BEST Palworld Game World Settings for Beginners ► Palworld

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in this video I'm going to give you the best beginner settings for your pel world world I guess so you can actually change this anytime all you got to do is Click Escape return to title and you can actually return to your main screen from here you can go to start game select your world or if you're creating a new world you will just go ahead and access these settings so for example on a world that I already have you're going to select it you're going to click change World settings and then here we're using custom settings so custom settings and I'm going to go through each option here and what it does and why I've picked it so for the daytime speed we're using 0.5 because we want day to be longer and for nighttime speed I've made it five times because I want night to skip Foster if I am stuck in the Wilderness at night I want it to be over quickly otherwise you can just sleep in a bed to make it daytime again I've set the XP rate to two so you get experience twice as fast it's not overpowered you still level at a like a very decent rate you still get time to build everything before you overlevel so it's good my pile capture rate I've set to two because I want I don't want to struggle catching stuff it's bad enough Pokemon sometimes makes me throw 300 Bulls so I've just made this twice as effective it's really not that overpowered you still have to get Pals to low Health to catch them successfully for the pal appearance rate this is something that's going to affect your game performance it's going to increase the amount of Pals that appear in the world around you if your computer struggling don't make this higher than one if you have a better like a good enough computer you can set this number higher I've set it to 1.1 honestly it's not a huge deal for me right now so I I was just playing around with this so like one is fine damage from Pals multiplier is set to one I haven't changed it damage two Pals is also one haven't changed it pal Hunger depletion rate I set this to 0.5 because I don't want them to be hungry all the time it's a bit frustrating that they stop working and start eating they need to work more I've also reduced their stamina reduction to 0.5 as well so that they have more stamina while they're working for the pal Auto HP regeneration I've set it to two so it's double and then the health regeneration rate when they're in a box also to two so that they just heal themselves Foster if they've taken damage this just means they will sleep less for the damage from player multiplier this is the damage that you do I've set it up to 1.5 so you do 50% more damage than you normally would because most of my weapons kind of suck I just like boosted this up right now for early game it's fine I don't know what this is going to do later game if we get better guns or something but I set it to this so that I can actually feel like I'm doing something with my Spear and not just waiting for my pals to attack now because there's no settings here to change the weight so that you can carry more things I'm actually going to put all my levels into weight so instead of having HP I'm actually going to come here and say damage to player multiplier and set it to 0.4 so basically I take like 40% of the damage I would have instead of like the full 100% because I feel like you take a lot of damage to your player character in this game and for me 40% is is fine like you can still die to bosses and stuff and you can't like be completely stupid but at least you get to explore without accidentally dying the same for our hunger depletion rate I don't like hunger in games specifically if you if you don't mind it and you you're okay with eating food and stocking food the entire time keep this on one I set it to 0.4 so I'm only hungry 40% of the time for stamina I also don't like stamina that much because the stamina in this game runs out really quickly for harvesting and every I'm sure you guys have experienced it it also comes into play when you're flying your Nightwing around the map and that stamina bar like runs out so quickly so I set this to 0.2 so this basically means you have five times the amount of stamina again if you do like stamina and you want that to limit you you can keep this on a different number I'm just telling you I set it to 0.2 and that's my reason why my player Auto Health regeneration rate is to two so I'm going to heal twice as fast when I'm you know just healing I guess the player sleep HP regeneration rate I haven't changed it's still set to one damage to structure multiplier I set to 0.5 this is because I don't want my structures to accidentally take too much damage from my attacks or when they are raids on your base and you don't want your stuff to like be destroyed this kind of reduces the damage for that if you want to break your own structures use the you know the demolish tool in the build menu it's like right at the bottom when you open up your build menu to like destroy things immediately structure deterioration rate this is more for multiplayer I've set it to zero it doesn't matter here maximum number of items dropped in a world 3,000 also more for multiplayer I don't recommend leaving items on the floor all the time anyway rather use the discard menu in your inventory to do that gatherable items multiplier so this is things like you gather from like you know Stone and trees like when you're hitting them how much of those items you get I've set this to two so you get two times the amount you basically Harvest double for the same amount that you would have on default I just I it speeds up the process of grinding I I don't really want to grind that much gatherable objects HP multiplier this is for like trees if you wanted to mine or harvest faster you can set this HP lower this is on default we have it on one gatherable objects respawn interval I have it set to two so that things respawn twice as fast so if you break that metal node and you want it to be there again it will be there in half the time dropped items multiplier this is from when you're you know killing creatures Pals and stuff and they drop items you're going to get two times the amount of items instead of just one times this is just so that you don't have to like set their trying to harvest like the same pal like 40 times because you can't find you know like the certain amount so that just like speeds up that process you can also make this faster or like slower if that bothers you this one here is the time to incubate massive eggs I'm guessing this is something to do with like endgame this is the hours that it takes to incubate a massive egg right so right now I have it set to it takes one hour to incubate a massive egg it's also the fastest time well besides zero which is like instant uh we just keep it on one because you know if it's a massive egg at least we wait like an hour but if you're playing on multiplayer this will probably be a little bit higher so that it like slows people's progress enable raid events do expect your village or base to get raided often and things can get broken your your Palace can get destroyed it will only happen when you are at base I think at least for me it's only in single player it's only happened while I was there I do keep this on but it does get quite difficult sometimes so you might have to build some defenses so if you don't like this feature you can turn it off but I I leave it on by default because you sometimes get attacked by Pals that you haven't collected yet and you can catch them the ones that are attacking you you can catch them for death penalty I have it set to no drops this is just a very personal thing I don't like losing my stuff every time I I die if I die of course you can change this between different options here that you see fit I just want to keep myself when I when I you know get defeated automatically delete offline guilds doesn't matter we set this to off this is for multiplayer only especially if you're having a bunch of random people make guilds on your your server you you you know that's that's more if you want to have those deleted if they're offline for 72 hours but if you're playing single player that doesn't matter same with the maximum number of guilds and that's everything you need to know you just click okay and you save it and you click okay and you're good to go confirm your settings and then you can go ahead and start your game with these new settings now as always these settings might not be for everybody some people like a more hardcore grind and like to take more time in playing especially if you're playing in multiplayer some of these settings might be a bit too fast these are more cated so that you have less grind and you just kind of have more progress to actually you know overcoming the systems in the game leveling up to Max and getting to towards those bosses without the endless grinding in between you can always adjust as you feel free during at any point of your game so if you do try out the settings I hope you enjoy them and thank you so much for watching
Channel: ConCon
Views: 44,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, how to, guide, video, game, pal, pals, get, best, world, setting, settings, beginner, beginners, new, players, player
Id: FRRmX0tfv6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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