Baldur’s Gate 3 | Eldritch Knight Build Guide - Tanky Mage Knight | Loreful Lae’zel

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oh yes the good old heavy armored Beyblade melee build that is not just awesome in melee but also absolutely destructive it's the patented it's the one of the most popular archetypes and all of fantasy and RPGs it's the Mage Knight the death knight the battle mage but for our purposes we're going to be the elemental Knight The Heavy armored Mage Knight and we're gonna fall into that archetype here with this Baldur's Gate 3 guide so I personally love this build and archetype what's better than not just being a melee Chad and getting in there and smashing with a great hammer or a great sword or a great ax but being able to have the capability to cast spells being able to infuse your weapon with fire ice poison lightning thunder all those awesome things that you see a lot of these super powerful fantasy characters do you got thrall you got the Lich King you know if you want to be the more acid boy you could be like a follower of nergo like it's you know it's just so damn cool to me like the potential when you have elemental flavored Knight not even with the damage aspect but the utility two here's my take guys so in order to do this we are actually going to go Eldridge night that's going to be the primary levels that we're going to put the build into I mean it just makes too much sense it's a really easy choice we get access to pretty much all weapons you get access to Heavy Armor so we really fill that Arch type where we're just a walking Juggernaut we're able to go into melee really withstand hits be incredibly tanky and guys this build is very very tanky by the way while still having axes of spells one of the issues with the eldris Knight is that we only get access to level 2 spells but to compensate that we are only going to go Seven Levels into Elders night and then go five levels into wizard now the good thing about five levels into wizard is that we still get a third feat at level four we're gonna get our first two Feats at four and six on fighter and then from when we get level 5 wizard we also get access to level 3 spells which gets us that really really really coveted level three spelled haste why is hay so good every everybody knows it's broken but it's even more broken when you're casting on a heavy armored melee Knight that is not going to lose concentration because they're gonna have such good roles and Proficiency in it it's a very very huge aspect of the build so why are we so tanky yeah we got heavy armor but there's gonna be one thing we're gonna do We're Not Gonna really use our spells for Elemental damage we're gonna save those level 3 slots for our caves and other Buffs if we need them but generally we're gonna have seven spell slots to save them for shield yes guys you're gonna learn shield and that reaction to give 5ac when you're about to take damage is absolutely massive it is so damn good I'm surprised more people aren't utilizing it on these melee hybrid because it is so damn good guys and the best thing about it is that it's not an automatic well it is automatic reaction but it does not give you the option every single time you're about to take damage if you're gonna take damage and let's say you're already gonna win the roll you're gonna be there role and you're going to save the damage drone they're going to get a missed it's not going to even proc for you so it's very smooth to use and then of course you're going to get seven opportunities to use that now when we deal damage how we're going to infuse and really be that Elemental Arch type and use different elements and we're going to do them do can tricks we're going to get a lot of cantrip access through not just Eldritch Knight but we're gonna get it through wizard too so we have a lot of different options when it comes to infusing our weapons with elements and using different elements and really filling inside the Thematic theme the best thing about eldrick Knight when we get to level seven we get War magic so now we get not only a can trip on our initial ability if we so choose so we get the bonus action melee attacking because we're using a two-handed weapon and great weapon master we're going to be doing a lot of damage while infusing that melee attack adding dye Elemento die on our rolls and then also adding our spell casting modifier on rolls 2 which is very very very nice it really really fits the theme guys so getting into character selection what's gonna happen here for race is that you really can do whatever you want everything is pretty much you know nothing just really smokes anything else you know like half orc uh a pure fighter would or a half or crypt build or you know the guaranteed crypto the Nova build stuff like that there really is no uh race has just absolutely gonna dominate you know so really just when it comes down to it play what you want to play some things that are notable is the wood half elf I believe where you just get a little bit more Mobility which is really good and then obviously good thank you I'm using uh Lazelle for this build and I actually think it's very very loreful when it comes to Lazelle having these melee chabs these Fighters that are able to really use the elements and stuff like that get the Yankees specialized in taming the Red Dragons with their bargain with Tiamat they also get to excel in psychonics and even the best and the most trained get the Yankee do have proficiencies and some types of magic so I do think that you know because we do a small dip into Wizard and even though we are Elders Knight and we do get access and spells we're still relatively limited we're still primarily a melee build and gives Yankee really really encompasses that I believe especially Lazelle so you're gonna start fighter you get all the proficiencies you get heavy Army you get all that good stuff fighting style I am I am doing a great weapon fighting build and a great weapon Master build but if you wanted to make a more tanky orange oriented build if you wanted to make even insanely even more tanky and wanted to go sword and board a sword and shield or one-hander and shield you can do that you can even do dueling you really can do whatever you want guys it's very very flavorful if you guys want to change it up and do something if you want to you know be wield the shield into that melee and get prones with Shield bass and just rely on being even more tanky and just you know going up to those absolutely threatening targets you can do that but generally if you're gonna follow the build as I am we're gonna go great weapon fighting because we're going to use great swords and you know because it is a Laura full Lazelle Bill too it just makes too much sense background you can do whatever you want now when we get to abilities it's gonna be a little bit different right so for freeze we're gonna have two options the two mandatory Feats that we are going to use is gonna be great weapon master and uh heavy armor Master now heavy armor Master is gonna jump up to 17 strength to 18 getting us into the next proficiency bracket which is very good you don't really need decks you can keep it at 10 or 12 if you want Constitution is very very good we do not need wisdom but we do want to get at least 14 intelligence we get a plus two bonus right guys we get a plus two bonus there and that's going to help getting our attack rolls our spell rules our damage and obviously all our cantrips are going to be rolled off that intelligence modifier so this is my preferred ability score layout this allows us to not rely on ability score Improvement to get next brackets in intelligence or Constitution The Heavy Armor Master will get us from 17 to 18 and if we do uh we get three feet if we want to go heavy armor Master gray weapon fighting gray weapon master I'm sorry then we can use that last fee or you know if you want to do it earlier you can do the second or first beat for an ability score Improvement if you want to be more mage-like you can put it in intelligence if you want to be more uh melee rolls you want to be more focused on melee you could put those last two from 17 to 19. just remember we get the plus one from heavy armor master so we're gonna round this strength out either or at level two you get action shares which is one of the best abilities in the games it really is so so good especially with elder tonight because in a lot of situations you can Infuse your elements you can can trip into an attack with the war magic when you get your level seven and then if you want to action surge you can get three attacks next turn if you get a kill or crit with great weapon uh Master it's very very good level three we go Alger snake now just remember we have so much cancer access that you're pretty much gonna get whatever you want and that's one of my favorite things about the eldris Knight is that we get literally access to almost every element you know you can start off however you want I really like shocking graphs he gets advantage on those metal targets it really is good early in the game once you get to level three a lot of the goblins and stuff like that and act one do wear armor and it gets a free advantage and then from there you know it's a lot of flavor guys you want to be more fire focused you want to be more necrotic a death knight you want to be more inaugurable you can go poison you want to be a fire Knight and I really think the fireball is one of the most appropriate weird things with uh get the Yankee especially Lazelle and you see as you know they tame the Red Dragons it really is really just makes a lot of sense for spells this is very very important to me the most important spell is going to be Shield the very very good thing about Shield is that is an aberration spell now the aberration spell is going to be the school that we use when we do our dip into wizard but I'll get there now again like I said during the tank clip most of our spell slots are going to be utilized for using Shield our spell casting is primarily going to be cantrips so when it comes to spells just just really rely on utility a lot of this stuff is going to be more flavor but Shield is the most important thing when you get to level four pick whatever you want guys so when you get your first feat you have a couple options here you can just rush heavy armor master and be even more tanky because you round out that strength and you get a minus three flat damage to non-magical attacks which is very good you don't see a lot of magic early in the game so I think this is very useful as well as rounding out that strength from 17 to 18. you can go uh gray weapon Master at this point but the minus five attack row is very very hard to overcome early levels when you're not playing Barbarian and you're able to generate free Advantage with your friends you start so just be aware if you do wanna if you have other ways early in the game to generate advantage and you're gonna have uh this major as your primary carry you can go this early then but generally I like to start heavy armor Master just around that dead strength and we get even we get to be even more tanky at level five you get your extra attack it's a big big Power Spike at this point we do go level six We're not gonna do our uh wizard dip yet just because we really really want to get that second fee and we kind of want to rush our level 7 fighter LG snipe for warcaster if you just want to get five levels into a fighter and get the most important Spike you can do a quick one level dip if you want to learn uh some more level one Scrolls and stuff like that but I don't think it's necessary because our spell thoughts were really only utilizing them for uh Shield so at this point you're level six you're a little bit more into the game you're probably getting better gear you might be able to utilize great weapon Master you can do this if you so want to now I don't like Elemental adapt because I don't like to focus too much on one element I like to be very versatile when it comes to using my can trips for damage and infusing my weapon if you do want to so choose if you really want to get into you know uh the lawful aspect and want to be you know oh I'm a red dragon knight I'm gonna get the Yankee you know uh another option you can do that is very very good and I utilize as warm Master our Mo our primary concentration that we're going to use to maintain is going to be blur that's going to make us even more tanky it's going to give attackers disadvantage when they attack us now when you have disadvantage as a defensive mechanism when people are trying to attack you it's far and away mathematically one of the best ways to reduce the enemy's chance to hit you when you stack that up on high AC with Shield you're gonna be very very very difficult to hit so maintaining concentration and getting advantage on these concentration throws is so so good this is a very good option for a second or third feet or you can go ability Improvement and maybe get 20 strength or even maybe get 16 intellect it really is up to you guys but generally I just like getting a gray weapon Master because the damage spike is so damn good so at seven Ultra 10 you get War magic now we can uh can a trip into Auto attack it's not a huge buff because we are already attacking twice per turn but now we have the utility and by level seven you are gonna have the items you know from act one act two that are going to utilize die rules from elements and Elemental infusions from The Ring helmet and amulet so once we get level 8 we are finally done with the fighter again if you chose to do an earlier wizard dip for some scroll action stuff like that you can and the great thing about wizard we get even more can trip access so I'm not going to go really into it but you know pick what you really want if you want to I try to utilize everything I can but you just go where you can guys one thing that's nice besides getting the extra spell slots for shield is that you get some good utility if you don't want a pure Mage you have access to feather full you have access to enhanced sleep it's very very good because now a lot of the areas in the game that you might not know be able to handle if you didn't want to have uh you know a pure Mage in there or you don't want to use Gale you're a dark orange and you're a spoiler took his hand off and you can't use it you know it's still nice to be able to have some access to some nice fun utility here now level 2 Wizard is very important for us why because we're going to go absuration school as I stated earlier using Shield as a reaction is an aberration spell and we get Arcane Ward now the residual magic of your exposed forms reward around you that protects you from harm for each turn of Arcane Ward remaining on you you reduce damage by one this is Far and Away one of the most powerful dips it's not huge but when you utilize this with a heavy armor Master we have minus two from the plate man we're wearing and if you have you know spoiler or some of the legendary gear later the amount of damage that you reduce from wearing heavy and armor like either minus two minus three another minus from being a heavy armor Master if you want to utilize blade Ward you can like you're gonna be this is Far and Away in my opinion one of the meals tankiest builds even while able to utilize a great weapon two-handed weapon and steel do very good damage I do think it's one of the most well-rounded unique and you know great ways to play the game but that's why we go observation and again when it comes to spells you can do what you want you want damage utility but again we're mostly focusing our spell selection and Slots on using a reaction Shield to become more tanky so once we get to level three wizard this is really our first Big Choice the two most important things are going to be magic weapon and blur I much much prefer using blur as my uh primary method of concentration because disadvantage and attack rolls and I'll just bring it over in a second here so we have this table from d and d uh master I think it is uh the online okay but you know it's it's common knowledge you find this table anywhere you'll see from a defensive aspect how good it is for us to have disadvantage as a defensive mechanic look how low these percentages are compared to Advantage and even a die Row from a base 10 and on to get a 25 uh increase or less chance to be hit is absolutely disgusting when you go down to the bottom you're gonna have less than a one percent chance to be crit it's it's so good guys I think uh blur is so much better for that reason to use the defensive if you don't want to really do that let's say you're not playing tactic and you just want to be you know absolutely pumped about as much as much damage as possible you can use magic uh weapon to as your concentration you also get access to Misty stuff now okay thank you get it anyway but getting two Missy steps is very very good especially as a bonus action this really utilizes how we're able to just get around the battlefield at will it's really really incredible especially when we have good strain right able to jump everywhere making bonus action Misty step to even farther locations very very good utility level four more can trips and you get more spells we do not get level 3 spells so just get what you want here you know mirror image is another good one this allows you to really uh take advantage of those initial turns uh because you do lose a mirror image each time but you know getting nine free AC at the start of the turn and be able to utilize three attacks so you're pretty much got 100 Miss I mean 100 Dodge it's very very good so we get our last feat and this is very very difficult for me because there's a lot of things you can do at this point you can go uh ability Improvement if you want to get to 20 strength you can do that uh spoiler there are a pair of gloves in the game that allow you to just have a base strength of I think it's 23 that's kind of insane obviously if you get those you probably wouldn't really worry about investing in strength and go pure con and in and really go all into the concentration saving and uh intelligence scaling with your rules that's probably gonna be the best but this is not my main character I'm using those for my main character my guts build so but if you want to do a major as your main uh your MC it is very very good and it really opens up a lot of ways to be able to build the character differently but again I don't want to do a gear dependent build so we had the ability to improve it again right you can go from 18 you have the plus one from heavy armor master and go 18 to 20 16 to 18 you want to be more tanky or you can go uh to an end and get a little bit better when it comes to uh Landing those kind of trips and spells again another option is warcaster I think warcaster is very good I explained it earlier more concentration advantage on concentration on cellular does is very very good spell sniper is too specific we use we do damage in too many different ways and we're not you know uh our primary means of damage is not can't trip and we're not a build Savage attacker is good I don't think this is too good I think if you think mathematically from a damage per round aspect I don't know if this is correct it might be like 3.5 to 4.2 something or that might be uh the rero on one the gray weapon fighting I'm not sure but Savage attacker isn't too good but if you do want to use this you can uh it might actually have a little bit more value in our build because we get a lot of on Hit And We Roll a lot of die you'll see uh one of the clips earlier where I showed the damage rules and I had like five different Elemental dies so this might help in those situations but again uh but this is a good option and finally we get level 5 Wizard and we get that big spike we're gonna get access to level three spells I don't think it's worth it to invent I don't think it's worth it to invest in uh the level three damage pose I really like just getting haste it's just so damn good guys this does break your blur concentration but again if you want a certain encounters haste will it really enables you to really make like an absolute Giga carry if you're running out of potions of speeds and having it on your your melee that has saved that has uh you know if you do a war caster and saving throws on concentration advantage on saving throws one concentration this is by far the best way to have a haste character and you don't have to worry about your concentration breaking with that said the AI tactician difficulty likes to favor breaking concentration so something that I do a lot is use Lazelle haste my main my MC and she'll go and she'll go in there and she'll have Mirror Image set up she won't have blur because this is my concentration now but I may use this I might action surgeon to a blade Ward or maybe some other type of Dodge mechanic that will increase my AC just so I can maybe survive those first two rounds and take all that damage this is not too good what comic die because eventually they will hit you but it's just something to think about you can also go counter spell here if you don't have another warlock or counter speller it's very very good it adds a lot of utility to the party but you'll see guys getting these low access to level three spells even though we only get two slots it's really really incredible uh Lazelle the slowerful build you know the cyconics the elements good damage uh utility uniqueness fun to play and it's just it really is incredible to me I absolutely love it and you know you guys can really switch around a lot of the things that make it more flavorful to your style you know so that's something I really like about it but again defensively we're gonna rely on mechanics like blur and shield as a reaction to really enable us to be very tanky along with the heavy armor master and using heavy armor that reduces damage by a flat percentage that's very very very good offensively we bring a lot of consistent damage while providing incredible utility to the party we can be the hey spot we can be the concentration saving bot we can do uh we still have access to three attacks if we so choose after we initially get our Arcane Ward and you know you get a lot of damage die rolls when it comes to the elements you know infusing the base gear later in the game with fire psychic gloves it's very lawful all right guys I'll try to do a quick uh with gear so you get the ring it gives you a die a die roll uh and the corresponding element when you use that Elemental camtrip then you add your spellcasting modifier to the cantrip so that's good and then the big one other one you get I think uh if you help to grow you get Arcane Synergy if inflicted condition and then you get your uh spell casting ability modifier Auto damage so which is very very good now the one thing about this is that condition is very broad uh you can you inflict and condition a lot of ways if I just do my concentration right here I inflict the condition you know it's like blur or something like that so it's easy to get uh back to the rest of the gear I am not really abusing uh too many legendaries on her because my MC has it but like if I were to put uh the hell desk on her that would be insane but even you know early active one you get the adamantium splint now you have a total of minus three damage now if you add that in with blade word blur like you're gonna be Giga Tanki we get you know gloves at Elemental die rolls and these get spell attack rows which helps uh because we don't have super high intelligence so it does help land those can trips and other spells with boots when we do classify we get another psychic dance uh damage roll very very lawful very thematic when it comes to get Yankee because they're they specialize in psychotics right and then the sword you get this from helping boss I don't know if there's another way to get this but you know a great sword for Lazelle it's beautiful uh it gives you the psychic damage I get the fire from there and the one attack is just so good it does even more damage with the possibility is stun it has awesome animation Soul breaker and that's pretty much it you know you can do other things if you want to increase stats if you want to put the gloves on her then it's going to completely change the build but I don't want to get too much into that but you know with that said guys uh Moses with Negron Tech I really hope you enjoyed it I had a lot of a lot of fun making this build and it was you know it was a pleasure to bring another hopefully not super super focused on lore even though I do think it's very lore appropriate for Lazelle to Just Not Just Be A Champion or pure uh you know Battle Master and focus on maneuvers but to bring uh you know tankiness utility spells and it really fits thematically and it's an excellent compliment to your party even on tactician difficulty guys uh again Moser win that ground Tech like comment subscribe let me know what you guys think uh please and have a good one guys foreign
Channel: Negron Technology
Views: 115,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best eldritch knight build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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