BG3 Witcher Inspired Eldritch Knight Build

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when you think of The Witcher what do you think of is it a badass swordsman that also uses magic to defeat enemies that's sort of what I think of I'm sure many people will think of Henry Cavill but in general when you think about making a Witcher in Baldur's Gate 3 I think there is one subclass the Eldritch Knight that fits that Motif perfectly today's build is one that you can make pretty early in act two it goes up to level eight and it does some incredible damage and it feels really fun to play for your race honestly pick whatever you want however high heels with the extra cantrip have an additional bonus for this build and I personally like what else for the increased movement as well so naturally at level one as a fighter since you will be a fighter from level one to eight you get to choose a fighting style for this setup we are going with a two-hander however if you'd prefer to use sword and board you're more than welcome to defense is an overall great trait it's just plus one AC regardless of what type of weapon you actually use great weapon fighting is great for using two-handers because it will essentially re-roll the dice if you were to roll low however one thing to keep in mind if you don't roll a one or a two when attacking for two-handed weapon this feature right here is completely wasted which is by defense overall may be better it's going to be up to you on what you prefer I found this build to be really fun with one-handers and a shield as well so if you plan to kind of change weapons on the Fly defense may be the better choice however if you're going all in one great weapon fighting and you want big damage of two-handers you may want to use that looking at your ability scores this can change there is a helmet you can use that will put your intelligence up to 17 Bass regardless of your intelligence at level 1 creation if you use that helmet that you get in act one this is the hyper spread you may want to do the reason I have 15 Constitution is because with the hag's hair I get up to 16 however if you want to be pure damage you may want to use the hag's hair at 17 right here to get up to 18 right away it's up to you if you plan to not use the intelligence headpiece one thing you may want to do is drop points in Charisma and bump this up to 16 asep and you would have something looking like that for this character personally though because I do use the hags here for constitution to get my HP up a little bit more I do plan to use the intelligence headpiece until late game this is the type of setup I have so feel free to choose what you want but keep in mind you do need intelligence for your spells a level 2 fighter you get action surge Everyone by now should know how great this is you pop this and you get another action to use during combat the versatility of that is phenomenal and it's why a lot of people use two points in the fighter when they multi-class okay so level three fighter is when you finally unlocked the Eldritch Knight subclass you gain the ability to have weapon bond so essentially every long rest use weapon bond as an action and the weapon that you have bonded to you will always be with you you can throw it it will automatically come back and you can't drop it so if someone goes to use like the overheat Spell on You your weapon you won't drop it it's really nice like you are tied with your weapon so it's a nice little tidbit I mean if you don't plan to throw your weapon really it's useless more so for I guess theme but it is nice to have if you do have the chance to throw it and happen to choose Tavern brawler you don't have to okay so your cantrips this is when things get really fun because if you chose a high elf you already have an extra can trip I personally like what else for the extra movement looking here there are some cantrips that I think for sure you're going to take one of them is blade Ward blade Ward is huge for two turns you take 50 damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks as pretty much all physical damage in the game so you pop this for two turns you it's essentially it's like having their rage benefit when you rage as a barbarian you take 50 damage from physical attacks well this is what bladeboard does so it's really nice to have and as a can trip so it doesn't cost any spell slots your other cantrips I personally think you would want to use is either going to be Ray or Frost or fire bolt either of these two I think are really good you could use acid Splash as well but I don't think it's that great I think these two are better there is a specific ring that Ray or Frost will interact with later in the build so for this I would say go Rhea Frost spellwise pick whatever you want I think the number one spell for sure is going to be Shield this thing is amazing as a reaction you use a level one spell slot it increases your AC by five pretty much making sure the enemy probably doesn't hit you other spells are going to be up to you I think burning hands is really nice and it kind of fits The Witcher theme since they do have the ability to sign with like the fire Magic Thunder Wave is also really useful that way you can knock enemies back pick whichever you think is going to be more useful to your party magic missiles is good but based on some gear we're going to use this will not interact with gear you definitely want something that has an element and you get an expanded slot from your spells from The Wizard class pick whatever you want ice knife is really good Tasha city is laughter for cc is also really great pick whatever you think is going to be useful to your party okay so at level four you get to pick another spell pick whatever you didn't have before there is which bolt but I don't like that as a concentration spell so I don't prefer to use it I do think Thunder Wave would be better for the knockback pick your first feat here at level four if you use the hags here to increase your strength at this moment you could get it up to 20. I personally can't because I have it on Constitution for this character making it 16. so you have some options on what you would like to do here you could go just double point in get it up to 19. it's really going to be up to you on what you want to do I'm actually going to put two points into strength to get into the 19 and we'll talk about why in a moment fighter level 5 you get your extra attack so when you attack in combat you can attack again if you wanted to replace the spell at this level you can as well fighter level 6 is really nice because Fighters are unique that they gain an additional feat at level six the only other class to get an additional feat would be a row gonna get theirs at level 10. so this is really great because now you could choose ability Improvement again if you really wanted to or you could choose something else for myself personally you could go with athlete right here this will increase your jump Distance by 50 when you are not prone it takes less moving to get back up and you get to choose to increase your strength or dexterity by one so you could go with that if you wanted to get that up to level 20 you could also go with Tavern brawler if you do plan to throw your weapon especially considering your weapon will automatically come back to your hand because of the packed weapon Tavern brawler will double the modifier for the damage as well as the attack rolls so you could get that as well it's really going to be up to you on what you want to do here you do you can do some pretty crazy things with movement to get up high and throw your weapon and just do some incredible damage of this it's really going to be up to you I am actually not going to be taking that I kind of like having the option to jump really far and getting 50 increase jump distance while also having a high strength modifier means you can jump super far so that's what I'm going with at this level all right level seven is actually going to be the bread and butter for Eldritch Knights this is when you get the ability War Magic essentially you can cast a cantrip and afterwards you can use attack with your weapon as a bonus action this is really significant because in combat you can use blade Ward to basically make yourself more defensive and then also attack the same turn when we talk about some of the cantrips that you can use and how they interact with gear this is going to be really nice because your weapon will also get buffed afterwards we'll talk about that in a second spell wise I go with scorching Ray and with the acid Arrow here if you end up using the ring that I talk about later on to make you immune to Blind you may want to go with darkness that way you can use it offensively or defensively it's going to be up to you so I'm gonna actually take Darkness over the arrow only because I do want to showcase that off in the video and fighter level 8 is when we are actually going to end this build because this is meant to be a mid-game build for act 2. I saw some people they were level six when they entered act two I saw other people were level four to five and I even saw someone who's level seven as soon as they entered act two it all depends on how much you do in act one with the underdark the Grim Forge and everything else some people may be higher some people may be lower but no matter what in Act 2 at some point in time you will be level 8 which is why I want to stop at level eight because it is meant to be a mid game build here you gain additional spells Misty step is a huge fantastic spell to have it's a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet this is really great just being able to teleport wherever you want to get out to get closer whatever the situation may be this is really huge invisibility another fantastic spell you can cast this on yourself and now you can get out of danger if need be if you need to sneak past someone visibility is fantastic old person is another great spell because you cast this assuming you do succeed the character that is being held any attack within three meters will always crit that is a lot of damage it is very very strong of course you have cloud of daggers as well another great spell it is a concentration spell so keep that in mind but this thing is really fantastic because you basically have area denial if they walk through it they take damage really really great you can also knock people into it with the Thunder Wave spell that we talked about earlier pick whatever spell you think is going to be useful here because of a pair of boots I am using I don't necessarily need Missy step but if you don't have those boots you're definitely going to want to use this for this video I'm gonna go with old person and you get to choose another feat here so now you have some options you can do ability Improvement to increase your Constitution Charisma whatever it is to be even higher you could go with something else like alert because you do kind of have a little bit of low a not no not low AC but like no initiative because your decks is so low having plus five initiative would be really nice this means you're pretty much going to always go at least first or second really depends but you'll always go more so compared to others so alert's really nice to have some other great feats might be lucky lucky is really great another fantastic feat and if you plan to use a lot of concentration spells even warcaster could be great and you also get to cast shocking grass as a opportunity attack best thing that's really good because shocking grass will actually scale with your intelligence modifier thanks to a piece of armor you're going to be wearing so really it's going to be up to you what you pick here and if you are using a two-hander we all know how great great weapon Master is for the extra damage I mean plus 10 damage is pretty huge and significant so it's it's whatever you want to pick because I do like switching on and off between one-handers and two-handers I don't always pick this but for this Showcase with a weapon you can get pretty early in act two I am going to give a great weapon master so we have quite a few different pieces here the Ring of the absolute Force which gives you the Thunder Wave spell and the night Walker's boots these all come from the same area in the Grim Forge when you go to do the mission with true Soul Nair e drops these boots for you and one of the dwarves right there they will actually give you this ring assuming you kill them you don't need this ring though if you did take the Thunder Wave spell itself These Boots are fantastic though because if you read it says you cannot be in webbed and Tangled ensnared nor can you slip on Grease or ice and this is going to interact with another ring I want to showcase so we're gonna go ahead and replace the Ring of absolute Force we're gonna put in something else I have ring of Elemental infusion the Ring of Elemental infusion when you deal acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage using a spell or can't trip that element infuses your weapon basically giving your next attack additional 1d4 damage of that element which is really fantastic because we know with forecaster you can cast a cantrip and then use an attack as a bonus action it gets even better because with the necklace of Elemental augmentation whenever you use a cantrip that deals Elemental damage you add your spell casting modifier to the damaged delt you can see here I have 17 intelligence and that's because of my Helm the Warped headband of intelligence you can gain really early from those three ogres in act one you kill lump and it gives us right here the necklace and ring the element I guess accessories that you could say all come from defeating the gith Yankee and the mountain pass I will show them on screen uh one you loot from a body you can technically steal it if need be as well it is a little challenging to steal though and the neck piece comes after a boss battle inside the cabinet if you don't want to use the eversight ring for blind immunity which comes from Act 2 inside the morgue inside house of healing there is another ring you can get inside last lights in you need a perception check for uh it's in the cupboard you'll run past it and the character is going to be like oh what's this and that's going to be the snow burst ring the snow burst ring is actually great because it will make anytime you do cold damage create 15 feet circle of ice around that Target and Ice has a chance to make the target slip and go prone and when they're prone you gain advantage on your attack rolls well in combination with your boots because you can't slip on Ice you could constantly add a bunch of circles of ice around enemies and be totally safe for yourself while they have chances to slip so that's another really great ring and why I choose Ray or Frost over the other cantrips the back piece comes from last lights in vendor just gives plus one AC plus one is saving throughs the chess piece I'm using is the flawed hell dusk armor it comes from Damon assuming you gave him the infernal iron I like it just because it has the effect to do additional damage when I do get hit you don't necessarily need this you could easily use the Adamantite stuff you get from Grim Forge in Act One preference really up to you the gloves you're gonna have a few different options for gloves I like the flawed hell dusk if I go for additional damage because it does add additional fire damage another option is there going to be the gloves of the automaton these gloves are pretty challenging to get you guys remember that gnome inside act one that's on the windmill you have to actually save him and follow his quest chain to grimforge save him in the Grim Forge and have him go to your Camp eventually he'll end up in last lights and you can buy the gloves off of them these gloves are huge if you're going two-hander because as a bonus action you literally become I guess like a construct for 10 turns you have advantage on all your weapon Attack rules and gain resistance to lightning damage they're really fantastic and if you are able to get these gloves and using a two-hander you definitely want to do that path because great weapon Master gives you negative five to hit well that's pretty much negated when you have Advantage so these gloves are really huge for that if you're not planning to use a two-hander and go swording board then you really don't need these gloves you can pick whatever you want there is another set of gloves you can buy from the same vendor that is going to sell the halberd of diligence inside moonrise Towers you can buy this halberd this vendor will also sell a pair of gloves that will give you plus 1d4 to your attack rolls after using action surge however you do have to talk to the orc first and basically go through some checks to have her unlock the secret weapons and armors from that vendor this is really great the weapon itself is really what you need though I mean it's a plus two weapon which is great for your chance to hit you game plus one initiative to a just initiative so you're gonna attack sooner than later and if you combine that with alert you got plus six and you gain advantage on perception ability checks really really great and whenever you make an opportunity attack you have the option to do it with Advantage so this thing is just fantastic and it has plus one v-force damage on it which will stack with the element that you get from The Ring of element infusion and necklace so it's a really nice combo so how does this all come together well there's one other thing I do want to talk about and that's going to be the darkfire short bow assuming you did save Damon from the Goblins in act one and he's now in act two you can buy this bow off of him this will give you fire resistance cold resistance which is great because with the gloves I talked about you'll also have lightning resistance so that's three resistances well on top of having blade Ward if you need resistance to physical damage and it gives you the haste spell so you can cast haste once per long rest as well which is just fantastic because it will last for 10 turns unlike the potion that only lasts for a few but it is a concentration spell so keep in mind it can break and if the concentration is broken you immediately become lethargic okay so I did want to showcase the two different options you have for Rings whether you're using the snow burst ring or the blind immunity we're going to start with the snow burst ring because I do find it to be more overall useful because the darkness can affect your allies so I do want to show here when I start in combat here if I were to use radio Frost normally it doesn't put that giant ice puddle around people but because of my ring it's going to so you can see right here she has the circle of ice around her so when she moves she will have a chance to go prone and be take a look at the damage said I did 15 damage well because of the actual armor pieces that we're using you gain plus three damage because of my intelligence modifier which is nice [Music] so to start right here I could do a couple of things I could attack again because I did open with a surprise I could Clash Darkness if I needed to I could cast blade Ward whatever it may be I do want to showcase what would happen if you do use blade Ward or another spell so we're gonna come up and walk up here you can see I don't quite have enough movement that's totally fine I'm gonna go ahead and use my blade Ward just to give myself a little bit more defenses but because of warcaster I have the option to attack if she was in range unfortunately she's not at the moment but I could at least attack her with my bow and you could see it did Frost damage right there well because of your infusion this affects your melee attacks as well as your bow attacks even though the bow won't be doing that great a damage it's still nice to have in case you need it okay in this scenario I do not have the cold ring on and instead I put the ring that's going to make me immune to blindness and I'm going to share the difference when you open up that versus the other one and like how great Darkness can be for yourself specifically for offense and defense I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to open the way I normally do I'm just going to cast a spell Warner and you can see because I don't have that cold ring on now there is no cold surface around her to slip on I'm gonna come up I am going to get myself the advantage on attack rolls from my gloves and now I'm going to cast a spell now darkness is a level 2 spell and you only have two spell thoughts for that so keep that in mind but I'm gonna cast it right here on myself they're blinded I'm not because of my ring so their chance to hate me is gonna be severely low and anyone outside of it cannot cast spells in it I could action surge if I wanted to go up and attack but I'm not going to let them they're all surprised [Music] see he goes to attack it can't even come in so he's just wasting his turn and that's why that Darkness combo with the blind immunity ring is so huge the effects of being able to completely stop a ranged character like that is going to be really great late game so my code infusion went off because I didn't actually attack but that's okay because I can do it now on this turn or I could use a spell if I wanted running hands as an AOE using it in one person I don't think it's going to be worth so I could simply walk up and just attack a few times to do some damage I do have my passive on I do have advantage instead I'm going to use rare Frost wow it missed that's unfortunate and because it missed it doesn't apply to my weapon but I still have the option to use a bonus action to attack which it did and I pretty much wouldn't shot her should we take a look I had the great weapon Master Plus the force damage and now it did unlock great weapon Master bonus attack because I killed but I don't want to leave my darkness because this is defending me at the moment so I'ma stay here and the chances of them hitting me while in the darkness is going to be so low it's unreal you'll almost rarely get hit while inside your room Darkness so now with all them stacked up I could hit all three but I need to get in a better position so I'm going to jump and I'm going to show how far my jump is I have 48 feet to jump take a look at my strength that's only 20. if I did use my potion of everlasting Vigor this would go up to 22 strength you get that also from moonrise Towers you do need a Starion to bite the lady so my jump distance is insane look how far I can jump because I took that feat it's a lot I don't want to jump right now though because it takes a bonus action so I'm gonna come back this way I'm going to use burning hands oh it's unfortunate that they did end up being saved but that's okay but if you take a look at my weapon I now have fire infusion I am going to action surge I can now attack from my bonus action [Music] or I'm sorry it wasn't a bonus section because I didn't use a cant drip I'm sorry I feel if I would have used it can't trip it would have been a boon section but I now have great weapon Master bonus because I killed to attack again and I missed so even though I do have Advantage you can miss with your great weapon master so you may want to toggle that on or off but I think we understand the concept of how great Darkness can be so let's go ahead and take a look at how this fight would play out if I didn't have my darkness set up okay and just like before when I opened I do have my snow burst ring on that's the only difference everything else is the same so I am no longer immune to Darkness because of that I probably wouldn't have Darkness on my bar so I would change that out but if you do plan to use that Darkness spell you may might as well equip the ring all right so just like before I am going to open with my Ray of frost so I don't use a spell slot I'd actually got a decent roll on that did 16 damage which is not bad because I think I did two d8 plus my spell modification they are surprised so I get to go again [Music] I think I'm just going to use my advantage and then I'm going to cast blade Ward so I can get myself defensives up [Music] now there is one thing I did want to point out that I did not do at the beginning of this fight that you should always do once per long rest and that's going to be my packed weapon you can see my weapon bond I didn't actually use it before the fight and because of that my weapon isn't bonding me so they if they use like command person drop weapon they use overheat or anything like that my weapon will drop so you want to make sure you do have your weapon actually bound to you before you start combat but with it being my turn I have a few options I can do here I say we go for another ray of frost and just knocker and now I have the additional cold infusion on my weapon so I can come up and attack her with a bonus action now since I use the cantrip and because I'm using a halberd I get additional reach and you can see if you take a look at my combat log you had the weapon itself so plus 10 from the great weapon master and again remember if you use that potion I talked about to get the 22 strengths it would be a modifier of six for your strength instead of five you had the cold infusion it rolls a 1d4 and I got a three and you had the force damage from the Halbert as well so 26 damage just from an old attack right there so now I could choose to use action surge if I wanted I still have blade Ward up so keep that in mind if I use action surge I could attack again I am going to run behind this pillar to help line a sight [Music] so now I have shield shield is great it's a spell you only want to use a rank one spell slot because if you read it says upcast has no additional benefits this is going to give me my AC plus 5 meaning they're going to miss they wrote a 21 my AC is 19 I use that and now they miss this is basically how you play the Eldritch Knight and borders gate 3. anyway guys I'm really enjoying this build it's been really fun to play throughout my Act 2 and it's a build I'm playing with my friends currently if you enjoyed it please like And subscribe I really had a lot of fun making it and it was the closest thing I could think of of what a Witcher might play like in this game
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 23,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, witcher, henry cavil, eldritch knight, war magic, cantrips, weapon bond, action surge, build, blade ward, fire bolt, ACID SPLASH, RAY OF FROST, darkness, moonrise towers, Halberd of Vigilance, alert, feat, magic, shield, thunder wave, ring of elemental infusion, Necklace of Elemental Augmentation, helldusk, Warped Headband of Intellect, haste, Cloak of Protection, high elf, half elf, MAGIC MISSILE, WITCH BOLT, MELF'S ACID ARROW, INVISIBILITY, blur, baldur's gate III
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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