john mulaney and bill hader having a great time at that one panel

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

My two favorite people

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/overactivemango 📅︎︎ May 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
yep uh i take lexapro yeah [Applause] [Music] happy mother's day though barry tells the story of a cereal desire to avoid consequences for his actions has fueled season two of what uprocks caused one of the hottest news shows of the season the av club and even vulture have said that is brings new meaning to the word murder murder okay all right you uh had no socks on yeah the first time ever i tried to wear a suit with the sneakers with no socks yeah no socks that was in los angeles he got off the plane and they said hey daddy lose those socks why am i saying daddy well yeah where is that thing from that's how they talk hey baby oh what no they don't they do in la in fact below 50th which you'll never know but i wanted to so i saw someone in like a magazine with the sneakers with no socks we'll get back to him and no and so but i was sitting on the panel he was like this and it was like like yeah it was like he goes so bill and i and mid question i think henry winkler was talking and i look over at you like because i hadn't really said it's like nice to see you you're just going i think i actually went like you went and then and i think i just asked a question that i thought you know i was like i was like so what's tonight i thought like i i thought i'd like uh uh asked something that was like uh not inappropriate but like asking to reveal too much about the finale so then later i was like was everything okay and you were like yeah just i could see your entire leg yeah i know i don't want to see that yeah anyway so i worked out very happy i wore boots today i wore boots but i'll wear a low shoe was there okay i'm gonna be like a dumb person but how much of i like someone that checks their phone yes that's all right and hey what's that oh okay all right okay oh god damn it if i delete something why can't i get jay-z stuff on itunes anymore um i'm so sorry it keeps buzzing and i have three daughters and i just have this like little girls like when you have when your phone buzzes you instinctively you're just like are they alive okay good um so i apologize for that i do apologize can they text you your daughters the oldest one can now and it's oh sanity does she do it a lot a unicorn unicorn unicorn that could mean anything to her it's a code yes i sent you five [ __ ] unicorns i'm hungry you gotta pick me up from volleyball [ __ ] five unicorns is i need to get picked up from volleyball if the yakuza is holding me i will send you three unicorns three unicorns and a [ __ ] emoji means the yakuza all right don't call the cops whatever you do don't call the guy you called the cops it was two [ __ ] emojis oh we could do this all day we could hey what are you whispering now you're on your phone i'm joking i'm totally joking i'm so joking i'm so joking she looked up like this 92nd street why police come in all right all right all right two guys that look like philip yeah little rock all right all right all right don't worry everyone all right speed dial we're gonna be really sarcastic to her for a little bit um no but we uh two guys full of rock yeah all right show's over row's over three they're eating a lox and bagel nets over at the bodegas so i didn't i didn't get you raising it we got a we got a one we got a we got a one they only have one code so that's fake sure she's climbing up this like green like rock climbing wall thing okay all right disappointing i'm a big fan of the show but i got to admit it's a little disappointing dear 92nd street y yeah oh i was at a nick game and i saw elliot spitzer i forgot to tell you this and he was wearing a hat like a like a fun jacket like you know like things are going great i looked over at it what and i was like that's elliot spitzer and then i look over at him he goes [Applause] [Laughter] and it really it did well at the table and then they didn't hey they did not like it and then i wrote and then seth meyers and i wrote a vincent price sketch that i think that night and we were writing it and then we go we should bring the new guy in john hey guys hi everybody and we go we should bring john in and see you know if he's got anything for this and so we were throwing on stuff and i was like oh man it'd be good if vincent price said something to liberace or uh i don't know if you guys remember fred armistead played liberace and we go hey liberace whatever and what can he say and john was quiet the whole time kind of nervous when john goes oh he could say save your sassiest sides for your windowless bars it was the hardest i had ever laughed riding with john i think we were right we were both crying laughing just doing kck some voices we couldn't get a sentence out which was he goes uh he goes dad there's bad guys after me and he's like son if they come at you i'll run at them like a lebanese torpedo [Laughter] [Applause] if they get mad at me i'll fly at them like a lebanese torpedo that's a really really jarring thank you for laughing because we did it and no one did no one laughed i remember phil hymes went you know what was wrong with that sketch none of the people sounded like the people i did ellen alden in that sketch i did pretty good on him you did a good allen awesome okay hold on all that sketch but he did uh and kristen did uh everyone was good [ __ ] phil man oh my god one time uh we had a p we had a piece where fred was playing obama and it was like a christmas in the white house so he had to walk to the window and seth and i were going like um you know how we're like in front of the fake oval office and phil we're talking like we're just talking out loud we're like yeah but the white house should look like like there should be light on the windows and so like it does you know i know it doesn't reflect but like there's light on the windows and phil walked through and he went i lit john kennedy in the white house and then walked out [Applause] barry is on hbo yeah and we'll raise the house oh whoa oh my gosh look at all these people holy [ __ ] hi i only can see you here this is crazy hi everybody oh man i hope this has been worth your time oh man i didn't realize how did you not know there was i did not see the balcony no i'm blind yeah oh man i feel bad um i feel terrible what about the uh what about when we did casey kasim for 20 minutes they were like i went to this thing about barry and i learned all about these sketches that never made it to air yeah and everybody on the show can sing i think except for except for john and so i think that's another reason why john and i were yeah john's like hey man come here hey i like songs but i can't sing dude i can't sing it i can't sing too well either buddy he also wore no socks to that pant he also wore a north socks to the panel as well and so i was like yeah what the [ __ ] i uh i auditioned for a starburst commercial uh this was i want to say wednesday [Laughter] this was like in 2004 and i walk in and they go uh so it's on the beach so if you don't mind taking your shirt off and i went i'm gonna go [Laughter] oh man that's great so so john i made a tarot deck based on your stand up oh cool and um i have it with me this is the last moment of your life and i want to take the last known picture of john mullaney um so so i made this tarot deck based on um your three netflix specials the one you have on spotify and a few other things so bill if i were to make a tarot deck i think you guys should do this privately like over dinner i feel like you guys should do this privately over dinner maybe right i i do i do want to make sure i get to everyone but i have so much to talk to you about um i bet i i would uh i don't mean to cut off your question but uh i would do i get to keep the tarot deck do you it's your property no it's yours if you want it no that that's i i can't then i made a cards against uh humanity expansion pack on your stand up too okay i don't know what that means um but i will say this okay and you can you might think anybody make me a tarot every other question has been for you uh but i went i got my tarot cards read when i worked at saturday night live okay and and i went into this uh uh it's i was what i was saying where would [Applause] [Laughter] i was at a daytime function but uh okay so this is a real thing so on the theory that that okay so this the woman the woman had very light eyes she lays out a card and i was thinking about leaving saturday night live to do stand-up okay she lays out a card she goes very good that you did that yeah she goes yeah i i'm glad i did she goes uh she goes i okay um there's a tower you you're in a tower and uh and you need to you you need to go and you're standing and i was like got it so you know if you're looking for advice daytime bar mitzvah uh tarot card raiders he'll get to you about your oh he just there's a lot of uh what do you want to do yeah i don't know uh well you had a question i kind of cut you off i'm sorry um so bill if i were to make a tarot deck based on your work should i stick with just barry or branch out to other things is it weird that i don't want you to make it is that weird that i don't want that no i would say barry i would say barry and uh documentary now and then you know what i think i'm really is it things that you're proud of you should know i don't know hey all right here he is all right hello hi i'm jack actually this is uh my friend finn's question you realize how nervous jack has been he's not even here on his own he's like oh god finn is so [ __ ] dead i am all right i'm an introvert myself but i got a question from finn here what uh i guess snl sketches do you most uh regret maybe [Applause] oh it doesn't matter yeah is that what you want to ask yeah all right he'd have to give a long speech about why they're vocal checks and uh he'd talk about don't rub your eyes when i'm talking and he's he went he went he's like looking back like you happy finn this is what you wanted finn i wanted to see john wick yeah i was excited to see john wick or pikachu yeah we're with these two [ __ ] yeah now i'm talking to these two this guy's doing the this is your life over [ __ ] here i asked one simple question and i get the war in peace two [ __ ] sketches they're running through over here that was 10 years ago guys i wasn't born yet move on oh wow we're getting pulled yeah okay let me see okay okay i have some terrible news president trump president trump that's out in the same place president trump let's talk about uh your snl days
Channel: raisinbreak
Views: 413,903
Rating: 4.9595041 out of 5
Keywords: john mulaney, bill hader, john mulaney and bill hader, barry, snl
Id: Kc2-t_934EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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