Bill Burr Roasting People To Their Face

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it's all my ink I have this mic on so yeah that's all right gentlemen and help me [Applause] I can't believe your relationships don't work out you want me to be a soft you know you know one of those Twitter tough guys when guys come and sit on the couch and go right after them do you respect me for that no I don't you big dumb desk hide behind your microphone thank you for keeping it real college yeah I kept it 100. what about when you kill somebody out and then have them in front of you that's Punk no but then you can actually just admit that you're wrong when the guy's delivering because now he's delivering he's still trying oh yeah he's not admitting that he's wrong that's what I'm saying if we went to a movie together would we sit next to each other would you want to see between us you know oh Jesus because that's a tough I'd want to sit like nine rows behind you and just tug on your ponytail you savage that's what I would do I'm flying too of course I'm interested hey let me help out before you yell at me [Applause] isn't your idol Richard Pryor everybody all right let's oh no you don't either Richard Pryor come on good to see you I'm asking a guitar player if he likes Hendrix I mean he's the man all right see how I do that you just asked me a question all of a sudden I make it uncomfortable would you speaking to the mic make sure you're speaking to the mic there you go you're whatever Incognito you're an enigma what because I make a pie no you know what it is you're not a good listener you've known me for 10 years you have no idea who I am it's all about comedy with you and moving up the ladder and pushing people a lot of people think that uh they're uncomfortable with my uh my um elevation are you uncomfortable with it no I just see all of your insecurities you know I've been on the same tour for this hour for almost over a year now um dude bands tour for like four years and then [ __ ] go right back in the studio make another one and keep going you gotta toughen up man yeah you're right huh you know what do I do camouflage hat looking like a [ __ ] Backwoods guy all tough and [ __ ] you can't handle doing your hour again I mean come on man suck it up I heard you have a terrible Theory and I want you to say this so your theory on Boston is let's just wait till LeBron's old you don't want to be aggressive in get players I didn't say that what did you get misinformation what did you say well why would you say I have a horrible Theory without checking with me first it's like you already threw me under the bus well I get it you got a big desk this dude is knocking it out of the park he's one of my favorites here is Bill Burr look at you how are you oh you did the audience of plaid Applause for everybody yeah there he is come on keep it going for him while people are talking about eating fake that was before and I want to be responsible for that [ __ ] I didn't but if the kid was in the flowers before will you shut up Jesus [ __ ] Christ I gotta tell you the Laker fans are even worse I can't stand them at least Yankee fans show up at the start of the game those Laker fans they show up in like the second quarter they get like Botox before they came down to the game oh no ouch but you like living in la I love yeah I love L.A and I also love I like living there I don't like their teams I hate the Jets I'm sick of people saying wrecks I'm sick of people saying Rex Ryan is confident he's not confident that guy cries himself to sleep with a Vata ice cream every night I'm not buying it I know you would laugh when you were [ __ ] yawning over here no the mushrooms you're killing me man I knew it wasn't just weed I was just like this no way I'm taking a hit off of that there's something going on here mushrooms baby the shrooms I'm streaming he's shrooming and he's wearing pants like he went riding a horse today like side saddle or some [ __ ] I'm just gonna tell you how I discovered you like you know I do all my whole career to you yeah I was struggling until then that discover you in terms of like you did it on your own obviously but no in terms of my my awareness of you oh can I tell you that story I remember it was a big day in my career Bobby Lee is finally aware of me am I on Bobby Lee's radar see this is what he's gonna do this is when things start to happen I'm not gonna allow this to that reverse I'm not yeah I'm not gonna allow this to happen very soon yeah yeah I'm just gonna plug away you know what I mean listen you can talk to him all you want I can hear it really is that is that you in action or is this another photo shoot yeah it's a photo shoot people do photo shoots yeah I know have you ever seen like a movie poster and you'll see a movie I have clearly five foot two yet somehow he's as tall as the super I have I have yeah that's that's a photo shoot no fixed stuff look I'm sorry you're just on the web man you you took it he took it to this place I'm not trying to [ __ ] on his website what is it called again huh we've never taken a break in the middle of a gas station I know I had all this momentum going I gotta start all over again go ahead go to the card see this we won game one here comes the second of the double header because the older guys Robert Kelly's and all they all call you Billy Colin calls you Billy but I [ __ ] Bill I'm just immediately noticing that I don't know about the chain if it's if it's thick enough to be that warm that level of confidence yeah but it's more of a necklace I love that you have the jib camera for this like it's an action movie let's let's swoop in at these two guys sitting in these unbelievably small chairs I literally feel like I'm gonna fall out of the floor this is insane you really went all out with the audience though they got full-size adult chairs a clouded mine jeopardized [Music] I can't forget but what you said look at Billy where are you you look like a [ __ ] my stupid headphones to work here some that'll work let me see if these ones will work hold on a second no they work good my headphones aren't working for me though oh okay it's about me Nick it's not about you here here we go hey this is South Side Steve and this is South Side Steve TV and this is Bill Burr that's your question I'm just saying who you are oh yeah all right I don't let you creep me out with that big microphone that country western shirt oh no this is a country western it's like it's hip now to wear this this is my nightclub luck yeah come on all right this is this is I guess this is the internet right you just sort of just throw it out there I just throw it out there I figure you're a funny guy and I'm out there I'll throw it out there too well here's the deal Bill's a comedian he's at the punch line he's in town and you're a funny guy you've got these routines in your head so I figure I toss you a mic and you go and I'm gonna do stand up in front of nine people in a radio station no I'm not doing that when you're taking the fun out of South Side Steve TV I'll take uh how about I give you five bucks and I want to watch you line dance and you're I'm a racist so your Christian background is is part of the the show yes and I wanted to talk to you about Jesus after this well the only reason why I bring it up is some people thought maybe you went a little too far you know as far as what well they thought that maybe you were being disrespectful to the Christian religion I'm telling you you need to Google oh good lord just you you were just having fun with some of the crucifixes and stuff like that I don't even know what I mean we did maybe two jokes about that yeah exactly don't you think the Catholic Church went a little too far yeah more so than my cartoon all right listen you're not full of jokes I know this is a morning show you can't bring up all those crimes you know what technically this they just sort of kept moving them around you know like those killer whales at SeaWorld after it kills a trainer they'll then move it up to Seattle they don't give them their background all right I'm not totally following it but I don't think I know what I'm talking about it's a Morning Show I understand yeah that kid was missed the graduation and then it was a feel-good story and we want to leave if you want to feel good about America you watch the morning shows you don't watch this you know and one was joking earlier if that kid's story about the graduation was late night that would have been a whole different story what do you think he's still missing we can't find him all we found was his hat but you watch in the morning it's great it all worked out he got his own personal graduation like I was in such a great mood look how yellow this couch is it's like the Sun but do you like my mic no I don't I don't please is that comfortable is this uncomfortable this is yeah no don't man honestly can I can I take the mic sure no that's number the number one thing you don't do as I learned that in broadcasting School you never give up the microphone see now I have the power this Bob Barker thing yeah you're uh what is this rock 10 100.5 this is the worst interview I've ever done and he's wearing Stetson cologne or something it's just really over overpowering you know what he looks like he looks like the first guy who gets his ass kicked in a Steven Seagal movie no the background guy behind the uh the big Kingpin why don't you handle this
Channel: LaughPlanet
Views: 5,629,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bill burr, bill burr roasting people, roast, trolling, funny, comebacks, insults, Bill Burr Roasting People To Their Face, hilarious, savage, funniest moments, best of bill burr, bill burr roast, women, joe rogan, mike tyson, interview, bill burr savage moments, laugh planet, laughplanet
Id: zfnkvAlC_y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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