you don't wave at a horse why EXC I guess you can if I didn't know you knew each other yeah I've ridden him no I can't I'm covering it up why' you keep looking at it I'm all right hold on I'll put something there that'll distract you cover it up what oh I hit the doorbell by accident I was like he's coming don't bring some scary robot out no no no the robot doesn't move don't worry about it here I'll I'll I'll put my hat in front of it there you are there you go that's better well hello herey did you like this hat you want to try it on yes yeah it looks good doesn't it there's something in there no just a look that's n it's not for you no no it well it's too big it's too big for tiny peanut head you don't have a tiny peanut the back like that there you are nice styling it nah a little too School girlly creeping me out all right so uh yes so do much penis watching when you were in Bulgaria I'm just my eyes were drawn I I know no I I understand let me sit here like this look there you are how now I can't yes it's awesome no I can't see right yeah no that's fine no you would't be distracted I am actually this is quite comfortable feels like an interrogation guilty so Bulgaria then yes it was fun okay um what about where did you make the first one the 300 Canada we met yeah Montreal oh Montreal is a lovely is really fun oh that's a fun place and they have chips with cheese and gravy we call them french fries here yes french fries and gravy we call grav don't know and cheese we call you ever been to France yes France is nice love a bit of France yeah me too what you love bit of provance oh I like a bit of provon Lavender Fields for miles it oh yes it's lovely smells like an old lady for mile after mile you speak French we oh so I was surprised that you voed me and not toed me though I thought you would to me but Vu you went with Vu I mean given the fact you've seen my junk I thought that we were at I thought we were at two but apparently saw your junk you nearly saw my junk I peeped at it you're were tiny don't say tiny and my Jun at the same time not fair well we're out of time actually what IO I know we do anything yeah do we did we plug a movie is a movie good amazing well there you are then best movie in the world you look at my hair what's going on with my hair what's going on I'm just trying to look as high as I can so I don't look anywhere there it's not that bad what's wrong with you actually I think [Laughter] H yeah oh man I'm so cool you are cool are you going to meditate yeah you want to meditate yeah all right we'll go out with the meditation then all right do you meditate can you lead it yeah yeah yeah I can't meditate wait hold on a second hold on jez easy on the Ana yeah you can't meditate to en oh no that's Ena you die to en you die to Ena it's kind of funari you really taking on this Spartan thing aren't you you must die to [Music] Ana no we ding in hell what really with Ana well you know play Ana or you will die [Applause]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 437,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, craig ferguson compilation, The jayleno fly, geoff petterson, geoff makes craig laugh, craig ferguson talk show, the late late show, craig ferguson flirting, craig ferguson flirting masterclass, funny moments talk show, lena headey, sara connor, lena headey 300, lena headey interview, lena headey funny, lena headey game of thrones, lena headey craig ferguson, lena headey compilation, lena headey movies, lena headey hot, lena headey kiss, king joffrey headey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 24sec (2424 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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