Anthony Hopkins - "This Is The Stupidest Show I've Ever Been On" - 2/2 Visits In Order [Texmagery]

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hello please welcome Anthony Hopkins everybody [Applause] hello Tony come on hello they are deported of you here [Music] I want of you here thank you yeah I come I am fond of you oh yeah very happy to see you okay I'm not completely not usually well a little bit yeah yeah it's good to see you too have you been I'm very well I haven't seen you since that we went to an awards dinner were not together you know I sat next year a team yeah you got very unruly I started the riot you did yeah why do you remember they they decided it was bath Kuwait and they didn't have what is called a raffle or a raffle is some kind of funnel doll or an auction Andy what's going on they say you're having a raffle or down I said oh so I stood up and I said suddenly I got angry well I I acted out being angry I said you acted very well because very basic so let's get on the show yeah I led you an engineering yeah you said that you and I should maybe strip to the waist and fight that's right are you on this bus yeah was about three years ago yeah yeah yeah nice to see you sir hey this is nice it's better you know it's a lovely view of the city I like that yeah yeah I like that you live in LA - are you like it's just done that do you really next to the fairy circles together that's okay I just came up from there round the corner kela to God that Janna dead urdead now have you ever had people accuse you're drinking again after because I got that recently you did yeah I've been super 15 years but I was I got some scuttlebutt on the internet saying he's drinking again I said if I was drinking again you'd know it wouldn't be a debate you know you watch Mexican Court TV and yeah I don't think I've never been accused oh mine was once but yeah it's been a long time now that is 30 odd years thirty years coming gone there's a long time and you I'm no lawyer you live in California no doing Deana votes in Malibu no that's UNIX are you alright with the fires we oh yeah we were just clear of that terrible to watch the money down yeah yeah well you but you're not from anything like you from Wales only I come to whereas you come from Glasgow yeah yeah I was in Scotland - next on did he know it's fun yeah you know I live here where it's wrong really there we are American see where as well as I said it's just like we with the Irish who couldn't swim yeah you know we're Islanders and Scotland Wales that's of Wales you know I have to be honest with you I never drank with anyone they could drink like a Welshman I mean even Australians can't drink with well we're about yes we are the best come outside and fight now while I'm in a temper in the pubs did you I don't fight no well I'm in a temper well you were were you a scrapper when you were drinking when I was just morbid and depressed all right and they'd laugh at anything yeah did you see the monologue absolutely thank God it last them God was always I was against the English I wasn't did you notice in the army of the Welsh got on the didn't get on with the Irish no we got on with the Scots yes in the army that was first national sure were you in the army what did you do the artillery I was a corporal or bomb buddy as the gone well that's terrible two years well you called it the draft over here in America right but yeah I was known to go overseas that all the did know I wanted to go to Cyprus of Germany but they didn't let me and I was too much trouble and I know how difficult because you're not from the very kind of swanky show business by Grand River from a working-class background the Wales uh how did you end up going to Rada which was the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts that's yes by luck really I wanted to be a musician and I got a scholarship to a local accent school in Cardiff and then 1935 and then later on I went to Rada I went to Royal Academy my father said thank God you've got something to do because I was a hopeless case he's a baker and he wanted me to go into the business needs to know to forget it so I became an actor and my father's values of the ones that have stated to me all my life sire and take this business at all seriously I was going to say do you find yourself kind of a dismissive of the of the social aspects of Hollywood they kind of you know the partying and the kind of flippity jibber really call it amazing do you do a large moving no I don't I'm not don't judges I'm not you know III think it's interesting to watch it all but uh like that body movements in the bath towards I am NOT a great carpet week but I don't know I've got to show up on my on Monday but it's called a premier Premier yeah that's okay Patel you know I don't hang out with actors no no I don't take it too seriously but live for the best yeah what's the beer will that would quite odd to be a well film there's which they look at that is that some kind of animation like that yes like Tom Hanks remove yours called Polar Express all or explain and you walk around to know these little buttons all of you and they photograph you on a computer we did it a few years ago but it's um it's I don't know the purpose of it but Zemeckis is a genius at this whole thing and it's you it's me up there but it's sir like a veneer of cartoon I don't know I don't know what the purpose of it is but are you aware of it when you're doing I mean to you you're like over there because you're walking around in the sort of jumpsuit with little beads all of your things I've done that many times whether would you look seven country I have you know we had a lot of everything absolutely we have to take a break they're going to have to take a break we'll be right back with Anthony Hopkins everybody [Music] welcome back I'm here with with Anthony Hopkins we were just talking during the break barry manilow was here you your fan we did we did of headed none on Parkinson in London part Michael Parkinson I gotcha yeah and Brett knee very good just like you know he's very good yeah he's gonna do it for a long time Michael Parkinson yeah yes she has he interviewed 40 years he didn't to be anyone yeah it used to be the thing that if you he was like the Johnny Carson of the UK wasn't he really anyway so buddy yes he sure knows news years he says probably as you say some detective money he does a lot ever got to Vegas and see if Jeff doesn't make Vegas la loveliness I don't gamble but I just got out would you go for them I've got a couple of friends and uh what's the church I think I bring too much of myself to that I'm going home now yeah I'm not biggest I know it's kind of its kind of best in the worst of everything in the way it's very vivid I love it and that's why I because it's so kind of out there it's in your face not like I like yeah I get a couple friends at them you know burning human we just managed seafood Renaud before the tragedy that I yeah and I've been to a couple of shows what do you want to see when you're up you're going to see the the Cirque du Soleil Urca Anna yeah oh and those things but I have been for a long time I mean I usually got the passing through up to a spinasse on my patio drive everywhere so I'd like to try to drive everywhere then yeah do you like that yeah let it just drove up to Seattle recently in Aspen in places like that I love driving I I quite like driving around America do you use it yeah I do I've done quite a lot of it but I'm taking flying lessons now you ever done you are yeah oh that's a that'll open your eyes yeah but there is no plane here it's not a surprise no I thanks let you play golf no I don't know you no I don't know no I most boring gate over everything not really again more of a pastime wonder walks of oil to defend the friend of mine brown greens and he took me out to teach me golf and they gave this coach you know this is me going to take off like this so Boris I find it very boring I've been a very bored what about the work because I think of you as being you know a theatre actor I do you still go and see theater productions on your it what go and see some amateur productions or something when you're right on the road that'd be fun no okay no I was the fate of the years from air it's like one long wet Wednesday afternoon in the Waterloo Road yeah so boring and I couldn't do it I I'm a dropout you know I came out to California many years ago and I worked in the theater did shakes been all that seven it was okay but I didn't fit in there I so I came out to become a beach bum and malleable yeah I like it out here I love it and I've never really gotten too serious about this business and you did okay for someone who wears around and beats working out yeah yeah that's the Robert Mitchum's of my favorite act they said you became an oxygen beats book yeah well sure it's true it's it's it's a lovely lovely Hartstein how much unity for this space yeah nothing nothing at all no no we just have to get out before the the next guy comes in right the girls come in with the poles are dancing our boat an o'clock so the writers strike is starting to yeah so they say you are the word someone I'll be at work tomorrow I'm a member of the WGA the other books martyrdom of these people there may be yeah there will be a terrible time yeah so we should look at all this all right well but it's been lovely to see it don't be a stranger come back I'll see you soon all right Tony Hawk is everybody [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back in the rain my first guest this evening is one of the greatest actors in the world who his film red 2 opens in theaters on Friday take a look at this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Wow thank you sighs you've changed the city yeah we've changed the entire studio is completely different the this is Jeff look at hi Jeff hi how are you I'm very well thanks hey what I didn't know you spoke horse oh yeah really hey why are you playing a bad crazy person again I don't play today well not really I wait a lot bad crazy people uh one rather memorable one I remember yeah we have moose that well you know that one with the you know the thing oh yeah yeah yes I rather enjoyed that one I don't I don't play that many buddies but this is a crazy guy I play yeah completely bonkers do you like I liked you in the Hitchcock movie when you please like I did yeah it wasn't that was it yeah it was good you're something of a memory card you you can do it yeah I didn't do quite a lot of them you do good chunk on I do a good son Cory akin Union shut talk my god all of us that's right yes this is good I actually think in Scotland it's part of the school curriculum the lamb you lose your going but you do Michael Caine yeah I know a lot of people know that yeah yeah yeah I'll tell you what right yeah that is too awesome man still Michael Caine and sometimes I can do a Sean Connery but mostly Michael yeah seems wife yeah that's right did you ever see the man who would be king now it nervous is it oh yeah Shirley goes with this dumb people how are you dear I'm very been a long time you look very blue a very bucolic order you like jaded eyes and my time I like my wife's dresses weird issues they are nice I like your socks too stripes I've gone for stripes yeah in total God my wife favors we are talking no well a little bit so where are we what we gonna talk about well I don't know what you want so I haven't seen you for a while are you still doing the road trip so you still don't know no I don't of those no I just come back from Atlanta I was doing a movie there and been to Europe really what are you doing here we in Germany no I'm Germany ah there are Germans here but you are there yeah they're fine yeah yes yes I remember I remembered it yeah yes yeah I was born in 1939 I see no doggone fine I said no I love jumping to Berlin overland I was in Moscow I've been a miserly Moscow yeah ma really gloomy but - great city did you go see you Lenin and the to nail it was they've got a big skating rink now there's one of it you can't do the land into his old clothes done so I didn't know it I've got McDonald's and everything like that that doesn't sound like Moscow at all to me so much you should it was Moscow hands about like Detroiters most whatever done none where are we goodness co s matter they don't know so I want else do we do maybe London I don't really I was in London last year and went to Wales for my birthday and I don't know it's you're from will - no I'm from I read it somewhere well you go back a lot to get from Mouse no no I'll into alpha the queue you know from Scotland it's like Wales but better oh no fire Wales are you from portal but South Wales near Cardiff near Cara's are expertness come from that which he used to come from and leave us Banda and I was and then he where do you consider you consider yourself Welsh and American Nova I'm American yeah you've been here for a while right and we I I don't know a nationality really now that's very kind of a usually majors a selfish nationalist I know most nationalists so I'm sort of I'm a sort of I think I'm a sort of hybrid American slash douche you get into fights like I don't get it I said ey don't get into fights that he was always in Glasgow used to get you used to be able to yeah yeah you did you ever play glass don't you ever do anything Asya we were told not to go anyone sat in the knights and the Gorbals because we're so dangerous hey boys producer a few years yeah 50 years I can't believe I've been doing it that long we I was born in 51 years and I've been well I was an accident I started 50 years ago this month how about that yeah perfect company this time is gone Class D producer so I know so far I noticed when I turned 50 it seems like everybody you said then I have to subside this I can say over there if you want you mean I said no no I don't mind it's is there I'm this is all right sure so what else well nothing really I mean thanks did you go so I go movie looks good so I got you like it looks good I've seen it you haven't seen it you know I haven't seen it complete I see so you're here promoting a movie with the picture well that's that's what I'm told I have to do I promote movies I've never even seen well yeah it's good I thought they'd look ease I'm not even in that's a great idea it's very them I mean what's that one that says now the Adam Sandler movie have you seen that no I don't let's talk about that and okay yeah I had a great time limit yeah I really enjoyed and I had a great time on the oh yeah yes and that's quite a laugh that is very very funny who's that guy Jeff yeah yeah high voice he nodding is not in the table horse okay also he'll do anything for cocaine okay this very stage I've never real problems and I don't know maybe you're maybe you're having an episode Tony maybe notice what's happening no I think I'm on a trip no no it's just if we've been doing it for so long we started to deconstruct the whole thing it's all yeah fall apart I uh yeah you have a good psychiatrist you can talk to my dad you go to therapy do either no no I would love to do it fabulous and unit oh yes I'm just thankful enough hi I'm gonna fix my therapist straight after this well you have to get out there but I'll get I'll get you I'll be your sir okay all right let's take a break and then we'll come back and I'll go get up good all right we were right [Applause] [Applause] I'm here with Sir Anthony Hopkins who has just very graciously agreed to undergo psychoanalysis on television with me as an unlicensed therapist now remember I am unlicensed I am in no way a therapist much like dr. pail hahaha so Tony you have to tell me that's good you don't you don't you don't do the psychotherapy now there's this resistance to it do you do you feel that you are guarded or insanely private individual who in has a fear of intimacy and bananas maybe I got a little specific there he told me I am oh you told you what I am talking why is that horse looking at me because he likes you he's a big fan this did you get nervous at Publix you get nervous when people recognize you do they ask you to do bits from me recognize me do you know who I am yes I know you though Tony I've known you for 20 years I'd like why do you realize the first thing I talk to you it was about 22 23 years ago that long and going on in money yeah when I had lunch were you and Bill remember you both right yeah years ago a long time ago there was an time gone don't know we can talk about time so what go and analyze me all right then so do you worry about getting older no really no that seems very emphatic I can't walk but I don't worry about it all right I might know I didn't worry about getting older my wife worries about me getting older she she certainly like to be doing stunts on films because I've broken so many bones yeah I should make sure I eat properly do you make you take a baby aspirin I don't know yes sometimes but she makes me to be I've got a funny story okay girl yeah I'm suing from this cold red have you seen red yes yes why I'm here tonight to talk about Amy we were in Pinewood Studios oh we were in summer in England to film and Bruce Willis are there and there is a hole in the wall we had a client cost us rubble or something and my wife Stella came in she very rarely comes to the city but she came to the studio to make sure I didn't get into trouble so all the things slowed down so I broke my ankles of ripped my Achilles tendons that broke my wrist alone so anyway she came on the set my cup please God please don't let her come on the set and from the Bruce Willis the great action guy don't get she came up she not gonna walk across this rubber life and Bruce said what's the problem she's my one my husband is mad he said I know that she said don't let him walk in the rubbish he's not going to do anything those willows walk in the rubble I know this is a stupid story she didn't want to be it's a stupid show I don't think you can worry at all this is the stupidest choice it is the stupidest show on television I like to think can I not like that yeah you can I can talk it like a dog what are you doing it's almost like you're mocking the entire chat show sentences because it does everywhere time are we understand yeah okay bye well no look like instead of course yeah don't Peck when you find you an oncogenic soon I know proposal I always liked it an awkward pause with an Oscar winner right oh you started always very playful if I goodnight you paid to come and see this would you pay fo pay they don't pay only two gentlemen you came from Germany for phenol no no they came from Germany they came in from Bakersfield you need psychiatry you need analysis you need to watch the commercials and thank Sir Anthony Hopkins for being here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by the way my legs gets a very funny comedian you okay with us yeah all right very funny post of put your hands together to see the UCB theatre that's the young hip kids yeah yeah she's very funny you go and see that stuff I have seen it it's very good what kitchen do sound so tell me how to do my show man we've got a very funny Cameron Esposito [Music] [Applause] used to the idea of to two women getting married so I'll answer some questions that some of you guys might have out there so what are we going to wear new people ask that what do you what are we wearing up to denim dresses jalena I think you like denim actually I did you like denim denim van you know cars are gonna like this thing are you saying he's a lesbian [Applause] [Music] listen I want to be the one to out you but you don't get that kind of loop in front you know what I mean you know I married a woman - oh god this couldn't be going better you're dealing with Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets yeah you know what later can I come over and interview you guys come on all right now [Applause] yeah hey you know I think I think I would send her act and she didn't know exactly actually I wrote in a joke about you having a denim shirt on then you when you walked in tonight you were wearing a denim shirt I was like I can keep it then you say I know I'm sorry yeah I know you were trying to help her out you actually screwed her up by not wearing denim another thing you've done to young comedian too bad I feel like I feel like I had other punchlines ah you'll be on TV in law I mean I'm going to get fired he's already fired you know you're my future you're the future you should get white men are on their way yeah yeah [Applause] you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 1,704,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, anthony hopkins, anthony hopkins craig ferguson, anthony hopkins interview, anthony hopkins movies, anthony hopkins funny, anthony hopkins michael caine, anthony hopkins animal noise, anthony hopkins moments, actor, hannibal, west world, red 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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