BG3 Builds - How Do They Work? How Do You Make One?

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okay so in this Boulder's Gate 3 video I'm gonna be talking a bit about how to make a build in Baldur's Gate 3. and in this video we're going to take a look at the things that are going to contribute to your build in Baldur's Gate 3 how some of these things might differ from tabletop and what sort of things you have to factor in into making a build in this game and I think there's a lot of people out there that are coming from pen and paper and tabletop that have builds they want to play in this game I think the vast majority of those builds will work fine but I think there is going to be some more Nuance to those builds just because of some of the changes that are coming to this game or that we know from the full version so I want to touch upon that as well so for this video I'm going to assume that you're going to make a custom character and that you're not going to use one of the origin characters Etc because I don't really see the point in covering those when we need to get into the details of things that affect custom characters so once you've decided to create a custom character you're going to select your race that's the very first thing you're going to do pick your race and your sub race and this is where things differ a bit from pen and paper in 5th edition DND previously in Baldur's Gate 3 in Early Access races had ability scores associated with them that made them a better fit for certain classes than others and that has now been removed giving you complete freedom to choose whichever race you want which whatever class you want and those ability score points have been now associated with the class that you're going to choose and really now the reason to choose a race over another race besides you know role-playing and dialogue options which is a whole separate conversation is because of their racial features and some of these have changed as well from pen and paper and from earlier versions of Baldur's Gate 3 most notably human dwarf and half elf so you're going to want to pay attention to what these racial features are and see what fits best for your bill some races for instance give you dark vision that makes it so that you can see in Dark Places there are quite a few dark places in this game and that's going to increase your hit chance in those scenarios so that's really really nice to have so consider a good recommendation for a new player would be to select a race with dark vision you don't have to do that but that is a good tip for a new player dark vision is going to be very big in this game I think another thing to factor in when looking at your race is its movement speed certain races move further than other races when they're in combat notably smaller characters move a lot less so you know if you're playing a Melee character you might not want a character that has lower movement speed because it might not be able to reach the target it needs to attack in a given turn therefore wasting some of its potential so keep that in mind also when you're trying to decide like what race to select and really another important thing to take a look at is what proficiencies these races give you some races like gift Yankee half health human dwarf give you proficiencies that maybe you don't have from your class for instance if you're playing a spell Caster but you really want to use like a long sword get Yankee might be great for your build because you're going to gain proficiency with that weapon type so look at the proficiencies or the types of weapons and armor that you want to use on your character and see if you can gain some proficiencies from the race if you know you don't have them on your class if you already have them on your class it's less of a deciding factor but if you want to pick up some proficiencies race is a great way to do it there are of course other things that factor into your racial decision in terms of racial features that I didn't mention but those are three of the biggest ones so that moves us along to class you're obviously going to pick whatever class you want whether that's a marshall class melee class ranged class Caster class support class whatever you're gonna pick your class and some of these classes have subclasses available to them during character creation some don't if you're trying to plan ahead to make your build you'll probably want to know what these subclasses are so you can look on the wiki to see what they are you can look on our YouTube channel to see what they are but you're going to want to know what these are in advance in order to plan your character properly so once you've kind of figured out what your subclass is going to be then you can worry about your ability scores right what do you want your strength to be what do you want your dexterity to be your Constitution your charisma Etc all these stats what do you want them to be because of the subclass that you're going to choose and I'm going to give you an example here using the Eldritch Knight of why it's important to know like what subclass you're going to play in advance and how that can help you know prepare for this and it's also going to kind of dovetail into my next point about itemization as well so Eldritch Knight is a subclass available to fighter available at level three you can select it when you get to level three on your fighter so if you made a fighter and then got there and selected Eldritch Knight you can play as this and what this does is it kind of gives your fighter some spell casting capability so if you want to be kind of like a hybrid character that casts spells and also has melee capabilities and can wear heavy armor and use weapons then this is a subclass that you might choose so then assuming you know you're going to play Eldritch Knight throughout your playthrough during character creation you can plan your abilities accordingly abilities are like attributes right so the plan your abilities or attributes accordingly and one thing about Eldritch Knight is that their spells use intelligence when they're cast so if you are targeting enemies and you want to connect with your spells you're more likely to connect with your spells if you have higher intelligence but let's say for instance you're targeting yourself or if you're targeting friendly units with Buffs then intelligence plays less of a role intelligence does not increase the number of spells you gain so intelligence for an Eldritch Knight is useful if you plan to sling hostile spells enemies but is not super useful if you plan to buff yourself or Allies and those are just a few things to consider on your Eldritch night for instance do you want to be a strength-based Eldritch Knight like more of a melee Eldritch Knight that melees in combat and then also uses spells to either buff yourself or attack enemies or do you want to be more of a dexterity focused Eldritch Knight and use like finesse weapons and use like you know predominantly ranged attacks and hang back and fling spells or buff your allies so those are decisions you need to think with ahead of time as well whether you're going to be like more of a dexterity focused ranged Eldritch Knight or maybe a melee focused strength based Eldritch Stein and you will likely need some Constitution as well since Fighters are usually tanky and if you're particularly playing a Melee character you're gonna take damage and since Constitution affects your HP you're going to want a good amount of that if you're playing a Melee character and you'll want at least some of that if you're playing a ranged characters well because even if you aren't on the front lines you're probably going to be in the middle taking damage you know hopefully before like you know your Wizard or sorcerer because you're gonna be a lot tankier than them in your heavier armor so to simplify this a little bit if you're playing a melee Elder tonight you'd probably go strength intelligence Constitution as your main abilities and if you're playing like a bow-based or arranged based Eldritch Knight you would go dexterity Constitution intelligence something like that it's an oversimplification but Elder Schneider is a really good example of why it's important to plan your build ahead because if you got to level three as a fighter and went oh I can play an Eldritch Knight and I can cast some spells that sounds really cool I want to do that but if your ability spread was had zero points in intelligence because you didn't think this through and playing a fighter you don't typically think of High Intelligence on a fighter so if you didn't plan ahead for this when you go to pick your eldrich knight and you have very low intelligence you're kind of limited to picking spells that can buff yourself or your allies because you're not going to connect very well with hostile spells because your intelligence is low and it's going to reduce the likelihood you connect against enemies and again this is not a class guide for Eldritch Knight this is just a very good example of the way builds work in this game and this doesn't even Factor everything in the Baldur's Gate 3. this is just D and D mostly stuff so far this is just stuff that you can think with if you're a tabletop fan or a d d player but there are things that are very specific to Baldur's Gate 3 that further influence your decisions when making your bill and one of these things is the fact that you can respect so maybe you're the first three levels of the game you make your character like a fighter uh you know with more points and strength dexterity and Constitution focusing or maybe just strengthen Constitution or dexterity and Constitution not even worrying about intelligence and then when you unlock Eldritch Knight at level 3 maybe you then go respect reallocate your attribute points or your ability points to reflect that so you can actually do that in this game so maybe even though you didn't account for being an Eldritch Knight now you can actually play effectively as a fighter for the first couple levels and then go switch into an Eldritch Knight so there's things like that in this game as well but respecting also has more impact on the way that you play stretches of the game than just this and this comes in the way of Feats if you didn't know you gain what's called a feat at level 4 8 and 12 and these Feats just give you basically passive benefits sometimes they give you ability scores sometimes they give you spells sometimes they give you proficiencies it all depends on what feat you select well let's say you know you want to take the observant feat because this is something you want on your build this gives you either plus one intelligence or plus one wisdom and it gives you plus five bonus to your wisdom perception checks and your intelligence investigation checks so whenever you test investigation or perception you're gonna have an extra five added to your role which makes you way more likely to succeed this is really really good if you're trying to be a very perceptive character the thing is though by selecting this feat you don't gain a lot of benefit to your intelligence modifier because going from 16 to 17 doesn't increase your ability score modifier from plus three to plus four you'd have to get to 18. so it doesn't make a lot of sense to take this feat normally if you can't respect because you'd kind of be giving yourself a disadvantage for a while however because you can respect in this game you can play with optimized stats up to this point and then respect your ability scores into like 15 intelligence and then get that plus one to put you back up plus three or you could respect your ability score into 17 because that's the highest you can have during character creation and then give yourself plus one and go up to 18 to get plus four so you can play optimized up until this point and then re-optimize and that's something that I don't think people are really taking into consideration it's not possible in tabletop and the last thing that's going to factor into your build is of course the equipment that you gain throughout the game the itemization what you use to make your build stronger and that's going to vary from build to build right and obviously depending on the decisions that you make the gear you get is going to be different and if you're really trying to min max your specific build you would probably look on the wiki or on YouTube to see like what you can get from making certain decisions because the loot in this game is fixed which means that it's always going to be in the same place give or take if you kill guy a you might miss out on loot a and if you kill guy B you might miss out on Loop B but you have to kill one then which loot do you want those sort of things are going to happen in this game and this is something again that's drastically different than tabletop where you have no idea what loot you're gonna get so you can't really plan your build around Loop but because we have wikis and because we have the internet and YouTube you can plan your build around this stuff and again one of the reasons that I selected Eldritch Knight is that there is an item in this game called the Warped headband of intellect that's been in Early Access it's in the full release of the game that's not very far into the game that sets your intelligence score to 17. so this when you equip this item will set your intelligence score to 17 which will give you plus 3 modifier to intelligence for your you know your checks and your saving throws and your attacks with Intelligence on your spells so this is really really good for an Eldritch knife and what this allows you to do by knowing the simple fact of knowing that this item is in the game knowing where it is and that it's early you can just dump intelligence and use this item if you want now granted it takes an item slot so maybe there are better items for you later in the game that you might want to use but by knowing that this is there you could dump your intelligence early on in the game go grab this item slap it on have 17 intelligence which is really good on elders tonight Focus your ability scores during character creation on strength and Constitution or dexterity and Constitution or some combination of those three and not even worry about intelligence and then later if you find a better item you can just respect and take that item and use it instead so these are the sort of things that you really have to factor into your build and builds and ball Gate 3 are going to evolve over the course of the game and part of the reason for that evolution is itemization and the gear that you find and that keeps changing your build part of it is the fact that you're going to keep leveling and gaining class features and Feats and stuff like that as you get higher and higher and that's going to change the way your build plays but another thing we haven't talked a bit about yet is multi-classic so you can multi-class in Baldur's Gate 3 and when you level up during your level up screen you can select whatever other class you want to my knowledge the ability requirements to take a specific class has been removed I have not actually seen this I haven't I didn't look for it for whatever reason when I was doing my multi-classing with lyrion but that's what I've heard that seems to be the information out there and if that's true that basically means you can just select whatever class you want and here's where I expect the DND fans and the DND hardcore players to be really good because they know the break points like how many classes or ranks of this class you should take versus how many ranks of this subclass you should take in order to make optimized builds and I think if you're a d d fan who's got a multi-class build in mind or several multi-class builds they should work fine in this game the level discrepancy on them might change a little bit for instance like maybe if you're we're 10 levels in one class and two levels in another class it might be like nine and three now depending on how closely larion followed but it's going to be pretty close right you should have a pretty good idea how it's going to work and you can adjust accordingly and if you mess it up for some reason you can always respect and I think respecting is gonna play a huge role in multi-classic in this game because you know let's say the level cap was eight what would your build be then well D and D tabletop players will be able to figure out okay if my level is eight these are the you know I take six classes of this and two classes of that well that's probably the build they're going to use at level eight and then they can respect later and take the build that would be good for them at level nine or level 10 or level 12 and they can keep respecking into the optimal build for whatever level they are and again that's a huge departure from d d and it's going to have a lot of impact on the way you play your build throughout the course of the game so all those things said these are the things that keep me up at night when I think about a build for Bulger skate 3. that is a lot of information and complexity when it comes to your build in this game and how do you put together a bill that encompasses all of that that tells you what to do at each level that tells you what gear to get even though maybe you can't get it because of decisions you made that encompasses multi-classing at and what the best multi-classing combinations are at each level or do you just simply make a build at a given level like let's say eight or something and just say this is what you do at level eight and let players kind of stumble their way to level eight and then figure out what to do after that I would actually love some feedback on that because one of the things you're going to see at the launch of this game is oh best fighter build best Eldritch night build whatever it's going to be some level 12 build that you can play 10 of the game of or something like that right some build that doesn't come together until like the last bit of the game and it doesn't tell you how to play up until that point it just tells you how to play at level 12. so I want to make builds that help people through the game so I'd love some feedback from you guys on what you think would be good information in a build enough to get get you going and do I need to like do like through level six and then do another build later from like 7 to 12 and continue it or should I wait till level 12 and do it or is there like an average somewhere I'd love to hear from you guys what do you guys make of all this for those of you out there who knew players is this overwhelming don't worry too much of it's overwhelming we're gonna have a lot more guides coming that explain a lot of basic concepts that will help you put together your own builds but we will also have builds that you can follow and I'm aiming to make builds that are actually followable and not just like some Uber endgame build that doesn't really help you when you're level four and you're struggling in the game [Music] please [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 199,538
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldurs gate 3 build ideas, baldurs gate 3 build planner, baldurs gate 3 builds 2023, baldurs gate 3 paladin build, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, baldurs gate 3 druid build, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 rogue build, how to make a build baldurs gate 3, bg3, bg3 build, baldurs gate 3 mutliclass, baldur gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best classes, early access build, bg3 character creation
Id: jV24gZ_744w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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