BG3 Eldritch Knight Build Guide - Blazing Battlemage

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in this bombers Gate 3 video I'm gonna be showing you my blazing battle mage build this is my first main character end game build I'm gonna be showing you some level 10 gameplay and like some level 7 gameplay so not completely at level 12. the idea with this build was to sort of showcase to you that you can use this build much earlier than the end of the game but it'll carry you through to the end of the game and it has a very you know specific set of equipment that it's going to use that work together in Tandem and I will give recommendations for alternate pieces if you don't have those but it's very thematic and I want to show you it real quick so there are a couple of status effects for this build that we're sort of building around and these are Arcane Acuity and heat Arcane Acuity makes it so that for each stack of Arcane and cutie you have up to a maximum of seven you plus one to your spell attack rolls or plus one to the difficulty class of your spells meaning that your spells are more likely to connect for each stack of this as you have and at the main you know the highest maximum Stacks that you can have at seven you're gonna have plus seven to your spell attack rules or your difficulty class is gonna have seven on top of all the other bonuses you have so your spells are much more likely to connect and the next status is heat and it took me a really long time to figure out how to use this effectively but essentially what heat does is it builds up Stacks not unlike Arcane Acuity up to a maximum seven and the next time that you deal fire damage it's going to add the you know amount of heat to that fire damage and consume your stacks of heat if you have the little passive on the right hand side tick so you can decide to use it or not to use it depending on what attacks you're doing and I'm going to show you how to best utilize that this build so the general concept with the Blazing battle mage is that it's a tanky Frontline Warrior that can deal decent melee damage has high survivability thanks to a shield heavy armor it can cast spells rather effectively although it's not going to be as effectively as a pure spellcaster and it has a focus on fire which is where the Blazing in the name comes from so when I started putting this build together I started building around the Blazing retaliation class action of The Shield of scorching reprisal and what this class action does is it deals one to six fire damage when an enemy misses you in mainly combat now one to six fire damage is not very much but as enemies get to attack more and more often as they gain extra attack this could turn into 2d6 if they attack you twice per round and I wanted to figure out how to best maximize this class action and what I found was that each stack of heat that you have on your character also adds to the damage of this class action so if you had seven Stacks which is the maximum you can have you'd have seven fire damage retaliated plus one D6 that's a maximum of 13 damage that you could do if you had Max stacks of heat and a minimum of 7 damage that's getting better and better but there's also another way to add damage to this as well and this is through the Ring of Elemental infusion which makes it so that when you deal acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage using a spell or cantrip that element infuses your weapon until the end of your next turn you deal an additional 1d4 damage to that element to your first successful weapon attack well for whatever reason the class action um blazing retaliation adds this damage to it so if you have fire damage added here now you get one D6 fire damage plus up to seven stacks of heat plus 1D fire damage if you don't consume that with an attack so basically what you want to do with this build is you want to Stack up your heat you want to get this buff up and try and keep it up every other round if possible and then when enemies try and hit you they can take up to 17 fire damage and attack and if they attack twice that's up to 34 fire damage That's not including the damage that you do with your attacks That's not including any spells you do that's just the damage that you can do just by standing there for four turns in combat what I really like about this class action is that it replenishes on short rest so that you can use this in between combat so keep in mind that the Blazing retaliation only works against missed attack so if an enemy hits you you deal no damage to that man so we're gonna try and make it so enemies miss you obviously you don't want to just sit there and get pummeled to death to retaliate damage so enemies missing you and then dealing damage is the best case scenario so you need to stack Armor class we've done that with a cloak here we have boots that give us Armor class our Shield obviously gives us our room class our fighting style gives us Armor class with defense so we're stacking up these things and also blazing retaliation once you trigger it gives you plus one Armor class as well so these are all good ways to boost your armor class and for chest armor I really like adamantine's splint armor and that's because it's got good armor class it reduces incoming damage by two all incoming damage and it makes it so attackers can't land critical hits on you in my experience in this game the higher Armor class you have seems like enemies just somehow roll crits more often I don't know if that's everyone else's experience but Critical Hits will slip through your armor no matter what your armor class is so removing that potential for enemies to slip through your armor Critical Hits really puts you in a position where you really they have to hit like roll a 19 basically to get you in a lot of cases depending on what difficult your honor is 17 8 to 19 somewhere in there makes it very hard for them to hit you and the other aspect of this is the incoming damages reduced by two when you have heat conversions active which you will with this build so that enemies take more damage from retaliation every turn you deal one to four fire damage to yourself when it's your turn and that damage if you take that damage triggers a concentration saving throw and since you have blur being concentrated on with this build to give enemies disadvantage so they miss more often you don't want to take incoming damage so that you don't have to make concentration saving throws so reducing your incoming damage by two is really big here because fire damage you know the average fire damage 1d4 is about two so that reduces it and also your Shield gives you fire resistance so that's going to cut in half the damage you take if it rolls four and then you reduce that by two is zero so you almost never have to make a concentration saving throw with this setup Actually I don't even think it's possible for you to make one but if you have a different armor that doesn't have you know incoming damage reduced by two then you're going to sometimes have to make concentration saving for us and you usually pass those but you don't want to have to do them if you don't have to and something else that I want to mention is that if you take like Elemental Adept fire you will deal more fire damage like if enemies are resistant to fire damage your spells will be more effective the damage you deal with them will go through that better but it will also apply to the Damage Done to you so that fire resistance from your Shield will actually be removed and you'll deal an average of two damage so you really want that damage reduction if you have elemental depth because on average you won't have to make a saving throw each turn but some turns you will it'll be more often you know if you're using Elemental depth but your damage will also be higher if you're using it now that brings us to Arcane Acuity and this is really important for this build because that makes it so that when you're you know at Max Stacks or close to Max X your spells are going to deal full damn if you throw a fireball normally when people save against a fireball they take half damage right but they're not gonna be able to save hardly ever against Fireball when you have Max Facts of this even with like 14 or 16 Intelligence on your Eldritch Knight so this is really huge you build this up and then you fling your spell enemies take full damage and your spells are a lot more effective you have limited spell slots as a hybrid you know build so you want them to be as potent as possible and this is one of the ways we do that and I have the Hat of fire Acuity here and this makes it so that whenever you deal fire damage you gain Arcane Acuity for two turns so if you cast a fire spell like Fireball you'll gain two turns unfortunately for whatever reason it doesn't count each enemy hit as two turns it's just that spell in general counts as two but if you use something like scorching Rays every beam from scorching Raves will trigger two turns of this so you can use scorching Rays on turn one to build up your stacks of Acuity and then throw like a fireball if you use like I don't know surge or something to hit for full damage on the next attack if you want to do something like that and for my gloves I'm using flawed hell dust gloves eventually I'll upgrade these to the proper version of the regular non-flaught this gives your weapon attacks an additional one to four fire damage and also improves your saving throws which is great for concentration checks just spells in general and what this makes it happen is that when you do your melee attacks you're going to build up Arcane Acuity so you can melee and get Arcane cutie or you can cast spells and gain our cane cutie so if you want to conserve spell slots um in order to build up Arcane you can just attack normally which is great and that brings us to our weapon for this build which is thermodynamic ax and this makes it so that when you deal damage with this weapon you gain two turns of heat so because you can attack twice because you have extra attack you're going to be able to build up four stacks of heat with this in one turn then if you action surge on your first turn you build up six Stacks or eight you know up to seven Stacks you can build up the max Stacks if you do four tax essentially or you could build it to four and then has to spell with another your second action if you want gives you flexibility so but this is a great way because in combination with the hat you're going to build Arcane Acuity and you're going to be able to keep each time you attack with this weapon so it's really really good to have with this build and something I want to mention is that if you have the thermoorcanic gloves instead of the flawed held us gloves or Hell dust gloves or whenever you deal fire damage you're going to gain two turns of heat so this is very similar to the hat right so anytime you deal fire damage you're going to gain Arcane cutie and heat very very strong but the problem with it is is that because you no longer deal fire damage on your melee attacks the only way for you to really deal fire damage with this build reliably is to cast fire spells so you become more of a mage in that sense because you're going to want to cast fire spells to build up your heat and to build up your Arcane Acuity and you're not really going to use your attack all that often and I would recommend that if you really prefer the thermo Arcana gloves that you kind of skew your character more towards the wizard side of things take less levels in fighter more levels and wizards who have more spell slots and you can fling more spells taking advantage of this so those are really the important equipments for the build I've basically filled out the rest of the build with things that just help spell casting ring a mental inhibition just makes it so that if an enemy fails a saving throw like if you throw a fireball and they all fail it because you you have very high difficulty class thanks to Arcane cutie they're gonna be even more likely to fail their next save to other spells and that's good for any build that'll synergize well with your party too if you have other spell captions in your group The obviously the necklace I have makes it so that you add your spell casting modifier to your hand trip damage which is good if you use cantrips sometimes you won't use them so you know it's not super important but it can't help with damage when you're using can drips so you can see the general concept here is that you're going to go into battle you're going to use blur then you're going to use blazing retaliation you're gonna you know hopefully let enemies come up and hit you taking some damage early on the next turn you're gonna be trying to build up your heat and your Arcane Acuity so that during the enemies turn the deal even more damage to himself and attacking you and then the following turn or that turn even depending on you know how much you built on your first turn with action surge you're gonna fling like a fireball for tons of damage and one of the things I'll you know mention to you is that you throw Fireball all and you have heat convergence ticked on on the passive on the right side that up to seven damage will apply to every Target hit so you can boost your Fireball damage by up to 7 damage if you want you might want to do that you might want to tick off heat convergence before you throw it so that if you don't kill the enemies they take more damage when they attack and miss you the following turn and obviously your biggest Nemesis is with this build are enemies that don't melee right you want enemies to mail you so if they're arranged or spell Caster Ranger less of a priority than spellcaster because they typically Miss because your armor class is very high keep in mind that you have uh blur up so they have disadvantage but you also have Shield available for a reaction that can boost your armor class by five that makes it incredibly hard for them to hit you so ranged attackers that aren't spell casters are not as big of a threat of spellcasters because spellcasters are targeting your ability scores and not your armor class A lot of time so you want to definitely try and prioritize spell casters to take them down if you can it's not always possible but you want to try and focus them down if you can sometimes you know an opportunity brings up I Fireball scenario and it's just too good to pass up but generally you want to try and take up spellcasters first and one of the reasons that we take fighter before wizard here is because we have proficiency and Constitution saving throws that's going to add our proficiency bonus to our saving throws and because we have high Constitution you know by the end of the game that's going to be plus seven to your concentration saving throws you usually need to throw about a 10. it gives you about a 85 chance of passing most concentration checks and since enemies you know that aren't Mages can barely ever hit you you don't have a hard time maintaining concentration on blur and your progression after level 1 fighter is really going to depend on how you want to play this character obviously Eldritch Knight if you're going higher up the fighter side is very important because that's going to give you more spell slots it's going to give you access to more spells to cast and those ones will always be prepared not taking up valuable you know prepared slots from your wizard class and if you're trying to make this build for elders tonight I recommend going at least six levels of Eldritch Knight and the reason for that is you gain extra attack at level five and at level six you basically are like you know two levels of a regular spell caster and that means if you take one more level of wizard you'll have access to level two spells the second you do that but if you're five levels and you take one level wizard you'll have to take another level of wizard to get that so there are trade-offs there and I recommend at least six levels to get that extra feat and there are a lot of good Feats for this setup um Elemental Adept fire is good to get through fire resistance um heavy armor Master is good to gain some strength and also to reduce damage that you take while you're heavy armor non-magic damage you're also going to want some more strength for your melee attacks you're going to want some intelligence for your spell casting you're it's a very feet hungry build you could even take great weapon Master for you know bonus attacks if you kill an enemy or critically hit so there are a lot of good Feats for this build there is a compelling case to go up to level seven of Eldritch Knight in order to gain to a class passive that makes it so that if you throw a cantrip you can still use a bonus attack the same turn this doesn't seem that strong and a lot of people might think that's not great but with this build it works really nicely because you might throw like Fireball at something to gain some stacks of heat and Arcane Acuity depending on what your gear is or maybe Anatomy is next to you and because you have seven stacks of Arcane cutie shocking graph just like can't miss basically so you use shock and grasp on them to do a lot of damage with higher maybe attack get chance that you'd have if you were going to melee and then you can use your second uh or your bonus action to melee with and so you'd still effectively get two attacks like you would if you attacked and then attacked but chalk and grass might give you a different damage type might help build up arcade Acuity it might you know apply a status effect to the enemy might be more likely to connect so there are a lot of reasons why that might work well shock and grasp is a good case for it or maybe using Fireball as well and then you could also take this up to level 8 elrich Knight in order to gain another feat then you'd have four feets with this build which would be really good there's a case for that but what I would suggest to you is probably early on in the game you want to get to level six Eldritch Knight and then you probably want to start going levels of wizard and once you hit you know level one of wizard you can be able to use Scrolls to memorize spells you can learn blur you can learn scorching rays and then a couple more levels of wizard you'll be able to learn like Fireball be able to learn like lightning bolts stuff like that from Scrolls make sure you do that so that you can use those spells earlier on in the game but I think after Eldritch night you're minimally going to want three levels of wizard after that in order to be able to use Fireball and lightning bolts spells like that because you'll need to be at least that level to learn those Scrolls so that makes it so about level nine or so you'll be able to use Fireball more effectively and before that you're going to be relying you know mostly on like burning hands and scorching Rave for a lot of your like kind of multiple Target fire damage so that wraps up the Blazing battle mage build I hope you guys found this interesting I tried a lot of different things with this equipment to see what worked best this is what I found work best you can use sorcerer instead of wizard if you want although you'll not be able to learn as many spells but that might be a little bit more difficult you also can't learn from Scrolls so that kind of slows down your progression in terms of the spells that you can use you can do this with cleric with a light clear but then you don't have blur and blur is really important for this build so there are a lot of different ways you can set up this build and this is the one that I found the best as always if you guys have further tips on equipment and stuff please leave them in the comments below and if you have questions I will try and answer them [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 119,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 wizard, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, best bg3 builds, bg3 builds, bg3 fighter build, bg3 eldritch knight build, fighter wizard multiclass, build guide, best class, bg3 arcane acuity build, bg3 heat build, bg3 blazing retaliation build, bg3 blazing retaliation, baldurs gate 3 blazing retaliation, eldritch knight build, bg3 eldritch knight guide, bg3 fighter wizard guide
Id: PhicCh1xw8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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