We Forgot How to English (Jackbox: Blather 'Round)

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(inspirational triumphant music) - [Angry Guy] Shut up! - All right. This is a person. - Okay. - They're an old, incredible somebody. - John Stamos. - They are known for the painting. - Da Vinky. (laughing) (light warm tune) (bell rings) - Guys, hi. - Oh my God, hi! - Hi! - Hi Olivia! - Hi Olivia! - Hi Olivia! Wow. - Whoa, did you get a haircut? - Yeah. - Oh. - We've been, we've been hanging out all day today and you just noticed. - Didn't notice, was looking at your biceps. - Ooh. (boing) - Today, we're playing Jackbox 7. We're playing the new game, Blather 'Round. Basically, it's a game where all of us are gonna get like some sort of like prompt and just a name of a thing or a person or a place. And then we get like weird type of sentences that we have to describe it to everyone. And everyone has to just guess, they get to keep guessing till someone gets it right. - Yeah, it gives us lots of different options of words to basically use every word except for the words in the prompt. - You'll understand it very quickly. - And we get to guess whatever we want. - That's right. - Curse words allowed! - Curse words are allowed, it does read them out. It's very fun, it's a good time. And it's really fun 'cause Spencer's probably gonna, you're gonna edit this, right? - So everyone writes balls a lot. - I'm gonna pay someone on Fiverr to do it. (laughing) - Can I type in like people's cell phone numbers and stuff? - If you want, if you guys- - Eight, six, seven, five, three, oh, nine. - If you subscribe, the one thing you won't do is regret it. - Ooh. - Oh. All right, here we go! - All right, choose your little thing! - Choose from your first prompt to table prompts. - Don't be afraid to do the easy one either. (laughing) I didn't, but- - I knew exactly what I wanted. - [Game] Now you're going to craft a sentence that describes your prompt. Pick words to build a sentence describing your prompt and then tap submit when you're finished. (phones tapping) Oh, and you can choose more than one (bleep)er in each- - What the hell? - Way to fricking create it. - Oh, dang it, I didn't realize you could pick more than one. - Yeah. - Oh, me neither. - Pick more than what? - Word in your- - In the categories- - Oh, (bleep), oh! - Yeah, so you can just select as many as you want- - F(bleep). - I think until it stops you, I guess. - We've hindered ourselves. - Shayne, you're first! - it's a story about wonderful trio. - Oh. - That means everyone in- - [Game] "Three Amigos," "Three Musketeers." While you guess- - "Three Amigos," it's gonna be wrong. - [Game] Kardashians. - "Charlie's Angels!" - Yeah! Only one clue, dude, one clue! - But what about? - How did you, I thought Courtney would get that. - But what about Bosley? - Damn. - Elizabeth Banks. - Bosley is expendable. - Bill Murray, Bernie Mac. - Sarah, the category is place. It's a useful place. - It's an useful place. - It's an useful place. - It's an useful place? - [Game] DMV, Target, bathroom, Skyrim- - Skyrim? - Skyrim. - Very useful. Okay, it's where look down on the pair. (laughing) - Like the pier? - [Game] Shoe store, shoe store. - Ah, the girls guessed shoe store. It's a lot like shoe store! So much ref! - Sock store, so much ref. - Oh my gosh. - Oh, get it? - Foot Locker. - Yeah! - Oh (bleep). - Goddammit! - No, I literally just typed- - I (bleep)ing put that in! - Oh! - Me too! - But you weren't quick enough! (laughing) I'm wearing Nikes that I got at Foot Locker! (laughing) - So much ref, that's real smart. - This is (bleep)in' bull(bleep). (laughing) - He's gonna edit like idiot, and like dumb idiot! - Olivia and Courtney got some points. - All right, read your thing out loud, Spencer. - No. - Go. - (bleep) you. (laughing) - It's a story about a fantastic concept. - Love. - Okay. - [Game] The Founder, "Oceans 11-" - It is a curious- - "The Incredibles." - And a curious specimen, kind of. There are curious specimens, I'm trying to help you guys out. They're specimens. - I was so sure it was "E.T." - It is kinda similar to "E.T." Whoa, it's a- - "Flubber." - Whoa, an unusual TV. - It's kind of specific. - [Game] It's kinda similar to Stranger Things. - I am so blanking. - So it's sci-fi. - If you guys don't get it with this one. - [Game] The hero is related to the conspiracy. - Oh, what is that show with that guy, the old woman? What is it called again? I literally was just watching it, it's an old show, right? An old show? - [Sarah] (laughing) She's working outside the video game! - No. - What is it? - [Game] Some episodes are kinda like "Sixth Sense." - It's not like the McLaughlin guy? - It's not Twin Peaks. - No, the other one. - It is the other one. (laughing) - It's other one, I know, hey guys, chill, I know this one, it's not Twin Peaks, it's- (bleep), I can't think of it. - [Spencer] This is on you guys at this point. - Oh, I know, I know, it's called the the ex- - Experiment? - 10 seconds left, guys. - I got it. - It's The X-Files. - Aw. - Oh! - Oh! - Well, you gave it to her! - No. - No, I knew it. - Wow. - That's good. - Well, wow. - Wow. Damn, we're dumb. Courtney! - Oh God, I go- - Me, 80 years old, The Outer Limits! - (laughing) Yeah! - Tis a person and they're a clever individual. - [Game] They're a clever individual. Einstein, Sherlock, Conan, Pink Panther, Sherlock, Epstein- (laughing) - No! - Jesus. - All right, I'm just gonna put Einstein again. - You're gonna censor that, Spencer. - No, I'm not. (laughing) - Censor Spencer. - James Bond. - They look down on the betrothal! - [Game] They look down on the betrothal. - Oh. - Carmen San Diego. - I have no idea what the (bleep) a betrothal means. - The king, the queen. - When we're getting married, right? I am betrothed to you like to be wed? - [Game] Young Pope, the Pope. (laughing) - The Young Pope, the old pope! - [Game] Mother in law, Jesus. - Mercutio! - They're nothing like the king. - [Game] Pastor, the queen, Carrie Bradshaw. (laughing) - Oh my God! None of these. - He's so fictional! - He's so fiction- - Sarah, Sarah, what were we doing there? - What? - Spaghetti and pasta. - No, I didn't say that. - I wrote spaghetti. - Oh, you wrote spaghetti. - Yeah, why did I write spaghetti? - 'Cause I heard pastor. So I thought- - Oh, he! - He! They're more famous than Shayne. (laughing) - It's almost over, keep guessing. - Anyone. (laughing) - Quite bad, guys. - Frick! It didn't let me, it finally he was giving me actual words to help with this specific person. - Aladdin! - Oh! - Dude, it finally gave me like things like area rug and stuff like that. - Area rug! - All right, this category is a place, it's a delicious land. - It's a place. - Oh. - Off you go! Candyland, Candyland- (laughing) - (bleep) you guys, I got it first! - [Game] Cheesecake Factory. (laughing) Willy Wonka, my ass. (laughing) - I'm giving you categories to help- - Baseball, presenter, let's go! - Why so many Italy? - Eataly! (laughing) - I love Eataly. - So much salt! - So much salt. - What? - Is it Bucca de Beppo? - I hope it is. - Olive Garden. - [Game] Bucca de Beppo, Outback Steakhouse. (laughing) - Hold up! - Bucca de Beppo! - Bucca de Beppo! - Bucca de Beppo! (laughing) - TGIFridaya! - TGIFridaya! - Spelled wrong. - Utah. (laughing) - Salt Lake City! - Ooh, not bad. - It has the same vibe as Chilis. - [Game] It has the same vibe as Chilis. - Oh. - Oh, oh, oh. - Here you go. This place has a tacky Hawaiian shirt. - Oh, oh, oh! - Goddammit! - Oh, I don't know the name! - Dammit. - (bleep)! - Margaritaville! - I've never been there. - I got confused 'cause I think someone said it, but they misspelled it earlier. - I didn't, I never saw that pop up. - It's cause of the vibe more than anything. - I only know 'cause of the song. - Oh my gosh. - I know it's like a margarita's. - That's a good one. - Yeah, the same vibe as Chilis, 'cause I feel like you get like- - That's a tough one. - That's good. - Yeah, good job. - That was, that was tough. - All right, all right. - It's a dark place. - Here we go. - A dark place. - Ah, (bleep)! (laughing) - My ass. - Literally as I submitted it. Azkaban, Shayne's ass. - [Game] It's way you get merch from the piercing. - From the piercing? It's where you get merch from the piercing? - Yup, yup, I know, I know. Oh (bleep), can I type? Lemme type! - Oh, oh, oh! Yes! (groaning) - It didn't let me type! - I knew, I knew Ian had it too. - Ah, I had, I had it, was just put the C down. - It was like the text thing wasn't working. - I was thinking Hollister 'cause it's dark in there. - True. - It was either gonna be Hot Topic or Claire's but I knew it had to be Hot Topic. - Yeah, I couldn't think of the word, Claire's. - Good job, Olivia! - Merch from the piercing! - [Game] Just so you know, I calculated all of this by hand. - Dammit. You're beating me by a weird amount of points. - I suck, dudes. - [Game] These round two prompts are juicy, you lucky ducks! - You lucky ducks! - You lucky ducks! - Finished, I did it. - I did it! - I got it, I did it! - I did it! - I did it! - Gotcha. - I made a choice! (laughing) I did it! That's what I said at the polls. I made a choice! - I don't know about you guys. - That's what I said at my wedding. - Oh God, all right. - An old, inspiring individual. (laughing) - Let's do this. - RBG? - God. - Oh! - [Game] Dumbledore, Pope, Al Gore- - Renowned for the womanhood experience. It's not Ruth Bader Gin- - Oh, it's, I just forgot her name, I just blanked. - [Game] Mother Theresa, Harriet Tubman, Oprah. Gale. - Gale? (laughing) - [Game] They're kinda similar to Harriet Tubman. - Oh. - Oh. - She's so airy! - She's so airy! - Oh! - That was quick. - Oh, oh, oh, duh. - F(bleep), f(bleep) this game! - Yeah! - And you spelled it right. - And I spelled it so wrong! - I'm going home after this! - I don't think I would've spelled that correctly. - I didn't spell it right. - I was gonna throw an N in there. - You didn't spell it right? - No, I did 'Airhart,' A-I-R. - Wow, okay, so it's- - You dumbass. (laughs) - Sounds like a loser to me. - The womanhood experience. - Yeah, I was just grabbing words to like tell if it's a woman who had a crazy life. - All right, they're a fictional- - [Game] Fictional entity device. - Entity device? Is this a person or a thing? - Person. - Oh, so it's a person. - [Game] They have lots of computing. - They're fictional- - Mother. - [Game] They're kinda similar to "Wall-E." - Ooh. - [Game] Rob, Eva. - Ah, I was so close. - [Game] He's so futuristic beefy! - Oh. - What? - Oh my gosh. - [Game] They're kinda similar to "Bicentennial Man." - Oh my God. - Dammit, this is hard. - "Chappie," it's not "Chappie?" - That's "Chappie." (laughing) - [Game] Is "Chappie?" - Is "Chappie?" - [Game] They're a lot like robots. - Come on, what is it? Da Vinky? (laughing) - And they are the- - Oh! - Oh, oh! - Yes! - I was so close! - Wow, geez! - We keep all getting it- - I saw you, I saw you go like- And I was like- (laughing) - That last second is like- (groans) - Every time now I've gotten it, I can tell someone else gets it the exact same time. - I saw you in my periph, like- (panicking) (laughing) - No, no, no, no! - Gonna start slapping people's phones. - I'm doing the next round. - I'm not close to doing it! - [Game] They're a youthful colorful community. - A youthful colorful community. - Community. - Community. - Da Vinky? - Da Vinky? - Barcelona. - Dammit! - [Game] They are in a game about the eating. They're kinda similar to Trolls. Anthony Bourdain, Smurfs, (laughing) Minions, Smurfs, "Wreck-It-Ralph." They're so upbeat! - Damn. - It's not Trolls? - It's not Minions? - It's not Trolls, it's not Minions. - [Game] They would be friends with Mario. - Mm. - Luigi, Yoshi. - Yoshi's good. - Kirby, Goombas. - Oh, oh, oh- - Donkey- (shouting) - Yeah! - Eating, eating! - I wasn't even close to getting that one. - Yeah, I did not think, I was not in the video game realm at all. - Good job, Olivia! - That's good. - Hearts. - I hope you guys in the audience are just screaming at us for being idiots. - Yeah. - And not getting these things sooner. - All right, this is a person. - Okay. - They're an old, incredible somebody. - [Game] John Stamos, Morg- - They are known for the painting. - [Game] They are known for the painting. Oprah, Da Vinky. (laughing) - We suck! - Frida Kahlo? - Yeah! - Wow! - Frida Kahlo! - Dude, Shayne, you're destroying this game. - No, that was Olivia. - Olivia, did buy it? - Wow. - Shayne. - Nice job, Olivia! - Shayne, great job, Shayne. - Dang, that was really good! - We were close though. - It didn't even say like she or anything like that? - Yeah. - I had a feeling. - They picked place! - Place! - Is it Robocop? - It's a massive, shiny, vibrant place. - [Game] Here we go! New York. - I wanna get it on like the first guess. - I know, right? - That would be so cool. - [Game] Apple Store, Dubai, Robocop's robo cock, Epcot. (laughing) - I want it to say it again, submit that again, I wanna hear it. - Then I have to blur it again. (laughing) (shouting) - Tokyo! - Wow! - Wow! - I was like New York, what else is a fricking shiny (bleep) place? - Damn. - That's amazing. - Hell yes! - She's got this one, this is your calling. Guessing dumb sh(bleep). (laughing) - This category's a person. - Person. - [Game] Hulk, Harry Potter, Mickey Mouse- - Jessica Alba? (laughing) She was one of the, she was in the "Fantastic Four." - She's real. - What? (laughing) - No, that's wrong, ignore that, ignore that. - What? - What? - They squeak at the daddy? - Just ignore that. (laughing) I just couldn't help myself. - Oh no. - They're so jazzy old fashioned perky! - And Thomas nasal? - [Game] We can all agree, we loved that sentence. Ian, what the hell? - What the hell? (laughing) Oh. - [Game] They're kinda similar to Mickey Mouse. Minnie Mouse, Minnie, Chicken Little- - They are a hot there, they're known for the high-pitched lady. - [Game] Known for the high-pitched lady. - What? - They're a high-pitched lady. - What? - Wow! - Betty Boop, Betty Boop! - You old mother(bleep)er. - Boop, boop, be doop! - Oh, you mean they squeak at the daddy, like that that guy- - Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that makes sense. - That actually does make sense. - Yeah, that was really, really good. - Ooh! - Ooh! - Ooh! I love Betty Boop, I'm just outta control now. - Yeah. - I don't know anything about Betty Boop. - Dude, people who love, love Betty Boop are weird as sh(bleep). - I don't love Betty Boop. - Yeah, they're weird, yeah, yeah. - Probably got like 5,000 Betty Boop tattoos. - Yeah, everyone who loves Betty Boop loves Betty Boop. - Yeah, no, people with like the merch. - Controversial opinions. - Ah, they're a glorious deceased- - [Game] They're a glorious deceased good somebody. Here we go again. Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Santa. They are famous for the painting. - Da Vinky. - Da Vinky? - Dammit, oh my God! - Da Vinky? (shouting) - We literally typed Da Vinky, no way! - I was writing Van Gogh. (laughing) - I was like, there's no way it could be Da Vinky. - How many of you accepted, I wrote it as a joke! - It's anybody's game, I can't tell who's winning. Da Vinky? (bleep), me too. - Did you like sh(bleep) yourself when you saw it? - Yeah, I was like, oh! - It is a helpful device. - It's a helpful device. Here we go again. - No, I can't. (laughing) - [Game] GPS, iPad. It guides the circle. - I know it sounds weird, but- - Cimpass! - Are you kidding me? - A cimpass! - She got it right! - Whoa! (clapping) Whoa! - Cimpass! - Did it say cimpass? - Yeah! (laughing) - I spelled it wrong. - You have a cimpass? - And it accepted it! - Amazing, amazing. - Wow, Olivia! Whoa. - Wow. - Wow! - Yay! (clapping) - Well done, well done, you really came in close to the grid. - My neck hurts from being so locked in. - Hey guys, you remember when it, when I went, Da Vinky? (laughing) - Ew. - I thought it was smarter. - I really wanna keep playing and just putting in weird words to hear it. - Ah, yeah, somebody should've wrote. humuhumunukunukuapuaa. (laughing) - Or supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! - What the (bleep), Ian? What the (bleep)? That's from the (bleep)in' enchanted tiki room! - That's the fish, it's the fish, it's the state fish of Hawaii! - It's Hawaii's state fish! She knows, how do you not know that? - I was thinking the tiki, it's the tiki room. - The tiki room! - Yeah, they sing a bunch of stuff. That's when the walls start singing. - [Sarah] Yeah, there are songs. - Hey guys, do you love the humuhumunukunukuapuaa? So do we! That's why we have lot in common and we think you would also enjoy our two videos right here. Two videos! - All you gotta do is click one of 'em and it'll take you there. - And you will not be disappointed! - One would say you should swim over to the video! - Swim on over! - Like a humuhumunukunukuapuaa! - Hey Sarah. - Spell it. - [Both] H-U-M-U-N-U-K-U-K-U-A- - N-U-K-U-A-P-U-A! - Bitch! - I want, I want this to stop. - [Sarah] That is incorrect!
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 521,859
Rating: 4.9695716 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, We Forgot How to English (Jackbox: Blather 'Round), jackbox, jackbox games, blather round, smosh games jackbox
Id: PEtdkDUdAI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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