Bill Hader being chaotic for 10 minutes

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i don't know how this works i just got stressed we only did eight [ __ ] years thank you guys all for coming out tonight really appreciate it oh are we live seth yes bill i'm sorry that if we were stranded on a desert island i would not hesitate to kill you eat you and use your bones as hunting tools yeah i got mad at him and i threw the controller at him and i called him a sloppy [ __ ] genesis of this project obviously you guys have worked together for years in snl on unsuspecting patreon bill yes seth i'm sorry i forgot to return the book you lent me last month i'll definitely give it to you the next time i see you seth do you have a soul do you play a clown are you a superhero [Laughter] i mean i i will say this got it i've been sitting on that question for five hours [Music] you got that controversial i went through all my life i came up with a question then i watched documentary now and then i stuck controversial yeah controversial and then i got on netflix and i went contribution one minute that perched on a precipice next met poof they pounce so be prepared i think we're going to open it up to questions and guys they have to be good and like like right should we go over the questions to widespread critical acclaim i don't want to get this wrong so wait you'll like this you'll like this the series has been called exceptionally clever oh silence interesting dazzlingly smart pitch perfect and so wonderfully silly it may take viewers a moment to recognize just how smart it is oh that that's accomplished if you could only say one word the rest of your life what would it be okay you can have the time in your life oh yeah i picked up james mcavoy like jennifer gray and then we had a very graphic sex scene on that table very long graphic incredibly awkward no music you were at howard stern this morning fred you were talking about howard brought up the or maybe robin did brought up when you played david patterson yeah on snl and let's see [Laughter] [Music] and let's see yeah i think you told howard's journey when am new york yeah this subway news neighbor had you on the cover with playing david patterson with the cover line too far yeah um you could be talking about a third movie in which he played pennywise that maybe a prequel of some sort no no any wiser no this is the you know chapter two pennywise uh enjoys the conclusion of the story that we all know and we all love it can you shut up or wiser about the pennies let me speak [Music] over the course of more time you're hearing music in your head what was that nothing having having done this and having realized you could do this i'm just going to keep talking uh is it something i mean is something like a jinx or making a murderer something you would explore i don't know i mean what was the question hey andy i'm a longtime viewer and i love the show you're awesome and i want to say hey to bill looking forward to watching barry but my question is for jay [Music] i am at the front of the line me pierre i will be across the street to starbucks before you even get your question out [Music] [Applause] perfect andy wanted to go a different way with it and then it got really disturbing yeah and then james was just like crying a little bit no no no he was liking it did he raise your face over your head did you do the lift no no no i'm fine bill has a great disdain for art so i don't like artists people who paint down here i love it i love it we're pretty good policeman yeah i'm uh oh wait [Music] no [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] hey guys i just clicked this out and it has like those like live webcam things for pornhub on here it was who had this who had this before me i like the show snapped have you heard this i've never seen it but i've heard of it snapped is rad uh it's it's about women who kill [Laughter] yeah are you feeling it oh yeah i'm just tired just like i can't feel anything right now i can't feel anything but yeah no i'm very excited my name is benjamin letter i'm an actor here at um nyfa hey [Laughter] all right all right let's lay off the guy lay off the guy hey [Music] um wait the red carpet yes i never know what to do with my hands i don't know how to pose for a picture it puts you in your head it's so bizarre there's always going to go over here over here and i'm like not a normal experience yeah well we actually you have to get up pretty early in the morning to bs his alarm went off at like four in the morning like kiwi's big adventure street sweepers that son who's eating it up yet like what is he running to oh there must be a wga panel there goes pierre yeah it's 4am i want it i got it i got it i got it i got it a guy uh a 9-1-1 call the guy was like yeah my wife they're all very regional like my wife she took a shot at me but i got the gun away from her and we're okay we're okay and they're like oh well sir uh uh do you have any other guns in the house and he goes hmm no i don't think we have any other guns in the house oh yeah we do really and he's dead it's not funny yeah but the show i can't stop watching it what actually we found some photos so i gotta say you're kind of right look at this i look like i'm about to be shot what's wrong with that [Laughter] he was yawning he was yawning like he was like down these roads like this that's a ruiner i'm like literal that's a literal i'm not i'm not kidding that is in fact yes um [Laughter] instead of going to wikipedia i'm just reading a quick synopsis i'm going to listen to these two jackasses they're better for cops cops but we're also vegan we're vegan yeah no we are vegans and we we're trying to we we're trying to save these turkeys from uh yeah thanksgiving right yeah i don't celebrate thanksgiving but they're criminals and so it sounds complicated in a hat on a hat on a hat it's not actually based it's very small it's based on a short story by tolstoy [Music]
Channel: A Doorman Who Always High Fives Children of Divorce
Views: 270,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Hader
Id: SJNcRqcC9Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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