Top 10 BASE PALS for the NEW UPDATE in Palworld

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power World's new update is almost here and is introducing a lot of new awesome gameplay features the one I'm most excited for and the one I'll be basing this video on is the pal monitoring stand this base structure will allow you to pick which work suit abilities your pals will focus on while we don't know all the information just yet I'll share everything we do know so you can plan ahead of time and I'll cover the best Pals you should get to take advantage of these massive changes without further Ado let's get into the top 10 most useful Pals in pal world for the new update if you know how the pal monitoring stand Works already feel free to skip to the Tim stamp on screen where I start my top 10 list of Pals for the the new update for now I'll explain how this new item works and some general effects it has on worker Pals there are 12 work suit abilities inside of the game I'll briefly talk about 11 of them in this video when I list off these Pals and won't talk about farming at all the reason for this is because farming is unchanged in regards to which pals are the best for it some Pals have gotten drastically better or worse because of how easy it is to control the AI now not being able to control the AI on some of these Pals was a big hindrance to their capabilities inside of a base so with this new found control a lot of pals are going to be able to unlock some potential they didn't have before to show what I mean before getting into the list here's an example Anubis has multiple traits that are a great level two of his best suitabilities are handiwork and Mining but a problem a lot of people have with Anubis is the difficulty in getting him to focus on a specific task they need how many times have you seen a pop-up saying there's no work to assign Anubis to when you need to craft 100 spheres with a new update you should be able to get your pals to do whatever task you want them to do and you won't have to worry about Pals not getting crucial things done as you may imagine this change ends up making PALS like dig toys almost completely worthless this is because before these soon to be changing he was used for his ability to focus specifically on one type of work all Pals with one suitability are losing that convenience they offered base creators for this reason this Effectiveness drop off applies to any type of Base whether it be an everyday use case or specific Auto farm for a resource like metal or coal now for the breakdown on how I'll be ranking the most useful Pals in the game since it can be quite subjective I'll be taking into account primarily the level of suitability of pal is in a trait and the necessity of speed for that tra I'll also consider the Pal's versatility and convenience of use this list is made with a new update in mind which explains why one or two of the choices might seem a bit surprising to you the best passive traits for these Pals unless I say otherwise is Artisan serus work slave and lucky remember this is strictly for Bas work so the traits I chose were for work speed only if you want to use any of the pals I mentioned for other aspects of the game do not go for these traits they will not help you fight or move around at all at number 10 we have Bushi Bushi is one of the few level three lumberers a skill that is capped at level three and is a great early game Kindler and transporter as well being level two in these TRS fi is my choice for bring because he's smaller than the other options which matters Less in this update but it's still important for effective pathing for Transporters he's number 10 because he's the only replaceable pal on this list as a pal I'll mention later Lumbers at the same level Bushi does the easiest way to get Bushi even though his boss fight is also pretty easy is to breed celer with a sweepa or a Nightwing coming in at number nine we have orer ozerk is the best electricity generating pal as he's the only level four in this category in the entire game the reason I have him lower on this list that most of you might is twofold for one remember that this is strict ly for the value he brings to your base and not to fighting or farming water pelts I just had to drop him because a perfect electricity generator simply isn't the top priority for a base as lower leveled power generators can get the job done just as well the only breeding combo in the game for this is GIS bolt with relax orus grisol being found on Sanctuary 1 and relax orus being common in areas shown on screen if grisol isn't spawning just fly away from the island and fly back to reset the spawns until you find one at number eight we have Frost alion Frost alion is the only level four cooler in the game I've value cooling quality slightly more than electricity generation because generating electricity at a high level makes literally no difference once you hit a certain cuto off while cooling at a higher level at least slightly impacts how long your food preserves for remember now that pals are more organized in what they are doing at all times the size of said Pals isn't very relevant at all because you can just organize your base in a way that size doesn't really matter if I could i' just put both of these Pals at 8.5 place the only way to get Frost alion is to catch her in the frozen lake here on the map I recommend using flame and poison AOS SE Advantage here because they do a percent damage especially because you aren't going to get a legendary before fighting Frost stallion during an optimal playthrough so you're really not going to have much to fight it when it comes to Pal strength Alpha plasma is the closest you can get to a pal that can do that but he gets completely rolled by Frost stallion anyway I'd recommend getting a male and a female Frost alion this can take a while cuz from my findings most Frost alion are female but you really want to have two because if you breed them together you'll lose the alpha on it and it'll be a lot smaller for your base remember that the alpha that comes with it being a boss on the map makes the pal a lot bigger this really isn't necessary and is actually kind of counterintuitive when you're trying to make a base spell I know I said earlier that size doesn't matter but having a significantly smaller one can't hurt in pal world one more know for frost Alan I don't believe you can get the lucky passive trait on her so just go with workaholic Instead at number seven we have Frost alion knocked Frost alion's nocturnal variant beats her original version by just one slot on my list the reason of put Gathering above cooling on my list is really simple you generate crops faster than crops spoil in the fridge anyway which is why I think the Gathering speed is more important for your base in general for frost knocked I would absolutely advise going with some speed as opposed to entirely work efficiency something like Artis work slave Swift and either Serius or Runner works pretty well as a balance between work efficiency and speed I definitely at least replace lucky with swift tier because of how much moving around she'll be doing for Gathering all your crops remember lucky makes your pal bigger and in some cases that's just not worth it the only way to get her is to breed together heler with frost alion heler spawns here on the map at night at number six we have yman Yanti is the best watering pal in the entire game being the only level four water you want to have at least two of these in your base one for the mill and Crusher and one for your crops watering is the first skill that I think is absolutely necessary to have a fast pal for and I consider the jump from number seven to number six on this list to be a significant one the easiest way to get a yman tide is to breed a Nightwing with a GIS bolt or a sweeper with a beacon you want to make sure yet again that you do not use Alpha Pals in your base as having a roof can bug out huge PALS like Yan tide really easily in general I wouldn't recommend a roof for this reason but a non-alpha Yanti is good regardless due to it taking up less space at number five we have aagon aagon is the best Miner in the game being level four in this stat he's one of the pals that's gotten a huge bump up on these rankings due to this update's changes this is because of dig toys becoming completely obsolete ason can now take the spot of dig toys from all the Farms he was previously being used in this is the last time I'm going to emphasize this but it's so important to remember size of Pals will not matter nearly as much in the new update the easiest way to get aagon is to breed together a Biol links which spawns all over the snow biome with a GIS Bol or a heler at number four we have lilen lyen clocks in in fourth place because she is so versatile she is the best planter in the game at level four and is tied for being one of the best medicine producers in the game at level three side note medicine production doesn't come at level four it's cap 3 medicine production isn't useful all the time but when you need to make something like a memory wiping potion you'll be thankful to have a line that makes it 15 minutes instead of 30 plus minutes being a Max planter is also great because once you hit late game content you'll need to cycle out so many crops for cakes high quality food and other random things having two Lin like you did yman Tides is probably worth it but it's more debatable than yman tide so you could just make one having two will enable you to have a backup for times that you're actually making medicine and not having to sacrifice your planting while you're doing that the easiest way to get lyen is to breed a Manda who spawns in these areas of the map with a battalia who spawns in these areas of the map at number three I have wo wo and wo batan are the two level four Transporters in the game currently and they're both going to be ridiculous ridiculously more effective once the update comes I'll just talk about wo in this video because they're effectively the same pal and wo is a lot easier to get level four transporting is really useful due to how much it lets the pal carry at once but wo has been avoided due to his size getting in the way of other Pals now that size of Pal doesn't matter in the new update because there's just less Pals running around like headless chickens in your base the traits I recommend going for when you're using a wo would be to get a Swift instead of a lucky like I said before wo is also level three in the lumbering stat like I mentioned earlier Bushi was not the only option for that so if you want to use him for that as well and not bother getting a well traded Out bushie Feel Free I just want to emphasize this again do not put lucky on your wo a 15% size increase to wo is just ridiculous and completely going to get in your way the easiest way to get wo is just to breed pen King with sweetb those are both really easy Pals to get at number two we have Yanti ignis the next two Pals I talk about are absolutely necessary for any playthrough you can really get by with doing slightly slower work everywhere else in your base but for kindling and the next suitability I discuss speed is so important speaking of Kinders the orbat ignis comes in at number two on this list because he is a level four Kindler the only one in the game kindling is simply the second most important trait in the game to be fasten so Yanti ignis gets second on the list he is so useful for this one skill that he overcomes any versatility arguments you could have made for third or fourth the best way to get Yanti ignis is actually pretty unique simply go to the volcanic portion of the map in the bottom left and fly around looking for huge dragon eggs to spawn it is generally really easy to find these and you can get a yti Ignus as soon as you have an egg incubator with this method number one Anubis is anyone surprised I can't fathom a reason you wouldn't consider this to be the best pal in the game you start the game by crafting and never stop crafting times for a lot of schematics take forever to make and you can have multiple Crafters working on a given task at the same time this is the major difference between Anubis and Yanti ignis in my opinion having three to five Anubis in your base is a pretty standard practice due to you being able to allocate a few to mining when there isn't as much to do with crafting the easiest way to get Anubis is to Simply breed celer and relax SCE together if you have a really well traded out bushie from ear ear in this video feel free to breed it with a pen King and get those trads much easier on dear Anubis but catching a lot of celer for good traits is pretty easy as well well that's my list if you found this video useful and are excited for the new update please consider subscribing this is a very new channel and I'd appreciate the support more power world content will come when the update is released which should be very soon join my Discord if you'd like to stay up toate with everything pal world it's linked in the description and in my Channel's bio this has been Jace and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Jase
Views: 8,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, new, update, best, base, pals, top 10
Id: jgYtgAXJxEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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