Betrayal at the House on the Hill! (Board AF)

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- I'm gonna die. - What's your might? - Not high enough. - You better get more than a five, Sarah. - Man! - [Iffy] You about to be dead, baby. - Sarah, no! - Wow. (dramatic music plays) - Guten Tag, gamers! This is one of my favorite games of all time. Betrayal at House on the Hill. We're basically the Scooby Gang but among us lies a traitor. Who is it gonna be? Well, let's build this game board, and let's find out! A group of characters work together to explore a haunted house full of omens, items, and events, while also trying to increase or maintain four attributes, might, speed, knowledge, and sanity. Eventually depending on the dice roll the haunting begins, and one of the team members becomes a traitor and must haunt and battle against the other players. The players are gonna have their own goals to win the game at this point but so does the traitor player. Oh, and remember those character attributes? So, if any of them drop to zero, you die. Whoever can accomplish their set of goals first wins. We do new Board AFs every week, so why not subscribe? We would love to show you what we got, and you don't have to hunt down the video then in that case. - Punch the bell. Punch the bell. - So, we have these different characters here with different stats, and we're gonna look at their speed stat, and that's how many spaces we're able to move in here. As we open up a door that doesn't have a room yet, we go to this pile, we pull one that matches the floor we're on like ground floor here. We got that. - There's a lot going on here. If you guys are confused, don't worry. So are we! We're going to explain as much as we can as we go through the whole thing. Do we want to introduce ourselves? - I don't know about you, but I'm an old pro at this. - [Matt] Oh, all right? - I've played this plenty times before. - Jackie's setting herself up for chaos. - Yeah, no I'm pretty good at this game. - You are. You're gonna be just fine. So, do you guys wanna introduce yourselves as your characters? - Sure! - Yes, I'll start. I am Professor Longfellow. My sanity is low but my knowledge is high! - My name is Ox Bellows. (bell rings) My knowledge might be low but my sanity is also low and also so is my speed, but I'm strong! - My name is Missy Dubourde. I'm just a little girl. I'm nine years old. My daddy's a senator. I'm no stranger to death. He's a crooked one. (Sarah laughs) - You chose that character. - You always play, you said, "I always play this character." - I always play Missy Dubourde. She's the best, dude! She's very spoiled. - [Sarah] All right, Jackie? - Hey, what's up? I'm Jenny LeClerc. I'm 21, I'm 5'7", I'm 5'8" on Wednesdays, and I'm really happy to be here. I'm just, like, in the middle. I'm like a three, a four, a four and a three, most of the times. But we'll see if I talk like this the whole time. Who knows? - [Sarah] You're triggering me. - I think we gotta abandon Jenny. I'm just sayin'. - She's the LA person. - The haunt is, like, so scary. - You move to LA from Minnesota. You're like, "So scary." - So scary. - Iffy. - What's up, y'all? I'm Brandon Jaspers. I'm 12 years old. Like computers, camping. Y'all are dorks. I've totally had sex. (everyone laughs) I'm pretty fast, but I'm strong too 'cause I got the hands, and I wear my hats backwards 'cause I like hiphop. - Whoa, Brandon! - I'm imagining literally you, like, with torn, like, 12 year old clothing being like, "Yes, I am a little boy." (everyone laughs) - And I'm Madame Zostra. (Sarah laughs) And I will get a kiss out of everyone today. - And you smell like old people and perfume. - That's because those are the most kissed things I kiss. (Sarah laughs) - I'm watching the stream, and I just wanted to point out that Matt and Sarah are slowly turning into Team Rocket. - Oh my god! - [Damien] Funny as (beep) - Slowly? - I need to bring my cats to work and be like- (cat meows) Well thanks, Shayne, for that. - Bye, Shayne! - So, the first thing that we do in order to determine who goes first, we look at our character sheets. Whose birthday is coming up the soonest? - Funny you should say that, Damien, 'cause my birthday's today. - It's the character's. - Oh, damn it! - [Sarah] You're October 18. - Mine's December 10th. - [Damien] I think it's Tommy, right? - Yes. - All right, Tommy, you go up first. - Okay, I have a movement of three, so I'm going to move. I'm going this way. - [Damien] So, he adds that to the house in a way that makes sense. - [Matt] We're building a house. - [Tommy] However, there is a little spiral thing which means I draw a card which means my turn ends. - [Damien] Your turn ends after we do the event thing. He doesn't get to move anymore if you draw a card. - [Tommy] I'm this little lady. - [Damien] You sure are. And it's what room, Tommy? - [Matt] I like that blue. It's a good blue. - [Damien] It's the organ room. - Dry lips. Dry lips for dry kisses. "Mystic slide." (everyone laughs) - Your voice! - I'm gonna read the events like me. "The floor falls from under me." - Oh! "Place the slide token in this room, "then attempt a might roll to use the slide." - Tommy, what is your might number? - It's four. - [Damien] Here's four dice to do that roll. - I mean, the slide sounds fun though. - It does sound fun. - I would love a house with a slide. - That is a five. Five plus. I control the slide! (Matt gasps) "Put yourself on any explored room "on any floor below the slide." - So, that's only the basement. You gotta do the basement landing. - [Tommy] Then that's where I go. - Sarah, you're up. - All right, I get to move four, and I'm this professor. - [Matt] Stay in character! - I'm gonna go into the foyer. - [Matt] You chose this. - [Sarah] And then I will go over here in the conservatory. - [Damien] Oh. - [Sarah] And I got a little event card. - You sure did. - I have one of those sicknesses where your voice gets old but then it goes really young. All right. (Matt laughs) Funeral! "You see an open coffin. "You're inside of it! "You must attempt a sanity roll." And if I get four, I blink and it's gone. If I get two to three, the vision disturbs me and I lose a sanity point. And I'm already not doing well. - It's probably 'cause you're old and you're like, "Damn, I'm about to die." - I need to do four plus. And I did three, so then I lose one sanity, and I am to three. - If this reaches zero in the haunting phase, your character dies. If any stat does that. - [Sarah] If any stat? - So, you can dumb yourself to death? - [Damien] Correct. - Then I'm there. - It's my turn. So, I have a speed of four. Two, three. And let's see where the upstairs do. - Okay, so our first upstairs room is the- - Creaky hallway. Creak. - Okay, so nothing happens. My name is Missy Dubourde. I've got five movement tokens. My father's a senator. He owns a pontoon boat. Okay, so I'm gonna go one, and let's see. I need a normal ground floor. This one will work. A statuary corridor. And I get an event. What's in this? Oh, it's the something slimy. "What's around your ankle? "A bug? "A tentacle? "A dead hand clawing?" - [Matt] Bowl of spaghetti? - "You must attempt a speed roll." I need to get above a four. I didn't! - [Matt] You got a two. - No, I got a three. So, I lose one might. All right, it's your turn, Jackie. - Okay, it's my turn. So, my speed is four, so I'm gonna move four. I just wanna explore this. - Really? - Yeah, no honestly commit. - One. I think I'm gonna go this way. Two. I'm on the ground floor. I'm gonna put this one down. Oh, wow, the game room! - [Matt] Yeah, games! - That's cool! Oh, and there's a little spiral. That's a little event. I'm gonna read it now 'cause I'm Jenny! "Footsteps. "The floorboards slowly creak. "Dust rises. "Footprints appear on the dirty floor. "And then, as they reach you, they are gone!" So, I'm gonna roll one time, and then I'll tell you what happens. - [Matt] Okay. - Nothing. (everyone laughs) Okay, I rolled a zero. Which means "each explorer loses one point "from a trait of his or her choice." Oopsies. - Wait, each explorer in the room or just explorer in general? - "Each explorer loses one point "from a trait of his or her her choice." - The (beep) Jenny! - Whoa, Jenny! - I just came to LA to, like, pursue my dreams. - I hate you! - Legit, let's kill Jenny. - All right, so I'm gonna lose one knowledge. - I'm gonna lose one knowledge as well. - Ox can't get stupider. - I lost one sanity. Sorry, guys. - These virgins left me in the room all by myself. (everyone laughs) Where do I go? Do I follow the hot chick, the weird chick, or the loud chick, or that old dude? I think I'm going upstairs with my bro. - Okay, just a reminder that the kisses are not sexual. - Oh yeah. (Damien laughs) - Well, I'm in the basement. It's anyway I want to go, so I'm gonna go this way first. - [Damien] Oh, it's the crypt! - [Tommy] I'll never move more than once. - So, this is a rare occasion where there's a symbol and text. You do the symbol first, and then you read the text. - [Jackie] Yikes. - [Sarah] Here you go. - Thank you. We both have very similar voices. - [Sarah] Yes. - "Phone call. "A phone rings in the room. "You feel compelled to answer it. "Roll two dice." Two! Hello? And then on the line, "I'm here, Sweetums. "Give us a kiss!" - Are you serious? - It was made for you! - What are the odds? - Are you serious? - "Take one die of mental damage." - And so, in addition to that if you end your turn here, you take one point of mental damage which is unfortunate because you have to. - You getting dumb dumb like me. - I get my kiss and I lose my mind. - [Damien] Take two points of mental. - Two points of mental damage. - So, mental counts as, like, it could be sanity or knowledge. And physical is speed and might. So, they get to sort of choose. - I'm just gonna do two on knowledge. - You're done. - I have four moves. Three. - [Damien] Ooh, ground floor is growing. - [Sarah] It's a bloody room! - It's a bloody room! A bloody room! - And Sarah gets our first item of the game. - I get an item. Armor. - [Damien] You got the armor? - "It's just prop armor from the Renaissance fair, "but it's still metal. "Any time you take physical damage, "take one less point of damage." - That's great! - "The item cannot be stolen." - That's your turn. I still have a movement of four. I'm gonna keep going. - Our first omen! - Ooh! - Ooh! - Spooky spooky! - It's a charred room. "Medallion. "You're immune to the effects of the pentagram chamber, "the crypt and the graveyard. "Make a haunt roll now." - So, the haunt roll is how you know whether the second phase of the game is about to start or not. Basically, Matt has drawn one omen card, so there's only one omen card in play. I'm gonna roll six dice. If I get less than a one, the haunt starts. And we'll go from there. But usually with just one- - What are the odds? - [Sarah] What are the odds? - Pretty good. - [Sarah] Whoa, you did a lot. - So, we're good. I'm gonna be continuing on. My dad's a senator. He killed a man. All right, let's go. I've got a movement of five, so one. Mystic elevator. This is a great one! So, once per turn you can roll two dice and move this room to any open door on. Let's see, we're gonna go to. So, three. Upper floor! So, I'm gonna be going upstairs. - Oh, it's like a elevator you can go anywhere. - I'm gonna go three. This is the junk room. So, the junk room I've got an omen to start. Please be bite, please be bite. (Damien groans) This is actually way better. Holy symbol. - Holy symbol! - Holy symbol! "A symbol of calm," excuse me burps, "in an unsettling world." I gain two sanity now. But I lose two sanity if I ever happen to lose the holy symbol. Goes away. Okay, we're good on the omen. So, we're set! - Oh my god, my turn? Okay. I still have four speed. Okay, so I'm just gonna start moving, just see what else is on this ground floor, okay? One. Okay. - Everyone else's ears are bleeding, but it's not part of the mansion. (Sarah laughs) - I'm in the kitchen. (Jackie gasps) And I got a little bird! - Oh my god, all the omen cards are in a row. This is awful. - Oh, skull. A skull cracked and missing teeth. "If you take mental damage, "you can take all of it as physical damage instead. "Make a haunt roll now." - Skull is a bad omen though, legit. - Okay, we got five so we're good. Iffy. - I'm trying to get up out of here. Everyone's trying to leave me. I'm gonna go this way. - Upper. - Balcony. - Oh, another omen. "Ring. "A battered ring with an incomprehensible inscription. "If you attack an opponent that has a sanity trait, "you can attack with sanity instead of might. "Your opponent then defends with sanity, "and the damage is mental instead of physical." - [Damien] That's pretty cool. - "Make a haunt roll now." - [Matt] All right, haunt roll. - [Damien] It has to be four or higher. - [Matt] Four or higher. - One, two, three, four, five. That was close. - Madame. - Madame Zostra's holding the phone, hoping for that old woman to come back. Second kiss, please. Okay, I can move three. I can go anywhere. We're gonna go hup hup. - Hup hup. - Hup hup. - Hup hup. - You doing burpees? - I am in the storeroom. "Pickpocket's gloves." (Sarah laughs) "When you are in the same room as another explorer, "you can discard this item to take any item "that explorer is carrying." Basically, I can steal if I want. - I'm going to go here. This hurts my voice. - You seem to be rambling more, the more insane she gets. - [Sarah] It is a patio. - [Damien] Nice. - "Grave dirt. "The room is covered in a thick layer of dirt. "You cough as it gets on your skin and your lungs. "Four, shake it off. "Zero to three, something is wrong. "Please take this card. "Take one point of physical damage "at the start of each of your turns." Well, I'm gonna die. - Yeah, I had that in a previous playthrough, and this may be the worst. - This is (beep) up. - What's your might? - Not high enough. - You better get more than five, Sarah. - (beep) being an old man! - [Iffy] You about to be dead, baby. (everyone laughs) - Sarah, no! - Wow. - I only have three might. I'm gonna die in three turns. - Well, you have speed! - Oh, anything physical. So, might and speed. Okay, so I have seven turns. - [Matt] Also don't forget you have armor. - She's terminal, let's be honest. (everyone laughs) - "Take one point of physical damage "at the start of each of your turns. "Discard this card if an item card increases one "of your traits or if you end your turn "in the balcony, gardens, graveyard, "gymnasium, larder, patio-" - [Matt] Oh wait, that's her. She's in there. - You don't take any damage! - Oh, thank god. - I was like that's too much of an auto death. - My goodness. - It's my turn now. One. I'm in the chapel. Going to the chapel, gonna get married. "Hanged men." - [Sarah] Oh no. - "A breeze chills the room. "Before you, three men hang from frayed ropes. "They stare at you with cold, dead eyes. "The trio swing silently, then fade into dust "that falls to the ground. "You start to choke." I must attempt to roll for each trait. - But look at the last thing. "If you roll a two or more on all four traits, "you can an additional point in the trait of your choice." (Matt gasps) - I'm gonna give it to intelligence. All right, I'll start with speed. Here we go. - [Damien] You're good. - I got a four! Might. - [Damien] You're good. - For sanity. Knowledge. That's also three. Me big dumb. Three! - So, now you get a point in whatever you want. - I wanna be fast! - Once per game if you end your turn here, gain one sanity. (Matt gasps) - Good for you. - I'm so sane and fast. - My name's Missy Dubourde. (mumbles) My dad's a senator. All right. "You must attempt a might roll of three plus "to leave this room. "If you fail, you lose one speed but continue moving." - You got this. - You got it. - Holy crap. - Damn it! One. This is upper still. The collapsed room. Oh no! This is the collapsed room. "You must attempt a speed roll of five plus "to avoid falling. "If you fail the roll, draw a basement tile "and put it in play. "You fall there and take one die of physical damage." - [Jackie] Dang, you went down to four. - One, two, three, four. I didn't get five. I fall into the gymnasium. I take one point of physical damage. I'm not doing so hot, y'all. - I'm doing great. - Maybe you should call your dad who's a senator. - I don't have cell reception. And then I draw an omen now. "Companion, a girl trapped alone. "You free her. "Gain one sanity and knowledge now." - Oh, good for you! - Good for you! - But my might stuff is killing me. Let's make the haunt roll now. If it's less than five, the haunt begins. Okay, that was close. - [Matt] Just made it. - Just made it. - [Matt] All right, let's keep 'xploring. - Last thing is once per game, if you end your turn here, gain one speed. Thank god. - This seems rigged. - It's rigged. - I'm on your team! - I'm doing great. - It's me Jenny again. I'm at speed four. Awesome. Okay, guess I gotta go this way. I'm on the patio. One, two. - [Damien] Ooh, the library. - Ooh, library. I like to read. So, I do the words first or the ico first? - Do the icon first. - Yeah, the event. That's what I thought. - Remember how you said you play this game a lot? - I've played this game so much, so I'm just making sure you guys are all on board. - She's never played before. - "Mists from the walls. "Mists pour out from the walls. "There are faces in the mist, human and inhuman. "Each explorer in the basement must attempt a sanity roll." The two ladies. - I got a four. - "The faces are tricks of light and shadows. "All is well." You good. - And... - Four, we did it! And you gain one knowledge. - Oh thank god. I needed it. - Don't you guys love how if you ever walk into a library, you just get smarter? - Brandon. - All right, let's get out of here. Let me find a statue with some big gazongas or something. (everybody laughs) One, tower. - [Matt] Like a booby tower? - [Sarah] What does it say? - "Groundskeeper. "You turn to see a man in groundskeeper clothing. "He raises his shovel and charges. "Inches from your face, he disappears, "leaving muddy footprints and nothing more." I must attempt a knowledge roll. - Now we gotta deal with a groundskeeper? - Groundskeeper Willie! - Three knowledge. You know, I read a lot of books. Electronic Gamer Monthly, Nintendo Power. Is he dead? Ah (beep) (everyone laughs) "The groundskeeper reappears "and strikes you in the face with the shovel." - [Sarah] No! - "The player on your right rolls a might four attack "for the groundskeeper. "You defend against the attack as normal." - [Damien] So, you get four as well. - All right, I hit you with the shovel. Let's see what happened. Four. - Luckily I have a weakling next to me. - [Matt] Got real good forearms for some reason. - [Sarah] So, you need to get more than four. - I'm so strong! - [Sarah] Yeah, you got a lot. - So, you don't take any damage. In fact, the groundskeeper does. (everyone laughs) He's the one normal employee here. He's just like, "I take great pride in my plants. "Oh my god!" - Remember that scene in "The Shining" where Danny just beat the (beep) out of him. (everyone laughs) - [Sarah] Good job, Brandon. Madame. - I'm going to move one, two, boop. Oh dear, there's two things on this. - [Jackie] Oh my. - There's a little blocked out thing. So, first you gotta do an event and then you have to attempt a knowledge roll to get passed the vault. But you have to do the event first. - "Lights out. "Your flashlight goes out. "Don't worry, someone else has batteries. "Keep this card. "You can move only one space each turn "until you end your turn in the same room "as another explorer." Great, well I've barely been moving anyway. Now, I get to do a roll, yes? - Yes, so you have to do a knowledge roll to see if you get in the vault. And the vault has two items. So, it has to be over six. What is your knowledge right now? - My knowledge is three, so this won't happen. - [Damien] It could! Tommy, watch, it's gonna happen. You're gonna get a six. You're gonna get a six, watch it. Watch it. - [Tommy] Nope. - [Matt] That's a two. - [Damien] That's almost a six. - [Matt] It's like a six. - Sarah, your turn. - Okay. I'm gonna have a Werthers Original. - Those are so good. - You know they were invented as candies that grandparents would give their kids. - [Damien] Really? Well, it worked. - [Iffy] That was great marketing. - And I got a dining room. - With an omen! Uh oh, we might have a haunt here soon. - "Spirit board. "A board with letters and numbers to call the dead. "Ouija board before you-" - Orgy board? Orgy board! - Orgy borgy. - "Before you move during your turn, "you can look at the top tile of the room stack. "Make a haunt roll now." - So, we gotta get six or less. - Six or less. - Yo, this might be it. This feels like we're about to party. - [Sarah] Do it here, Damien. - One, two, three, four. This is it! The haunt has begun! So, this is a major break in the game. This doesn't mean exploration stops. We're gonna continue filling out the house as we go, but I need the rule book. All right, so we got the dining room, and it was the spirit board, so it's scenario 40. That makes Matt the traitor. - No! (Sarah laughs) Every time. No matter what game we play. - So now, what Matt is gonna do is he's gonna look up scenario 40 on his own. Like, one room away, and we'll call him in when we're ready. - Get out! - We're gonna read scenario 40 for us. We're not gonna know what Matt's goal necessarily is, and he's not gonna know what our goal is. - "Buried alive. "The spirit board slides back and forth, "back and forth across the letters, "moving without anyone's aid. "Everyone stares in horrified fascination "as it spells out buried alive." - Oh no. - "Looking around you realize "that you haven't seen one of your friends "since you've entered this house. "Some twisted magic must have prevented you "from remembering. "If your friend really is buried alive, "you must find that person now. "The traitor has buried a non-player friend of yours "in a basement room." - So, let's just say it's Shayne or something. - Okay. Shayne got buried. "We win when you find and dig up Shayne "before Shayne dies." Okay, this is how we rescue Shayne. "Each time you move into a room, "you can search it by attempting a knowledge roll "of three plus in that room. "If you succeed at this roll, "ask the traitor, is Shayne here?" Great, this is more for me than y'all. (everyone laughs) "That player must answer truthfully. "You can search a room only once during your turn. "Once you've found the room, "you can attempt a might roll of four plus "in that room to help dig up the buried person. "Each time a hero succeeds, "put a might roll token in that room. "To save Shayne, the heroes need "to place a number of successful might rolls equal "to the number of players." - Okay, so we find Shayne, we find which room he's in. Then, we all have to get to that room. Then, we have to do our rolls. - Yes. And he's in a basement room, but we don't know what room it is. - Basement room? - "In a basement room." - There's only five, and we're basically there. I'll let you all know though, the traitor sometimes has their own stuff going on. So, we might be like we have to dig up Shayne, and it's like, you are the burial zombie lord. Summon six different burial zombies and hide them in the rooms. - I gotta tell you about the spirit board! Okay, "Hero with the spirit board can use it once "during each of his or her turns "until the burial room has been found. "When this happens discard the spirit board card. "When you use the spirit board to find the burial room, "you can't move or take any other actions that turn." - [Damien] Okay. - I have a secret! - I know you do. - I have a secret. - Oh nice. - The person to the left of the traitor starts. That is me. So, in this gymnasium room. And I have a knowledge of four, and I am gonna ask you in a second if Shayne is in here. So Matt, honestly is Shayne in the gymnasium? - He is not. - Okay. So, now I'm gonna use my moves to, I'm gonna go into the vault here. And I'm gonna try to do that knowledge roll here of six plus. - This is high. - One, two, three, four. I do not get it. Then I'll stay in this room. And then I'm done with my turn. - Now it's my turn. - [Sarah] Go to the basement. - Yep. Three, four. That feels good. - All right. Feels like there's a haunt going on. I gotta figure it out. Gonna forget about these boobies. And I'm gonna go over here. Three, four. I'm gonna try and use the mystery elevator to go to the basement. I have to get a one or a zero. Bad juju. - [Sarah] Bad juju? - Bad juju. I need the bad stuff. Oh (beep) - That's some good juju. - [Damien] That's as good as it can get. - Oh, four! Any floor! - [Jackie] Yay! - [Sarah] Madame? - Yes, I am going to stay in this room. I'm gonna do the roll for this room because then I'm gonna end my turn in this room, and then I can move more than one space. - [Sarah] No. - [Damien] So, we don't even get to ask. - I don't even get to ask. - But you get to see if you can somehow get three twos in a row to try to open the vault. - Hey! - [Damien] It's happened. No! That should've been the knowledge roll. - Okay, well. - Sarah, on you. - Since I have the spirit board, if I roll a seven plus, the traitor has to just tell us the room that he's in. Five to six though, I heal the buried person. The traitor is keeping track of how much damage the buried person has taken. - I am. - Attempt a sanity roll to find the burial room. - So, three? - Three. - Cool. - I can't do that. - [Damien] So, you can't get a seven. - You should try to give it to someone who's way more sane than you though. - The hero cannot voluntarily give it away, trade it, or drop it. (Sarah laughs) - That's unfortunate. - Then I will just move to the basement. - [Damien] Traitor's turn. - My turn! Don't call me traitor! All right, so I was playing dumb before, but I'm secretly an evil genius. Three, four. And now I'm done. - So now, I'm going to do a knowledge roll of four once again for this vault. - [Sarah] If you do three or more you can ask yes or no. - Matt, is Shayne in this room. - Where are you? - The vault. - No. - Okay, I'm gonna move onto the storeroom just to keep covering our distance. That ends my turn. I'm Missy Dubourde. - All right, Jenny. - All right. One, two, and I go down here? - Three is basement. - [Jackie] Three and then four? - [Sarah] Yeah, go there. - You did it! (Jackie laughs) - Is Shayne in the crypt? - He is in the crypt. (Jackie cheers) - We found Shayne! - "Once you fund the burial room, "you can attempt a might roll of four plus in that room "to dig up the buried person." - [Jackie] Do I have to do the dialogue thingy on here? - You do take one of those damages. For the rest of us, we're probably gonna have to pop in, do the might roll, and pop out. Otherwise we take one damage each time. - Who would've thought to bury a body in the crypt? Ay dios mio! - One, two, three. Let's roll might. - [Sarah] So, you need a four plus. - I'm a strong boy. - [Sarah] This works. I've seen Iffy do this a lot. It works every time. - [Damien] Oh, he got eight. - So, you punched a hole in the ground? - So, because he did that he did one of the might rolls, so that goes in the room. - [Damien] And then you sure as hell wanna back out of this room. - Just remember what you saw. - [Sarah] Yay, Iffy! - Can I roll, I'm not doing that. Can I roll for the vault while I'm in here or do I have to end here for the vault? - I think you can do both. I think you can do this and might. - I'll allow it as the traitor. - So, I have three for knowledge, so boom. We got six. - You did it! - [Damien] Tommy, you get two items! - [Matt] Is one of them Shayne? - Once per turn I can rub the idol before blah, blah, blah. I can add two dice to the roll. Great, so that'll help me. But each time I do, I lose one sanity. And I will go one, two. Wait, so I'm going to rub the idol. And then add two dice to the roll. - [Damien] Nice. - [Sarah] Four more. - [Damien] I believe in you, Tommy. You did it! - Yay! - We got another might roll. - [Sarah] Get out of the room. - You guys should just hang out in the crypt. It's real cool in there. - I don't think so. - If I use this another time I'm dead, by the way. - I will go one, two. I'll try to heal with the spirit board, how bout that? Five! - Dude, all right Shayne is healed. - By one. - And then I'm going to do a might. I need to get four plus to get another might roll in there. Oh no. I'll get out of the room, and that's my turn. - [Damien] What a good smart strategy we have. - Worst traitor ever. One, two, three. Sarah. - [Sarah] Or you can slide down. - And then I'm like, wee! And then I am going to attack Sarah. (Iffy laughs) Yeah, I'm gonna roll my might which is five. Two, four, six, seven. Sarah, what's your might? - I have three. - So, you gonna roll a three, Sarah? - Guess what? I have an armor. I take one less point damage from however much you're gonna damage me. - So, you take three damage now physical, so you can take speed- - Hold on, Damien. I could damage you or I could dank your spirit board! - That one can't be stolen. - No, it can be. If I defeat the person carrying the spirit board by two or more with a might attack, you can steal the spirit board instead of inflicting damage. - I bet you can do some crazy (beep) with that. - If you do so the spirit board is immediately destroyed, and the card is discarded. - That's okay. We healed Shayne. - I'm gonna end my turn. - So, I'm gonna do one, two. I'm gonna roll my might. Nope. All right, I did not do it. I'm gonna back two out. And that is the end of my turn. - [Sarah] All right, Jenny. - All right, so I have four might. I'm just gonna roll it. - You did it! Nice job. We get another might? - All right, Brandon. - [Iffy] I'll come back for you later. - You can do it, Iffy. (everyone laughs) - The bad juju showed up a turn late. I can't use the idol or I'll die. Magic. - [Sarah] No! Now me. I'm gonna get in the room. Four or more. - Guess I'll attack Tommy. Here we go. - Four. - More than four. - Yeah! No damage from combat. - No dice. (Sarah laughs) - Oh, that counts. I dropped that one. - [Sarah] Did you just place that? - I accidentally dropped it, but it counts now. Look at me go. - So, we get one more might roll. - If everyone's cool with that? - Yeah. - Okay. I'm Missy Dubourde. I'm in the storeroom. - [Sarah] Step back into the room. - All right, one, two. - We can do it, we can do it. Oh biscuits! - One, two. This time my hits are true. - Yay! - All right, nice. - That's a lot. - [Sarah] Nice job, Brandon. - [Matt] Tommy, it's all on you. - I love pressure. - Make my day. - Can you move more? - Oh yeah, I did that on purpose. Make my day swing on me. I'm horny. I got a boner right now. I'm 12 years old. Swing on me. Not me, Iffy. Iffy is- - Iffy does not have a boner. He's talking about the twelve year old has a boner. (everyone laughs) - He's role playing. He's role playing. - He's playing a 12 year old with an erection. Iffy no boner. 12 year old big boner. - Oh my god, it's worse. - A secret I didn't tell all of my friends when I came to explore this mansion is I expected to die here. - Oh! - I'm going to rub this idol. - Oh, you're actually gonna do that? - And sacrifice my life. - Wow. - For this roll. - I hope it works. (everyone laughs) - Four and then I added 'cause I'm killing myself, two dice to the roll. - Oh yeah, you did it! Shayne survives! - You guys saved Shayne. Bravo! - The kiss of death. - We need to read the final text for what we did. "Buried alive. "Digging frantically you finally free your trapped friend. "Your companion's fingernails are broken, "splintered from clawing at the wooden coffin. "Blood runs down his shaking hands. "Your friend hasn't made a sound since being freed. "Slowly you help him out of the house. "Assured that with the proper care he will be good as new. "Someday." - Shayne! - Shayne survives but at what cost? - At what cost? - We did it! The explorers win which is honestly kind of rare in this game. Matt, you played a good game. The cards were not in your favor. That was actually a pretty easy scenario compared to summoning a literal dragon. - Damn strong boy! - Thank you so much for joining us, y'all. Hey, if you're not done watching Smosh, well then join the club, Why not click over here or over here to see two different videos we've done. - My wife is dead and I am sad. - Guys, I'm still here.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 579,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Betrayal at the House on The Hill! (Board AF), board games, board af
Id: 98Nyhap5UOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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