Who's The Best Liar? (Jackbox: Faking It)

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- I think it's your feet. I think it's gotten to you whenever you want a cheerleading outfit. I know I have. welcome to smash games.com. We're playing Jack box TV today. We love Jack box Jack box is our member one Bay today we're playing at faking it a really fun game. We've played it at the very beginning of the season one, a quarantine but basically we are all in a group hanging out. The one person in this group of friends is a faker. A question will be asked to the whole group except for the faker. And the faker has to pretend they know what the question is. I'm trying to answer as if they know what's going on, know what's up. And we all have to try and vote are the based on everybody's reaction. Like if it asks like, Oh how many double user and your name? And if I hold up two people are gonna be like, Hmm, that's pretty suss. I'm pretty sure that's not how many double use aren't in your name as what literally happened the last time we played this game. and then you vote that personnel. And if they're the faker, it's kind of like among us but it's like cute and fun and questions also subscribe. If you don't you'll hurt my feelings. Yeah. That's true. Are you guys ready to fake it? I've done that. Raise your hand. If you've ever raised your hand, raise your hand. If you've video over here. Well, let's see if we got Courtney over here, living her own life. Like someone once told me that is going to get a task that involves holding up a number of fingers, probably from one to 10. Okay. Sending the task to your devices. Now that's real surprising to me. Oh my gosh. What is this many fingers? I think it's a football thing. More than five divisions within divisions, too many fingers which I was like, yeah, that means you're right. So how many are there in each division? Yeah, he's a footballer man. I like how off everyone else was. I was like, there's gotta be a lot of football. everyone get, what does this look like? Task that involves making some kind of facial expression. Maybe a weird one. Okay. Sending the task to your devices now. Hello. My pants ripped. All right. Oh. Cause like there's like crazy going on and there's people showing the cheese and that is I'm not used to that. I'm not used to just being everywhere. You guys are wrong. You all got. We got two more chances just to catch that. Wow. terrible. the exact same time. I got a text message and said, Damien, you have the power to determine the outcome of this election. The Democrats he might be right, but I got it. I don't know what else to go. You gotta vote now. You gotta vote. yeah, it was well executed. I happen to be looking just at him. You got a person everyone's going to get a task pointing at another player in the game. Okay. Sending the task tier devices now. All right, Jackie, Jackie, the task. We did the person who probably has the most unread emails is Jackie. You guys Definitely has more than me. I know that you've said you like sometimes you get so many emails that and you'll be even afraid to open it. So wait, Jamie, why do you think it's Jackie? Well, I think it's Jackie because I just wanted to test somebody and then she was like, look at him. And now I think it says, I just want him to he's. I thought Courtney is on the same wave length as me. Ian pointed to himself is a bold move. Otherwise you got to vote quick. It's not me again. Lord Damien now. Yeah. I didn't think about it being in jail. Definitely. And how many on chances though? sending out your second you got a point task to your devices. Now this is a tough kind of wondering. Okay. What's what's your reason for learning? Why did you want to be out in the mountains every year with his brothers? Actually. Yeah. You answered that before that prompt even came up. Jackie, what are nice things about me? That'd be good on a desert Island. We're best friends. Yeah. That's why I think it's Damien. You think I'm the thinker? Yeah. Jackie, Jackie, just cause I think it's like it has to be voted. Oh, because you were sus last round and I'm still stuck. No, I don't know to be trusted. No, it's not. It's not Courtney. Cause she answered my question before the question came up or third, you got a point task now. Okay. I think it's probably Jackie chat if he's correct. You and I are correct. I don't know why actually. Yeah. yes I did. I was at court. I was at the editors birthday party and that's when I met in Ian that's true. Frick. Frick. Yeah. figured out. Baker was you could've, you could've got the points. I heard some reactions, voices that I believed. I heard like you made a noise if he was silent. And I think shame on main person. I know I keep my condoms in the glove box because my wallet is too small. I don't want to squirt that's true. But it gets out on your and you're giving the truth. I'm saying if he for now and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I think it could. It could be, it could be shame. Let me go in as long you really wouldn't know what are you doing? That's wrong then you don't want a few more chances left. what do you mean this one's tough. Why? Why is that one Tom? Because I feel like, wait, no, he's not this one's tough because it's just like, Oh, you're saying Damian once this whole game, I think it's changed. I've been very confident about my Henry's a hundred percent. She's going to get away with but let's stick with Shane for now. It's not me. I was very confident. Bumping suspects. heads. Damien. What? Slips? My that sale. I think it's I think it's it. I think it's your feet. Whatever you want a cheerleading outfit. I know I have scooter cheerleader. God for the last round, but I needed to kill it up. I've sent three questions to each of your devices typing your answers for all three and then hit send. Now the faker has three questions to answer two. They just have slightly different questions than everyone else. So good luck Baker. All right. Look at you. When you're bored. someone we're missing a person for me because the burpees, when you're bored I said exercising is a weird answer for you. Do burpees when you're bored. The thing to do, I don't know. Post-purchase careful. Oh my God. pizza. It's definitely. Let's all agree to vote and assignment Shrek additional what was I supposed to do? I said my favorite, my least favorite exercise. I was like, how am I supposed to, how am I suppose? That's my least favorite exercise. Oh, pizza. Nepal. Yes. Nice. Absolutely rushed. Oh, I'm going to need to give him a glass Ellen's answers to the first text, task and instrument. You can at least kind of play. Hold on Damian. Since singing because I can't play any other instruments. I believe that. I believe that I'll get on a piano. I'll do the Moonlight, but if it's not Iffy, Damien's obviously The second I think Was from that situation, I played trumpet and he did let us know that. No, we gotta beat him. You didn't find the thing. It's fine. I get my points. I gave my points, job. Sorry, smart and final purses. Shoves, shovels, Elton milk, tester, executioner, poop salesmen and custodian. don't do smart. But put much love. I'll tell you smoke final hope. Wishing you the best. Wow. Oh yeah. And then what, what sucks is like see how similar it is. I didn't know. It would be that similar. So I wanted to do something that like kind of like Oh, you were fine. Yeah. Well Jackie wins by 25 points. Thanks guys so much for watching. It's been so real faking it line and burn you. We love you so much. You know, we love you so much. We got the videos ready for you. We have some videos right here. We've got some videos right here, you know, make sure if you want more videos that you subscribe, go to the Red bull and the total row home
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 355,331
Rating: 4.9695506 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Who's The Best Liar? (Jackbox: Faking It), jackbox games, jackbox, faking it
Id: frBzn2g2u4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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