Ricky Gervais - "This Might Be The Best Chat show Ever!" - 2/2 Visits In Chron. Order [720p]

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[Music] [Applause] fine if there's a very funny man is a comedy genius ease season two of the show Derek is on Netflix on there may Andy's in Muppets Most Wanted Muppets most water since theaters March for 24 sick at that Ricky device [Applause] [Applause] look at hello they love you it's the Muppet effect it's it's already weird wasn't it yeah yeah lovely smart I mean there are clearly on drugs but a lovely crazy audience but what's that a horse led to it it's not a real horse most of its a horse and some of its just regular people right okay that's a skeleton yeah come on man don't act like you don't know bad good yeah yeah he doesn't know you man yeah what the hell he just playing man it's good to see you man okay right yeah yeah good stuff great party man yeah how are you you must be used to working with animatronics that was the you got the what's his name puppets to the Kermit's and the and the mrs. piggy a narc all right research oh yeah I I googled it rocky are you mad no I love the Muppets like we used to okay so uncomfy I don't want to be honestly I'm it's great to be here and I love you man but this is very better yeah right hey I only said there was a because I find it's like it was making me sit upright oh no you know what I don't want you to be uncomfortable I like to slouch well I'll have a slope yeah hey what what's going on here what's going on in this that's right what wait if I why are you facing that tawdry I'm facing it towards you as you subconsciously asked me to face yeah you're said are you y'all have a king all right yeah well alright go and proving Josh all right let's argot all right without head tigers hi Ricky how are you dear I'm not too bad eh hey now the Muppets that's awesome man that I know business right apart I love the Muppets were about 35 years genuine oyster watching at home and in England and you're from England I'm from England near you this come up and we you know probably know that the bit that we own a bit at the top called Scotland no good but with Russell Brand was here he said Scotland he said Scotland is the Canada of England I said no my friend England is the Mexico of Scott but it's just a matter of perspective man it's just it's whatever you I know I love Scotland oh yeah I like it too it felt like they were doing but what's in those things like I'm up there I love Scotland I love everywhere in the world because wherever you go people all the same it's not easy being green ah we've been mummified I've been multiplied now I love the love it and I love doing this film and my new favorite Muppet is Constantine an evil Russian frog this sounds good I had my favorite was pipi I love pepper a person I've met Pepe before obviously I know of him from the movies right I met him on set and I said um so are you a pro and he went King Don yes and I said what's the difference it's all about the size man yeah if you like to talk about the ladies yeah yeah yeah yeah he hasn't been here for a while he's making boobies though I guess yeah they're still down to earth oh yeah way to prom it's a poor king prawn king prawn yeah it's re celibate the size man yeah yeah so did you live here now would you live in America no no I still live in London and a bit bit in New York and I am I come this way West when you say you come this way what what do you exactly mean by that when you say I come this way now you did that with your hand is that a thing you want to be it you want to be a sidecar oh yeah right yeah okay yeah good yeah no what you just kind of pipe there when I'm performance like right now relax show me you in the king show me show me yeah yeah all right so you do your real talk to you well as much as yes in the way that dr. Phil dr. yeah yeah dr. Dre yeah yeah I had a dream last night dr. Haley yes I was I was I was on a train and I was going in that the tunnel and the tunnel was telling me it was my out of my mummys voice and and then like the train driver was my daddy any any a spilt milk all over me I mean that is that had been to worry about that throws it right out this is a very common dream it means yours you are frightened of the dentist are you in therapy I get it once a week sauce no oh you should why cuz you're a pic you know weird you know but cray cray yeah I want to see what the things I just I just get better you know I mean all you mean you get better and you will them to work yeah I'll go to serve I also have to tell them about the bodies of hidden like that and then I have to tell the police and God no no they don't load oh really no yeah right always connected under the Constitution you don't know anything look you've got all your information from Dexter in the soprano very country it is in it if you went to it like I said I've just just dumped a body I'll cut his legs and arms off and I'll pop them in your bin I'll see that might choose but I wouldn't go look on tell anyone they call the please no no not me if I was a therapist I'd be like I see it yeah if I wasn't terrified be in the pub going to this one bloke he's mental yeah yeah go there come every time I think about your mum yeah I think they do that I think very much so of course they get you together in little combination there they are yeah oh I've got a guy that thinks a train going in a tunnel and it goes get dad's the train driver or do P Jackson that's really a that was I crap and everything that they do make fun of people behind their back and I don't know dart is woman I think I think they take it very serious yeah any psychiatrist we'd like to apologize to the psychiatrist of America I like to apologize to TV well I have to say you're doing it on the wrong show but I hear your point man you go electronical out there we went let's make this the best show ever and we both decided to go the other way I know see that's comedy though yeah we think when you zag [ __ ] that's what it is I'd like to say I sometimes did when I zag as well this is Beverly normal we'll take a commercial break [Applause] [Applause] welcome to welcome back I'm here with Ricky Gervais who's terribly rude but we'll get through it I uh it's very relaxed well nobody's watching no no I asked your producer what time this goes out tonight and he said 12:30 a.m. that's not even tonight know it tomorrow yeah we have shadows out too much tonight show goes out tomorrow I used to be called it tomorrow show did it yeah I think when Tom Schneider did it in New York it was called the tomorrow show because it was on tomorrow I couldn't keep track though now I didn't know what you're doing today's or yesterday's do you watch Doctor Who I don't know killed that one bin it is it is that really all you had no no I'm also a Gryffindor good but Thai is pointing that's what I do that's what they're for is it really yeah that's like necklaces do that to cleavage yeah that necklaces are like here's my boobies and tizen like a it's well that's yeah but according to Freud movies are meant to be your ass cheeks that's what it's saying right well cheek right but why would you want one with ass cheek there that's odd well no is it to represent the arms ever why so we know where the art is it's a completely different dimension up doing that with your finger I'm a doctor oh well all right now he's falling for that one again you have to do that USA majors me you have to do that yeah yeah I get it done his office again in about four or five yeah yeah yeah I have to go have you had the camera no you got to have the camo I just I've done that I've done the finger and it's unpleasant I temp pleasant for him as well I mean it's what he does nothing when he chats like you know like you tell how's it going yeah yeah I just want to get it over with you and it's just it's awkward you know weeks right yeah I was having a I do a yearly checkup over and here to test my testicle right so now we had to that it wasn't just for fun he had to right so so um I was standing like that my trousers down and he was sitting down which was already weird he got white don't think that's weird it got comfortable right and um and and I'm no white so so I'm sort of nervous I'm always knows when I talk too much I one doc tractor tell me to shut up when he was trying to my heart he said you have to shut up why don't you know right but I'm nervous and I said something I clearly said okay I said well you have to feed him for that right and could I interrupt to them instead of going I'm just before he went he went well I'm not so on there knighted and now he's not even doing anything he's just chatting to me when are you sure this is a doctor yeah if he dresses a dog dressed about not a sailor not even doing that yeah what do you think I want to do YMCA reunion but God it for your checkup yeah so yeah it is all good but you've got get it done it's all yeah no the hell talking is that now you've got going to bed early going out somewhere tonight you'll find someone well credit only no okay this might be the best chance however okay [Applause] it's good we shared nice and good haha there's amazing fun you do this every day you sometimes thank you Oh Lu tempt the fates awkward pause and meditation oh wow that's how we end awkward pause and meditation or you can always my always awkward pause okay so I tell a joke the punchline of a joke just falls flat and everyone just goes quiet and it just fades out no we did that in the monologue okay we're just awkward pause let's layer in a little bit of sexual tension okay um okay well I'll just go well what I say when I say okay well um I'll go for that I won't know what to do so I'll say goodbye to bleeding and you go what you doing I'm sorry like I was confused like okay okay thanks very much doctor sorry [Applause] do you mind if I must [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my first guest today is very talented extremely funny man handsome too I think really very sexy yeah season 2 of your show Derrick is now on Netflix Ziggler [Applause] the [Applause] you know some of these people have been here since last week just yeah like right yeah nothing welcome back to these shores my friend is lovely to see here he's loving to me you look very nice do i yeah you look in a casual and relaxed with like your sweater like you've probably gone sailing lately I've made no effort okay yeah yeah it's like oh yeah but I put my shoes on because I'm going to that show I forgot how uncomfortable this carries sorry how do you like you should know I like it now I'm hugging it now I do have the cushion from the other two now I'm fine I'm fine like this I'm fine like this all right you want a puppet or a dollar final thing honestly I'm good okay why don't you feel like you're being shortchanged I know I know you like example if I was to walk out just wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans I could [Music] good awarded time management no because I look I look fat in a suit I just I've done yeah I'd like that big baggy I'm getting I'm always get fat when I come to America as well la um New York I've put on about three pounds a week because I posture because I have to eat faster what why is it because I don't get of immigration let's just go to Italian restaurant and that's what they do they'll make you eat it yeah they'll see you coming in it'll be hi sorry each other yeah you know what they did well you get it as well if you're on the tell you they give you free stuff I know it's weird when I was poor they wouldn't give me everything I know it should never give to poor people give to rich people right they I wouldn't say I was rich but I don't know no that's what that's the way it works if you're if you're rich on the telly they give you free stuff if you're poor get out well you know what I think it's because people are frightened that you're going to be mean about the restaurant on TV for example you know you would say a scene in a French restaurant where frogs legs were openly mocked yes by the most beloved character in television for years how did that start who first went oh it's a frog we should eat it when did that start I think they were bored no it's they're much harder to catch than the snail therefore may be easy you could get oh what's the thing you're sitting on it's my earth let's see Letty Letty though oh don't go to France yeah go to France suddently have a problem with that in britain recently people were eating the horses unbeknownst to them yeah I think so yeah there if you accidentally the horse yeah yeah I'm going to be careful with that wide only because I could be a [ __ ] who are you vegetarian nearly yeah will you mean nearly well nearly that doesn't count no I know he doesn't call you a perturbation now yes I don't I don't eat fish Bingley really I understand your fingers are delicious yeah well I've got you know there's some things I don't eat a morally like frog wire and stuff but it rescues them I'm a bit squeamish of it I got near I never eaten frogs legs but and I was in New Orleans and they died of the Frog yeah I don't think you guys hey dude it's not just leg not just legs it's the bass actually it's like a pair of tights because it's it's the frogs gang you call me a transvestite frog they've got little with this guy it's like the little to join to the little bodies are there you're not you can bet are you you are not made sure I got eggs there a frog personally then will you point me out so so our students they leg to joint the little body and then there's the head good luck if that's the story of frog everybody know awful though because they would look like they could just like back on what do you mean well it's not like a chicken leg you know what a chicken leg the leg in the ranch chickens anyway oh you mean you it's got a little bit of the things they cried yes it's like it Oh wiggled machinery do they leave they leave useful too young yeah this young I don't I don't know because there was a sort of batter on it so a batterbatter trousers 5000 has to be pretty thing you know look at that battle trousers hey the new kid let's even Cabot Francis I don't know though the idea of wearing trousers made of butter appeals to me like at the end of the evening everything's better in bar yeah everything well they Scotland they fry and fry everything dear fried pizzas they didn't fry Mars bars yeah I've tried them all they're not very good why don't you though why would you well you know it's called call the trying to die as quickly it is yeah it's a very bad day you're very good then are you like you you know I don't I don't deprive myself or anything then I just have to work out like Rocky but it wears you out so I eat and drink too much every night and then I'd go to the gym and everything aches oh because I run money's gone my shoulders you got to use that machine Oh everything's gone oh that I this machine yeah frog leg machine yeah that's the one I dunno because it doesn't hurt my knees I have to do that yeah I've got to be so careful when you have just getting older you the same age I know no we don't yes yes I've had five years of the finger yeah I've had five years of the finger know you started late you start and America you start 40 no yeah you start no the testicle sort of go out the end of the four is then you're out of that danger and then the 50 to start the build built so so now that's the exact noise might make right okay talking about being recognized as having the most on the inside when you're having that done it's great so I was having it done one and it was a there was a doctor I and that we did the thing because I'm tested prostate and acid yet finally said do you need a chaperone I went no no fine okay so it is that Andy went big fan by the way well you want you want him to be a fan like Yahoo and I went oh thank you very much it's like I think he's nervous and I'm nervous need to a chat I always chat when I'm nervous in the doctor's I think if I'm keeping them up your Pope they won't find anything bad but I'm through yeah I worry about I just had my annual physical and the cab had the cameras I've had what you know it's just a night okay it's doing that way right why do we have to have another human being that knows all arms eyes won't they train chimps to do often little chimp the little generations ready yeah yeah little chimp so so the doctors Judy the chaperone why does he/she chaperone a mentorship those cases you say all he touched me inappropriately flower you fingers all seven appropriate sitting second for different yes an inappropriately yeah yeah well it would technically it is because I wasn't a fishmongers now alright oh so so so they go oh yeah you want a human now I don't know human doctor any just goes okay bring in cocoa and then comes a little tomb in a white coat with one glove it'll be lovely I sad chimp doctor right yeah it good ba-ba-ba-ba other animals though could you have like maybe a sloth do it because there so that would take more pair changes yes yes but but sometimes the speed of the prostate exam is what I find alarming a buddy like here it comes you're gonna go ah and then that's it what about something that takes about an hour and a half you can you can watch the films about that yes we should suppose you just stop talking alright well have a commercial break and when we come back do nothing okay we were right Michael [Applause] welcome back everyone here was making evasive we were talking about the situation in the Middle East and yeah you know that that sort of thing at ten I what Putin Putin yeah it sounds a bit like Putin you know for example approach the exam the oh no no okay never thought of that do you think he's a bit Hitler in Putin he's at Hitler really that's what Prince Charles said well I said it before Prince Charles he watches the show that bastard I said like just an idea wonders idea he was let go I'm tell you oh there he was like oh yes because I'm wealthy I can afford American television in Britain I think the royal family you know they think what Craig Ferguson do yes that's whatever he did so if we see Prince Charles on a news program now going and I like chimp doctors to come in I'm going now what is that what yeah you'll have week same thing I can about what's point that that's just a thing you don't know what's this live show goes near you won't be seen finger food on that I know oh you'll be seen of the really I don't know one clean finger makes it sound dirty [Laughter] Oh have you met the Royal do you probably own bond course to be Sir Richard Gervais actually I'm Harry and William came to a couple of gigs I did really yeah they do call them that and Harry William you don't you know uh you see your majesty now I don't know no no they are about seven armed guards so I think they were quite secure really where there is steal some of your material like Prince Charles I believe yeah I doesn't lie dear for the show it's called Derek and it's about it oh you know that's a huge mocking meal but no no you know isn't this that that thing with a dance like nobody's watching yeah this is like a truck show that you're doing it like nobody's watching now but they are are my some most of them are high or one what's the example of a bad and professional show do it with no one if it came up or you get out we can't allow it is rubbish with the Sun never yeah he no bloke over there in a horse costume as a beloved British pantomime tradition he's probably a great actor but in there on you you say hey they're a team they're a team Uruguay I do your agree sniper - aren't you baby they got it kid and they said we do this for a week and then we do chicken tonight oh and what if this guy here I got age I don't know don't love Italy if you keep sitting with your legs like that I'm gonna get you some tickets to a Broadway show I can't move it because I'll crush the slope right you're that nice next thing the trial is it all right you're what is he a gay robot scheduled in nearby see the scaler and see the robot is named Jeff but what what you done this guy what was going over here and I'll show you you know I can't believe it that is true we're at the end of it again I really think we should know I I really know he's at home yeah I do actually yeah I disabled we don't you want that yeah I've got a table I'm doing okay I think we've got about four tables now so score I remember you when you did never tell you never go yeah well now he's making we made a row table right there yes yeah grandad you come in pretend to be enjoyable they grandma's for 20 feet table Oh today's not her own tables I'm Stephanie a euphemism yeah that's what making a table yeah mate let's make a table yeah pay the new guy okay let's make anything but why can I do that and not that you can like River Delta babe now I'm going to do it with two fingers that apparently which celebrities get you know angry what about mine is it like raggy calling from the balcony I bar this is this is not a television show the really [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 2,346,571
Rating: 4.8766036 out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, craig ferguson compilation, The jayleno fly, geoff petterson, geoff makes craig laugh, craig ferguson talk show, the late late show, craig ferguson flirting, craig ferguson flirting masterclass, david letterman, funny moments talk show, late night talk shows, ricky gervais craig ferguson, ricky gervais the office, ricky gervais awards, riky gervais golden globes, ricky gervais interview, ricky gervais funny, ricky gervais dream milk, funny, hilarious, comedy
Id: w5MoEbhU6yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2017
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