Bill Burr Obliterates Bully Comedian (with no wussy narrator)

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[Applause] goes by the name of jesse rothenberg [Music] doing a great job pat thank you i think you could do me a favor for this trip which is part of the joke if you could like stand up and salute me real quick just do it okay oh thanks so much that's really nice of him uh it's also why i think donald trump might become president just compliment someone put it in the context of a joke and an idiot will make a fool of himself wow it's a really casual set for you okay that was 47 seconds when you asked but it's one minute now let's just put an end to this that was an interesting way to get to that trump thing you made path through that whole thing didn't you kind of [ __ ] him with the music on the way up yeah he's gonna suck you know so it's not like a fade i didn't notice it at all so okay it didn't yeah it didn't throw him off it was it was gonna be that bad no matter what he was like i tried man i tried to get you another swing well you did 47 seconds but with the laughs it was 47 seconds where are you from uh philadelphia originally oh dogs from philly oh yeah amazing thank you how long have you been on them um like a year in here in l.a yeah what do you do for work i'm an analyst like a data analyst [ __ ] what people buy at the company so it's just like numbers now that bit what if pat wasn't there what would you you wouldn't have done that bit right so you just kind of just did it i wouldn't have done i would have done this to the whole crowd instead of just him because like you guys make fun of them it might work a little bit you would have made them all stand up and salute you yeah i would pick one guy you know what he's saying i don't know maybe not one guy i've done that we were [ __ ] on him he thought it would work it didn't work oh it happens a lot jesse just uh took a real time [Applause] [Music] try to bring it up here i love it jesse uh you did so bad one of our guests is about to quit oh there's a negative lining tony will find it there it is right between the ray of sunshine so i'm riding hard i love it uh let's move on maybe somebody will do better than just [Applause] i'm excited about this i hope to god somebody does okay because the pressure is on now put your hands together creative environment
Channel: WonderWhaz
Views: 983,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B6kmVSg-dec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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