Baldur's Gate 3: Five Subclasses I Avoid

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[Music] what's going on everybody morom here this time bringing you the five sub classes that I avoid in balers Gate 3 as I'm working on my eighth playthrough now I've had plenty of time to mess around with all sorts of characters and class and race Combos and there's a few things I've found that are a bit underwhelming to me personally and while I would genuinely consider these some of the worst sub classes in terms of this game specifically I did want to mention right here at the beginning of the video that balers Gate 3 is balanced in such a way that on normal difficulty pretty much everything is viable which is why I titled this video that I avoid these subclasses rather than that they are the worst simply because if you still want to play any of these they are definitely valid choices because of the way this game is balanced and while playing them on tacti might be a little Hit or Miss even there if you have enough time and patience to set things up they are still viable for for sure but for one reason or another they are nonetheless underwhelming compared to many of their counterparts and in several cases I think this is down to the fact that we're playing a video game in particular as opposed to a tabletop experience where some of these would get more mileage but with that out of the way let's dive into these and talk about why I find them a bit underwhelming and generally avoid them starting with our first one and this is the transmutation wizard the reason I avoid this subass is simply because the subass features that they get are incredibly underwhelming compared to almost every other wizard school where you can pick something like evocations to completely avoid friendly fire with that Wizard's spells alongside later doing even more damage with them by comparison transmutation subass features are less than useful and they don't even always work because at level two when you would pick the subclass they pick up experimental Alchemy which allows them to sometimes allow you to get two of a potion that you make via Alchemy you do have to pass a medicine check for this though so it doesn't even work all the time and combine that with the fact that potions of all kinds and types are readily available throughout the game means that experimental Alchemy is borderline useless which is also kind of the case for their level 10 ability of shape changer which allows them to turn into a blue Jade to fly but there's also multiple ways to give your character the ability to fly as well that wouldn't keep them from spellcasting at the same time with the only real upside to this being that it can be done at will but again it's so readily available that this isn't even that good the one I would say Saving Grace if you really want to play transmutation wizard is their level six ability the transmuter stone which can either Grant you resistance to an element or increase your movement speed or give you dark vision something like that and that's very situationally useful but not really worth taking the subass for in my opinion especially since even that can mostly be mitigated through a again just potions and elixir you can find second on the list though we have everyone's I would say least favorite cleric the trickery cleric the trickery cleric attempts to be a cleric that focuses on things like charms and Illusions but unfortunately it kind of just Falls flat on a lot of those as many of the domain spells that allows our cleric to cast such as mere image or fear dimension door Etc are all things that can be easily found through Scrolls that you hardly need a cleric to cast which brings us to it subclass features blessing of the trickster and invoke duplicity blessing of the trickster allows you to Grant another creature advantage on stealth checks which is incredibly rare to need at all and a character that you would be doing sneaking with that would be making a stealth check almost certainly doesn't need blessing of the trickster and most stealth in this game can be entirely mitigated by simply drinking an invisibility potion which are usually pretty readily available as well so what about invoke duplicity this one is situationally use ful as it allows us to summon a distraction that gives our allies advantage on attack roles made to creatures within the vicinity of that distraction so if you're standing right next to an enemy this a good way to get Advantage for your entire team but compared to other cleric domains this just isn't that great Tempest cleric can get reactions to deal damage to enemies that hit them War cleric can get extra attacks Etc so because of those things trickery domain is just a really awkward subass that just generally isn't worth the time since most of what it tries to do can be easily done through other means that are not even related to any specific class that makes justifying being a trickery cleric in this game very difficult to do in my opinion but nonetheless that does bring us to our third subass which is the eldrich Knight the eldrich Knight mixes fighter and wizard spells to make what is called a one-third Caster being a fighter subass though it's important to understand that the eldrid Knight is mostly fighter and a little bit a wizard and while I actually really enjoy this subass in for instance the tabletop version of DnD it unfortunately I think suffers from the availability of various Scrolls in balers Gate 3 because most of what this subass does is just mitigated by the fact that spells are freely and easily available to everyone via Scrolls and the little bit you gain from this subass that isn't just casting up to level two wizards spells just isn't really worth it for instance at level three they can bind their weapon to their main hand which means they can't be disarmed and if they throw it it returns to them the thing is there's not a lot of enemies that try to disarm you so that doesn't come up very often and there are also specifically thrown weapons that will return to you every time as well so you don't necessarily need this ability to do that and then at level seven they pick up War magic which allows them to cast a can trip and then make a weapon attack as a bonus action and while there are situations where you might want to do that for instance casting a Firebolt canri up at maybe something explosive and then attacking something next to you with a weapon there's just not a lot of scenarios where just making all of your attacks as a fighter wouldn't deal more damage especially since this only really applies to cant trips and that's to say nothing of the fact that we have an extremely limited availability to spells as a full level 12 character will'll only know nine spells total from a very small list of wizard spells up to level two and again in the tabletop version this is actually pretty useful especially Beyond just level 12 where your access to these might be limited but we have access to all of these spells and much much more via the numerous Scrolls you can pick up while playing the game and the one feature eldrid Knight has that I do really like is unfortunately a little bit clunky in its execution as well at level 10 they pick up eldri strike which allows them to hit a creature with a weapon attack and then give it disadvantage on its next saving throw against a spell from you until the end of your next turn and while that's not bad it's just a little bit clunky because you have to hit the enemy with your weapon first and then cast a spell which you can't do with the same action which means you either need to haste yourself or wait until your next turn to really do much with it and while that's certainly not bad it's just a little bit clunky for an ability that might let you do a little more damage if the target does actually fail its saving throw and for all those reasons while I enjoy this subass in the tabletop version the way balers Gate 3 works and the wide availability of options to you mitigates most of the reasons you would ever want to use this which is almost the exact same case for our next class which is the Arcane trickster Rogue another one-third Caster that I actually think is really cool in the tabletop version that unfortunately just doesn't translate to a video game quite as well as they level up they get access to up to level two wizard spells again from a small but different list from the eldrich knight in pretty much the exact same situation though scrolls are readily available we don't need to do this this way especially when we're only going up to level two spells though I will say I think this one is a little bit worse than the Elder Knight because basically everything it gets as subass features is completely irrelevant for instance their coolest ability that they get right away when you pick the subclass with their improved Mage hand allows them to cast Mage hand except now it is invisible and can carry out objects like pickpocketing other creatures or picking locks at range and while that's cool in theory especially in a tabletop setting in a game like this that just doesn't come up very often and when it does you could literally just drink an invisibility potion and do that yourself anyway you don't need the Mage hand to do that whereas in the tabletop setting where that is not so readily available it's a very different ball game but then we have their level 9 ability magical Ambush which when we are hiding enemies have disadvantage on saving throws against our spells again not terrible but not that great either especially when we only have access to level two spells not to say it doesn't have its uses though you could use that to sort of force disadvantage on a saving throw against like hold person or something to try to stun someone as one example so it's not unusable it's just that a lot of its usefulness like the ELD Rich Knight is simply mitigated by other game mechanics though that does finally bring us to our last entry which is the illusion wizard another underwhelming wizard subass because the only really useful thing it gets is at level 10 and even that isn't that great at level two they pick up improved minor illusion which allows them to cast a distraction known as minor illusion as a bonus action and it won't even interrupt their hiding if they are thing is the only thing that you can really use minor illusion for is distracting someone which means it's only really useful out of combat where you could potentially use it to distract NPCs but chances are you could probably do that anyway you don't need to do it as a bonus action out of combat because that doesn't matter and if you are in combat and actively sneaking chances are your wizard isn't the one sneaking so there's just not a lot of opportunities for that minor illusion to come up and then at level six once per short rest as an action they can cast c invisibility without using a spell slot but there are C invisibility Scrolls available there is an in-game option to give you a permanent sea invisibility that is just always active alongside potions that can grant this to you Etc so again just not a super useful ability now at level 10 they do get something useful as a reaction when they are attacked they can make an elusory duplicate of themselves causing the attack to miss but you can only do that once per short rest and compared to something like an abjuration Wizard's ability to use things like Shield to increase their AC or simply mitigate damage they do take the ability to do this once per short rest is just not compelling frankly so again compared to something like your evocation Wizard's ability to not hit everyone with their spells picking up a few illusion spells that are highly sit situational and mostly mitigated by the game mechanics itself means that while yes this subass like basically all the others could be used to play through the game with it is in my opinion one of the worst ones in the game period that though is pretty much going to do it for this video there are five sub classes I avoid in balers Gate 3 and my reasoning behind them and again if you want to play any of these you should absolutely do so because thanks to the way this game is balanced they are all still very much so viable with a few of them even being really fun from a roleplay standpoint which let's be honest is where this game really shines more than anywhere else and while that's pretty much going to do it for me I would love to know what people think of these or other sub classes they avoid for any given reason simply because you don't like the way it plays or you don't feel the cost benefit reward of choosing that one is worthwhile etc etc which of course means to like comment subscribe all that YouTube jazz but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate apprciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing [Music] day
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 268,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Baldurs Gate, BG3, BG2, BG1, Baldur's Gate, Connections, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3, bg3 story, baldurs gate 1 & 2 before 3, bg3 multiplayer, bg3 gameplay, bg3 release showcase, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, bg3 classes, bg3 monk, bg3 monk guide, bg3 monk overview, bg3 class overview, bg3 best classes, baldurs gate 3 best classes, bg3 class rankings, bg3 class stats, bg3 best subclasses, bg3 worst subclasses
Id: skHgZy1Lfik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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